The matter of the new talent and guardian spirit came to an end for the time being.

Now a very serious problem lies before Luo Bai.

After deciding to go to the dungeon, a transition deck must be prepared.

[Water Machine] is in the limelight now, so it is not very useful. His self-protection ability is not too strong. If he attracts too much attention, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

After all, a man is innocent, but he is guilty of possessing a treasure.

"Tsk, what deck can be made in one night?"

Luo Bai's mind flashed through the long and glorious history of Yu-Gi-Oh.

The new talent is [Nothingness]. In order to prevent accidental injury to himself or friendly forces, the new deck must have a certain self-injury ability. With his current efficiency, he can only make a dozen cards in one night, not counting epic cards.

There can't be too many extraordinary cards, after all, it's just a transition.

"The axis is not big, it can sell blood, it's cheap, and it can be played without extra..."

Luo Bai didn't have any inspiration for a while, so he squatted down and looked for the card box at the store manager's counter.

"【Rescue ACE Team】...【Pure Love Fairy】...【Flame King】...【Brand】...【Silver City】..."

There are countless powerful card groups.

The suitable card group can't be found.

After a long and fruitless search, Luo Bai stood up slowly with a distressed look, stepped onto the wooden stairs, and walked to the second floor, ready to look for some uncommon card boxes.

The hall on the second floor was dim and dead silent, and the footsteps were clearly audible, as if it was a corner forgotten by time, quiet and secretive. There were two independent rooms at both ends of the hall, and no third person had ever come up.

The moment the door opened, under the bright light, a series of high-definition posters jumped into the eyes like a three-dimensional scroll, with its bright colors and delicate depiction, tightly grasping Luo Bai's eyes.

There are also various card mats, sheets, pillows, and figures that everyone knows...

[Siren Mermaid]

[Sky Striker - Zero Clothes]

[Magician of the Universe]

[Six Flower Saint - Teardrop Bouquet Snowdrop]

Six Flower Saint - Teardrop Bouquet Snowdrop

[Dinomorph - Spike Dragon Queen]


A sacred place that cannot be desecrated.

If anyone who is not a card player comes in, he will die twice.

Luo Bai recovered from the beautiful intoxication, adjusted his breathing slightly, walked to the bed and squatted down. With a slight friction sound, he dragged the dusty flat cardboard box out from under the bed.

The dust on the cardboard box danced under the light, like a story forgotten by time.


He coughed lightly, waved his hand to blow away the dust in the air, and searched for the card boxes one by one.

"【Technology】...【Star Saint】...【Spirit Beast】...【Sen Luo】...【Dragon Cavalry】..."

Luo Bai was deeply immersed in the ocean of Yu-Gi-Oh card decks accumulated over the past few decades, and was confused. Each card deck represents a world and a legend.

Just as he was hesitant.

【Thump! 】

A clear and strong heartbeat suddenly exploded in his mind, and the sound was like a huge bell, shaking the depths of his soul.


Luo Bai was frightened and almost jumped up. His eyes widened instantly, and his heart was pulled to his throat by an invisible force.

"It's so late at night, are you playing so wild?"

He muttered to himself, looking around blankly, the empty room, the piles of card boxes, the posters on the four walls, and other than that, no ghosts.

Everything seemed normal, there were no eerie ghosts, and no strange phenomena.


He said as he tried to use reason to convince himself and calm himself down.

Just as this thought was forming in his mind, he heard a loud bang, and the strong heartbeat like a drumbeat exploded again in the depths of his consciousness.

This time, the sound was clear and real, like a nightmare in the middle of the night, completely breaking the tranquility of the night.

"Hiss... I fucking..."

Luo Bai took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"Calm down..."

In the store, the [store manager] has absolute control and there is no need to be afraid of any monsters.

Luo Bai paced restlessly in the spacious and slightly quiet room, like an explorer looking for a glimmer of light in the dark, his fingers gently sliding over the edge of the bookshelf and brushing over the folds of the curtains.

"Not in my room?"

After a meticulous search, Luo Bai's mood gradually changed from nervousness to astonishment. When his footsteps stopped in front of the closed door, the heartbeat that was originally stirring in his mind suddenly became

Clear and vivid.

The heartbeat did not come from the room, but from outside the door!

At this moment, Luo Bai stood outside the room, holding the door handle tightly in his hand, his back straight, his eyes staring at the other end of the hall, his eyes intertwined with vigilance and strange emotions.

"This heartbeat... actually came from the old man's room?!"

Luo Bai was secretly suspicious, and a chill quietly climbed along his spine. Seven years ago, the old store manager passed away suddenly, and the space that carried countless memories was sealed up and became a forbidden place that no one touched.

The heartbeat seemed particularly abrupt and strong in this quiet night, like an ancient call from the abyss.


Teacher Tony's weird roar suddenly came from downstairs.

But it didn't rush upstairs.

The weird cat cry continued to echo in the dead silent card shop.

Incomprehensible emotions.

Luo Bai frowned, and an inexplicable sense of disobedience surged in his heart. He had never heard such a hoarse cry from a fat cat.

"What on earth is this..."

He muttered in his heart and moved to the other end of the hall.

Less than ten meters away.

It felt like walking for hundreds of years.


Luo Bai slowly pushed open the door of the old store manager's room.

Seven years have passed, and the layout of the room is still as simple as before, but it is covered with a layer of traces of time and desolateness of no one living. The air is filled with a faint smell of mold and dust, which is both strange and familiar.

The old store manager's room is extremely simple, not as fancy as his.

A bed, a cabinet, and a wooden table.

The duel disk model leaned against the head of the bed, covered with dust, and it was unknown how many years it had been dead.

[Thump! ]

The heartbeat in his mind was unprecedentedly strong.

The source of the sound was that counter!

Luo Bai walked forward cautiously, lifted the red cloth covering the counter, and his heartbeat became more and more rapid.

It was like... a reunion with an old friend.

Excited, proud, and surging.

He swallowed his throat and slowly opened the cabinet door with both hands, preparing himself to see a ghost.

"Hua La——"

None of the weird events he imagined happened. The scene in front of him made Luo Bai slightly stunned.

There was no heart, no demons or monsters in the dim cabinet, just seven decks lying quietly.

[The Other Shore].


[Eternal Fire].

[Sea Pirate].

[Dark Realm].

[Cursed Eye].

[Hellfire Machine].

All of them are demons.

When Luo Bai's fingertips gently brushed across the deck, a strong energy wave surged out, like an electric current rushing up his arm. His fingertips trembled slightly, and the dormant memory was awakened.

The moonlight outside the store sprinkled on the cards in his hand through the window, reflecting the exquisite patterns.

[Cursed Eye of the Dead Apostle Sariel].

Cursed Eyes Dead Apostle Sariel



Struggle Progress: 4/30

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