The more you go, the more you will be in trouble.

"Don't touch him!"

Felina's will was on the verge of losing control, her face was twisted and hideous, her passionate roar shook the space, and the snakes were frightened away one after another.

Reptiles have a genetic awe of dinosaurs.

Melusin put away her smile, her pupils shrank slightly, and a glimmer of vigilance flashed across her.

Although she was still very immature.

But the human girl in front of her really exuded the breath of the dinosaur queen.

"The last gasp of a dying force." Melusin looked at the poisonous roots on the two people's bodies with an indifferent expression.

Humans are still so weak that they can't even withstand this little bit of poison.

"Felina..." [Bai] felt a familiar breath and tried his best to open his eyes.

The poison gas blurred his vision, but they were in harmony.

"Stand up..."

He gritted his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot, and he beat his swollen thighs frantically, trying to regain some consciousness.

"Stand up!"

"The duel is not over yet!"

There were shouts all around.

[Bai] gritted his teeth, sweat dripped from his forehead, and he supported himself with his hands, trembling violently and slowly supported his body, as if his body was pressed by a thousand pounds of weight.


A mouthful of poisonous blood rushed up his throat.

His shoulders were numb and he was exhausted.


The weak body supported in the air fell heavily and fell into a pool of blood.

His eyelids became particularly heavy, and the poison gas was still pouring into his nasal cavity. The world seemed to have lost its sound and was gradually moving away...

[Bai] was in shock and dying.


Before a person dies, his soul will linger in the world for five minutes.

In 1048, Luo Bai was leaning back in his chair, falling into a light sleep.

The half blank card that merged into his body emitted a dazzling light, and he frowned suddenly, sweating profusely. The purple-black poisonous roots spread from his chest to his limbs and head.


The second [Life and Death Exchange] suddenly began.

Time limit, five minutes.

In 568, the remains of the reptile monster.

The fallen body slowly stood up.

"Oh--" The onlookers burst into amazing cheers.

The moonlight shone down, illuminating the man's pale face. He stood among the ruins and the snakes, his eyes no longer confused and fearful. Felina, who was standing beside him, looked at this tall figure and was stunned for a moment.


She was a little uncertain. The boy in front of her was familiar and strange.

He seemed to have changed.

It seems, nothing has changed...

"Activate the effect of [Tremorite] in the graveyard." Luo Bai said indifferently, "When a Water monster on the field is destroyed by battle/effect, banish this card to activate, Special Summon one [Ice Water] monster in the hand/graveyard other than yourself."

Tremorite! Tremorite!

"Wake up!"

"[Ice Water Neonite]!"

Melusin showed a trace of fear. For some reason, this human boy became a little strange after standing up again. Just a little bit of eye contact, inexplicably felt a little scared.

"Main two." She said coldly.

"Cover two cards, end the turn."

Front: [Melusin], [Lamia], [Coatl], [Echidna]

Back: [Venomous Serpent's Grudge] +2

Hand: None

Blue side LP: 5500

"My turn." Luo Bai had empty hands, his fingertips placed on the top of the deck, and his eyes lit up.

Five minutes, only enough for one turn!

"Draw a card!"


[Sword Master-Junjun]

What is Li? (True Love POV)

"Prepare, the main thing."

"Open the face card, continuous trap-[Call of the Living Dead]."

"Special Summon [Sword Master-Moye]!"

"Moye..." Melusin had no information, hesitated for a while, and canceled the face card.

The sword light pierced the darkness.

[Sword Master-Moye] made a brilliant appearance.


"Moye effect, show your hand card [Chunjun], special summon a [Xiangjian Token]."

"[Xiangjian Token]?" Melusin frowned, "Chain [Melusin] effect, reduce [Moye]'s attack power to 0."

Luo Baiwu changed his expression and continued:

"There is a [Monster other than Effect Monster] on the field, banish [Tianwei Dragon-Pure Dragon] in the Graveyard to activate, and add [Tianwei Dragon-True Knowledge Dragon] to the banished zone."

Pure Dragon! (True Love Perspective)

("[Melusin] effect, reduce [Xuanyuan]'s attack power to 0.")

"Come back from another dimension!"

[Pure Dragon] is added to the hand.

"Normal Summon [Pure Dragon],

Then release [Pure Coil Dragon] to activate the effect of [Chunjun] in hand and Special Summon...”

Melusin was about to chain the effect of [Melusin] to reduce [Neonite] to 0 attack, but she remembered that taking [Neonite] as a target would trigger a monster pull. She was stunned for a moment and canceled the chain.

She silently said to herself that she should not take [Neonite] as a target easily.

At this moment, Luo Bai's hand cards were used up, and there were five monsters on the field.

"So, what do you want to do?" Melusin raised the corners of her mouth with a playful look.

She knew very well that from his shocked expression before, it could be seen that the human boy in front of her must not understand [those summoning methods].

"Hmph↗↘" Luo Bai smiled evilly.

The whole audience trembled, confused and cold.

Yimi and Melusin stared at him, trying to find the source of the disharmony.

Luo Bai's eyes shrank coldly, and he waved his hand and shouted: "I will adjust the stars of the level 4 [Xuanyuan] and the level 6 [Chunjun]! "

"What?!" Everyone was shocked, and Melusin's eyes widened. The amazing sword energy that burst out directly forced the entire group of snakes to retreat.

"Supreme sword energy."

"Suppress the evil spirits!"

"Synchronous summon! Swords come!"

"Level 10, [Grand Duke Xiangjian-Chengying]! ”

Get ready to catch monsters!

A figure gradually appeared in the vast sky, surrounded by clouds and mist, like a god descending from heaven. He carried a giant heavy sword on his back, with ancient runes engraved on the sword body, emitting a dazzling sword light.

When [Chengying] sank his feet to the ground, an invisible force emanated from his body, shaking the surrounding air, and the swarm of venomous snakes suddenly fell silent and retreated.

“Okay...” Xiang Jianmei was stunned when she saw the figure of this Ka Ling, covering her lips with both hands, with endless longing in her eyes. She wanted to scream loudly, but she suppressed her inner excitement out of restraint.

Finally, she weakly said: “ Ka...”

“Fuck!” The others exclaimed, looking extremely vulgar.

Yimi was stunned and said: “Oh oh——”

She looked at the duel boy, her eyebrows and eyes full of doubt: “The BOSS has a second level, you too? Huh? ”

Have you been pretending before?

Or you can’t play unless you have low health?

“【Chengying】...” Melusin muttered to herself, her eyes full of fear.

“Activate the effect of 【Chunjun】!” Luo Bai said solemnly, “When this card is sent to the graveyard as a synchro material, you can choose to exclude a card on the field/graveyard...”

“Disappear, 【Chunjun】!”

“Don’t even think about it!” Melusin said fiercely, “Chain 【Chunying】’s effect, reduce 【Chengying】’s attack power to 0, and then open the face card 【Designator of the Grave】”

“Invalidate and exclude 【Chunjun】! "

A dark green arm tore through the void, strangled [Chunjun] by the throat, and dragged him into another dimension.

[Melushin] flew forward, tightly wrapped [Chengying] around, bared his fangs, bit his neck, and injected venom.

Afterwards... satisfied, licked his red lips lightly.

"Don't underestimate my intelligence network~~" Melusin blinked at Luo Bai, smiled sweetly, and her beautiful face was stained with a touch of blush, charming everyone.

The onlookers were stunned, and inexplicably had the urge to surrender to the enemy.

"Just a snake demon."

"Want to mess with my practice?"


Luo Bai was unmoved, and said coldly: "[Chengying] effect."

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