The more you know about the situation, the more you will be in trouble.

Women are really dangerous.

Luo Bai shook his head and said, "What should we do next? [Spiritual Communication] is about to be disconnected."

The [fireflies] in the palm of his hand are gradually moving away and dispersing.

If they are not sealed, they will [dissipate] and have to sense the energy again.

There is not much time for [sealing].

"Ah?" Melonika was stunned for a moment, and it seemed that she finally remembered that she was teaching people to make cards.

"Yes, yes, yes."

"It's time to seal. I... I'll draw the pattern."

She said hesitantly, a little absent-mindedly.

The essence of sealing is to [contract] a specific card spirit by drawing the pattern and seal it in a blank card for temporary storage.

Sealing is a relatively long process, which requires continuous injection of Yina.

After saying that, she grabbed Luo Bai's hand again.

This time it felt even more awkward, and the touch was more like an electric shock, very stiff and easy to touch.

"Is my hand poisonous?"

Luo Bai complained: "Can you hold it tighter?"

He had already completed the Qi sensing process, and his fingers could not leave the blank card during the process. If he left for a few seconds, the spiritual connection would be disconnected, and he would have to start over.

But it's better to disconnect now.

I'm afraid that if the seal is disconnected or the pattern is drawn incorrectly during the sealing, it may not only cause [Texture Distortion] +1, but in serious cases it will also destroy the blank card, waste elemental beads, or the contract chaos will backfire on itself.

It is very necessary to concentrate during the [Sealing].

But now it's two people doing it together...

Melonika grabbed his palm timidly, her face was indescribably weird.

"What are you doing!"

Luo Bai got angry and grabbed her hand with his backhand, which frightened her and made her body tremble and tense.

She took a deep breath and her heart and lungs stopped suddenly.

He didn't care about her physiological reaction. He kept the spiritual state and pressed her fingers on the blank card after touching her randomly.

"Let me draw it."

Luo Bai put the backup pattern in front of him and said.

"I can't stand you, you are so slow in drawing a pattern."

He said it with full momentum, and it was actually his first time.

But anyway, he didn't provide the materials, so he didn't feel bad if it was ruined.

It's easy to talk without feeling any pain!

Luo Bai saw that she lowered her head and didn't respond, so he took it as a default agreement.

He began to hold her fingers and followed the pattern pattern, like flirting, and moved down little by little...

It was really troublesome to hold someone's hand to draw a pattern. It was very unstable. Sometimes he wanted to draw the right side first, but her fingers would withdraw to the left from time to time.

"Don't move."

Luo Bai scolded, and his left hand suddenly hugged her waist.

It was really tiring to keep my left hand in the air. It was more convenient to draw patterns when I hugged her.


Melonica shuddered, straightened her body, and instinctively wanted to break free, but she was limp and hot, and couldn't use any strength.

The magic card master broke away from the magic card.

It was easy to be this way or that.

Her body was getting hotter and hotter, her breathing became more and more rapid, and the hot breath she exhaled was covered with a layer of mist.

A blush hung on her face, and a charming atmosphere spread, just when the two were about to "merge" together.

The input of the Yina was interrupted.

Luo Bai's Yina was empty.



He was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered...

He was just a 400-point Yina beginner.

400 points, not even one ten-thousandth of the seal of the epic [True Blood Prince. Vampire].

"Why so fast?" Melonika frowned and looked at him with some disappointment.

It was as if a wife was complaining about her husband.

"Your dosage is so small."

The lines had not even lit up one ten-thousandth of the time, and they had just started to show signs of it.

She said he was fast?

And the dosage was small?

Can you tolerate this?


Luo Bai's eyes widened, his face twisted, his mouth slightly opened, as if he wanted to say something, but was suppressed by some kind of weakness.

It seems that he can't get hard anymore...


The program said that the [Store Manager] has absolute control over this place!

In other words...

Can the Yi Na floating outside this entire Unknown Realm - [Rebirth Store] also be called upon by him?

Try it!

Seeing Melonika trying to break free from his palm with a look of disappointment, Luo Bai immediately pressed it back.

This action frightened her again, causing her whole body to twitch and twist uncontrollably, with a little red on her face, like a drunken white snake.

Psychic Luo Bai discovered this just now.

This [True Blood Male. Vampire] is not the same as what is said on the Internet.

I always feel that

The spirit is too strong.

If you don't listen to him, you must press Melonika's hand to communicate with the spirit.

"Don't move!"

Luo Bai shouted coldly.

Melonika suddenly stopped her awkward movements and let him do whatever he wanted.

The posture and position were extremely ambiguous.

But at this moment, he didn't have any bad thoughts.

His attention reached an unprecedented concentration, and his breathing gradually stabilized.

He closed his eyes, and the pattern was already memorized in his mind.

He held her fingers and slowly moved them on the blank card.

His body felt the Yin Na floating in this space, and swallowed it bit by bit with his breath...

Gathering the power of heaven and earth.

The pattern of the blank card lit up again.

And the input speed was getting faster and faster...

It was hundreds of times faster than the previous input speed.

"Hmm--" Melonika couldn't help but let out a soft gasp.

"I can't stand it anymore..."

"Hold on a little longer, it's not enough." Luo Bai closed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

This [True Blood Prince. Vampire] requires too much, completely beyond the concept on the Internet.

According to the information he briefly checked before.

The highest rarity of refining cards is [Extraordinary], which consumes about 20,000 to 100,000 points.

But this [True Blood Prince. Vampire] has already input millions of points, which is not enough, and more is needed.

Epic card?

But it is said on the Biantana network that cards above epic level cannot be refined, only [promoted].

[Story] is required.

The pattern of the holy stone tablet brought down by the true god Sayela is a blank story, so it is impossible to directly refine an epic card.

If this [True Blood Prince. Vampire] is really an epic card, it means that the [Evil God Pattern] on the blasphemous card records the card spirit pattern at the same time.

It also preserves the [story] that happened in the past!

"The shop of rebirth..."

Luo Bai murmured in a mysterious way.


Countless messy memories and stories came to his mind.

He seemed to have a certain understanding of the word "rebirth".

Yina was continuously and quickly inputting.

Melonika's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and she acted as a link channel in this process.

Her body was trembling, her breathing was rapid and shallow, her face revealed an expression of fatigue and satisfaction, her cheeks were slightly red, and the sweat on her forehead was glimmering.

Her legs were weak and limp, her body tilted forward slightly, as if she couldn't support her weight. Just when she was about to bend her knees and fall, she was helped up by Luo Bai. She turned her head, her eyes were blurred, her face was pale, as if she was squeezed dry.

She gently stroked her chest, as if to soothe her heartbeat, her body was trembling slightly, and her whole body, physical strength, and mental strength were all drained by an invisible force.


Can't hold on any longer.

He closed his eyes and slowly fainted in Luo Bai's arms.

But at this moment, on this day, May 27, 1048 of the True Spirit Calendar.

After absorbing 5 million points of Yina.

The pattern of [True Blood Prince. Vampire] finally lit up completely!

The exquisite card image appeared on the blank card, covering the original pattern.

Luo Bai's first card refining.

The lost epic card spirit [True Blood Prince. Vampire], sealed successfully!

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