The more you play, the more you will be able to play.

Biantan people, don't like cockroaches?

"Ah... The effect of [G of Proliferation] is, every time you special summon this turn, I draw a card."

Such a duel sitting across the table is called a sparring mode in Biantana, and a real card duel on Earth.

In this mode, the introduction effect does not need to be too professional, as long as the opponent duelist can understand it, the smart referee will make a judgment based on the actual actions of the players.

Generally, there will be no external electric shock device, so the game will be relatively easy.

"Oh~ That's pretty average, one for one." Melonika nodded indifferently.

"You call this normal..."

Luo Bai had a lot to say, but the opponent was probably a new player, so he didn't elaborate.

Back to the duel, the effect is processed.

[Vampire's Familiar] Graveyard Special Summon, Defense Position, Luo Bai draws one.

After drawing the card, out of unconscious habit, he held five cards in his left hand, and gently pushed the cards forward with his right thumb, swiping the four cards behind in turn.

There was a rustling sound of swiping cards.

A mental attack method exclusively used by real card duel players.

No one would play real cards without some small movements.

Melonika frowned, obviously under mental attack, and her voice was a little impetuous: "I pay 500 basic points to activate the effect of [Vampire's Familiar], and retrieve a [Vampire] Magic Trap Card from the deck."

After paying 500 virtual basic points, Melonika seemed to have awakened some attributes, and a blush appeared on her face.

"I'll add [Vampire Relocation] to my hand."

"Cover two cards, my turn ends, it's your turn."

? ? ?

Luo Bai's card-swiping action suddenly stopped, as if he had traveled back in time more than a decade ago, dumbfounded.

That's it?

Compromise with G?

It feels weird.

"Too weak, this is a deck."

Zero wins.

Oh my god, what era is this duel from.

Luo Bai sighed secretly, he didn't play Vampire much, he just watched the clerk play, but he had never seen a field.

New routine?

If it wasn't for the special compromise with G, the field that was passed with one special summon, [G of Proliferation] really had a mediocre effect.

Melonika saw Luo Bai's stunned look, and she was secretly happy, thinking: "Are you stupid? This is a deck you haven't seen before, huh."

Forget it, play normally.

Luo Bai couldn't think of any deterrent power in this field, and said emotionlessly:

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Get ready, main."

"Summon [Dinomorph Mad Dragon. Scythe Dragon], activate the effect, and put a family trap from the deck on the field. Is there anything wrong?"

No mini projection was erected.

It was also natural, this was just an ordinary card.

But since he took the card, Melonika's eyes widened as if she had seen a ghost.

It seems to be a big deal?

The previous [Proliferated G] was sent directly to the graveyard without a three-dimensional projection, so she didn't find it strange.

But why did this [Dinomorph Mad Dragon. Scythe Dragon]...

"Profane card..." Melonika murmured in a low voice with her eyes blank.

It is very simple to judge a profane card. When a general card is put into the smart card pad, the smart referee will issue a [illegal card] prompt sound, and a normal magic card will raise a mini projection.

There was no projection, nor any warning of violation.

It could only be the [blasphemous card] that her grandmother had mentioned to her.

A thousand years ago, the God Star Tree descended on Biantana and brought Yina to the planet. The consciousness of the God Star Tree was called the true god [Sayeira].

Yina would record the [story] of a time and space region and condense it into a [holy stone tablet]. On the holy stone tablet was the core element [texture] of making magic cards.

Among the four elements of making magic cards [blank cards], [element beads], [Yina], and [textures], blank cards and element beads can be bought in many places, and each Yina has a tube.

If you want to make [synchronous], [excess], and [link] cards, you need an additional environment called [field].

Regardless of whether the [field] is available or not, only the texture is very expensive.

The more than 8,000 holy stone tablets discovered by Bian Tana are basically monopolized by [Companies], [Organizations], [Centers], [World Exchanges], and [Anti-Beast Fronts]. In simple terms, they are equivalent to the [Copyright] and [Patents] of the Earth.

If others want to make magic cards, they have to go to the corresponding forces to pay the expensive pattern fees, and then they have to clear the memory related to the pattern graphics.

Affected by this monopoly, a group called [Desecrators] was born eight hundred years ago. They printed [patterns] on cards and sold them to civilians at very low prices, committed to making magic cards affordable for civilians.

Obviously, this is an act of blasphemy. How can noble patterns be printed on cards!

Magic card masters should be noble!

[Desecrators] naturally suffered a joint encirclement and suppression by the five major forces, and were later renamed [Evil God Cultists]. They were on the verge of extinction for nearly two hundred years, and [blasphemous card] became a sensitive word in Bian Tana.

[Desecrators]/[Evil God Cultists] gradually disappeared in history, and no one dared to mention them again.

"Hey, are you okay? Uh, I mean, is there a chain?" Luo Bai waved his hand in front of Melonika.

She seemed to be in a daze.

Do you want to throw a hand pit, is there a cover?

"No, it's okay." Melonika tried her best to stabilize her breathing.

Absolutely right, it is a blasphemous card.

This store manager is difficult, is he a follower of the evil god?

No, no, no, it feels more like the evil god himself...

She swallowed her throat, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

"The effect is handled." Luo Bai said nonchalantly, "Gap [Dragon Frenzy]."

"Advanced to the battle stage."

"The sickle dragon attacks the vampire's followers."

No chain, except for the vampire's followers in defense position after being broken in battle.

"Main 2, Gap 4, end of turn."

《Gap 4》



Gap 4's action was too smooth, and at the end of the stage, Melonica didn't react for a while.

"You don't move the place?" Luo Bai kindly reminded her to cover the card.

"Ah?" Melonika was stunned for a moment, then recovered and said, "Oh, oh, in your end phase, I activate [Vampire Transfer], activate the field magic [Vampire Empire] from the deck and special summon [Vampire Familiar] from the graveyard."

"Familiar effect, pay 500 basic points, and search the deck for [Vampire Grace]."

Melonika: 2 front, 1 back, 3 hands, 1 field, LP3000.

Luo Bai: 1 front, 5 back, 1 hand, LP: 4000.

"It's your turn." Luo Bai saw that she didn't move, and reminded her again.

"Oh, oh, okay." Melonika trembled and reached her hand to the deck area.

"It's my turn, draw a card."

"Activate the Minotaur effect, stack familiars, discard the Vampire Empire in your hand to activate the Graveyard Familiar effect, and Special Summon from the Graveyard."

"Pay 500 basic points, activate the familiar effect, and search the deck for [Vampire Siren]."

LP: 3000-2500.

"Sacrifice the familiar and Advanced Summon [Vampire Grace]."


Luo Bai interrupted and said, "Wait a minute, chain it."

This won't allow her to activate Grace's effect.

"I pay half of the basic points, activate the trap [Dreadnaught Dragon Rage], and send the materials from the deck/extra deck to the grave for a fusion summon. Is there a chain?"

"Deck fusion?" Melonica panicked, her lips and teeth trembling.

"No, no chain."

Ever since she suspected the identity of this ghost store manager, she has been in a subtle tension. It seems that she can't afford to lose this game.

My grandmother told me that the followers of the evil god are all perverts...

This and that...

But the deck sends grave materials for fusion summons?

I have never heard of it before. How can you play it like this!

Melonica is constrained by her family, and her vision is not as high as Chen Xinxin's.

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