Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 453 Fatal Five Combos

"Beyond the limit of accelerated synchronization! Give birth to the light of hope - [Cosmic Star Dragon] (Attack: 4000)!!!"

In response to Fudo Yusei's loud call, a brand new 12-star synchronized monster with the characteristics of both "Cosmic Blast Dragon" and "Ryuten Star Dragon" appeared in the sky with shining golden light at this moment. In the void of the time and space tunnel.

It is different from the [Cosmic Flare Dragon] that is synchronized with triangular acceleration, or the [Liutian Star Dragon] that is synchronized with extreme acceleration.

The monster that appears at this moment is not only proof of Fudo Yusei's own determination, but also a new hope that he will use to break the current predicament!

"Cosmic Star Dragon?! Yusei...is this the new power you have mastered?"

Feeling the fierce pressure in front of him, Antinomi stared at the golden synchronized dragon and couldn't help but widen his eyes and let out a heartfelt sigh.

If it were Yusei now, if he had mastered this new power...

Then he might be able to do many things that he couldn't do before.

"The moment the monster appears, I activate the special effect of [Space Star Dragon]!"

"Once per turn, activate it by targeting up to the number of face-up cards on the field that have the synchro material of this card + 1, and the effects of those cards are negated!

The activation and effect of this effect will not be invalidated! "

Golden light like the sun fell from the sky and fell equally on all the monsters on Antinomi's field. At this moment, they all turned into blank slates.

Without the interference ability of these monsters, Antinomi will no longer be able to cause any hindrance to the expansion of Fudo Yusei.

“Then, I activate the effect of [Garden Rose Girl] in the graveyard, remove myself from the graveyard, and special summon a Dragon-type synchro monster in the graveyard!

Come to life! [Stardust Dragon] (Attack: 2500)! ! ! "

Following the shining [Cosmic Star Dragon], Brother Crab's early trump card [Stardust Dragon] also returned to his field with the strong wind at this moment.

"Next, I activate the magic card from my hand - [Synchronized Sound]!

Once per turn with the card of the same name, I can choose a Tuner monster in the graveyard, or a 7 or 8-level dragon-type synchro monster to be specially summoned in defense position.

After this effect is activated, I am not a Synchro Monster and cannot be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck until the end of the turn. "

Above the picture of the magic card, there is a scene of the "Red Lotus Demonic Dragon" in flames looking up to the sky and roaring.

The [Synchronized Sound] activated by Fudo Yusei at this moment is a new card closely related to the "Red Dragon" that appeared previously.

Relying on the effect of this card, Fudo Yusei will also be able to resurrect the monsters in the graveyard at this time, and then perform a new Synchro Summon again!

"Based on the effect of [Synchronic Sound], I choose to resurrect the synchronized monster in the graveyard - [Formula Synchronizer] (Machine type/Light/2 stars/Attack: 200/Defense: 1500)!"

"Antinomy, the matter is over, I won't feel confused anymore!"

"...If this duel is to respond to the expectations of my companions, then my answer is right here!"

Driving the D wheel under him with all his strength, Fudo Yusei simultaneously pointed at the two monsters that had risen from the cemetery in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Let you see! What I have mastered is the heart of Ming Jing Shisui. strength!"

"Here we go! I use the level 2 Synchro Tuner Monster [Formula Synchro] to star tune the level 8 Synchro Monster [Stardust Dragon]!"

"The gathered dream crystals will open a new door to evolution and become a shining path!"

"Accelerated Synchrony! Let's give birth to [Meteor Dragon] (Attack: 3300)!!!"

Walking side by side with Fudo Yusei, the two monsters chosen as materials resonated with each other and were enveloped in light together. Under extreme acceleration, they became a new existence.

What was born from the light was the well-known Synchro Dragon with the powerful "Five Strikes"!

"Meteor Dragon? What's the point of summoning this monster now?"

