The door opened, and the door was opened.

"Is this the novice gift pack?"

Without waiting for the program to respond, Luo Bai asked with a smile.

[Since you have seen it]

[You can go in and take a look first]

"Oh?" Luo Bai slowly pushed open the wooden door with suspicion.

He planned to take a peek inside before deciding whether to go in or not.


The wooden door opened, and a black hole appeared. The strong gravity directly sucked Luo Bai into the door.

"Hua La La!"

The loud sound of stepping on water.

"Woc..." Luo Bai was shocked by the scene in front of him.

He was stepping on a body of water, but he did not sink, and the water did not splash his shoes. He felt comfortable stepping on jelly.

It was a long dark night all around.

A full moon hung in the sky, casting a layer of white light on the water.

Stepping on the water waves reflecting the moonlight, ripples appeared under his feet. The water surface reflected the stars and the bright moon, shining silver light in the darkness. The breeze blew across the water surface, creating ripples, just like the ups and downs of thoughts.

"What on earth is this..."

Just as he was staring at the moon in a daze.

"Meow~" A familiar cat cry came from behind.

Luo Bai was startled, turned around and saw a ginger cat sitting on the water, and immediately smiled: "Teacher Tony!"

Teacher Tony seemed to be frightened by him and turned around and ran.

"Don't run!"

As it ran, Luo Bai shouted and chased behind it.

Chasing and chasing.

A card shop suddenly appeared in front of him.

Shop name: Sanbai Chess and Card Room.

Luo Bai was filled with joy and surprise, and couldn't help but quicken his pace, as if to get closer to that familiar and warm existence as soon as possible. He followed the big fat cat into the store, and a familiar breath hit him.

A sense of security filled his heart.

"Ahaha, the store is here too!"

Luo Bai laughed. He grew up in the card store. This is his home, recording all the [stories] and memories.

He was so satisfied with this novice gift pack!

"Tongzi, where is this?"

[This is the Unboundary Domain - Rebirth Store]

[You have absolute control over this place]

"Unboundary Domain?"

"Why does it look more like the Dark Realm, hehe..." Luo Bai joked as he looked at the boundless night outside the store.

[Do you remember? 】

【The Unbounded Realm was indeed invaded by the Dark Realm】

"You are still addicted to chatting, right?"

Luo Bai thought the system was chatting with him, and did not discuss it in depth. The Unbounded Realm and the Dark Realm were just a series of card decks in Yu-Gi-Oh.

He hurried to the store manager's computer.

His fingers flew quickly on the keyboard and said, "Can we connect to the network of the other world here?"


【I have ten minutes to force hibernation. Do you have any questions】


"Wait, wait..."

"I still have a lot of questions!"

"Tongzi, you are too short-lived!"

Luo Bai quickly opened a client called [Store Manager] on the computer desktop.

There are three interfaces in total.

On the far left is the personal attribute panel:

[Authorization level: Beginner’s heart]

[Store manager’s talent: Guardian]

[Ena point: 400]

[Affinity: 3.2]

[Store remaining time: 3 hours]


[Sales this month: 0]

[Location: Bian Tana-Bian Yuelong Fortress]

[Remaining assets: 10.88 carats of negative square crystal]

[Bound soul card: Reversal of the world and the underworld]

“I don’t understand a lot...” Luo Bai glanced over and murmured softly, with a cloud of worry on his brow.

This is the bad thing about physical travel. Without the memory of the indigenous people, you have to explore the new world slowly.

“Tongzi, what is Ena?”

He found that many things on this planet called Bian Tana are related to the word Ena.

[Have you even forgotten Ena? ]

[This should be common sense rooted in the souls of Bian Tana people]


The system paused.

[You are such an interesting soul]

The riddle man said a few words, and the system explained to Luo Bai what Yina is.

In layman's terms, it is a new energy source.

1. Yina can be converted into any energy in technology.

2. Yina can be stored in the human body, and the [Magic Card Master Rank] (from Beginner to Bad Tribulation) is evaluated based on the stored points, and the [Magic Card Master Affinity] (from 1 to 10) is evaluated based on the inflow and outflow rate.

3. Controlling [Card Spirit] requires consumption of Yina.

4. Yina's solid [Negative Square Crystal] is a global hard currency, and 1 carat of negative square crystal is guaranteed to be exchanged for 1

000,000 [Gold Points], which is also the necessary energy material for making [Magic Cards] and the energy supply system of Yina Technology.

5. Only [God Star Tree] or its branches [Wood Spirit] can produce Yina.


It took almost ten minutes to talk about it!

It seems that there is no end to the content about Yina.

Simply put, every mage in Biantana has a [blue bar] called Yina.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Luo Bai interrupted.

"Simply put."

"Rank is equivalent to attack power and magic power."

"Yina points are equivalent to mana."

"Affinity is equivalent to skill cooldown and mana recovery rate, right?"

[Unable to parse the manager's language]

[The program will go into sleep in 30 seconds. Do you have anything else to ask?]

As soon as this was said, Luo Bai was silent.

He really had too many questions to ask. He came here alone, unfamiliar with the place. The card shop would be closed in three hours. How to make cards, how to increase the B-points, what to do when he returned to the real world...

There were many questions like these.

Luo Bai thought a lot, and the new terms he just knew flowed through his mind like rivers.

There were many questions that needed to be answered urgently...

He thought for a while and slowly opened his mouth, his voice hoarse and low, as if he was saying goodbye to an old friend.

"Tongzi, will we meet again?"

An unclear question wasted the last thirty seconds of the system.

[If possible]

[I hope we will never see each other again]

The mechanical system sound rang in the waters of the night, particularly ethereal, dissipated, and set off waves of ripples.

The only friend was gone too.

"Teacher Tony!" Luo Bai picked up the orange cat and stroked it crazily in his arms.

"Now only you can talk to me, big fat cat."

After joking, he switched to the second interface of [Store Manager].

What caught his eye was a card assembler, and there was a conspicuous [Monster Duel] button next to it.

"Oh oh——"

Speaking of Ena, Luo Bai didn't understand it very well.

But if you talk about Yu-Gi-Oh and playing cards, then he won't be sleepy.

"Why is the card assembler empty..."

After Luo Bai clicked back and forth a few times, he found that there were no cards in the card assembler, and it was madly prompting:

[Please scan the magic card]

"The store has just opened, where can I get the magic card."

"Do you want the cards?" Luo Bai said to himself.

I don't know if it was for fun or not giving up, he really took out his deck and put a card in the scanning box.

"What if it really works, right?"

[Ding, blasphemy card detected]

[Scan successful - Dreadnought, Mad Dragon. Scythe Dragon]

Prompt boxes popped up on the computer desktop one after another.

"Fuck, it really works!"

Luo Bai couldn't help but exclaimed, and at the same time a bold idea arose in his heart.

"Is it possible?"

"In this new duel world."

"[Pearl Tear Lament Tribe. Narcissus Mermaid] is not banned..."

"Holographic projection, materialization..."


Luo Bai shouted, rushed to the second floor, and searched for his [Pearl Tear Lament Tribe] deck.

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