Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 458 Prerequisites for traveling through dimensions

"The fifth contestant... Huh? He is actually the former leader and founder of the card hunter organization "Gurus" - Malik Isildar?

Oops, even I have heard about this person’s Yanyi Kung Fu. I believe everyone will be familiar with this heavyweight. "

Along with the host's words, a huge projection of Malik's appearance after removing his dark personality and returning to normal appeared.

Looking at this handsome Egyptian young man with a graceful appearance, everyone present could not even associate him with the "Super King of Yanyi" at that time in Duel City.

Super Malik and Dark Malik, these two people even have different styles of painting, are they really the same person?

Is this handsome dark-skinned guy who looks like the heir to an oil tycoon in the Middle East really the super villain who once disrupted Tongshi Noichi?

“Next up is the sixth contestant, Siegfried von Schreider!

So it turns out that the young master of the Shredder Consortium has also been invited to participate in this competition. Let us look forward to the performance of this sissy... ah, no, I mean the pink-haired noble man! "

Siegfried: "You ride on the horse..."

After briefly stating the information of the next few contestants, just like announcing the name of a dish.

The host at the head of the plane immediately greeted the audience enthusiastically and quickly entered the next exciting battle session.

There are a total of 12 contestants participating in this competition.

However, only the two people who win in the end will be qualified to challenge the two duel kings - Yu Rei and Muto Yugi.

For these two places, Kaiba, Jonouchi and others said that they have a chance to win and are determined to win.

However, the other few people did not intend to just admit defeat in vain.

"Twelve contestants compete for two challenge places! In other words, only the champion and runner-up of this competition are eligible to meet our beloved duel king.

Which two duelists who have experienced hundreds of battles can stand out in the next competition and win this supreme honor? Let us wait and see! "

"I officially announce that the first online duel competition has officially begun!"

In this way, under the watchful eyes of duelists from all over the world, the first online duel competition on the stage in LINK VRAINS officially kicked off.

With the flash of dazzling light, the candidates for both sides of the first game will be revealed to everyone later.

the other side.

While everyone's attention is attracted by the game, the depths of the virtual world "LINK VRAINS" are the deepest that humankind's current Internet can reach.

The positioning of this place in the virtual world is almost equivalent to the seabed under 10,000 meters in the real world. It is a forbidden area that cannot be touched by ordinary people.

However, there is a strange place hidden here called [Fire Spirit Star "Ai" Heart Paradise Island], which can be called the "Electronic Realm Clan" monster paradise.

The gentle majesty, the grass with the fragrance of earth and plants, and the warm sunshine shining from above...

The scenes presented in front of us are hard to imagine. They are actually composed of data streams of 0s and 1s.

Thanks to the huge financial investment of Paradis Company, the development progress of the virtual world has also been rapidly improved at a rocket speed.

With the newly developed VR immersive equipment, You Ling, who is now in this paradise island, can hear, see, and perceive various feedbacks from the surrounding environment just like he is in the real world. .

However, compared to the feelings brought by these five senses.

What You Ling is more concerned about at the moment is the live broadcast of the duel competition on the large translucent screen projected in front of him.

In fact.

The reason why Yu Ling imitated Kaiba in the original work was that he specially called the duelists to organize this online competition after the "Oliha Gang" incident.

In addition to building brand awareness and promoting Paradis Company's black technology, it also has a more important purpose, which is to collect the energy generated during the duel.

Although it sounds a bit outrageous and does not conform to conventional scientific principles.

But in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, the "dueling power" generated by playing cards, or the "power of cards", can indeed be collected as energy.

In the later stages of "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX", Professor Cobra, who was bewitched by Yubel, relied on a specially designed watch to absorb the energy generated by the duelists in the Duel Academy, thus providing the elf Yubel with enough energy to resurrect him. basic conditions.

Including the unprecedented "super fusion", it is actually the ultimate fusion created by the mad king of the dark world, Bronn, through his battle with Judai Yujo and the negative emotions in people's hearts. Card.

It is worth mentioning that.

Under the vigorous research of Weier, Kit and others, by this time, the analysis work on the "perpetual motion machine" has been basically completed.

They have even copied the blueprints for making a perpetual motion machine.

But it is a pity that even if the progress has reached this point, the perpetual motion machine as the core of the D wheel still cannot be successfully built.

Don’t get me wrong, this does not mean there are any technical bottlenecks or barriers to entry.

Whether it is Wei Er or Kit, or even the witches in the witchcraft workshop, they are top-notch masters outside, and there is no way they have any problems with their abilities.

The reason why this happens is simply because the production level of the current era cannot keep up, and the assembled parts produced are substandard.

Among the parts used to make perpetual motion machines, there are many irreplaceable precision parts.

These things are not manufactured with the technology of today's world. Some of them are complex parts, even things that are unheard of by today's humans.

Technical difficulties, with the power of the elves and the strong support of Paradis Company, can still be tried to overcome.

But for such difficulties in producing materials, You Ling couldn't come up with any good solution in a short period of time.

Not to mention the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, even in the world that Yu Zero was in before traveling through time, the accuracy of parts and the source of precious materials are still huge difficulties that have stumped countless scientists.

According to estimates by Paradis' research team, even in the best case scenario, it will take at least 50 years to replicate a perpetual motion machine!

