Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 487 Challenging the gods as a mortal (4)

The great evil god Zoke, who lost his energy defense barrier, was affected by the group attacks of multiple monsters that followed without any accident.

[Earthbound God Aslia Pisco], [Yan Demon Dragon King Red Lotus Demon E], [Crystalized Great Sage Sandriyon], [Five Formation Magician]...

Powerful monsters that are rarely seen on weekdays appeared one after another at this moment. Following You Ling's actions, they appeared in the space of this world.

Faced with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, You Ling could be said to have used all his cards, and used all the attacks he could find at the moment, as if they were free of charge, and bombarded the great evil god.

Wrapped up by these multiple impacts, the Great Evil God's body immediately lifted off the ground uncontrollably, and the big dragon under his crotch was knocked away by You Ling. At a speed that was difficult to observe with the naked eye, he flew with You Ling. Zero's D wheel disappeared into the end of the sky together.

The extremely powerful evil god suddenly disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Only the devastated ruins all around and the earth torn apart by huge energy became the best proof of the unprecedented battle just now.

A mere mortal launched a rebellious challenge against the terrifying Great Evil God, and finally won a complete victory!

What a joy, what a joy!

"Uh...so can anyone tell me what's going on now?"

Seeing You Ling suddenly appear, and with lightning speed, he knocked the evil god away on the spot.

Wang Xiang, who originally planned to unify the power of the three illusory gods and use the name of the king "Atum" to call the creator god of light to end the darkness, unconsciously showed a confused expression on his face.

Just now, Yu Ling, who was surrounded by a group of monsters and with a powerful aura surging around him, was like a god descending to earth. He used himself as a medium to take away the body of the evil god.

At this moment, looking at the direction where You Ling and the Great Evil God disappeared together, Wang Yang opened his mouth and tried to say something about the current situation.

But in the end, he couldn't say anything.

Both You Ling and the Great Evil God have disappeared from his eyes and disappeared at the end of the sky...

It is worth mentioning that.

Because the Great Evil God Zoke Nerofa, who was the culprit, was taken away by Yu Ling, the history of the current era has gradually begun to return to normal, without the intervention of the Great Evil God's machinations.

The ominous red light that existed in the eyes of the gods was gradually dimming and dissipating.

In this way, except for the real second-fifth son "Akhnadin", it is only a matter of time for the remaining people to return to normal.

But now, there is a very critical issue before Wang Xiang.

That is, due to various actions of the Great Evil God Zoke, falsehood and reality overlapped at a certain time.

Wang Xiang also appeared in Egypt three thousand years ago.

Now, he has no way to return to Xiao Biao's body.

The "Duel Ceremony" to welcome the King's return has not yet begun.

No matter what, Wang Yang had to find a way to return to the real world, even if it was to bring all of this to an end.

So, how should he go back next?


The huge impact force, accompanied by a bright and dazzling flash of light, pushed the body of the Great Evil God Zoke all the way out of the atmosphere and into the vast expanse of space.

Since this place is no longer bound by the earth's gravity, You Ling will be able to push the body of the Great Evil God to continuously speed around the planet's orbit like a satellite.

As the speed continues to increase, the gate of time and space, which gradually emerges at the speed of light, once again appears in the far distance of space, and is about to swallow up You Ling, who is riding the D wheel, and the Great Evil God. .

"Damn it!!! Damn it... You Ling, listen to me! I am invincible now, no matter where you take me next, it will be useless !!!"

"Whether it's the core of the sun, the center of a black hole, or the depths of a nebula below absolute zero, you can't completely eliminate me!"

"Now I can no longer be destroyed by any force!!!"

As the incarnation of the dark side of the universe, he is an existence even more evil than the Great Sea Serpent (the god of Oriha Gang).

The Great Evil God, who had withstood the impact of multiple monsters before, had temporarily lost the ability to resist. He could only be passively pushed by You Ling like a dog to an unknown location.

At this moment, You Ling, who was driving Wheel D at a speed exceeding the limit of light, had left the solar system with the body of the Great Evil God, and continued to race deeper into the Milky Way, gradually approaching the gate of time and space in the distance.

It is worth mentioning that the seal of Red Lotus Demon E is not something that is permanently effective.

In a few minutes, the Great Evil God, who has regained his own effect, will be able to take the initiative again and easily counterattack the mortal You Ling.

And these few minutes are also the last chance that You Ling can grasp.

"Really? Invincible? I hope you can still retain such confidence in the future."

He showed no concern for the roar of the evil god.

With the emotions in his heart becoming more and more determined, You Ling continued to carry the body of the Great Evil God to the unknown end.

What he will do next can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented. Just hearing about it will make people crazy on the spot. It is something only a lunatic would do.

However, now You Ling has no better choice.

Facing a terrifying opponent like the Great Evil God, he, who lacks the "Creator of Light", can no longer hold anything back and must use all his trump cards at this time!

"Zoc, the Great Evil God, you said that you can never be destroyed and that you are an invincible existence, right? Then, no matter what I do to you, you won't be shocked, right?"

"What? You guy...what are you planning to do?"

"Ha... you'll know soon! Anyway, just keep your eyes open and watch! What happens next will exceed your expectations!"

Without directly answering the question of the Great Evil God Zoke, You Ling turned his head slightly and looked at the boundless sky around him.

Then, You Ling, who was controlling the steering wheel with one hand, took out something from his arms that looked very familiar to the Great Evil God (Yan Zhiliang).

Quantum Cube.

