Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 463 Its name is Ten Generations of Youcheng

"No! That's not necessary!"

Waving his hand to interrupt Marufuji's speech, Cobra sent the two cards he had just retrieved to the graveyard together: "I discarded the [Mecha Fortress] itself, along with the [Mecha Destruction Reserve].

In this way, the total level of the monsters I discarded is 11, which has met the conditions for special summoning by [Mecha Fortress]! "

"What? You can actually do it even if you lose your own operation?"

Marufuji, who was stunned by Cobra's "I'm throwing myself away" operation, immediately opened his mouth after reacting, showing a look of uncontrollable surprise.

"Wait! [Mecha Fortress] can be specially summoned from the graveyard? In other words, this thing is basically a special self-propelled monster that can be activated infinitely and pull itself!"

"Yes, that's it."

The mecha fortress covered with blue iron skin resurrected from the graveyard in response to the Cobra's movements.

At the same time as it jumped out, it also pointed the muzzle exuding a destructive aura in the direction of the opponent, ready to bombard Marufuji Saburo with enthusiasm at any time.


【Mecha Fortress】

(Machine family/Earth/7 stars/Attack power: 2500/Defense power: 1600)


①: This card can discard the Machine-type monsters in your hand with a total level of 8 or higher, and special summon it from your hand or graveyard (if you discard itself, special summon it from the graveyard).

②: As long as this card exists in the monster zone, when the effect of the opponent's monster activated with this card is applied, check the opponent's hand, select 1 card from it, and discard it.

③: If this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard, activate it by targeting 1 card on the opponent's field. That opponent's card is destroyed.


"Hmm! If a monster with an attack power of 2500 is an opponent of this level, it is not invincible..."

Marufuji stared at the muzzle of the cannon aimed at him and felt the crisis before him. He silently clenched his palms and tried to cheer himself up.

But in the next second, his face twisted to the point of almost convulsing.

Cobra, which had completed the special summoning of monsters, did not stop its plan to expand. Instead, at this moment, it began to special summon another new monster in the cemetery!

"Then, based on the effect of [Mecha Troops and Destruction Armed Forces] that were previously sent to the graveyard, I can special summon this card by banishing all mechanical-type monsters with a total of 12 or more levels in the graveyard."

"I choose to exclude two [Mecha Unclassified Reserve Soldiers] and one [Mecha Mechanical Skeleton] in the graveyard, and remove these monsters with a total level of 12 stars!"

"Special summon, come out! Level 10 - [Mecha Troop·Destruction Armed Force] (Attack: 4600)!!!"

As Cobra's words fell, the ground where the two were sitting suddenly began to tremble violently.

While the earth's crust was vibrating, the abandoned mechanical lives merged into one body at this moment, transforming into a black mechanical giant.

The ultimate mecha that comes to the world at this moment will also complete the mission given when it was born and bring the world into a complete doomsday.


[Mecha Troop·Destruction Armed Force]

(Machine family/dark/10 stars/attack power: 4600/defense power: 4100)

Special Summons/Effects:

This card cannot be normally summoned. You can only Special Summon from the Graveyard by banishing the Machine-type monsters in your Graveyard with a total level of 12 or higher.

Each of the ① and ② effects of this card name can be used once per turn.

①: When the opponent activates the effect during the combat phase, you must pay half of the base points to activate it. That activation is invalid, and the opponent's base points are reduced to half.

②: This card can only be activated when it is destroyed by battle or effect. Until the total level reaches 12 stars or less, select up to 3 of your excluded "Mecha Troop" monsters and Special Summon them.


"Oh~! The Cobra player unexpectedly summoned such a powerful monster from the graveyard in such an unexpected way!"

"Mina-san, please forgive my poor language! After all, my explanation alone cannot accurately summarize the characteristics of this monster!

In short, please come on and witness with me the wonderful performance of this monster that has surpassed even the God Card! "

Raising the microphone in his hand, the host vented the complex emotions in his heart to the audience in a slightly confused tone.

Just like he said.

No more words are needed for this monster with an attack power of up to 4600 points.

Just the extremely high attack power that was exposed, which could be called despair, had already silently explained everything in front of him.

All audiences around the world remembered the existence of the man "Cobra" and the skills he displayed at this moment.


This is not over yet, it is not the limit that Cobra can reach at present!

Next, he will continue to destroy all hopes of his opponent.

"Then, I activate the effect of [Alliance Transporter], targeting a face-up monster on my field. I select a monster from my hand or deck with the same race or attribute as the target monster, and use it as attack power. Equip the equipment card with 1000 points to the selected monster."

"I activate this effect on the [Mecha Unit·Destruction Armed Force] on my field, and at the same time equip it with another monster with the same attributes - [Destruction Sword-Dragon Sword of Destruction]."

"By the way, when [Destruction Sword-Dragon Sword of Destruction] is equipped to a monster as an equipment card, the opponent cannot special summon the monster from the extra deck."

[Mecha Troop·Destruction Armed Force] Attack power: 4600 → 5600

The attack power of the [Mecha Troop·Destruction Armed Force] equipped with the "Dragon Sword of Destruction" has increased by 1,000 points based on the original value.

However, compared to the change in attack power, what made the opposite Marufuji feel more pale was the additional effect brought by this [Destruction Sword-Dragon Destruction Sword].

Cannot perform special summons...

This also means that his extra deck basically does not exist.

And just relying on the basic monsters in his deck, it is completely impossible to be an opponent of this terrifying monster with an attack power of 5600.