Looking at the 10-star Synchro Dragon appearing on Fudo Yusei's field, Antinomi frowned: "Even if the effect of [Cosmic Star Dragon] is negated, the three 12-star Synchro Monsters on my field, It still has an attack power of 4,000 points!

It's definitely not something that just [Meteor Dragon] can break through! "

Even if a shot is forced to invalidate all the effects, the 12-star Synchro Dragons that become a blank slate still have 4000 RMB points of the extremely terrifying "God's Domain".

Just like Antinomi said, [Meteor Dragon] has the ability to attack multiple times.

But in the final analysis, as Fudo Yusei's mid-term ace, it is just a 10-star Synchro Monster with an attack power of 3300. It is simply unable to defeat these 12-star Synchro Dragons on the field.

"The tired Vadokana (this is not necessarily true)!"

Refuting Antinomi's words, Fudo Yusei pulled out a card from the graveyard and showed it to it: "At this moment, I want to activate the effect of the trap card in the graveyard - [Skill Inheritance] !

Remove this card from the graveyard, select a face-up monster on my field, and increase that monster's attack power by 800 points! "

"The effect target I chose is the [Meteor Dragon] on my field!"

A burst of red light glowed on the surface of the body.

Absorbing the amplification effect brought by the trap card, the pure white Meteor Dragon roared to the sky, and its attack power simultaneously increased to 4100 points!

Although the difference is only 100 points, it now has the ability to kill gods!

[Meteor Dragon] Attack power: 3300→4100

"It's not over yet! Next, I will activate the special effect of [Meteor Dragon] again!"

Stretching out his arms towards the monster in front of him, Fudo Yusei said in a deep voice at this moment: "Once per round, I can check the five cards from the top of the deck and let [Meteor Dragon] this round The number of attacks becomes the maximum number of adjustment monsters among those cards!"

"The number of attacks based on adjusting the number of monsters? If [Meteor Dragon] can launch five attacks, then this duel will indeed be my defeat!"

With Fudo Yusei's explanation echoing in his ears, Antinomi narrowed her eyes and suddenly changed the topic: "But, Yusei! The prerequisite for this result is...

The five cards you draw must all be ‘Adjustment’ monsters! "

Five attacks will take away the three 12-star synchronized monsters on Antinomi's field, and inflict more than 8,000 points of huge damage to the duelist himself.

But as Antinomi said, the prerequisite for all this is that Fudo Yusei can draw five adjustment monsters from the deck.

Even if one of them is missing, [Meteor Dragon]'s fatal five-hit combo will not be possible.

"Yusei, it's a miracle that you can break through my blockade and create a scene like this! Is it possible that this is not your limit, and do you plan to surpass this miracle?"

Gazing at Fudo Yusei's location, Antinomi asked his opponent the question he was most concerned about.

"Ah! Antinomi, I will surpass you and show you! No... I want to surpass my own possibilities and my own limits!"

Make such a declaration in the direction of Antinomi.

Fudo Yusei waved his arms at the same time and pulled out the card at the top of the deck.

"The first one! Tuning Monster——[Scrap Synchro]!"

"Second picture! Tuning Monster——[Nitrogen Synchroist]!"

"The third one! Adjust the monster - [Star Skeleton Dragon]!"

"The fourth one! Adjustment monster——[Effect Masker]!"

Antinomi: "Nani?! All four pictures are adjustments? How is this possible???"

Yusei: "This is... the end!"

Putting his finger on the top of the deck, Fudo Yusei's eyes flashed with firm awareness, and he forcefully pulled out the card at the top of the deck: "The fifth one! Adjustment Monster - [Royal Synchronist]!"

"Impossible! I actually drew five adjustment cards!"

There was a look of disbelief on her face. It could be said that it was the first time for Antinomi to see such a unique skill. For a moment, she even forgot her next words.

