The more you go, the more you will be.


[How can I protect you, little idiot...]

A desperate and bitter laugh came from my mind.

In the past, I had to rely on my sister to dodge the pursuit of [God's followers], but this time it was a bit too much, attracting [Death Prison] and even the [Kusha Wrath Tribe], I'm afraid I can't get away.

Yilan didn't reply, but looked up at the pursuit army and said in a deep voice: "Everyone... go back."

"Go back?" [The Vicious Drama] sneered.

The pursuit army was about to say something harsh, but the moment they met Yilan's gaze, their hearts trembled.

It was a very strange look.

If Yimi was joking, Luobai was disappointed, and Xiasheng was murderous, then Yilan was compassionate.

She was surrounded by hundreds of elites, but her eyes showed sympathy.

It seemed that it was not her who was surrounded, but the army of pursuers.

"The high priest has ordered." The leader of the [God's followers] suppressed the trembling in his heart and said coldly, "Even if we have to use force, we have to tie you back!"

"Sorry, Saint!"


The holy white robe shattered, and deep and majestic power began to surge in his body.

The body began to change, and it seemed that some kind of creature was crawling under the skin, hard scales broke out of the skin, arms swelled, muscle fibers grew wildly, fingers extended and deformed, and sharp claws flashed cold light.


The spine bent, forming a graceful arc, the head was elongated, the nose was high, and the eyes became narrow and sharp. Those were the eyes of a dragon.

A pair of huge wings stretched out from his back, he raised his head and let out a deafening roar, that was the roar of a dragon.

"Hahaha!" [Xianju] laughed loudly and opened his arms to the sky.

The sky suddenly wove a red net, wrapping the entire forest tightly.

"You can't escape!"

The army swarmed up.

[Run to the northwest, there is a gap! ]

Yilan's mind rang with an urgent call, but she stayed where she was, motionless, the breeze blew up her snow-white hair, her expression was surprisingly calm, and there was no trace of fear.

"Sister, I don't want to escape..."

"I like it here, the menu of the magic chef sister is great..."


The voice in my mind was speechless for a while.

Yilan acted too calm, the leader of the gods and [Xianju] frowned, and a strange sense of crisis rose in their hearts.

"Hurry up!"

[Xianju] couldn't help shouting.

"We can't delay any longer, some monster is coming!"

In the depths of the two's calm pupils, a sharp light emerged, like a sharp sword tip breaking out of the sheath, and the figure suddenly flashed forward.

The next moment.


A pair of huge dragon claws smashed the two into the ground and held them down.


The two let out a sharp wail, feeling their entire internal organs torn apart, and vomited a ball of blood.


The army of the gods heard the loud noise and turned back suddenly, only to see the leader being held down by a huge dragon claw.

A deep roar accompanied by hot breath came from high in the sky.

"This is..."

The seriously injured [Xianju] and the gods slowly raised their heads, their faces suddenly turned pale, and their breathing trembled.

[Blue-Eyed Tyrant Dragon] (Epic Level)

The blue eyes flashed with coldness and arrogance, its body was as majestic as a mountain, its wings spread out to cover the sky, and its scales shone with cold light in the sun.


A strong dragon roar came from the sky, and the followers of the gods quickly covered their ears. Their entire brains seemed to be shattered. They trembled in fear and despair, unable to resist this terrifying power from ancient times.

"Catch the Saint!"

The leader of the gods was lying on the ground, his head bleeding, and he roared ferociously.

[The Violent Drama] gritted his teeth and crawled on the ground, stretched out his hand from the claws of [Blue-Eyed Tyrant Dragon], and with a clenched hand, thousands of [The Tragedy of Death Prison Village Actors] and [The Comedy of Death Prison Village] tore through the void and came to the call.

The Tragedy of Death Prison Village Actors

"Catch her..."

His injuries were obviously more serious than those of the leader of the gods, and he could only make a dull groan.

The coalition army ignored [Blue-Eyed Tyrant Dragon], made various strange noises, and rushed towards Yilan in unison.

At this moment.

Yilan closed his eyes tightly and put his hands together.

The golden [Stigma] appeared on his forehead.

A cold spell rang out in the air.

"Dragon... Dragon Spirit Spell..." Someone in the crowd of followers started to tremble first, and then people kept hitting their heads in pain and collapsed on the ground.

The ground.

The army of [Death Prison Township] was not affected and continued to charge forward.


The ground suddenly shook violently, and the army of [Death Prison Township] staggered.

"I don't want to go back."

"Leave here, you can't beat me."

Yilan said with compassion. If possible, she didn't want to hurt others, nor did she want to go back to [Unbounded Domain-Dragon Spirit Temple]. Playing in the water, listening to dragons, and watching the moonlight were not fun.

No one to chat, and nothing to eat.

It's rare... to catch a [sister].

"Catch her!" The leader of the gods and [murder drama] shouted in unison. The two did not listen to the advice, as if they had completely lost their minds, and only orders were left in their minds.

The death order was issued.

Ordinary gods collectively took out a bottle of ancient dragon blood, crushed it, and smeared it on their faces. They turned into dragons, ran away, and made hoarse roars, as ferocious as a group of biochemical zombies.

Human-shaped crazy dragons danced wildly and rushed over.

Yilan smiled bitterly, her expression calm, as if she was not surprised by this scene.

She carefully pulled open the pale blue ribbon tied around her neck, and her delicate movements contained unspeakable sadness. The ribbon slipped from her neck, bringing a breeze.

Her galaxy-like silver hair was gently lifted up, her fingers shuttled through her hair, and the melodious ponytail gradually took shape, like a beautiful melody.

[Soul Fusion]


In the jungle, the earthquake became more and more intense, the birds and beasts were scared away, and the air was faintly mixed with the roar of dragons.

The resonance of blood made the army of gods stop and look around vigilantly. The golden pupils became more and more wide, mixed with a faint red light.


Thousands of summoning arrays suddenly appeared in the void, surrounding the entire coalition army, no, the entire Sky Island.

Countless huge figures descended from the summoning array.

[Blue-Eyes White Dragon]

[Blue-Eyes Sub-White Dragon]

[Blue-Eyes Silver Dragon]

[Stardust Dragon]

[Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon]

[Holy Carved Dragon - Nine Dragons]

[Front-Holding Gun Barrel Dragon]

[Guardian Dragon Pisti]

Guardian Dragon Pisti

[Guardian Dragon Elpi]

Guardian Dragon Elpi


[Soul Fusion Success]

Between the two [Guardian Dragons], Yilan lightly jumped and stood on the back of the [Blue-Eyes Silver Dragon]. She slowly opened her eyes, emitting a clear and deep blue light.

In the horrified gaze of the pursuit army.

[Blue-Eyes Silver Dragon] roared to the sky, and the red light in the sky sprinkled down like a blaze. Under the halo, thousands of giant dragons surrounded the [Blue-Eyes Silver Dragon], forming a spectacular dragon formation.

Against the backdrop of the golden shield, the roar of the dragon group shook the earth.

On the dragon's back, Yilan held the sword of the [Siren Mermaid] in his hand, pointing it at the ant-like crowd below, and with a confident smile, he uttered two cold voices.

"You want to catch me?"

[You want to catch me? ]

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