Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 455 You Ling’s Thousands of Tricks

"Joinou, the one you are talking about should be called 'Schrödinger's cat', right?"

Unlike Jonouchi and Honda, who often failed classes and were just above the passing mark, Kobiao and Kyoko were both top students in academic performance.

After noticing the embarrassment on Jonouchi's face, the enthusiastic Xiaobiao promptly gave the yellow-haired boy some popular science in this regard.

"Ah...yes, yes! Just like what the game said, I'm talking about that cat like Xue!"

"Anyway, Mr. Jonouchi, I'm going to start drawing cards now!"

Imagining the scene of drawing cards from the duel plate, Jonouchi, who was wearing VR glasses, took a deep breath, then pulled out five cards from the data card pack displayed in front of him and displayed them in front of his eyes.

Seeing this, Honda came over again and showed a curious expression to his good friend Jonouchi: "How is it, Jonouchi? Did you lose or make a profit this time when you drew the card?

Hey, I’m not saying that. Even someone like me who doesn’t know much about duels, cards and the like thinks it’s better to save money and buy fixed pre-groups than to draw a lottery, right? "



"I got it! Ada Thief (so good)!!!"

Looking at the card drawing results displayed in front of him, Jonouchi's face suddenly showed an expression of uncontrollable surprise: "Great! This time I drew a UR-level Xiyu card, and it can still match mine. The powerful monster that has achieved synergy with the 'Red-Eyes Black Dragon' - [Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon]!!!

Sure enough, my luck is still as good as ever! "

Unlike the decks in the real world, the decks in the virtual world of Jonouchi are similar to the initial decks of many novices.

In the deck he is currently using, [Red-Eyes Black Dragon] with an attack power of 2,400 is already considered an ace monster.

The UR version of [True Red Eyes Black Blade Dragon] that was released from the card pack just now has raised the strength of his deck to another level based on the existing one!

Now, it can be said that Jonouchi once again experienced the simple joy that he had when he first came into contact with duels.

"Hahaha!! To celebrate today's harvest, I'm going to have a good meal at the restaurant next! Honda, I'll give you a chance to show off, and you will pay for my expenses this time!"

"It's your uncle! Why do you want me to pay for your meal? In my son's city, I think you just have an itchy skin and need to ache, right?"

"How dare you say that to me? Look at me summoning my fist to attack!"

"Who is afraid of whom? I'm going to launch a direct attack on you!"

"Stop it, you two are already adults, why are you still fighting like children..."


Looking at Jonouchi and Honda fighting with each other, Kyoko, who sighed and tried to stop the childish behavior of the two, Xiaobiao and Wang Xiang in the inner space, a gentle smile appeared on their faces at the same time.

"aibo, our time together is running out..."

Appearing next to Xiao Biao in a spiritual state, Wang Yang gently put his palm on his shoulder: "I think this is probably the last period of my existence in this world."

After solving the "Oliha Gang" incident, the obstacles that blocked Wang Yang's path to retrieving his memory have also dissipated.

Soon, it was time for Wang Yang to say goodbye to everyone, retrieve his memories, and return to the underworld.

"The other me... I know that there is no such thing as a banquet that never ends, and the time to say goodbye will eventually come."

With a complicated and difficult-to-understand light shining in his eyes, Xiao Biao turned his head and nodded slightly to Wang Xiang beside him: "Let's go, let's go where we should go.

This is what you and I have to do. "

While saying this, Xiao Biao took out the three God Cards used as "keys" from the deck.

[Sky Dragon of Osiris], [Winged Dragon of Sun God], [Obelisk's Giant Divine Weapon]...

As the Doma organization dissipated, only the last traces of the "Oliha Gang" seal originally covered on the God Card remained.

It is not far away from the time when the Three Illusion Gods will resurrect and guide the nameless Pharaoh to retrieve his correct memory.

"Having said that, before that, there is one thing I want to do no matter what... If I can't complete it, I will definitely feel regretful about it even if I return to the underworld."

Looking out the window, Wang Xiang spoke again and sighed.

Hearing what Wang Xiang said, Xiaobiao subconsciously looked at the VR glasses placed quietly on the table beside him.

Like Jonouchi, as a well-known duelist and an old acquaintance of Yu Rei, he also received this latest device for online duels.

Looking at this technological product of Paradis Company, whether it was Wang Xiang or Xiao Biao, You Ling's figure appeared in his mind unconsciously.

"Ah, another me, this is exactly what I want to do! Just let me... accompany you until the last moment!"

With a high fighting spirit burning in his eyes, Xiao Biao silently clenched his palms and swore his current determination to his other self.

Beside everyone, the large-screen monitor placed in the card shop was playing the latest duel competition held by Paradis Company.

Only duelists who have received the invitation letter sent by Yu Ling personally are eligible to participate in this duel competition that is different from the "KC Cup".

As a bonus for participating, all duelists selected by Yu Zero will be able to obtain new dueling equipment provided by Paratis Company for free, and then experience the online dueling platform that is still under development in advance - LINK VRAINS. !

Of course, even if you are not selected by Yu Zero, you can still purchase the currently limited VR glasses to watch this duel competition in the virtual world up close as a spectator.

However, if you plan to buy it, you will naturally need to spend a lot of money.

Right, right!

Now that you have bought VR glasses, would you like to get a copy of the matching VR duel disc?

If you purchase together, you can enjoy a real discount of 10% off!