No, even if you include the high-star monsters in the extra deck, the result will be the same, right?

Witnessed by audiences around the world, this duel competition in the virtual world continues in full swing.

However, Yu Ling's focus has also shifted from the competition in the virtual world to the real world.

After all, not long ago, he received a message from Wei'er, reminding You Ling to quickly go to her place.

It is worth mentioning that Weier, who is busy dealing with perpetual motion machines and quantum cubes, has been in an extremely busy state during this time.

If it hadn't been for something particularly urgent that was so urgent that she couldn't make the decision, she would never have chosen to contact You Ling.

Although I really want to see the performances of the contestants again.

However, You Ling, who finally decided to put the overall situation first, chose to take the initiative to log off and let his consciousness return to the real world.

After removing the connection device from his body and returning to reality, You Ling then summoned the shadow prison of Shadow Yi, letting his body be swallowed up by it.

The next moment, as the scene in front of him turned dark and bright, You Ling's body appeared in a brand new space.

In this place, various research and medical equipment are densely placed.

You Ling glanced at his surroundings, then continued to walk along the corridor to a deep room.

Here, Weier, who is wearing a white coat and looks like an adult crystallized great sage, is standing on the other side of the room, observing a certain patient inside the room through the huge one-way glass.

The patient under her observation was a child who looked to be about the age of a primary school student.

Because of the testing equipment on his head, You Ling, who came to Wei'er, could not see the child's face.

Under the gaze of the two people, doctors in the room wearing full protective clothing were also attaching patches for connecting instruments to the child's chest.

Judging from their actions, it seems that they plan to do some testing behaviors that You Ling can't understand next.

"This is?"

You Ling, who was standing side by side with Weier, cast a confused look at the blue-haired witch beside him.

In response to You Ling's inquiry, Wei'er did not show off and directly handed him a stack of documents that had been printed out not long ago.

After a brief glance, You Ling roughly understood that this thing was a report related to the case.

It clearly records some basic information about the patient and content related to the condition.

A few minutes later, after reading the document carefully, You Ling felt a wave of turmoil in his heart.

There is no need for Weier to explain this further.

The current situation alone is enough to explain everything.

At this moment, You Ling also understood why Wei'er deliberately interrupted the progress of the game and called him here.


Case Reports

Name: Yucheng Judai

Age: 6 years old

Condition: (omitted)


Traveling to the city for ten generations.

The protagonist of GX, the second part of the Yu-Gi-Oh animation, and also the representative of that "hero" deck.

Although he is still young now, he is not as heroic as he will be ten years later.

However, just relying on his protagonist status similar to Brother Crab is enough to attract the attention of You Ling.

From the current report, You Ling roughly understood the current status of Yu Cheng Judai.

Traveling to the city for ten generations.

Gender male, age 6 years old.

He has a car, a house, and both parents. He doesn’t start out as an orphan like the protagonist of the Celestial Dynasty.

In terms of family background, because his parents are senior researchers at Paradis Corporation, he has more assets and a higher starting point than ordinary children.

Leaving aside other aspects, at least when it comes to reincarnation ability, You Ling feels ashamed of it.

in addition.

Because both parents have jobs that are envied by others and have a good family background.

Therefore, the young Yucheng Judai can still have enough energy to sign up for various expensive training courses to cultivate his extracurricular sentiments.

After skimming through these basic information, further down, there is a report on some recent developments of Yujo Judai.

The patient Yujo Judai received a new card pack as a gift from his parents about a year ago, and drew a rare card from it - [Yubel].

After that, various supernatural phenomena began to appear on his body.

All those who had dueled with him would feel more or less mentally exhausted during or after the duel.

This level of fatigue is probably to the point where one needs to stay in bed for a week before he can gradually recover.

And during the process, you can't get close to Yucheng Judai himself, otherwise there will be a risk of fainting.

The patient himself claimed that these abnormalities were caused by the power of the duel monster spirit - "Yubel".

Regarding this point, the attending doctor of Yujo Judai at that time did not take it too seriously and only regarded it as an excuse for the children not to go to school.

Later, after on-site investigation by professionals and the residual traces of duel elf energy, it was judged that the words of Yujo Judai were indeed true.

The investigators who noticed this began to trace the origin of the card named [Yubel].

However, to their surprise, the origin of the card cannot be traced.

This card seemed to appear suddenly and deliberately to come into the hands of Yujo Judai. In an inexplicable way, it appeared out of thin air in the hands of Yujo Judai.

At school, because playing with Judai Yujo carries the risk of coma, the friends gradually stay away from this "disaster" in their eyes.

In this way, Yusheng Judai, who was isolated by others, spent a long year of lonely life. Later, he even developed a phenomenon of being tired of studying and refusing to go to school anymore.

Seeing the state of their child, Yujo Judai's parents decided to sign him up for the Kaiba Group's latest event after discussion. They used Kaiba's rockets to send the weird [Yubel] along with Yujo Judai. The creative simple drawings of this era are sent into space together.

At the same time, in order to prevent Judai Yusei from being affected by those dark pasts, they also used the black technology of Paradis Company to eliminate the memories of Judai Yusheng related to this part.

After that, with the disappearance of [Yubel], Yujo Judai, who had sealed the darkness in his heart, gradually returned to his normal life after transferring to another school.

After observation, the following conclusions can be drawn.

Yujo Judai himself has forgotten the memories of this incident and the existence of [Yubel].

From the renewed smile on his face, it was certain that the dark time that had occurred in the past year had not continued to have any impact on him. (End of chapter)

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