A few minutes ago.

Luo Bai made an emergency landing over Bianyuelong Senior College.

He was scared to death.

At the critical moment, he smashed the [Happy Lover, 800/500] he had just drawn.

He grabbed Ka Ling's wings tightly, cushioned it, and landed handsomely in the strong wind.

He barely avoided disability, but unfortunately he encountered a thunderstorm, messed up his hair, and even forgot to commemorate Ka Ling's disappearance.

[Happy Lover]: Are you polite?

"Where the hell is this?"

Luo Bai murmured blankly.

The iron gate of the academy was locked. A huge silver-white sphere was suspended in the air above the gate, emitting a faint and soft glow, inlaid with complex symbols and unknown devices, and shining with dark gold on the surface. The precision mechanical device emitted a faint rising air.

There were also several electric arcs.

It felt like death if touched.

He couldn't feel the pain, but he was not afraid of death.

You can't play Yu-Gi-Oh in hell, how boring it would be.


The wind was howling, and Luo Bai shuddered. The cold gradually invaded his whole body. He couldn't help sneezing, remembering that his clothes were soaked.

He had to find a place to shelter from the rain first.

Fortunately, there was a card shop on the corner not far away, and the doorplate emitted a bright neon halo.

He hugged his body and ran towards it quickly.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the card shop, a warm atmosphere hit me. The store was brightly lit, soothing music sounded one after another, and the air was filled with rich stimulating fragrance. The store was luxuriously decorated and various high-tech products were displayed.

Three cards were hung in front of the door like three mythical gods, acting as cards, namely effect monster [Ancient Mechanical Thermonuclear Dragon, 3000/3000], ritual monster [Megalith Relic. Berto, 1500/2600], and continuous trap [Altered Spirit Protocol].

Judging from the marks, they should all be extraordinary cards, the treasures of the town.

Professional card shops know how to promote themselves in various ways.

It is completely different from his kind of love-generating and spending more than he earns.

"Why is [Spirit] hanging in the fourth-level fortress?"

Luo Bai's mind is still on Earth. The Spirit is a link deck. The fourth-level fortress does not have the [Field] of [Data Storm], so it is impossible to make a link card.

Can Poltergeist be played without a linked monster?

Melusin directly attacks 8 times and kills?

Creating Synchro/Cyber/Link cards requires environmental factors, which are [Prayer]/[Chaos]/[Data Storm].

However, he successfully created the Cyber ​​card [Vampire. True Blood Prince] in the Rebirth Shop, and it is estimated that the Rebirth Shop can replace this kind of atmosphere field.

Luo Bai didn't think about it anymore and slowly pushed the door in.

Prepare to see the talents of the fourth-level fortress of Biantana.

As soon as I stepped into the threshold of the card shop.

The sound of rain suddenly stopped, and it was suddenly clear.

Thousands of "cooking" sounds, card swiping sounds, shouting sounds, smart referee alarm sounds...

Coming at me, like a gust of wind and heat waves.

The card shop is only 50 square meters outside, but once you enter the store, it feels bigger than a football field, more than 1,000 square meters.

Space folding technology!

Can you make one for me too!

[Hello, how can I help you?]

A beautiful robot lady greeted us with a smile.

She was wearing a black uniform that fit her body and showed her elegant curves. She had a graceful figure, and her long legs looked slender and powerful. Her black hair fell down, setting off her fair skin. Her smile was friendly, making people feel at home.

It really deserves to be a professional card shop.

"When I have money, I will also build one!" Luo Bai vowed to himself.

"Hello, do you provide accommodation here?"

Before fighting with local talents, you still have to take care of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

[Of course]

[Do you want to stay overnight or pay monthly? ]

Biantana's card shop is not just a place to play cards. Some couples play cards and get emotional, and they can even play on the bed on the third floor.

"How much is it for three days of accommodation?"

[Three days and three nights, three meals included, 5,000 gold points]


"Please register for me."

The price is reasonable. After all, it is located near the college, in an advantageous location with a huge flow of people.

[Okay, please show me the super calculation ring]

"Super calculation ring?"


Luo Bai was slightly stunned, and it took him several seconds to suddenly remember that it was the electronic bracelet on his hand.

I still haven't completely gotten used to life in another world.

"Please help me exchange one carat of negative square crystal."

One carat for 1 million gold points is the official price, which can be exchanged anywhere, and 1.2 million for 1 carat requires 100,000 gold points.

To the black market.


The sound of keys...

[I have registered for you. This is your room card]

[You can contact me if you need anything. My employee number is 4275]

After that, the robot beauty handed over a high-tech card with a label of [Half-dragon Maid. Dragon Housekeeper] printed on the card, like a totem.

After that, one person and one machine dropped the supercomputing ring on each other, which was considered face-to-face friendship.


"Ah~ So cool~"

Luo Bai moaned in the bathroom.

Nothing is more refreshing than taking a hot bath after a heavy rain.

This card shop even provides a wardrobe and dozens of sets of clothes for changing.

Is this the card shop in Bian Tana? Can we build one for the earth?


Luo Bai wiped his hair with a towel and came to the computer. He pulled out the data cable from the supercomputing ring and connected to the network.

Upload the table program to the computer.

A client named [Store Manager] appeared on the desktop.

The most urgent task now is to make a set of initial decks.

Others lack lines but not enamels, but he lacks enamels but not lines.

Now he only has 400 enamels, which is not enough to make an ordinary card, and the treatment of newcomers is not good.

"I have to buy potions..."

If you don't have enough enamels, you can only take potions.

It is impossible to buy finished cards directly. He has seen the trading network, which is similar to the stock market.

It is so expensive, a super card can easily cost millions.

Some cards with fields or lost cards are rising in price.

Many people buy finished cards not to use this card, but to really use it as stocks, and wait for the price to rise before selling it.

He spent one million to exchange for flash, and now his total net worth is less than 10 million, and he has to reserve a part to trigger the guardian spirit to save his life.

There is another more important question.

What to choose for the initial deck?

This involves early development. When resources are scarce, the choice is particularly important.

First exclude [Magician].

It's expensive at first glance, not only the main card is expensive, but also the extra ones are expensive.

Generally, if the family doesn't have any terminals, they have to rely on general-purpose terminals. The reason why terminals are general-purpose is, of course, because they are easy to use. How can something easy to use be cheap?

Ten million is not even money.

[Dinomorph] is not very good either. It relies too much on the epic cards Queen and Tyrannosaurus Rex. The manufacturing cost is too high. A card worth several million can drain him 10,000 times, and he can go bankrupt by buying potions.

Use the patterns of the locals of Biantan?

But I haven't seen any propaganda about the Queen and Tyrannosaurus Rex in the five major forces...

[Save the Purified Girl]?

Without R8?

You can consider it. It seems that you can still play without [Ode to the Virgin Mary to Save the Purified Girls], but it's not in the Rebirth Shop now.

"I can't make super cards..."

Luo Bai whispered softly, his face full of entanglement. With the authority of the original heart, he can only stay in the Rebirth Shop for three hours in 24 hours.

His eyes flickered between the remaining [Purification Girl], [Cyber ​​Dragon], [Crystal Artic], [Sky Striker], and [Tears of the Pearl Song]...

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