In addition, after purchasing these devices, you only need to pay a small membership fee every month to become a limited-time VIP member, thereby enjoying services that ordinary members cannot enjoy, and getting an additional chance to win ten consecutive draws.

How about it?

Don’t you plan to order the “Family Bucket” meal package launched by Paratis?

"Humph, is this moment finally here? Next...it's my turn!"

In a dark room, An Tapirang, who had long white hair with rabbit ears, had a ferocious sneer on his face.

Having collected as many thousand-year-old artifacts as possible, he has prepared the best stage for the next play.

Next, all we have to do is wait patiently for all the actors to arrive, and the show called "The Resurrection of the Great Evil God" can officially begin.

"Nameless Pharaoh, next... let us play this ultimate dark game!"

"I'm very much looking forward to seeing the tragic look of your dead body and the cry of despair after you lose the dark game!"

"By the way, there's also that guy You Ling... damn bastard, how dare you play tricks on me regardless of life or death, I will make you pay ten times the price of me!"

Declaring his determination through gritted teeth, Anbailiang clenched his palm hard.

On the table in front of Anbailiang, there are the dark items he has collected so far.

The [Millennium Key] traded from You Ling,

The [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] in his own hand,

The [Millennium Eye] snatched from Becas,

The [Millennium Jewelry] originally belonged to Isis, and Malik's [Millennium Tin Staff].

Finally, there was the [Millennium Scale] that Xia Di deliberately gave to him.

Except for the [Millennium Building Blocks] in Muto Yugi's hand, all the Millennium Artifacts can be said to be gathered here.

As if sensing the determination in Dark Tapir's conscience, the symbols of the "Eye of Truth" engraved on the six thousand-year-old props resonated with each other.

"Just wait and see! Yugi, and Yu Ling... no matter what you plan to do, the final winner will only be me!"

His eyes swept over the many thousand-year-old artifacts in front of him, and the corners of An Tapirang's mouth curved into a meaningful arc.

Soon, soon.

Immediately, his true form - "The Great Evil God of Darkness" Zoke Nerofa - will break the long-standing seal, completely revive from the dark underworld, and bring ultimate darkness and despair to this world!

"Hmph! Being able to ignore distance and engage in online duels with friends on the other side of the world anytime and anywhere... This thing called 'LINK VRAINS' created by Yu Ling is really interesting."

Tongshiye City, the headquarters of Haima Group.

Playing with the invitation letter sent by Yu Ling in his hand and the dueling equipment that came with the invitation letter, Kaiba showed an expression of interest on his face.

In fact, according to Haima's original plan, he had planned to move the headquarters of Haima Group to Beautiful Country.

However, due to various reasons, he did not do so in the end, but continued to stay and develop in Tongshiye City.

On the one hand, it is to facilitate myself to play cards with Wang Yiang anytime and anywhere.

On the other hand, Beautiful Country is basically You Ling’s territory.

No matter what he does, he has to look at the face of Paradis Company. This is very difficult for Kaiba, who has a proud personality, to accept.

Although Yu Ling had no plan to suppress the Kaiba Group, he even gave the Duel Disk's property to Kaiba, who had helped him, almost for free.

But in terms of overall strength, the newly arrived Haima Group can never be the opponent of the local Paradis Company.

If we are too close, there will inevitably be some unpleasant frictions in business.

Although due to You Ling's intentional restraint, the Haima Group has almost monopolized the global duel plate industry.

But compared to Paradis, which almost monopolizes the global card market, Haima's income is nothing.

At this time, whenever Paradis Company launches a new card, there will be a lot of information about powerful rare cards on the market.

In order to complete your own deck, don't fall too far behind other people's resources.

Duelists all over the world can only honestly buy the latest card packs from Paradis Company to supplement the strength of their own decks.

Buy one pack and buy one pack. Looking around the world, the income from selling cards alone has already reached an extremely terrifying value!

This alone, this ability to make money continuously, is something that Kaiba cannot catch up to.

Indeed, a dueling disk is an essential item for every duelist.


After all, this thing is just like a smartphone. One is enough for a person, and buying a few spares is already overwhelming.

Although Haima Group also sells cards, its turnover is not even a fraction of that of Paradis Company.

On the one hand, it was because the cards introduced by the Haima Group were too conservative and were overpowered by You Ling's unconstrained design ideas.

On the other hand, it is also because when Paradis Company launched the card pack, it also launched a gold-producing method similar to "drawing cards with a small guarantee and a big guarantee".


Want to get your dream card? Then top up your money!

As long as you can spend enough money and have the ability to directly purchase the entire 40-card pre-assembled deck, then you will definitely be able to get the cards you want from here.

It doesn’t matter if the first “small guarantee” is crooked, the second “big guarantee” is guaranteed to give you satisfactory results!

Although duelists all over the world have criticized Paradis Company's card selling routine, they feel that You Ling's behavior is very shameless in order to sell cards!

But these verbal condemnations were of no use and could not change You Ling's decision at all.

It’s now a seller’s market on YouLing’s side.

After the scolding, the duelists should buy no less cards.

After all, no matter what, regardless of You Ling's routine issues, the strength of the new cards is actually there.

If you don’t buy it, some people will.

When someone uses the new card they bought to unilaterally kill you in a duel, you who are eager to win will naturally take the initiative to step into the "plot" prepared by You Ling and obediently take out the cards. Take out the wallet in your hand.

In summary.

Due to Yu Ling's thousands of unpredictable grass-cutting routines and the fact that he has seized most of the duel card market in advance, the market competition pressure that Kaiba has recently faced is not small. (End of chapter)

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