Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 473 The calm before the storm

"Uh... Well, BOSS, do you want to think about it again? I feel that our progress is a bit too hasty, so we might as well wait..."

"Tsk! You're so noisy with your verbosity. If you're a man, don't be too timid and timid. Make up your mind quickly!"

Waving his hand to interrupt Dr. Sutain's hesitant speech, You Ling forcefully took over the topic and gave an undeniable instruction to everyone present: "All eyes, look at me!

Listen up, don’t be timid, just do it! If you're afraid, stop playing, and everyone will be finished together by then! You don't need to know exactly what happened. You just need to know what you want to do next. "

Everyone: "..."

Under You Ling's absolute control, the team's opinions reached a surprising consensus at this moment.

Although there was still a look of hesitation on Dr. Sutain's face.

However, when he thought of You Ling's temper and his various methods, Xiu Tanyin finally said nothing and wisely closed his mouth.

Damn it, never mind!

What's there to be afraid of? Don't be timid, just do it!

Anyway, even if the sky falls, there is still the invincible "Duel King" here to hold up, so they, the melon-eating masses, don't have to worry about safety issues at all.

That being the case, what's there to hesitate about?


With the endorsement of You Ling, who was strong in all aspects, the employees who had received the guarantee immediately began to get busy, installing the suspicious equipment containing black liquid brought by You Ling in various locations around the hummingbird mural. .

Regarding the next outcome, You Ling was actually not completely sure about it, so he simply transformed into a "gambler" in a round of stud and gave up the intention of continuing to think deeply.

He has done his best in what he has to do.

The rest of the matter depends on who is more capable and has more cards to draw between him and the Great Evil God Zoke.

One thing to say.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Great Evil God Zoke has not yet recovered to his full form and is still in a semi-sealed state that has not yet been fully resurrected, destroying the ritual of the dark game he held is the best solution.

But it's a pity that the evil god himself knows this kind of thing best.

When the employees of Paradis Company, under the instructions of You Ling, used various high-precision equipment to find Tapirang for the first time, the evil will of the great evil god that originally existed in his body had already been separated from it. No trace.

What's left is just a person who doesn't understand what's going on, with innocent eyes wide open, and looks harmless and pitiful - "Tapirang".

However, in order to prevent the great evil god Zoke from leaving behind Tapirang, it is also to ensure that Tapirang's existence will not become a factor that affects the key victory or defeat.

You Ling finally tied him up and temporarily placed him in a special prison to isolate him from the influence of special powers.

Of course, according to the classic plots in various stories, no matter how strict the cage is, there will be a moment when it is breached.

Therefore, inside the cage, You Ling placed a special gift for strange visitors - a small tactical nuclear warhead from the beautiful country's arsenal.

If someone attempts to take Tapirang out of the prison without You Ling's permission, then at the same time that person takes action, they will also face the impact of a powerful nuclear bomb explosion, literally shattering their bones. …

In addition, the thousand-year-old props with special significance are naturally what You Ling pays attention to.

The reason why he handed over the thousand-year-old prop in his hand to An Tapirang before was partly because he had the idea of ​​​​locking his position.

However, at the scene where the unconscious Tapirang was found, there was no trace of the 'Millennium Artifact'.

Even the stone slab with the thousand-year artifact on it, and the thousand-year props that You Ling asked Weier to mark the backdoor in advance, cannot be found or explored.

It's as if their existence has left this world and gone to the unknown other shore.

According to You Ling's speculation, these thousand-year artifacts gathered together are likely to have been brought into the backup server of the Ultra Dark Game by the Great Evil God Zoke in a way that humans cannot understand.

Those thousand-year-old props are not only the key to the door to the underworld, but also the necessary props to allow the evil soul of the Great Evil God to return to his true body.

As for the VR glasses left behind at the scene, which were already in a broken state, they had lost all their functions and became a piece of waste in a literal sense.

In the current situation, if You Ling still intends to intervene in this ultimate dark game like the members of the family and friends group in the original work, he can only rely on the mutual induction ability between the thousand-year artifacts. .

However, just when You Ling, who thought so, tried to contact Muto Yugi who held the 'Millennium Building Block', the Millennium Building Block that Xiaobiao originally hung around his neck had already disappeared along with Wang Yang's personality. trace.

Without the help of the 'Millennium Building Blocks', You Ling would naturally not be able to break through the shield that filled the outer layer of the backup server and was generated by the evil thoughts of the Great Evil God.

It is worth mentioning that.

The reason why Wang Xiang suddenly disappeared must be that the Great Evil God first used the induction between the Millennium Artifacts to forcefully pull Wang Yiang, who holds the last Millennium Artifact, into the virtual world of the dark game.

In short, it has become impossible to kill the evil god who has not yet fully developed in advance, or to forcefully intervene from outside the server.

Nowadays, if you want to successfully prevent the resurrection of the great evil god, you can only place your hope on another player who participates in the dark game - Wang Xiang.

Counting on him to do what he failed to do in the original work, to eliminate the 'King of Thieves Bakura' and the rebellious Dark Priest together.

In the original work, Wang Xiang relied on the help of Kaiba, Jonouchi and other friends to find his true name, and then integrated the power of the three phantom gods to allow the invincible [Creator of Light] to come to the world and purify everything. of darkness.

However, now that Wang Xiang does not have the help of his companions, the probability of defeating the well-prepared evil god has become very slim.

Therefore, in You Ling's eyes, the resurrection of the Great Evil God is already something that can't be stopped.

