Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 468 The ultimate Sebadoragon attacks!

As compensation for the postponement of the online duel competition, Yu Ling only needs to take the time to give a small gift to the last remaining champion and runner-up as compensation, and everything will probably be fine.

As for the specific content of the gift?

That is of course the autograph of "Duel King" You Ling.

In short, keep this signature with special meaning as a family heirloom. It will definitely increase in value in the future.

After all, this is a gift from the first generation Duel King!


Back to the topic.

In order to prepare for the decisive battle with the great evil god Zoke, Yu Rei planned to open the door to the elf world again to find help. He specially called Keith and Samejima over and prepared for them to use their strongest fighting power. To perform extreme wave operations to break through the blockade of time and space.

And next, under the witness of You Ling, the performance between the two of them will begin!

"I will take the initiative in the duel!"

Skipping all the tedious preludes, we went directly to the beginning of the duel. The two sides facing each other on the field each drew five initial cards from their decks.

Seeing that Keith on the other side did not move, Samejima had no choice but to take the initiative in the duel, raised his arm, and looked at the five cards in his hand.

[Electronic Dragon]

What a perfect hand!

In the case of a rear attack, it can even achieve a brilliant result of killing with one hit!

The [Electronic Terminator Dragon] with an attack power of 16,000 and a defense penetration effect is simply incredible, right?

Although he knew that the current state was just because Yu Rei had specially set the card sequence, Samejima couldn't help but burst into tears when he saw Tenhu's opening move.

Sebadoragon, have you finally responded to me?

"Listen, Samejima, you just need to activate that [Power Combination], fuse the three [Electronic Dragons] in your hand, and then overwrite [Restriction Release].

The next thing is Keith's task. "

Speaking calmly, Yu Ling reminded Samejima, who looked excited, of the relevant precautions.

"……I see."

While nodding in agreement, the big bald Samejima couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Speaking of which, he has not shown the three-body fusion posture of [Electronic Dragon] to You Ling, and You Ling's deck and tactics have nothing to do with the "Electronic Flow" style of play.

Under this situation, how did You Ling know that the three-body electronic dragon was the ultimate form of the 'Electronic Flow' deck?

Could it be that Paradis Company actually has a mysterious intelligence department?

Well, thinking about it, Samejima didn't stop what he was doing.

Samejima raised a card in his hand high and faithfully followed Yu Zero's instructions, activating the special fusion magic card at this moment.

"Go! I activate the magic card from my hand - [Power Combination]! This card is a fusion magic card dedicated to mechanical monsters. According to the effect of this card, I activate the three [Electronic Dragon] in my hand. Send it to the graveyard as fusion material for the ultimate fusion summon!"

"Show up! The ultimate secret of 'Electronic Flow'! Level 10 - [Electronic Terminator Dragon]!!!"

Sending the three [Electronic Dragons] in his hand to the graveyard as materials, Samejima suddenly felt a surge of excitement in his heart. He spoke loudly and called out the name of his ace monster.

As his words fell, the pure white three-headed steel flying dragon appeared in the next moment with a bright light, stretching its body wantonly and descending into the space of this world.

Compared with the three ultimate giant dragons, the sizes of these normal people, including You Ling, were as huge as fireflies and bright moons.

Looking over the surrounding scene, the Electronic Terminator Dragon immediately raised its head and let out a violent roar that shook the world in the direction above its head.



【Electronic Terminator Dragon】

(Mechanical family/Light/10 stars/Attack power: 4000→8000/Defense power: 2800)


"Electronic Dragon" + "Electronic Dragon" + "Electronic Dragon"

The Fusion Summon of this card cannot be performed without using the above cards.

①: When this card attacks a monster in defense position, it inflicts battle damage equal to the amount of attack power exceeding that defense power.


The [Electronic Terminator Dragon] with a body of pure white steel showed off its graceful figure to everyone present. At the same time, it raised its head and let out a burst of shocking roar into the void.

Seeing the appearance of the ultimate monster that had special meaning to him, Samejima couldn't help but shed tears of emotion in his eyes.

Although this was not the first time he summoned the [Electronic Terminator Dragon] in a duel, no matter how many times he fused it, he couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion in his heart.

With the roar of the mechanical dragon echoing in his ears, You Ling raised his head and reflected the figure of the white dragon in his pupils.

[Electronic Terminator] is Caesar Ryo's ace monster in "Yu-Gi-Oh GX". It is also the first powerful monster in the original game to penetrate the armor of the "hero" of the tenth generation of Yujo.

Although he had different thoughts from Samejima, Yu Ling still had a special emotion in his heart for this well-known fusion monster.

"Finally, I Ambush a card and the turn ends!"

Samejima, who completed a standard fusion summon, covered the last card in his hand to his backfield.

Looking at the [Electronic Terminator Dragon] with an attack power of 8,000 points on his field, Samejima was like a child who saw his beloved thing, and couldn't help but shed tears of emotion.

How great would it be if every start could have such explosive power!

"The attack power of mechanical monsters fused with the effect of [Power Combination] will be increased by the original attack power.

But in exchange, at the end of the turn when this card is activated, the person using this card must also suffer damage equal to that changed value. "

Speaking calmly, You Ling explained the negative effects of magic cards.

[Electronic Terminator Dragon] with an attack power of 8000 has an increased value of 4000 points.

This also means that Samejima will suffer a huge damage of 4000 points.

In the past duel environment with 4000 full health points, the damage caused by this blow was enough to clear the duelist's own health points.