With the result of Fudo Yusei's card drawing, [Meteor Dragon], whose attack power has risen to 4100 points, will also be able to launch up to 5 attacks accordingly!

This duel is decided!

"Fight! Let's go! [Meteor Dragon]'s attack... Stardust Phantom·Five consecutive attacks!!!"

--Roar! ! !

In response to Fudo Yusei's instructions, the Meteor Dragon's body, wrapped in light, immediately split apart and turned into five different streams of light, attacking the three monsters on Antinomi's field and himself. of.

With the sound of a violent explosion, Antinomi also lost all his health points while all the monsters on the field were cleared, thus ushering in the defeat of the duel...


(Antinomy, LP: 8000→0)

(Winner: Fudo Yusei!)

"Thank you, Yusei! Through this duel, I really saw the possibility of Synchro Summoning that you showed me!"

"You're welcome, Antinomi, I should be more grateful to you for giving me this opportunity to break through my limits!"

After the duel, the two people who planned to return to the future world also completed their respective farewells in the tunnel of time and space.

Fudo Yusei made an appointment to fight again the next time, and mastered a new power. Then he disappeared into the other dimension under the leadership of the red dragon.

Watching Fudo Yusei's leaving figure, Antinomi shook his head, and then nodded again, sighing to himself: "I think, if it was Yusei in this state, maybe He must have the ability to defeat that past duel king..."

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

While Fudo Yusei and Antinomi were engaged in a shocking battle in the space-time tunnel, Yu Ling also dealt with the aftermath of the incident at hand.

Using the power of the duel elves, You Ling erased part of the memories of the onlookers.

After that, You Ling immediately summoned the relevant personnel under his command and continued the new product launch conference that had been interrupted by visitors from other worlds.

To be honest, for most people in this world, the matter of "synchrony" is a completely new and unknown thing, and it takes a certain amount of time to digest it.

However, after solving Dazi's You Ling, the most indispensable thing now is time.

Just like that, time passes.

Spring passes and autumn comes, and the end of winter comes in a blink of an eye.

"Oh oh oh... so strong! It's so strong! As long as you have this card, even becoming the Duel King will not be impossible!"

Beautiful country, New York City.

It’s midnight on Christmas Eve.

A man named D.D. wearing black night clothes, under the guidance of a mysterious will who called himself the "Light of Destruction", sneaked into the residence of Andre Phoenix, a famous card designer of Paradis Company. Plan to steal the powerful new card Andre just designed from here.

Looking at the 'Hero of Destiny' card placed on the table, D.D., who chose to take the risk, his face was full of uncontrollable excitement at this moment.

To be honest, when he first heard the voice ringing in his ears, D.D. thought he was hallucinating.

It wasn't until he unexpectedly received some generous rewards based on the guidance of the voice that he gradually believed in this mysterious voice. He transformed from a poor thief on the street into a well-off person with good luck.

In order to change the current situation, D.D., who planned to change his identity as a "Duelist", then set his sights on the relevant personnel of Paratis Company.

And Ed's father, Andre, became his first target at the moment.


Suddenly, just when D.D. was ecstatic about today's harvest, he planned to sneak away from this luxurious mansion quietly with the card.

As the door was pushed open, a middle-aged man with glasses on his nose suddenly appeared inside the room.

Looking at D.D. standing in front of his desk, holding the card he had just designed, the middle-aged man Andre was also startled by the sudden appearance of this strange visitor.

"Uh... who are you?"

"--not good!"

Realizing the fact that the true master had arrived, huge fear also covered D.D.'s body in an instant.

In his original plan, the next step was for him to turn around, become a duel king, and embark on the path of becoming a master.

If he is caught because of this theft, it will inevitably leave an indelible record in his life, which will affect his future career.

When I think about how hard I have to struggle, I can only get enough food and clothing every day.

But the owner of this house could get a lot of wealth just by moving his hands, and D.D. immediately felt a strong sense of dissatisfaction. (End of chapter)

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