The battle was a battle.

"A novice duel in a level 4 fortress?" Gan Yan tried to turn his mind around.

This is indeed a good way to understand the times.

The duel level of a novice can indeed reflect some information about the times.

With curiosity, he clicked on the video, and the blue side attacked first.

Round 1.

"Can a newbie in a level 4 fortress take out a super card, adjust a monster, and synchronize summon?"

Round 2.

"Accelerated Synchro?!"

"Epic card?!"

"Two more??"

Round 3.

"Red aura..."



Gan Yan's brain crashed and he spoke incoherently.

Shortly after the successful summoning of [Double Sky Knight. Astram], the video stopped abruptly, and the duel had no clear ending.

Gan Yan hurriedly scrolled down the video and saw the top comments:

"It's just so-so, our newcomers to the Level 4 Fortress are like this."

"We newcomers to the Level 4 Fortress really have a lot of room for improvement."

"Excuse me, our newcomers to the Level 4 Fortress don't have a complete deck yet."

After the comments, many people with the Level 4 Fortress mark also followed up, saying that it was indeed so-so, and some even said that their pet cats were equipped with epic cards, and every time they commented, they specifically emphasized "We are the Level 4 Fortress."

"Oh my..." Gan Yan was stunned.

"Is this so-so?"

He glanced at the video time.

"May 28, 1048..."

"It's been less than two hundred years..."

"Epics are everywhere, but Earth Rumble is worse than a dog?"

Gan Yan turned to look at [Salmanakin Flame Beast. Sunlight Wolf], his eyes solemn: "We still need to practice for a while."

[Salmanakin Flame Beast. Sunlight Wolf] nodded seriously.

Then, the man and the beast were alert to the surroundings and walked forward cautiously, fearing that an "ordinary" person would run out.

In the early morning of May 28, 1048, New Spirit Calendar.

Similar things happened all over the world.

Many agitated [Reincarnators] froze their smiles after seeing this novice match.

Putting away the ambition of [Destroying the World], they hid themselves and prepared to grow for a few more years.

The new generation is too scary, and it seems a bit difficult to destroy it.

Ten billion people did not expect that Biantanah would usher in a precious and short peace because of this duel.


May 28, 9 am.

After the heavy rain, the sun is shining.

Luo Bai slowly opened his eyes, rubbed them twice, yawned, turned over, and like an octopus, his limbs were tightly attached to the [Six Flower Spirit. Snowdrop] pillow.

Six Flower Spirit. Snowdrop (Pillow)

"Ah Ba Ah Ba..."

He smacked his lips and raised his hand to pull the curtain.

Continue to sleep, damn, I will sleep until the end of time.

No need to go to work, no need to go to class, no need to open a store.

If you don't sleep until lunch time, you will be sorry for this life.

Another three hours passed.


Luo Bai opened his mouth and yawned. He finally slept enough and was a little hungry.

Out of habit, he pressed the power button of the computer after getting up.

Pull open the curtains, stretch, twist the neck, and loosen the muscles.


[Watch program started]

As long as you turn on the computer, the installed watch program will start automatically.

Three pages pop up, and an AI dialog box in the lower left corner.

The personal panel page is fine.

On the clerk and branch pages, Melonika, who was monitored, was eating while doing questions on the first floor.

Luo Bai glanced at the second page casually.

There was obviously a "99+" friend request in the upper right corner.


"Why are so many people adding friends?"

Luo Bai sat in front of the computer with doubts, and kept scrolling down. There were more and more applications, and the number of applications was bottomless.

? ? ?

He frowned.

Simply pressed [One-click rejection].

In less than ten seconds, the friend request prompt changed to "99+" again.

? ? ?

This really confused him.

"What are you doing?"

"Did I sleepwalk and save the world last night?"

What's even more terrifying is that the [Number of Fans] in the upper right corner was 1 the last time I looked at it.

Now it has become... 65724538.

"Fuck, it's so powerful." Luo Bai's brain crashed instantly.

When he woke up, he found that he had 65 million more fans.

Fortunately, fans in Duel cannot chat privately or @, only friends can, and fans can only receive messages in one direction.

Otherwise, one message per person,

It can drown him.

"What's going on..."

Luo Bai muttered and connected to the Internet.

Enter his duelist ID "Siren my wife" in the search bar and click search to see if there is something wrong with his account.

There are tens of thousands of search results, most of which are videos posted in the early morning.

The duel before going to bed was made public, and he gained fans, and not just ordinary fans...

There are hundreds of thousands of secondary creations, and what's more terrifying is that there are fanatical fans calling.

A popular parade video.

Hundreds of thousands of people wrote the words "Siren my wife" on fan cards, gathered to hold cards and paraded in the streets, preaching everywhere to show their loyalty.


"Ah ah ah——"

Luo Bai grabbed his head and dug out a three-bedroom, two-living-room house with his toes.

For an ID like "Siren my wife", it's okay to show it to yourself, to show it to your opponents, and to tease a few acquaintances in a small circle.

But it was read out loud and solemnly...

Paraded in the streets with placards...

Hanged up and chanted like the Bible...

Hundreds of people shouted it out loudly to cheer...

The shame was so numbing from head to toe.


"I will never admit this ID!" Luo Bai swore secretly.

The Biantana people did not find this ID strange at all.

On the contrary, they were very curious and admired the behavior of putting the lover's name in the nickname.

Millions of people are studying who this girl named "Siren" is, and set up the [True Love Group] to find out the whereabouts of "Siren My Wife".

Many Internet celebrities simply said that their name was "Siren" in order to gain a large amount of traffic and fans, but unfortunately they were soon exposed by the [True Love Group].

The [True Love Group] is sure that "Siren" is Ka Ling's name!

Only those who are so loyal to Ka Ling are worthy of holding an epic card!

"Strike hard against all bad women pretending to be sirens!"

[True Love Group] used this as their slogan and shouted passionately in the video.

In just a few hours, the video had tens of millions of views and hundreds of thousands of likes.


"Stop shouting!"

Luo Bai's brain was numb, his face was hideous, and he was going crazy.

The ID also triggered a trend of imitation, such as "Snowdrop My Wife", "Zeami My Wife", "Meluce My Wife"...

In Bianatha, this is very romantic.

But for him, a pure earthling, it may be too early.

Everyone has to die.

But it can't be social death!

"Hiss..." Luo Bai took a deep breath.

"Calm down, calm down..."

He frantically gave himself psychological hints, fearing that he would lose control and run away.

"Let's go downstairs and have a meal first."

"Yes, things have come to this point, let's eat first."

Luo Bai tried to force a smile and dress himself decently.

Walk down to the restaurant on the first floor.

Just as I reached the stairs, I was hit by an explosion of discussions.

"Wow, what a cool epic card!"

"Ah, I didn't sleep and missed the live broadcast."

"'Siren my wife', what a cool ID, pay attention!"

"She didn't bow her head in the face of three dragons, so cool!"

"Hey, do you think Siren is a real person or a card spirit?"

"It must be a card spirit. Women will only affect the speed of our card drawing!"

"But [Card Spirit Atlas], there is no Siren name..."

"What a romantic ID~ Hmm~ I don't know who the duelist is, it must be a melancholy handsome guy!" The voice of a crazy girl was particularly loud.

Luo Bai couldn't help but blush, his eyes were erratic, his whole body was extremely uncomfortable, and his walking was jerky.

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