However, in the current 8000 health environment, this card can only clear half of the duelist's health, and it is not considered fatal.

"Speed ​​up, I'm in a hurry! [Electronic Terminator Dragon], release your 'Eternal Evolution Light'!"

Stretching out his arms towards the monsters on Samejima's field, Yu Ling gave further instructions to the [Electronic Terminator Dragon] in a matter-of-fact tone.

Noticing Yu Rei's actions, [Electronic Terminator Dragon] showed a puzzled expression on his face, "Who are you sending this to?" At the same time, he also flicked his tail disdainfully and gave Samejima a gentle swat. attack.

(Samejima LP: 8000→4000)

"Tsk... Very good, I will bear this grudge!"

Yu Ling, who was probably being ignored by a monster for the first time, raised the middle finger of his right hand in the direction of [Electronic Terminator Dragon].

At the same time, he silently made up his mind.

When there is a chance later, be sure to let those cards from the ‘Electronic Flow’ show you his zero-playing skills!

[Electronic Terminator Dragon]?

snort! He's just a washed-up thug!

To really look at the strength, it has to be [Cyber ​​Dragon·Infinite] which is the ace of the super monsters!

"Then next, it's my turn to draw cards!"

Facing the [Electronic Terminator Dragon] alone with an attack power of 8,000 points, Keith didn't show much surprise on his face as he felt the huge pressure.

Everything at the moment was still within You Ling's plan and did not exceed his expectations.

Moreover, compared with the wonderful chain that Keith will show next, even the [Electronic Terminator Dragon], whose attack power has increased to 16,000 points after receiving the blessing of "Restriction Lift", is just a younger brother whose performance is so-so. That’s it!

"First, I activate the magic card from my hand - [Double Summon]. Depending on the effect of this card, I can perform two normal summons this round!"

Keith showed a normal magic card in his hand and activated it, then took out another new magic card from his hand: "Then, I will activate another continuous magic card from my hand. --【world Tree】!"

"Every time a plant-type monster on the field is destroyed, place a 'Flower Counter' on this card. By removing different numbers of 'Flower Counters', I can also activate different types of effects an unlimited number of times."

The huge green tree, following Keith's words, broke through the shackles of the ground in the next moment and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

It quickly grew into a big tree, like a giant umbrella, covering the body of [Electronic Terminator Dragon] under its own shade.

Just as its name implies.

This world tree that has grown to its limit will also have the great ability to cover the entire world.


【world Tree】

(Continuous Magic Card)


Every time a plant-type monster on the field is destroyed, place 1 flower counter on this card. In addition, you can remove any number of flower counters placed on this card to activate the following effects.

●1: Select 1 plant-type monster on the field, and its attack power and defense power increase by 400 until the end phase.

●2: Select 1 card on the field and destroy it.

●3: Select 1 plant-type monster in your graveyard and special summon it.


"Huh? World Tree? Is it actually a plant-based deck?"

Seeing Keith pull out a card that didn't match his style of painting, Samejima couldn't help but have a surprised expression on his face.

According to his guess, duelists like Keith, who don't look like good guys, should use theme decks related to gray industries, such as gambling and guns.

Why are you playing a plant-type deck like a girl?

However, even though Keith was using a plant-type deck, Samejima did not look down on him because of this, but instead showed a solemn expression.

The duelists under You Ling are definitely not paper tigers that can fall down at the first touch, and they are definitely not ordinary people who can be easily defeated.

The Cobra that defeated his protégé before is the best example.

The Keith in front of him may not have the explosive strength of Cobra, but he will never be that weak. He must be very energetic to deal with it!

"Next, I activate the field magic card from my hand - [Black Garden]!"

With that said, Keith firmly stuffed the card in his hand into the side area of ​​the duel plate.

Following his movements, the surrounding environment also changed drastically in an instant.

The dark flames continued to surge, and the withered yellow leaves drifted in the wind.

As the scene changes, the surrounding scenery also changes into a black garden that gives people a cold and ominous atmosphere.


【Black Garden】

(field magic card)


①: Each time a monster is face-up summoned or special summoned except for the effect of "Black Garden". The attack power of those monsters is reduced to half. After that, the controller special summons 1 "Rose Token" (Plant Type, Dark, 2 Stars, Attack/Defense 800) on the opponent's field in Attack Position.

②: This can only be activated by targeting 1 monster in your graveyard with the same attack power as the total attack power of all plant-type monsters on the field. This card and all Plant-type monsters on the field are destroyed. If all are destroyed, the target monster is Special Summoned.


It is worth mentioning that this card is not a new card produced by Paradis Company, but one of the many rewards previously drawn from the card pool of the system.

Although this card seems to have a very strong negative effect, the card itself is one of the important components of countless cool operations.

Relying on the existence of this card and its cooperation with [World Tree], Keith will be able to demonstrate the famous infinite chain operation in the future!

Just like Samejima's initial move, now that the necessary puzzle pieces have been gathered in Keith's hands, it's time to start the official performance.

"Next, I usually summon the monster in my hand - [Wang Tiger], and summon this card to the field in attack position!"

As Keith's words fell, a domineering tiger wearing iron armor, grinding its teeth and rubbing its palms, and looked very untouchable, immediately appeared with the light and appeared in front of Keith's body.

Although this monster looks like an ordinary lower-level monster, its combat power is only 1,700 points at the "Axe King" level.


This monster has a "thunder-summoning bullet" effect similar to that of one of the God Cards, [Sky Dragon of Osiris], and is one of the indispensable components to achieve an important combination. (End of chapter)

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