Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 476 The Earthbound God will never be a slave unless he is given food and shelter!

In this current time period, every minute it continues to be delayed, the damage caused by the great evil god's resurrection will become more serious.

Therefore, at this time, You Ling, who came to Peru specifically to visit the ‘Earthbound God’, also directly showed his highest sincerity.

With both sides having equal combat power, he personally took action and prepared to negotiate with Aslia Pisco, the Hummingbird Earth-Binding God, that would benefit both parties.

"Earthbound God, I need your power. In exchange, I can provide you with a vast area to live in."


Facing You Ling's proposal, Hummingbird's eyes suddenly revealed a strong disdain.

Noting that You Ling was here, he wasn't angry at all. Instead, he showed a card he had prepared to the Hummingbird Earth-Binding God in front of him.

It was a field magic card called [Darkness].

The effect of the card is not important. What is important is that the surface of this card is exuding a strong aura like the darkness of the abyss, and it looks like the familiar hometown of the 'Earthbound God'.

Through the power of this card, You Ling will also be able to connect to the gate of the dark dimension where the God of Oriha Gang originally resided, which is different from this one.

Looking at the Earth-bound God of this card, Aslia Pisco, his pupils suddenly tightened, and the expression on his face was no longer the frivolous one before.

[Um... are you in charge of the food? 】


Looking at the hummingbird earth-bound god who was looking at him inquiringly, You Ling realized that his goal had been achieved, and the corner of his mouth immediately curled up with a hint of joy.

On the other side, in the online backup server of Paratis Company.

The ultimate dark game is still going on.

Originally, the [Sky Dragon of Osiris], the god of the sky and the underworld, could easily kill Bakura, the King of Thieves, and the half-human, half-snake monster he summoned. The monster named 'Dia The monster of Bondo's Core was shattered into dark dust on the spot.

However, at this moment when Wang Yang and Bakura were fighting, the dark priest holding the Millennium Eye took the opportunity to swing his long sword and pierced the sky dragon's stone slab, causing the sky dragon to be destroyed. of defeat.

Although he was seriously injured due to an unexpected incident.

However, Wang Xiang still relied on his strong will to hold up his body, and then summoned the strongest phantom god - [Wings of the Sun God Dragon], and used the invincible "God·Phoenix" to defeat the King of Thieves. It was blown to pieces.

Then, at the moment when Bakura, the King of Thieves, was defeated, time began to flow backwards.

Using the "rewind function" prepared in advance, the evil god reset the timeline of the dark game back to the time before Wang Yiang tried to summon the strongest "Winged Dragon".

It is worth mentioning that although time has been reset, Wang Yang's consumed mental power will not be reset together in the process.

There was no more energy left to summon the kingly form of the Winged Dragon, and then he was knocked down by Bakula who was laughing wildly, and fell into the abyss, where he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Just after the Pharaoh was defeated by the King of Thieves, everyone also discovered the figure of the "Thousand-Year Eye" Priest Aknadine, who had been counterattacked by the power of God and fell to the ground twitching in the place where the stone slabs were placed in the palace.

As the person closest to the stone slab, Aknadine naturally became the first object of suspicion.

However, under the cover of his eloquent words and Seth, another son who is also a priest of the Millennium Tin Staff, the matter ended up being nothing.

The disappearance of the Pharaoh had a major impact on the palace, and it also made all the priests look worried.

Coupled with the negative BUFFs set by the evil god in the dark game, the tempers of the priests began to become more and more irritable day by day.

Whether it was daily chats or routine combat meetings, this group of priests often had more than one quarrel.

What no one noticed was that there was a strange red light in their eyes, and this ominous light became more obvious day by day.

All current developments seemed to be within the Great Evil God's script and did not exceed his expectations.

South America, Peru, Nazca wilderness.

The development of things can be said to be unexpectedly smooth.

After You Ling showed his conditions and bargaining chips, and said that he could permanently control the Earth-bound God, the Hummingbird Earth-bound God's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees, almost turning upside down. Come over and ask You Ling for help.

It's like he's afraid that You Ling will suddenly regret it and no longer intends to support him as a "house dweller".

Facing You Ling's inquiry, Aslia Pisco could be said to have answered every question, and he had completely sold out all the information he knew, as well as the information about the Earth-bound God's companions. net.

The so-called "Earth-bound Gods" are not gods that originally existed here, but "extraterrestrial demons" who came here from outer space.

The hometown of the Earthbound Gods is a neutron star millions of light years away from the earth.

That neutron star was the product of a star that had reached the end of its life and died out.

After an unknown amount of time of evolution, many ‘Earthbound Gods’ including Hummingbird were born, as well as the civilizations that worshiped them.

In the eyes of the Earthbound Gods, that period was an extremely happy time.

Unfortunately, for the Earthbound Gods who have no concept of death, there are some inevitable events that they must face no matter what.

At a certain time, the neutron star where the Earthbound Gods were located suddenly broke through the critical point of gravity and collapsed into a black hole.

The civilization that serves the gods has not been able to successfully escape the planet's gravitational circle.

After all, the size of such stars is often hundreds of times the size of the Earth. Not everyone can break through the constraints.

Therefore, these civilizations were also swallowed into the interior by the black hole and turned into dark dust.

Although the powerful Earthbound Gods used their respective abilities in a timely manner and escaped from the gravitational range of the black hole, they lost their place and had to start looking for their next habitat.

In the original plan of the Earthbound Gods, they originally planned to find a new neutron star nearby and live a makeshift life.

However, the most powerful one among them, the leader named "Red Lotus Demon", actually said that there is an opportunity in a place called "Galaxy" that can make their power further.

