The last surviving brown-clothed man died.

"Ah--don't die yet!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

Hongye wailed heartbreakingly, her voice full of irreparable grief and regret. She shook the brown-clothed man's body desperately, trying to wake up the eternally sleeping soul, tears rolling down like broken pearls.

She cried, shook, and searched the body, touching it randomly without any taboos.


Hongye's hand suddenly touched a strange hard object, and her eyes instantly became sharp, like an owl in the dark night catching its prey, with surprise and expectation written on her face.

There were two things she took out.

A supercomputer ring information modifier can help them enter the Bianyuelong underground city.

However, the various source icons on the modifier have been torn off, leaving only a thin layer of adhesive.

Another thing is - cigarettes!

"Good stuff!"

After the new generation, cigarettes are gradually replaced by pulse vibrators because they are harmful to the human body.

However, there are still a small group of people who, with nostalgia and respect for the past, are obsessed with pursuing the unique charm and long history of old-brand cigarettes.



After bowing to the corpse, he put the corpse under his buttocks.

VIP soft seat, not bad.

She sat on the corpse, took out a lighter very skillfully, and lit one.

The lingering smoke rose in the dim air of the underground city, and his eyes flashed a different light, as if he was finally relieved after constipation for a long time.


She was very fascinated by this simple and light-warm feeling.

As she puffed out smoke, her body underwent tremendous changes.

Her Adam's apple slowly disappeared, her chest collapsed, the soft curves unique to women gradually became inward, turning into a solid sense of strength, the ups and downs under her clothes gradually became flatter, and her bones and muscles were quietly reconstructed.

Her shoulders became broad, and her soft facial contours gradually became clear and sharp.

It was Nanyang Ling, who Luo Bai had [rescued] in the grove before.


There was a vibration from her wrist, which was a special message.

"What's the way? General."

Nanyang Ling exhaled a puff of smoke, raised her wrist to her throat, and said casually.

[Why did you go to the underground city again! ]

A low scolding came from the other end of the communication.

[I sent you to the academy so that you can learn orthodox things]

"General, you are prejudiced."

"Everyone here in the underground city is talented and speaks well, so why is it unorthodox."

He flicked the ash in his hand and said.

[Can you learn something good! 】

The voice on the other end of the communication became a little excited.

Nanyang Ling's face darkened and said: "Is this the order of the general or the concern of the elder brother?"

"Let's talk about the matter directly."

"The general is a busy man, so he won't take time to educate me."

[Received intelligence that the fortress has infiltrated...]

"We have dealt with a group of them."

Before the other party finished speaking, Nanyang Ling spoke first.

"The other side tore off the mark."

As he spoke, he tore off the mask of the man under his buttocks and took a rough look.

"Looking at the facial features and scars, it should be the Western Fortress, Tazna, this is the one who has a grudge against us."

[Did they infiltrate the underground city...]

"Is the general still alive?"

Nanyang Ling then said casually: "Their cigarettes are not bad."


The person on the other end wanted to curse something, but stopped talking and asked in a different voice.

[What happened to the person I asked you to investigate last time? 】

"Speaking of this, I..." Nanyang Ling raised his eyebrows, his face became extremely complicated and distorted, and he sighed.

"I pretended to be dead in the grove, I buried the trap, and waited for the fish to take the bait."

"My fucking acting skills are top-notch!"

"The result!"

"Who would have thought! A fool ran out! He carried me back to the infirmary..."

The person on the other end of the communication couldn't help coughing, and then turned back to a serious voice.

[The beast tide is coming]

[Research Center Report... The configuration of the summoning machine is too high, and your affinity is not enough...]

The air became a little silent.

Nanyang Ling frowned, and smiled again and said: "If you can't install it, you can't install it."

"I don't care!"

"What else, General."

[Don't go home often recently]

The short but heavy words condensed into invisible ice in the air.

Nanyang Ling's calm state of mind like the lake suddenly stirred up waves

Lan, like a sharp sword, pierced deep into his heart, and for the first time, he could not hide his emotional fluctuations.

[Mom... is in good health...]

At this point, the other party seemed to be hesitant to speak, and finally slowly uttered a sentence.

[The dead should look like a dead person]

"The dead... should look like a dead person..."

Nanyang Ling suddenly widened his eyes, and this sentence kept echoing in his mind.

Yes, he remembered that he had [died] ten years ago.

How can a dead person always come home.

It's scary for a dead person to come home... It's not good to scare the mother, she also has asthma...

The second child of a woman from Biantana will definitely be in trouble. The mother will have a difficult delivery or a root of disease, and the child will definitely be deformed and prone to premature death.

"Got it."

Nanyang Ling said in a deep voice, and put out the cigarette in his hand.

I'm in a bad mood.

Without waiting for the [order], I hung up the call in violation of the rules.

According to the "Fortress Frontline Management Regulations", if an agent hangs up the communication with his superior on his own, he will be recorded as a "warning".

Nanyang Ling stepped on the unfinished cigarette on the ground and put on the veil again.

Changes occurred in various parts of the body, the Adam's apple disappeared, the chest was straightened, and the skin became tender and smooth...

Red leaf time.

It's time to go back.


Seven hours later.

The night has enveloped the prosperous city. Many residents on the ground have been tired all day and have come to the underground city to "have some fun", and the atmosphere has suddenly become more lively.


Luo Bai sat on the old wooden chair in the tavern like a deflated ball, and let out a long sigh that could shatter the night sky and was full of endless fatigue and frustration.

"It's a bit difficult."

"Otherwise, do you really think that twelve grams is easy to deal with." Yi Lan stepped forward and handed over a bottle of water, "Here, if you don't drink, drink some water."

"How much is left?" Luo Bai took the water and asked.

"The net income is now 9.84 grams." Yi Lan replied calmly and accurately, "You are still 2.16 grams away from your minimum goal."

Luo Bai looked at the time, his expression a little solemn.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

After winning all the time, after becoming famous, the betting collection is getting lower and lower.

No one dares to bet with him.

Bet a little bigger, the supervisor won't accept it!

Subsequent opponents are too weak.

I thought Qin Hua was just the beginning, but I didn't expect it to be the peak of this area.

The odds plummeted from 3.4 at the beginning to 0.2 now.

Even before the duel started, the opponent was completely weak and bored.

What can I do?

There is still one hour to open the store to draw cards, but what can I draw from 98 packs, [Source]?


Struggle progress: 15/30

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