A special prop known as the eighth thousand-year artifact.

"What? It's actually this thing?! You guy, could it be that you are planning to..."

Looking at the special props that appeared in his field of vision at this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed through the mind of the Great Evil God, and he couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise from his mouth.

Before that, when he was still a soul, he once made a deal with You Ling.

In exchange for the ownership of the Millennium Key, An Tapirang at that time once snatched Lan Shen's Quantum Cube and bartered it with You Ling.

At this time, the Great Evil God couldn't help but have a flash of fear in his heart.

turn out to be……

It turns out that this guy You Ling had already considered that this kind of thing would happen so long ago? ? ?

"Then, let's begin!"

Without giving the Great Evil God any more time to breathe, You Ling activated the quantum cube that Weier had analyzed on the spot in his hand.

Following You Ling's movements, a huge amount of dark energy suddenly burst out from the quantum cube, quickly sweeping through everything around him.

Originally, the quantum cube in Lan Shen's hand did not have this level of power. At most, it could only enable small volumes of matter to travel through time and space.

However, relying on Weier's black technology research, You Ling successfully integrated the divine blood energy of the God of Oliha Gang into the space of the quantum cube, thus forming the current result.

--Ding! ! !

After the darkness spread, what struck was extremely bright golden light.

Under the infusion of huge energy, the Quantum Cube, which existed as an artifact of the eighth millennium, gradually made an overwhelmed sound.

However, the quantum cube operating in an overloaded state also released its full effectiveness at this time.

To be honest, the current violent usage is not the correct usage of quantum cube.

However, at this moment, You Ling actually has no better choice.

that's all.

The quantum cube exuding bright golden light enveloped You Ling and the D wheel under him, leading the evil god who was being pushed to an unknown distance.

Time, unknown.

Target, unknown.

The result is unknown.

Not knowing what the consequences would be, You Ling focused everything on the attack at this moment, and then used his ultimate move against the evil god.

Next, let’s hit the road together, brother!

"Fuck you!!! You are such a madman when you step on a horse!!!"

"If you want to travel through dimensions, just go by yourself! Why do you have to bring me with you??? I don't want to go crazy with you on horseback!!!"

He was shocked by You Ling's determination and the crazy behavior he showed.

Realizing what was going to happen next, the Great Evil God couldn't help but let out bursts of exclamations from his mouth.

Although he knew that his next actions might be in vain, the Great Evil God Zoke, who did not intend to give up, still tried to stretch out his arms, trying to slap You Ling to death in the very close distance!

However, while the Great Evil God was doing this, the group of monsters surrounding You Ling also made corresponding new movements, which in turn completely locked the Great Evil God's body, making him unable to move again.

The existence named the Great Evil God Zoke is the embodiment of the evil will of the universe.

Strictly speaking, He, who represents the ultimate dark side of this world, will also have otherworldly power in this world and will not be affected by the human being You Ling.

Except for another 'Creator of Light' who represents the limit of light, perhaps there is nothing else that can cause fatal harm to the great evil god of this world.

Of course.

This is only in this world.

If the great evil god Zork of the DM world is brought to other unknown worlds through the power of the quantum cube, then the "uniqueness" possessed by the great evil god will naturally be destroyed.

Gensusaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex Zack, Red Dragon, Darkness...

In other eras and worlds, there is an existence that is similar to the Great Evil God and is positioned as the final BOSS.

Facing these terrifying opponents and the evil god who has lost his "uniqueness", only God knows what will happen next...

"Oh, tears!!! You Ling, don't think that by doing this, you can live in peace!"

"To use the power of the Quantum Cube to transcend dimensions, you must first hyperdimensionalize your body and soul!"

"For ordinary people like you who have not prepared in advance, just relying on the energy existing in the dimensional rift is enough to tear your body and soul into pieces!"

For the first time, he felt the unknown fear of death. The Great Evil God, who was not supposed to know what fear was, felt the approaching fatal threat for the first time at this moment.

Unable to resist the current situation, he could only use verbal temptation to shake You Ling's mind.

Indeed, it is just as the evil god said.

Traveling through time and space across dimensions is a very heavy burden for an ordinary person, and the process cannot be guaranteed to be 100% safe.

In the process of time travel, if you encounter those weird time and space turbulences, you are likely to meet the tragic end of death.


What the Great Evil God Zoke doesn’t know is.

As a time traveler, You Ling is not a native of this world.

He was originally a time traveler, but he was actually a high-level "Prana", a "transcendent" existence similar to Xia Di.

Therefore, the current crazy behavior is just a brand new time travel for You Ling.

It's not the first time he's done this, and it won't be the last time.

"I don't need to worry about that."

"Don't worry, Zoke, I will defeat you completely and then return to this world safely. I want both of these goals!"

Only children do multiple choice questions.

Adults just choose to have them all.

He made such a confident declaration to the ferocious-looking evil god Zoke.

You Ling then twisted the valve of wheel D to the limit, and rushed into the space-time tunnel with the body of the Great Evil God Zoke, which was even tougher than years.


Even now, the Great Evil God, who has no intention of leaving this world, is still trying to resist.

At a place that You Ling failed to pay attention to, the Great Evil God quietly stretched out the dragon under his crotch and bit hard on the edge of the door of time and space, trying to use this method to temporarily fix his body at the entrance.

And next, the evil flames that will destroy the world will be sprayed out from the mouth of the big dragon, completely annihilating the time and space tunnel summoned by You Ling using the D wheel into dark dust. (End of chapter)

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