The world is in chaos, but the end is near.

In the 204th year of the New Spiritual Calendar, the divine will exploded and the end of the world came.

The whole world was shrouded in a dead silence and a destructive atmosphere. Black smoke filled the air, covering the sun and hope. Ruins were scattered in the streets and alleys. Houses collapsed, bones were everywhere, and blood was stained.

The survivors looked around in confusion. They couldn't be sure whether time had jumped a hundred years in an instant, or whether time had passed normally for a hundred years, but they had lost the memory of the past hundred years.

But [loneliness] is real, and everyone is gone.

As time passed, they began to become crazy, incoherent, wandering in the wilderness like zombies.

After that, the human survivors and high-level wild beasts also died one by one...

The second half of the historical film is a dilapidated high-rise building and two figures at dusk.

They are the last humans and the male and female protagonists of the film.

Unfortunately, the two have a family feud in the story, and they have been holding on because they want to see the other die first.

This feud lasted for decades.

Fortunately for the human population, the two happened to be a man and a woman.

In the film, the two were silent, turned around and walked into the laboratory together, mixed their own life factors to cultivate a batch of embryos, invested the cultivation resources collected throughout their lives, and closed the freezer.

After doing all this, the two returned to the roof and sat ten meters apart.

There were piles of bones under the high-rise building.

The two looked at the sunset together, without hugging or cuddling.

The body gradually aged and dried up, slowly losing its vitality...

At the end of the film, a line of emotionless narration subtitles popped up:

[If there was one more person, they would not sit together to watch the sunset]

After many years, the embryos began to take shape, and they instinctively opened the incubator, like chickens breaking through eggshells, and staggering like crabs walking straight.

Until they walked out of the oppressive, cold, and dilapidated laboratory.

A white light symbolizing hope flashed by.

The outside world was lush and green, with birds and beasts, birds singing and flowers blooming.

The world was successfully reset, and civilization was restarted.

The experimental subjects crawled out of the incubator one by one, and their brains that were good at learning impressed them with the process of [birth].

They learned to use the incubator to produce human companions in a very realistic way. Although they later mastered or discovered the real way of reproduction, they still preferred the original habit.

In this way, the [numbered people] culture that lasted for hundreds of years was born.

The last scene, the silhouette of humans.

The fingertips reached out to the [Sacred Stone Tablet] again.

The film ends here, leaving endless reverie for the future.

The artistic processing is good, and the special effects are perfect in all aspects.

Luo Bai was enjoying his meal, and just when he was about to turn off the video.

Several paragraphs of white text suddenly popped up on the black screen.

"Is there an easter egg?" Luo Bai thought.

The white text seemed to no longer be an artistic processing.

The time was marked very seriously, as if it was seriously recording historical facts.

[New Spiritual Calendar 404, a mysterious woman manipulated millions of dead puppets to bomb the God Star Tree, triggering the arrival of the God's Vanguard Hellfire Machine]

Destroyer Generation - [Shadow]

[New Spiritual Calendar 508, Summoner Aleister sacrificed seven extraordinary women including the Saint of the Level 7 Fortress [Teaching Dragon Country] - Ekolicia, the Great Sage of the Level 7 Fortress [Endymion] - Sandrion, and the magic circle went berserk, and millions of summoned beasts descended]

Destroyer Generation - [Berserk Magic Circle]

[New Spiritual Calendar 612, the guide of the Death Prison Village. Aruber opened the [Abyss], led millions of abyss beasts, and carved a painful mark on the world]

Destroyer Generation - [Abyss]

[New Spiritual Calendar 717, Computer Sakai Yuan - Ruirui led the AI ​​awakening craze, all AI united to resist the [Program], and with the help of [True Dragon King. The power of the King of Laws] suppressed the human army]

Destroyer Generation - [AI Awakening]

[In the 835th year of the new spiritual calendar, the seventh-level fortress [Dream Collapse] - the machine god of the evening star. Dingjiersu led the group of fantasy collapse beasts and the tide of machine monsters to activate the seven major star relics and bomb the world indiscriminately]

Destroyer Generation - [Star Relics]

[In the 944th year of the new spiritual calendar, the machine cut. Yuanwu triggered a revolution in the electronic world. The data storm swept the world. The electronic equipment of three billion people was scrapped. The industry collapsed and the world was without power and the Internet for a year.]

Destroyer Generation - [Electronic Revolution]

[We have resisted every world-destroying disaster]

[The old world-destroying cycle is reborn, and the new world-destroying is ready to move]

[We should inherit the will of the heroes and bravely write our own stories]

"Wow, it's so disastrous.

How difficult it is. "

Luo Bai looked at the white words on the black screen and couldn't help but sigh. He sat quietly, like a child who was waiting for Easter eggs.

But there was no tension on his face, and he ate deliciously.

What about the end of the world, what about reincarnation, it sounds very grand.

"But what does this have to do with me, a small store manager."

Luo Bai thought so and put the last piece of grilled chicken breast into his mouth.

Just when the white words were finished.


The film made a sound of white circuit breaking.

The next second, a hoarse voice came from the black screen.

"Oh? There are still Easter eggs? "Luo Bai stared at the screen and picked up the drink with interest.



The hoarse voice was intermittent.

[Can...can hear...]


[ afraid of us...]

[The gods...are scared...hahahaha...]

The voice on the black screen suddenly laughed wildly, and then quickly fell into vigilance and fear, and the breathing became stronger.

[Destruction...bad calamity...reincarnation...]

[Be careful...]

[...people may Ruirui...]

[The only way to stop the destruction...]

[ the star gate...]

[On behalf of all mankind...]

[With God...]



The monologue came to an abrupt end, as if the throat was suddenly strangled.

"I... what on earth is this..." Luo Bai stared at the black screen, his pupils losing their highlights.

He kept muttering, as if he was restoring the unspoken words on the black screen.

"Bad calamity, reincarnation..."

"Rebirth, reincarnation..."

"Midrash, Aleister, Aluber, Ruirui, Dingjisu, Yuanwu..."


"Kaling... possesses humans..."

"Everyone may be reincarnated..."

"All AIs may be Ruirui..."

"The old destruction is reincarnated, and the new destruction is ready to move..."

"The consciousness of destruction is endless, and the only way to cut it off is..."

"Activate the commander, open the star gate..."

"On behalf of all mankind, fight with God..."


"Hey, wake up!" Melonica waved her hand in front of Luo Bai.

"Huh! "Luo Bai suddenly woke up, his whole body was covered with cold sweat, and his head was a little dizzy.

Melonika looked at him like this, and her eyebrows were a little puzzled: "Why have you been staring at the black screen?"

She had some duel questions to consult Luo Bai (teacher), but she rushed over and saw him staring at the black screen, so she waved her hand to interrupt.

"That sound is too weird." Luo Bai shook his head and panted.

He was not surprised by Melonika's arrival, just thinking that the clerk came to say hello.

"What sound? What are you talking about?" Melonika frowned and became more confused.

"That's it." Luo Bai said while pulling the progress bar of the video back.

But the fact made him open his eyes wide, unbelievable.

After the video ended, the white words on the black screen and the hoarse voice disappeared.

"Who gave you the tablet?" Melonika's face suddenly changed, and she asked in a cold voice.

"Who gave it to you? "Luo Bai frowned, covered his confused head, his pale lips were a little chapped, and his voice was weak and slow, "It seems to be...4...4275..."

"My...exclusive...AI butler..."

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