The plan he prepared next will also be implemented around another goal, which is... to find a way to completely crush the resurrected evil god!

Of course, the best situation at the moment is that Wang Yang becomes even more powerful than in the original work. Without the support of his relatives and friends, he can find his true name by himself, and then call the invincible "Light" The God of Creation', completely crush the evil god!

However, the probability of such success is so low that it is almost negligible.

Even the protagonist of the original work, Wang Yang, who is good at making the impossible possible, would never be able to do such an outrageous thing in this situation.

In summary.

After realizing the current crisis situation, You Ling also decided not to place all his hopes on Wang Yang, but to prepare to start his own plan.

Even if he is faced with the worst situation, the resurrected Dark Evil God will not be a match even for him and someone else.

Then You Ling, who has completed the current plan, can at least retain some seeds of hope so that the future of this universe can continue.

Moreover, if he is lucky, Yu Ling might be able to bring a scourge similar to the 'Red Lotus Demon', as well as the Great Evil God Zoke himself, on the road, and restore peace to the world.

You Ling: "..."

Quietly staring at the giant painting of hummingbirds under the cliff, You Ling stood on the land of Nazca, with an unexplainable cold light shining in his eyes.

While You Ling was observing the ground paintings, on the other side, Dr. Sutain's team had also driven to various places and installed all the devices that You Ling had brought.

I saw that all parts of the giant hummingbird painting covering an area of ​​about thousands of square meters, including the beak of the head, the tips of the wings, the bottom of the claws, and the tail of the bird, were all installed with zero-emitting belts. Those devices filled with black liquid.

Observing the busy results of his employees, You Ling nodded slightly, and then made an OK gesture to Dr. Sutain who was waiting in the distance.

"Well, has this moment finally arrived? This historic moment..."

After swallowing his saliva, Dr. Xiutain, who had received personal permission from You Ling, made up his mind, gritted his teeth hard, and pressed the start button in his hand.

Following his movements, the mechanical devices scattered throughout the giant painting of Hummingbird suddenly started to activate at the same time, making a leaking sound like a vacuum chamber being opened.

After that, streams of weird-looking and thick liquid gushed out from it, automatically flowing and hooking along the lines left by the giant hummingbird painting on the ground.

That suspicious device was actually just a container used to hold special liquids.

Compared with the device itself, the black liquid flowing out of it at this moment is the focus of this operation.

With the help of Weier, You Ling extracted a huge amount of negative energy from the body of the sea snake that was so rich that it turned into liquid. This energy... or the blood of the God of Oliha Gang, for those who rely on energy It is undoubtedly the best type of supplement for the "Earthbound Gods" who eat food.

According to the cyclical pattern of collective resurgence of the "Earthbound Gods" every 5,000 years, their next resurgence will probably be in the 5DS era a hundred years later.

And now, as they approach the deadline for resurrection, they have accumulated considerable energy under the seal of the earth.

The "giant" Earthbound God who temporarily stretched out his arms from the ground due to the activation phenomenon of some "wandering star particles" is the best example.

That's right, although nominally speaking, the Earthbound God's resurrection cycle is 5,000 years.

But this time refers to the time it takes to leave the Earthbound Gods alone and allow them to slowly absorb energy and resurrect themselves over the long years.

In fact, this so-called cycle can be greatly advanced with intentional human intervention.

For example, at this time, the divine blood of the "Oliha Gang God" that You Ling specially provided to the "Hummingbird" Earth-Binding God is the last piece of the puzzle used to activate the power of the Earth-Binding God.

The dark and viscous liquid, bound by unknown power, spread at an extremely fast speed.

In less than a few minutes, the hummingbird pattern originally outlined by pure white lines had turned into a pitch black color like an abyss under the cover of divine blood.

At the same time, as the dark divine blood gradually spread, a heavy pressure also spread and swept the entire surrounding area.

Some staff members with low psychological quality have fallen into a state of confusion, dancing and rolling on the spot.

Others with slightly better physiques, like the previous members of "Doma", knelt down on the ground devoutly and softly sang the praises of the great god who suddenly came to their minds.

Their voices were not loud, but they seemed very chaotic and without any structure at all.

From You Ling's perspective, these ordinary people who were affected by the power of the gods looked as if they were going crazy, constantly uttering all kinds of disturbing gibberish from their mouths.

Because there were so many people going crazy and the tone was too confusing, You Ling couldn't hear the specific words of praise from their mouths at all, and could only vaguely hear the repeated "beep" sounds around them.

This is one of the genetic protection programs that is engraved into human DNA.

Just like children are instinctively afraid of fire and cold, human DNA naturally inherits the fear and fear of the great power exerted by our ancestors from ancient times towards those gods who have surpassed the limits of human imagination. worship.

This is not a bad influence, but an instinct to save oneself.

Don't resist, don't run away, just kneel down and swear allegiance to the gods.

Only in this way can we get that tiny glimmer of hope...


Just like the sound of thunder striking a solid and huge drum surface, an inexplicable sound of agitation suddenly sounded in the void.

Noticing this, You Ling, after calming down, completely ignored the depressing atmosphere around him, chose to move towards the drawing ahead, and took steps on his own.

The sun, which was originally hanging high in the sky, had quietly hidden behind the clouds and no longer appeared.

Looking at this state, it seems that even the sun, which has always been fearless, is fearing from the bottom of his heart the existence of the terrifying evil god who is about to revive and can swallow up even the power of the golden sun disk. (End of chapter)

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