Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 465 This is the path I have chosen!

The VR glasses developed by Paradis Company are used as the entrance, and the power of the thousand-year artifact is used as the basis for traveling through dimensions.

The evil will of Zoke Nerofa, the great evil god of the underworld, who actively separated from the body of Tapirang, was mixed with boundless resentment and evil, and invaded another virtual world called "LINK VRAINS".

Of course, while the Great Evil God was doing this, You Ling also prepared a response plan.

"Right now, close the door and beat the dog!"


Facing Zouk's invasion, in the real world, You Ling, who was well prepared for this, waved his hand and gave the order to cut off the power.

As You Ling finished speaking, another employee on standby immediately responded and pulled down the gate of the backup server that was invaded by Zouk.

In fact, the part of the circuit that was shut down by Yu Zero at this moment was not the power supply of LINK VRAINS where the duel competition was being held, but the power supply of the outer backup server part.

When the gate was pulled down, Zoke's body was also closed in this sealed data space, and he had to stop his original plan to cause trouble.

"Okay! The main servers and lines are all intact! There is nothing abnormal!"

"The duelists who logged in to LINK VRAINS did not encounter any problems due to this intrusion."

"Everything is normal except for the contaminated backup server!"

Urgently checking the status of the virtual world, the busy staff informed You Ling of various information in this regard, and reported important information to You Ling one by one through the communication equipment.

So far, the battle with the Great Evil God Zouk has only just begun.

"Sure enough, there will be shady scenes when the game comes, and this time is no exception?"

Calmly watching the news reports one after another in front of him, You Ling maintained a calm state on the surface, showing no flaws in his performance.

But in fact, he was already breathing a long sigh of relief in his heart at this moment.

Fortunately, he had been secretly wary of the actions of An Tapirang, knowing that with the evil god Zoke's vengeful character, he would not remain silent about his actions.

In line with the principle of just in case, You Ling, who is hosting this online competition, has also prepared backup plans in advance.

Zouk may have thought that he had everything under control, that he could pose a real threat to You Ling after collecting all the millennium artifacts.

But in fact, even what he would do was already expected by You Ling.

In order to cope with this online competition, YouZero specially prepared several sets of servers, one of which is used as the main server to maintain the existence of LINK VRAINS.

The remaining ones are temporarily reserved and placed outside the main server for emergencies.

Contestants and spectators enter the main server. Before entering the competition, they will first be loaded into the backup server to verify their personal information.

After confirming that everything is correct, they will move from the backup server to the main server.

Although this may seem troublesome, it is a necessary safety procedure that can prevent some people with malicious intentions from succeeding.

For example, right now, the Great Evil God Zoke, who failed to pass the identity verification, was forcibly locked in a backup server by You Ling who noticed something strange.

Since the backup server is in a power outage state, Zouk is now locked into a data cage that he cannot leave for the time being.

None of the contestants in the competition, or even the audience watching the duel, noticed such a change.

They didn't even realize that they had been on the verge of death one after another.

However, there is one thing to say.

The evil power of the great evil god Zoke is extraordinary.

Although he was temporarily trapped by You Ling using this despicable method.

But he is constantly trying to break out of the prison, approaching the real destination by contaminating server data.

Once the great evil god Zoke succeeds in his conspiracy, then he may really achieve what he wants after being freed from his restraints.

However, the plan prepared by You Ling does not point to one.

You Ling, who had no hope of using this physical method to solve the problem, turned to look at the blue-haired witch standing beside him: "Weier, you know what I want to ask now, right?"

"Of course, Master, this resentment that has invaded the server has undoubtedly contained the power of those thousand-year artifacts. Considering the current situation, apart from Muto Yugi, the only person who possesses thousand-year artifacts is Xia Xia. Are Di and An Tapirian good together?"

The suspicion of the thousand-year-old director Xia Di can be eliminated with priority.

The physical body of this guy has long since died, but he strangely remains in the world in the state of a transcendent (Prana), responsible for guiding the Pharaoh's trials.

Such a conspirator would obviously not do such a fool-like thing.

So, there is only one answer right now. The person causing trouble now is only An Tapirang... no, it should be said to be the Great Evil God Zoke.

As Wei'er said these words, she reached out to grab the black mist that diffused from the server.

The black air that should have been able to corrode all objects, after touching Weier's slender, snow-white palm, was like a lion's cat, allowing Weier to flatten and round it, completely unable to do anything. of resistance.

Judging from Wei'er's movements, it seems that these black energies are really just things that have no threat.

"I see……"

As if she saw some clues, Weier squeezed her palms tightly.

Following her movements, wailing skulls continued to appear in the wisp of black energy, and then quickly disappeared without a trace.

Logically speaking, this should be a very scary scene.

However, the impression it gives now is that of someone who dares to be angry but dare not speak.

"There is no resistance at all. It seems that the terrifying evil god Zoke has accepted his fate? No more meaningless struggles?"

"Ha, if that's the case, then this black energy shouldn't even appear here."

Pointing at the faint black air surrounding him, You Ling couldn't help but say: "No, no matter what, the great evil god Zoke is also the mortal enemy of the Pharaoh, one of the terrifying monsters with infinite attack power.

