Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 50 Peacock Dance: I must start struggling immediately!

"... Ambush a card and the round ends."

After the battle phase was over, You Ling thought for a moment and then placed a card in his hand at the back of the duel plate.

Due to the negative effects caused by [True Red Eye Fusion], he can no longer perform summons or special summons during this round.

Therefore, after looking at the attack status of [Natural Wooddramon] (attack power: 2800) on the field, and the [True Red-eyed Black Blade Dragon] (attack (Strength: 3000) After that, You Ling waved his hand with an indifferent expression to end his turn.

At this time, look at the point where You Ling announces the end of the round.

Peacock Dance on the opposite side also waved her arms, activating the effect of the monster she had previously sent to the graveyard: "My expansion is not over yet... At the moment when you announce the end of the turn, I activate the [ [Harpy Harper]'s third effect, at the end of the turn when this card is sent to the graveyard, I can add a 4-level bird orc-type monster with an attack power of less than 1,500 from the deck to my hand."

"...Based on this effect, I chose to add the second [Harpy Perfumer] (Bird/Beast/Wind/4 stars/Attack: 1400/Defense: 1300) from the deck to my hand."

In the void, a melodious harp sound faintly sounded.

As the harp sounded, a monster card automatically flew out of the deck area of ​​the duel disk and came into Peacock Dance's hands.

[Harpy Harper] was sent to the graveyard due to the effect of [Harpy's Pet Dragon - Holy Flame].

This monster, which also has the effect of last words, now gives Peacock Dance the ability to search the deck once, adding an extremely critical card to her hand.

"...My turn, draw cards!"

Once again it was Peacock Dance's turn. She put her finger on top of the deck and pulled out a new card from the deck in a very elegant gesture.

Although her existing resources alone cannot cause any effective blow to You Ling, as a new round comes, and as new resources are added to her hand... the current situation will also be Change happened naturally.

"I summon [Harpy Perfumer] in my hand in attack position! And activate the effect of this monster!"

With that said, Peacock Dance placed a monster card in his hand on the front area of ​​the duel plate.

Following her movements, a feathered tribe perfumer, whose whole body exuded colorful light, waved his cyan wings, and came to Peacock Dance in the colorful light.

Staring at the mature woman floating quietly in front of him, he thought that the man in black robe opposite him might uncontrollably show a look of shock and eat the deflated peacock dance on You Ling, and he couldn't help but slowly He raised the corners of his mouth.

It's time to make up for the previous gaffe!

"...The effect of [Harpy Perfumer] is activated. When this card is Summoned or Special Summoned, I can add a magic or trap card with the name of [Three Harpy Sisters] from the deck. Add to hand.

And when there is a [Harpy] monster with a level of 5 or above on your field, the cards retrieved by this effect can be turned into two cards with different card names! "

Peacock Dance raised her arms and made a "Y" gesture in front of her body, which represented victory.

Looking at You Ling, who was silent on the other side, a rather confident smile appeared on Peacock Wu's face involuntarily.

Different from the previous situation, at this moment on Peacock Dance's field, in addition to the 4-star monster [Harpy Perfumer] she just summoned, there is also the 6-star monster equipped with [Electronic Tights]. ——[Three Harpy Sisters] (Attack: 2450).

Therefore, [Harpy Perfumer] at this time can further trigger its own effect, allowing Peacock Dance to retrieve up to two [Harpy] main magic and trap cards with different card names from the deck.

Continuously triggering the retrieval effect, Peacock Dance is trying to break the current predicament in this way!

"Based on the effect of [Harpy Perfumer], I added the two magic cards [Harpy-Phoenix Formation-] and [Harpy's Wing Rest] from the deck to my hand."

The indicator light of the duel disk flashed, and the two cards whose names were called by Peacock Dance were automatically ejected halfway.

Then, Peacock Dance stretched out her palm, pulled out the two magic cards, and let them draw a semicircular arc in front of her before adding them to her hand.

With the addition of these two new cards, the number of cards in Peacock Dance's hand has also increased from 0 in the previous round to 3 in one go!

"Another...accurate search?"

Seeing Peacock Wu's hard work in this desperate situation, even You Ling, who transformed into a ruthless card-playing machine, couldn't help but feel a little unexpected in his heart because of her series of actions.

In his original expectation, Peacock Wu, who had previously exhausted her resources, even if she passed the card drawing stage and added a card to the deck, You Ling did not think that she could rely on this card to come. Change the current situation.

But the reality is that Peacock Dance seems to have cheated, constantly activating monster effects, retrieving various cards from the deck, and replenishing his hand to three cards in one breath.

Peacock Wu's struggle at this time was indeed beyond You Ling's expectation to a certain extent.

But even so, even after seeing these operations of Peacock Dance, You Ling still didn't feel panic at all.

After all, Peacock Wu, who suffered a cultural loss, didn’t understand...

[Natural Wooddramon] The real horror!

"Next, I activate the effect of [Harpy Prophet] (Bird/Beast/Wind/4 Stars/Attack: 1300/Defense: 1400) in my hand. When I have a 5-star or above [Harpy Seer] on the field, 】Monster, this card can be Special Summoned from your hand."

"Similar to the previous [Harpy] monsters, when [Harpy Prophet] exists on the field or in the graveyard, the card name can also be used as [Harpy Girl]."

Showing the card he just drew in the direction of You Ling, Peacock Wu then placed it on the vacant area of ​​the duel disk.

Following her movements, a harpy girl with black feathers, holding a gorgeous blue crystal ball in her hands and tying her waist-length blue hair behind her head, also came to Peacock with the light of the monster summons. Dance in front of me.

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