Hummingbird, who was still in the inexperienced stage at that time and believed the lies of the Red Lotus Demon, just followed the large army across the star sea and arrived at the so-called planet that "can help them improve themselves".

However, when Hummingbird saw the target location mentioned by the Red Lotus Demon, and saw the "Earth" whose size was not even one hundredth the size of the neutron star in the past, he realized that he had been captured by the 'Red Lotus Demon' That was a joke.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't defeat the opponent, the angry hummingbird would have to kill the red lotus demon who dared to play tricks on him. Pay double the price!

In any case, with the idea of ​​​​"come and come".

Too lazy to look for a new home, the hummingbird abandoned itself and landed on this wild planet called "Earth" and began its new life.

If you see something that doesn’t please your eyes, just eliminate it.

If you like something, just grab it.

For the Earthbound Gods who possess great power, there is nothing on this planet that can rival them.

The only bad thing is that the light emitted by this planet is a bit annoying.

The "Earthbound Gods" born from dead stars were unable to adapt to this new and vibrant environment for a while.

So, in order to make the living environment better.

The Earthbound Gods began to devote their energy to transforming the local environment, intending to transform the planet called "Earth" into a state as quiet and deep as their mother planet.

Seeing that the "Earth-bound Gods" who were outsiders were so arrogant, the local gods who couldn't sit down immediately jumped out and planned to expel these outsiders.

In a daze, the battle between the two sides is about to break out.

Fortunately, as the eldest brother among the earth-bound gods, the fighting power of the 'Red Lotus Demon' is not limited at all. Those indigenous gods who come to stir up trouble will basically die one by one, and two by two.

Then, as a chosen one with a "burning soul" suddenly appeared in the crowd, the "red lotus demon" who was careless and did not dodge was suppressed to the bottom of the earth on the spot.

Then, with the power of the Quetzalcoatl God Kukulkan, the Earthbound Gods who lost their leader were submerged one by one by the sea of ​​people, and all of them were sealed.

After that, time passed.

Five thousand years passed by in a flash.

Hummingbird and his brothers and sisters revived one after another. The Earthbound Gods, who were filled with indignation at the previous battle, did not work together to rescue the "Red Lotus Demon" at the first time. Instead, they each gathered their own strength and summoned the terrifying The 'King of Hades' plans to launch a magnificent revenge on the indigenous gods who sealed them!

Hummingbird can't say what kind of strength this so-called 'King of Hades' has, whether he can compete with the complete evil god Zoke, and whether he is the first person under the 'Creator God of Light'. This is why.

Anyway, he only knew that with the appearance of this 'King of Hades', the indigenous gods who had blocked them, including the 'Quetzalcoatl', 'Thunder God', 'Sun God' and the like, were all gone. They all became younger brothers and were pushed to the ground one after another and beaten violently.

Then, the Earthbound Gods who didn't know what unity was, were sealed by the local gods who organized a group to attack them shortly after their victory, and once again faced a fate similar to that of five thousand years ago.

After all, although the individual strength of the 'Earth-bound God' is extremely powerful, excluding the 'Red Lotus Demon', the entire small group of Earth-bound Gods only has seven people.

Facing a group of local gods attacking in darkness, it is very reasonable that they, who are weak with two fists and four hands, would be defeated by the tactics of a sea of ​​people...

Then, five thousand years passed.

Hummingbird, which had absorbed Oliha Gang's divine blood, was suddenly awakened by You Ling, and woke up at this time in advance.

"...I see, that's what happened from beginning to end?"

The chat session turned into a hummingbird complaint gathering.

After listening to the autobiography of Hummingbird Earth-Binding God, You Ling couldn't help but put his forehead on his hands and sigh.

Judging from the confessions of the Hummingbird Earth-bound Gods, the thoughts and actions of these Earth-bound Gods are quite simple.

However, since these contents are only one-sided words of Hummingbird, it is very likely that he deliberately concealed some evil deeds about the Earth-bound God, so these contents are not complete and lack the support of facts.

However, You Ling could pretend he didn't see these innocuous problems.

After all, including himself, the employees at Paradis Company could not be considered completely clean people.

Keith has been a villain for a while in the past.

During the Doma period, Peacock Wu was considered one of the evil leaders at the same time as You Ling.

Even Sandriyon, one of the great sages, or the Midrash who was resurrected by the power of the Star God, their births were not completely flawless, and they also had unknown pasts.

For these things, You Ling can be selectively blind.

It is worth mentioning that the hummingbird earth-bound god Aslia Pisco, and one of the evil duel dragons differentiated by his power - [Underworld Dragon Death], are the only one among the ten duel dragons. The fusion monster has truly become Yu Ling's possession.

At some point, all the dark clouds overhead dispersed.

Glancing at the two new cards that appeared in his hand, You Ling raised his head and narrowed his eyes towards the dazzling sunshine.

On the forearm of You Ling's right hand, a dark purple mark in the shape of a hummingbird was emitting an ominous glow that seemed to never go out.

Just when You Ling and Hummingbird Earth-Binding God reached a consensus.

On the other side, the first online duel competition that took place in the virtual world - "LINK VRAINS" also selected the final two finalists at this time.

There were two people who stood out from the fierce fighting and finally became the champion and runner-up of this competition. They were qualified to meet the Duel King.

One is Seto Kaiba, a well-known legendary duelist who easily defeated the young pink-haired young master Siegfried and controlled the 'Blue Eyes White Dragon' to win as quickly as possible!

He claims to be the eternal enemy of the duel king. As he said at the beginning, he has never been weaker than anyone in his life and advanced to the final duel!

The other one was performing a chain drama back and forth with Malik, and then took the opportunity to activate a [Chain Crit], sending the opponent to the road in one breath. You Ling's vest trumpet - "Faceless Man"! (End of chapter)

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