Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 94 The corpse is talking

As the insect feather moth finished speaking, the golden cocoon began to stir uncontrollably, switching back and forth between bulging and contracting states from time to time.

There seems to be something that wants to break through this cocoon wall and come to the outside world where the duel is going on at the moment.

After waiting for a while, the unburdened cocoon was finally cracked open.

A giant insect with a human upper body and a huge lower half, with various hideous and terrifying insect characteristics on its body. Its appearance is somewhat similar to the half-human monster of the Fire Spider BOSS in the first generation of "Dark Souls". It flaps the wings behind it. Four blue transparent wings broke out of the cocoon and flew to the front of the insect feather moth.

As for You Ling, only the remains left behind when she broke out of the cocoon were left.

Like the [Ultimate Horror] owned by Dinosaur Ryuzaki, Insect Feathermoth's ace monster is also an insect-type monster with the word "Ultimate" in its card name.

Although the attack power of this [Ultimate Mutated Insect Queen] is not as good as the [Ultimate Horror Beast], it has resistance and the effect of generating derivatives that the Ultra Horror Beast does not have.

Now that all the monsters on the field have been transformed into insects by [DNA Transformation Surgery], these insect-type monsters on the insect moth field will not be the targets of the opponent's effects, nor will they be destroyed by the effects.

Even if Yu Ling activates a non-targeted magic card - [Lightning Strike] against Insect Feather Moth's field, he cannot destroy his monster and can only waste this magic card in vain.

"Hee hee hee hee... [Ultimate Mutated Insect Queen], this is my ace monster! How about it? Its attack power surpasses your [Wind Traveler × Emperor], with a full 2800 Order it!"

"It's just 100 points higher. Do you need to make such a fuss?"

"Hehehe... 100 points is also high. Don't say that your monster has been liberated. Even if it comes back to life again, it will not be a match for my insect queen!"

After summoning his trump card monster, an unprecedented self-confidence was also generated in the heart of Insect Feather Moth at this moment, making him involuntarily cross his waist.

After some verbal exchanges with You Ling, who didn't seem to be in a hurry, the insect feather moth then looked at the animal in front of You Ling that was parasitized by the [Spiritual Parasite] and was under the effect of the trap card. , turned into the insect type [Thunderbird of Kasumi Valley], and the two cover cards that You Ling ambushed in the backcourt.

According to the effect of [Psychic Parasite], before the preparation phase of Yu Zero's turn, the Insect Feather Moth will recover health points equal to the normal attack power of the parasitized monster.

The two cover cards in the backcourt were obviously not covered just for the sake of looking good. They must have the meaning of their existence.

"[Thunderbird of Kasumi Valley] has my monster parasitizing it, and it can be used as a power bank... As for the two cards, if you don't know the specific ways, it's better not to act rashly. "

"After I get started with [Tornado], I'll make a long-term plan..."

The cautious and cunning insect Feather Moth was not in a hurry to launch an attack on Zero after the big monster was sacrificed and was at a disadvantage.

After rolling his eyes and thinking for a moment, the insect feather moth gave up its plan to attack and waved directly to end his turn: "I will not attack this round, so I will end my turn like this."

"Then, at the moment the round ends, I activate the effect of [Ultimate Mutated Insect Queen] on my field, and during the end phase of both parties, I will use an "Insect Monster Token" (Insect Type·Earth·1 Star· Attack/Defense 100) is specially summoned to the field. "

From the insect queen's huge tail like a queen ant, an egg-shaped derivative monster was born.

An insect monster that looked like a large ant emerged from the egg shell and squatted at the feet of the [Ultimate Mutated Insect Queen].

Needless to say, this monster with low attributes naturally appeared on the Insect Feather Moth's field in defense position.

The significance of its existence is that in addition to being a sacrifice for the liberation of superior monsters, it can also allow the [Ultimate Mutated Insect Queen] to trigger its own protective resistance.

"My turn, draw cards."

"Hehehehe... At this moment, according to the effect of [Psychic Parasite], I restore health points equal to half of the attack power of [Thunderbird of Kasumi Valley]!"

Spotting the moment when Yu Ling was drawing a card, the Insect Feather Moth waved his hand to activate the effect of the [Psychic Parasite] equipped on [Thunderbird of Kasumi Valley].

The insect feather moth, which held the duel disk showing its current health points across its chest and raised the corners of its mouth, said the above words in a show-off tone.

As his words rang out, the [Thunderbird of Kasumi Valley], which was used as a human power bank, also fed 550 health points, half of its own attack power, back to the insect feather moth.

(Insect Feather Moth LP: 1300→1850)

"Comfortable, so comfortable~~~The effect of restoring health points is simply a wonderful feeling that cannot be described in words!"

The Insect Feather Moth proudly opened its arms to show a hug, shook its head, and cast a provocative look in the direction of You Ling in a very mean tone.

"Comfortable? This feeling is reserved for the dead."

Smiling, You Ling cast a teasing look in the direction of the insect feather moth: "Is it possible that the person I am dueling with is not a person, but a corpse?"

"Am I talking to a corpse?"

"……You bastard!"

Insect Feather Moth was unable to make an accurate analysis of this opponent through naked eye observation of You Ling who covered his body and face, revealing only a pair of eyes and palms.

It was like a hard punch hitting soft cotton.

Facing such an opponent who showed no joy or sorrow and who could not see many emotional fluctuations, Insect Feather Moth, who was defeated by You Ling in a verbal spat, could not help but feel discouraged.

In Insect Feather Moth's thoughts, Yu Ling, who sacrificed his ace monster as a cauldron, would show extreme anger.

However, it was as if such a situation had been expected, whether Brother Diqi was liberated just now, he announced the end of the round without making any attack, or the monsters on the field became his power bank...

None of these things seemed to cause any unexpected reaction to the man in black robe in front of him.

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