If it weren't for Paradox's D-wheel finished product, which is there for everyone to study, then this time would have increased exponentially.


After getting this accurate answer, You Ling, who was at a loss for the time being, had no choice but to let his scientists continue research in this area and try their best to find substitutes for materials.

As for him, he plans to drive the D-wheel that Paradox left behind as a "friendly gift" and go on a magnificent journey to another world!

That's right, just like Paradox can use the D wheel to travel back and forth in various time and space.

You Ling can also use this D wheel to do similar things.

However, if you want to do this, you must rely on the help of activated "wandering star particles".

In the previous duel, Antinomi and Paradox were able to perform synchronized summons because, as time travellers, they brought activated star particles from the future world.

With the help of the perpetual motion machine and the red dragon, the inert particles originally existing in the air were activated. Only then were the conditions for realizing accelerated coherence beyond the speed of light and time and space travel.

As the future visitors left, the activated particles soon returned to an inert state.

If the current You Ling plans to use Paradox's D wheel to go to another world, then he not only needs to activate the particles of the stars again, but the number of activations must also reach a certain scale. .

As for the source of energy...

There is no doubt that the "dueling power" prevalent in the Yu-Gi-Oh world is the pure, pollution-free energy most suitable for charging perpetual motion machines!

With this purpose in mind, You Ling decisively chose this method that saves time and effort and can win more at the same time.

Hold a gimmick competition and send out some samples as bait to attract fat sheep.

On this basis, and using the title of "the first large-scale online competition", countless duelists voluntarily paid out of their own pockets to purchase tickets to watch the game - beta VR glasses that have not yet been officially developed.

And these people participating in the competition also need to become Yu Ling's tools during the duel, responsible for producing duel energy to charge the perpetual motion machine.

It can be said that on the surface, maybe You Ling lost money because he had too much money and was doing charity.

But in fact, You Ling, who initiated this competition as the organizer, is the biggest winner!

Compared to what he had invested previously, the rewards he received at this moment could be said to be hundreds or thousands of times greater!


In order to prevent accidents from happening, You Ling secretly opened a vest account and participated in this online competition disguised as a "faceless man".

At the critical moment, relying on his identity as a contestant and hiding behind the scenes to control the overall situation, You Ling can also ensure that the game goes according to his original plan.

According to the original game of Yu-Gi-Oh, when the plot reaches the competition, there will inevitably be plots and plots. This time, there will probably be some unexpected situations in the competition.

However, You Ling Zhenchang has the biggest shady secret. Unless the well-known villains in the original work infiltrate, it is impossible to cause any trouble in his territory.

"Then, let's focus on the game for now. After all, I am half a participant in this duel."

Putting away the complicated thoughts in his mind, You Ling looked at the picture before his eyes and simultaneously commanded the vest on the other side - the "Faceless Man", to stand opposite his first opponent this time.

By the way, the order of this competition was decided after You Ling's behind-the-scenes operation.

Seeded players like Kaiba and Jonouchi will definitely not play in the first round, nor will they encounter him as a "faceless man".

To put it another way.

In the first round of "two-for-one" knockout rounds between 12 duelists, there will be no situation where any seeded players will encounter in advance.

Most of what the audience can see are some unilateral killings with huge differences in strength.

Through this tricky method, on the one hand, it can capture the hearts of the audience and make them feel from the bottom of their hearts that this game is worth the price of admission.

On the other hand, the losers can also be used as the cornerstone to reflect the power of the winner of the duel!

"Drink! I will take the lead in this duel!"

The perspective shifts to the duel field on the surface of the virtual world.

You Ling, who appeared in the duel arena as a "faceless man", met his opponent in the first round. He was a fat pig capitalist wearing a suit with a big beer belly and a very wretched appearance. .

Because this guy's appearance is so tragic that even Marshal Tianpeng couldn't help but bow down to him, so here, we will just call him "Fat Pig" for short.

In short, compared to the disgusting opponent who looks full of fat at first glance.

You Ling's vest is dressed up like the "Devil of Babel".

Not only were they covered from head to toe in complicated black clothing, but even the surface of the body was constantly dancing with various light pollution lighting effects that obscured the view.

Overall, it has a cyberpunk atmosphere.

The two stand opposite each other. Whether it is appearance or temperament, they belong to two completely different dimensions.

Of course, no one cheered for Mr. Pig.

Almost the entire audience unanimously demanded that the "faceless man" kill that damn disgusting fat pig as soon as possible.

It seems that Mr. Fat Pig is not only ugly in appearance, but also has poor popularity.

I don’t know how he is still alive today.


Is it because he has strong reincarnation skills and has a good father?

"Hehehe... I didn't expect that I would be the first one to play! I'm sorry, but before I play my cards, let me think carefully, just for a moment..."

Mr. Fatty Pig, who made a smacking sound in his mouth, kept rubbing the card in his hand, showing a very slender posture.

It was clear that just now, he couldn't wait to steal the first move in the duel from You Ling.

However, after entering his own turn, Mr. Fat Pig changed into another unhurried ink attitude.

Not only did he have no intention of playing his cards, but he began to narrow his eyes, showing a drowsy attitude that had nothing to do with him. (End of chapter)

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