The battle was over, and the battle was over.

The six monsters of the Dream Collapse descended, and the duel base was shrouded in darkness.

The mechanical soldiers were well-equipped and extremely efficient, emitting a cold and ruthless atmosphere under the night. They carried mechanical monsters and destroyed everything that stood in their way with powerful weapons, spreading destruction and fear mercilessly.

The huge firepower gap made everyone almost breathless.

Shu Yuer walked to Chen Xinxin's side, grabbed her trembling hand and comforted her, but her breathing couldn't stop trembling slightly: "Don't be afraid."

"What on earth do you want to do!" Chen Wencheng roared at Wan Ji.

His face was hideous, and he tried his best to lower his voice.

The army in front of him was already at the scale of destruction. If he didn't handle it well, Cang Yuange might be removed from history.

"Don't be nervous." Wan Ji sat at Chen Xinxin's live broadcast position and opened the duel she was recording. There was a time delay in the recording, so he pulled the time point to the moment when [Blue Eye Silver Dragon] was summoned.

"Were you live just now?"

A cold voice sounded in the room.

[Executive] Eva jumped off the back of the unicorn and slowly walked towards Chen Xinxin. As she walked forward, the mechanical monster insect tide and the intelligent war police force made way for her.

Xiangjian's guardian spirit also felt a pressure and raised his sword to retreat.

"Ah... um..." Chen Xinxin trembled and nodded gently.

She didn't dare to lie, let alone hide it.

Before Eva could ask, Shu Yuer explained for her: "Xinxin didn't mean to make it public. We didn't know the red halo would appear."

"Hehe." Eva chuckled, black stripes with metallic luster appeared on her face, and her pupils emitted blue light like an electric current. She flashed past Ka Ling and appeared in front of Chen Xinxin.

Shu Yuer was caught off guard and widened her eyes, but Eva did not attack. She lifted Chen Xinxin's chin and looked at her with interest.

"Such a cute face, not like me."

In the astonishment of everyone, she blinked, slid her fingers upwards, gently stroked Chen Xinxin's face, and raised the corners of her mouth with strange joy:

"So cute."

"I believe you definitely didn't mean it."

The restless fingers slid down Chen Xinxin's face, down to her neck, collarbone, chest, and waist, with extremely skilled techniques...

"Leaking the information of [Earth Rumbling Card] and [Commander]."

"Cang Yuange can't bear this crime."

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Wencheng's pupils dilated and he tried his best to stabilize his breathing.

He suddenly glanced at the screen of the duel recording, and saw the familiar ID, and he had a rough guess in his heart.

Eva blinked at the two women who were tense again, smiling teasingly.

Then she turned her head to look at Wan Ji who was typing on the keyboard, put away her smile, and said impatiently: "Still can't locate it?"

"Well... a little strange." Wan Ji murmured in a low voice.

Fingers quickly pressed various electronic instruments.

"These two people are like they are not in the world."

"What kind of person is this woman?" Eva frowned and looked at the screen indifferently.

Wan Ji pointed to the frame on the screen where the Blue Eyed Silver Dragon was successfully summoned, and said with some disappointment: "The aura is unstable, candidate."

Generally speaking, using card spirits requires crushing magic cards and continuously consuming Yinna, or consuming a large amount of Yinna to resonate with card spirits after reaching the True Ying level.

But there is an exception.

When they use magic cards of a specific race, they do not need to crush the cards or resonate, and they do not need to consume Yinna to maintain the card spirit. It is just a matter of a finger to command the tribe to destroy a fortress below level five.

One person is a thousand troops.

This kind of person is called - [Commander].

Even a level 7 fortress has to give the commander three points of face.

Each race can only have one commander. Theoretically, there are at most 23 commanders among the 10 billion people in Antana.

Among them, those who fight each other for the [Power of Command] and seek to be promoted to the commander are also called [Candidates].

[Power of Command] is a must for the epic card to be promoted to the Earth Rumble. The core mark of the Earth Rumble card is the deep red deterrent aura.

"Another candidate? What a bummer."

Eva moved her mouth, and she was not interested.

Wan Ji shrugged, leaned back in the chair, and let the duel video on the screen play forward.

"Forget it, I should investigate the 'criminal' properly." Eva raised the corner of her mouth with a cold and strange pleasure.

She likes to [investigate] cute girls the most.

Just when she was about to turn her head to look at Chen Xinxin, the duel on the screen was played to Luo Bai summoning [Double Dome

Knight Astram].

Just a cursory glance.


Eva and Ji Wan's heads buzzed violently, their brains were throbbing, their sea of ​​consciousness was in chaos, as if there was a short circuit, their pupils shrank, and their bodies trembled slightly.

[Why is the Realm Master here! ]

[How do I know! ]

The two communicated with [electronic consciousness], both trying their best to suppress the fear in their hearts.

They never thought that they would come to investigate the commander, and end up seeing the former Realm Master of their own fortress, the historical hero Astram, appear on the screen.

Chen Wencheng keenly noticed the changes in their expressions.

He frowned, and a plan came to his mind, and his eyes flashed with a bright light.

If they want to save Xinxin in this desperate situation, they can only go all out.

No one who was taken to the Dream Collapse Realm [Investigation] has ever returned alive.

Chen Wencheng didn't recognize the epic card that frightened them, but --

He knew the ID of the duelist who used this epic card - "Siren My Wife".

Just as Eva and Wan Ji were frantically discussing the identity of the duelist in the electronic consciousness sea, Chen Wencheng's sonorous voice rang out in the room:

"We know that male duelist."

"And we have a close relationship."

The voice was like a boulder falling into the sea, causing huge waves.

Everyone cast a suspicious look, completely unable to understand why the always calm Chen Wencheng suddenly said this. Chen Xinxin was even more terrified, because deceiving the [Executive Officer] was a serious crime.

In serious cases, everyone's life would be at stake.

"Are you familiar with him?" Eva and Wan Ji's eyes became a little fearful.

If he really had a relationship with the former world master, this person would be really hard to catch, and he had to give him some face.

"Yes." Chen Wencheng said concisely.

"What's the relationship?" Eva asked coldly.

Chen Wencheng replied without blushing: "He is Teacher Xinxin."

"Dad." Chen Xinxin raised her eyes, her eyes were erratic, and she was about to say something but stopped.

[No alarm on the polygraph]

Wan Ji said in his electronic consciousness.

Teacher is a very subtle identity.

In the past, those who have served in the Teaching Bureau are considered teachers.

In the familiar, you can pass on the [Epic Card].

"He is your teacher?" Eva walked in front of Chen Xinxin and asked, trying to see a clue from her expression.

Shu Yuer opened her hands and stood between the two.

At this moment, Chen Xinxin's lifelong IQ filled her brain, raised her head and chest and said confidently: "Yes, he is my teacher."

"Me, we are very familiar with each other."

"Look at the live broadcast interface, I bet on him to win with all my money."

"She really bet all the virtual currency in her account." Wan Ji opened the live broadcast interface and said in surprise.

"The comments posted have always been in support of the man."

Just when the two executives were skeptical, Chen Wencheng threw his account card on the table and said in a deep voice:

"I have saved two battle videos with him in my account."

"We usually have training exchanges, you can check if you don't believe it."

"No need." Eva narrowed her eyes coldly.

"If you want us to let her go."



She pointed at Luo Bai on the screen and said: "Unless he wins this duel and defeats the [candidate]."

"This can prove his strength and status, and he is not a scoundrel who steals and obtains cards."

Biantana, strength is respected.

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