He can't do nothing and let us imprison him here, right? "

As the final BOSS in "Yu-Gi-Oh! DM", he is more powerful than the Dark Master, the Ultimate Dragon Knight, and the Three Illusion Gods.

The Great Evil God Zoke's ability is definitely more than what he is currently capable of.

In the plot of the original work, if Wang Xiang hadn't remembered his real name and loudly called out to the invincible 'Creator of Light', the outcome of the final battle would have been different.

"Well... the current Great Evil God probably hasn't recovered all his power yet, so what he can do is actually quite limited.

If it weren't for the power of the thousand-year artifact, he wouldn't even be able to invade this virtual world. "

The black air scattered around was gathered together and rolled into a ball casually.

Weier paused for a moment, then continued: "But, the Pharaoh's soul was attracted by the resonance between the thousand-year-old artifacts, and it should have been sent to the great evil god by now."

"Then, the power of the Millennium Building Blocks and the Millennium Wisdom Wheel interact with each other to transform a large amount of data on the server into virtual NPCs and props."

"The fateful battle between the great evil god Zork and the Pharaoh will probably officially kick off on the backup server, right?"

"Speaking of which, if the Pharaoh is defeated in this ultimate dark game, I don't need to say more about what will happen."

Waving the crystal staff in her hand, Wei'er opened a teleportation magic door in the space in front of her that could be passed by a single person. Weier then made a gesture of invitation to You Ling, who was looking at him.

"What should I say, Master? Are we going to face the evil god directly, or are we just going to leave this world? If it is now, we can take advantage of this opportunity and run away in time, right?"

"No, you mean... the great evil god Zoke, who won this dark game, will be resurrected in his perfect form later?"

Listening to Weier's explanation, a solemn look flashed across You Ling's eyes unconsciously.

If the current Wang Xiang has been pulled into the dark game, then the next action must be carefully considered.

"No, to be precise, it's not that simple."

Shaking her head, Wei'er added: "Although the Great Evil God currently locked up in the backup server is just a bunch of data that poses no threat for the time being.

But if the Pharaoh loses in the dark duel, the result of this dark game between the Great Evil God and the Pharaoh will in turn overwrite the original history and change from false to true.

The battle that took place in Egypt three thousand years ago will no longer be the result of both the Pharaoh and the Great Evil God being defeated and sealed, but will instead end in a complete victory for the Great Evil God! "

"By that time, the will of darkness will gradually spread to all parts of the world.

With the arrival of the end of the earth, the history and civilization accumulated by mankind over thousands of years will all be wiped out. "

"Let's call this incident the 'Incineration of Humanity'. In short, there will definitely not be any 'Chaldean Organization' jumping out to save the world at that time."

Weier, who shrugged her shoulders and said these serious words, had a look of indifference on her face.

"But, Master, don't worry. In any case, those things will happen later and have nothing to do with us now.

While history has not changed, we can still leave here in time.

How to say? Master? Do you want to do this? "

"Then why do you need to say it?"

In response to Weier's inquiry, You Ling did not hesitate at all and gave his answer in a deep voice.

"Really? If we are determined, then let's hurry up..."

"No, you misunderstood me."

Waving his hand to interrupt Weier's running movements, You Ling turned around and walked towards the direction of the portal: "This world right now belongs to someone like me, and I will never allow someone like the Great Evil God to take advantage of it. Nest’s disrespectful behavior continues.”

"Whether it is the Great Evil God, the Light of Destruction, or Darkness, these villains that may cause obstacles to my world will be solved by me one by one in order.

This is the path I have chosen! "

With burning flames in his eyes, You Ling declared his determination to Weier in an unquestionable tone.

If there were no accidents, You Ling, who inherited Paratis Company from Dazi, might have lost the motivation to move forward after truly conquering the world.

However, since someone now wants to jump out and cause trouble, as the Lord of the Planet, You Ling also needs to let the other party know the consequences of doing so.

Even though Wei'er would think this kind of behavior was unreasonable and would try her best to prevent him from putting himself in danger, You Ling had already made up his mind.

"Hey~! There's really nothing we can do. We all know that Master won't give up so easily."

Shrugging her shoulders, Wei'er simply changed back to her appearance as a young girl, dragging her white coat behind her and walking into another unfolded magic circle: "Okay, then I'll go study the Great Evil God Regarding the composition of energy, think about whether there is any way to restrain him."

"Huh? Weier, aren't you going to stop me?"

Stopping his progress, You Ling couldn't help but open his mouth wide as he looked at Wei'er, who had changed from a hunched-over girl to a lolita-like girl.

"Why do you want to stop it? Didn't I say that? Everything should be done according to your wishes, Master."

Leaning out half of her body from the magic circle, Wei'er replied to You Ling in a matter-of-fact tone.

Just like she said.

No matter in the past or in the future, the actions of the elves, including her, will be based on You Ling's will as the highest priority option.

No matter what You Ling plans to do, Wei'er and the others will follow You Ling without hesitation and do their best to solve his problems.

This is the meaning of their existence.

"Say it again, Master."

Putting away the smile on her face, Wei'er looked into You Ling's eyes calmly: "For the sisters including me, as the master, you are the highest priority.

This is what Sandrillon, the Midrash, the Dragon Maid, and even Heine, Aundair, and Aluru think. "(End of chapter)

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