Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 58 He is the person you should thank the most

"I accept your challenge! If I win...then...hehehehehe~~~~"

Because he had just defeated his opponent and won the victory, Cockcomb Head could not help but fall into a state of unprecedented confidence.

Confidence and arrogance spread in my heart, and I felt that "I am the best in the world, and you are all scum!". When I saw Peacock Wu's cock-combed head challenging me, I almost didn't even think about it. After the eyes lit up, Agree to her request for a duel.

Unlike those poker guys who are only interested in playing cards, cockscomb heads with average card skills still retain the instinctive male desire for physical aspects.

In the plan he spent more than ten seconds to come up with, when he won the rare card of the beautiful girl opposite him, he could use it as a threat to force her and himself to do such and such things.

Hey hey hey...

Beauty, do you want to get your card back?

Then... agree to my request!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

He showed a perverted expression that everyone understood. He licked his lips back and forth. While having unrealistic dreams in his mind, he also glanced up and down with his lustful eyes. Peacock dancing body.

And at this moment, as an inexplicable sense of déjà vu flashed through Cockscomb Head's eyes, he was also shocked to find that the figure of the woman in front of him seemed to overlap with a well-known duelist in his memory.

That iconic long golden hair and charming figure...

"Wait... you are... Kong... Peacock Dancer?!"

The long-standing memory revived from the depths of his mind, and he remembered the origin of the beautiful girl in front of him. His face suddenly changed, revealing an unabashed Sima face.

In his heart, an uncontrollable desire to pull out the screws and run away arose...

Are you kidding me? !

Opposite me is the famous LV7 duelist Peacock Wu! This duel... also requires a hammer!

What level am I at? I don’t know what I’m doing?

It's okay to beat up nameless passers-by, but how could I be the opponent of that peacock dance!

"Ah... well, I suddenly remembered that something happened at home... So let's forget about this duel? Let's just say goodbye..."

He quickly came to the conclusion of running away. He didn't want to be killed by the boss. After scratching his head and showing a smile that was uglier than crying, he tentatively took a few steps back.

Beauty is important, but you must also be blessed to enjoy it.

Obviously, Cockscomb Head, who was still a little worried in his heart, did not think that he would be the lucky person.

"...Ha, you want to run away, right? It's not up to you!"

Seeing that his opponent was planning to find an excuse to run away, Peacock Wu immediately poured out the words You Ling had just said to him towards the cockscomb head.

Feeling quite happy, Peacock Wu understood You Ling's feelings at this moment, and the corners of her mouth subconsciously curved in a happy arc.

The duel disk in her hand at this moment is already in an unfolded state.

Seeing the famous duelist Peacock Wu start the duel, the melon eaters who were very interested in this also gathered at this time after hearing the news, surrounded the two people, and blocked the cockscomb head's last escape route. .

Under this situation, no matter what, Cockscomb Head would not be able to stay out of this duel.


"Elegant Butterfly!!!"

Stop it! This isn't a real duel at all!

Ignoring the protest of Cockscomb Head who shed blood and tears, Peacock Dance just started the duel on its own.

Cockscomb Head, who was also roaring violently in his heart, finally had no choice but to give up his useless struggle and was forced to become a sandbag for Peacock Dance to vent his emotions...

So, after that.

Facing the duelist she was targeting, Peacock Wu vented all the negative emotions she had accumulated from You Ling on Cockscomb Head.

On the streets where people were coming and going, Cockscomb Head's tragic wails began to echo...

On the other side, while the peacock dances and hangs its cockscomb head.

He easily defeated the passerby duelist just now and took a small list of rare cards from his hand. While looking for his opponent, he accidentally met up with his good friend, the yellow-haired boy Jonouchi. .

At this moment, Jonouchi seemed to have emerged from the shadow of the rare card being robbed before. The surface of his body was exuding an endless stream of fighting will.

"Jounouchi, this is your card, your stolen [Red-Eyes Black Dragon]."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiaobiao ended his pleasantries with Jonouchi, took out the [True Red Eyes Black Dragon] that Yu Ling had given him earlier, and handed it to Jonouchi's eyes.

Since Jonouchi also participated in the Duel City Competition, he must also need his old friends to help him.

"Yi Yu, why do you have my card in your hand?"

Looking at the [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] that was taken out from the small watch, a look of astonishment suddenly flashed across Jonouchi's face: "Could it be that you helped me defeat that guy? That Gurus black robe who attacked me people!"

Just now, Jonouchi, who left the hospital, was still looking around for the "Gurus" member who attacked him that day, thinking about taking back his [True Red Eyes Black Dragon] from that guy's hands.

Since that guy plans to collect rare cards, then as long as he searches back and forth where the duelists gather, he will definitely be able to find traces of that guy!

With this idea in mind, Jonouchi walked back and forth through the streets and alleys of Doshino City with a pace that he didn't recognize his relatives.

In this way, he didn't meet the man in black robe who took away his card, but he saw his good friend Muto Yugi.

Not long after meeting Yugi, Jonouchi saw him take out the card he had been thinking about from his pocket and hand it to him.

Game...my good brother...you...

At this moment, feelings of surprise and astonishment surged into Jonouchi's heart. He couldn't help but lose the ability to think, and froze on the spot. He even forgot to take his rare card from Yugi's hand.

"No, that's not the case."

Blinking his eyes, Xiao Biao shook his head slightly.

To Jonouchi, who was in a state of emotion, he honestly explained the origin of this card: "I didn't win this card, but a duelist named Yu Ling asked me to hand it over before. For you."

"The person you should thank is not me, but him."

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