The enemy is concerned about the column, which is likely to be [Weather] or [Mecha Knight].

Or maybe they just want to know the position of the monster. If there is a linked monster, the position of the monster is particular, and many effects are related to the direction of the arrow.

"Well... follow the chain, discard the hand card [Effect Veiler], and negate Mermaid." Bai Yun thought for a while and sent a hand card to the graveyard.

(Luo Bai: Give me back my pity!)

But at the moment of sending the card to the graveyard, the smart referee issued a series of alarms.

[Illegal Operation]

[Not in accordance with the timing of card use]

In KC activities or duelist leagues, three illegal operations will result in a direct loss.

"Oh, I lost the card."

Bai Yun hurriedly took the card from the graveyard back to his hand, and his fingertips nervously moved back and forth on the other four cards in his hand.

"Well... this is it."

She shouted softly, raised a confident smile, and accurately sent [Effect Veiler] to the graveyard to activate, invalidating Luo Bai's only moving point [Melo Mermaid].

The only moving point was wiped, but Luo Bai was not very angry, and there was no ripple.

(No temper~ But it doesn't matter~ In your turn~ I can also show you!)

"Blind Duelist..."

He muttered softly, looking at the exquisite card pictures in his hand, with an indescribable feeling.

He had never thought of this word on Earth. He couldn't even see the cards, but he could still insist on playing.

There was an urge to give up points.


The greatest respect for a duelist is to always go all out!

"I cover a backfield card to the right column and end this round."

Luo Bai took the initiative to declare the column.

First attack 1 front 1 back 3 hands, LP4000.

"My turn, draw a card." Bai Yun said calmly.

"Preparation, the main thing."

Her fingertips moved back and forth between the cards, using the subtle differences of psychic communication to distinguish the cards.

"Summon [Neng Punk Zeami]."

Neng Punk Zeami (It must be a girl, the transvestite faction is heresy!)

As soon as the voice fell, a cyberpunk-style cross-dressing girl appeared in front of him.

A simple sentence, but it set off a storm in Luo Bai's heart, and he was amazed.

"Wow, Zeami is here."

[Punk] This deck has a lot of operations. Isn't it too much of a burden for a blind person?

It's not a source number that even cats can play.

"Pay 600 basic points, activate Zeami's effect..." Bai Yun frowned, covered his chest, hunched over, with a bitter look on his face, as if he had a pain sensor installed, "...Search for a [Punk] monster other than yourself."

LP: 4000-3400.

Luo Bai's pupils shrank slightly and said: "Follow the chain, activate the effect of [Pearl Tear Elegy Tribe. Little Mermaid], special summon, and send 3 cards to the graveyard from the deck."

Considering that she may have [Fox Tuning] in her hand, Zeami is invalid without the Lament.

Chain processing, the Little Mermaid sends three cards to the graveyard: [Pearl Tear Elegy Tribe. Siren Mermaid], [Demon King of the Swamp], [Statue of the God of Sukko, Keld].

[Zeami] searches for [Noh Punk, Oni Noh Music].

"Send to the graveyard to trigger, Siren effect, return the materials including this card from the hand graveyard on the field to the deck for fusion summon."

A red light flashed across the opposite field, and there was a little reaction.

"I've never heard of the Pearl Tear Lament tribe..." Bai Yun murmured, holding the card tightly, without interrupting the effect.

"Then I will self-chain, C2 discards [Proliferated G] to activate, and I will draw a card every time you special summon this turn." Seeing her hesitant reaction, Luo Bai guessed that she might have Grave Finger, and planned to trick it out.

"What?!" Bai Yun was obviously shocked by the effect, and asked weakly, "Is there a limit to the cards I can draw?"

Luo Bai replied expressionlessly, "There is no limit, until I draw all my cards."


"What a terrifying effect..." Bai Yun took a deep breath and sighed, "I'll chain it, C3 activates [Grave Designator], negates and banishes [Proliferated G]."

As a [Punk] player, she knew how many times she had to Special Summon in one turn, and this [Proliferated G] must not be allowed, it's too much of a card to give away.

As expected, Grave Designator was successfully tricked out.

Luo Bai smiled slightly: "C4, banish [Statue of the Gods Keld] to activate [Proliferated G

】Return from the graveyard to the deck."

"Hmm? What does that mean?" Bai Yun didn't react for a moment.

" means..." Luo Bai thought for a while and said, "The multiplied G has left the graveyard, and your grave finger is empty."


Bai Yun looked silly, feeling that he had been taught a lesson.

Luo Bai was also used to Biantana's "Ah?" and operated in an orderly manner.

"Chain processing, I return the Siren Mermaid and the Merlot Mermaid on the field to the deck, and Fusion Summon [Pearl Tear Elegy Tribe. Narcissus Mermaid].

"Special Summon Tribe, Narcissus Effect, Graveyard Mermaid."

"Send to the graveyard trigger, Merlot Mermaid Effect, return myself and the Demon King of the Swamp to the deck, and Fusion Summon [Pearl Tear Elegy Tribe. Rushaka Mermaid]. "

《Dividing Slaves》

Rusalka descended with a sword, her figure undulating gracefully like waves, water droplets on her body sparkling with colorful light, waves gently surging under her feet, wearing a silver-blue battle robe decorated with tassels, her eyes as deep as the ocean, exuding a mysterious and charming atmosphere.

"Okay, you can move." Luo Bai said leisurely.

"Yes, yes." Baiyun suddenly opened her mouth, tilted her head slightly, and spoke weakly, as if she had just woken up, looking a little uncertain, "Well... It seems to be my turn."


Her thumb rubbed between the cards, as if she was caressing her lover.

The delicate touch allowed her to feel the texture and shape of each card, and of course the voices of the card spirits.

Baiyun smiled slightly and said: "I will send the hand card [Neng Punk Fox Adjustment] to the graveyard to activate, discard a hand card, and special summon a [Punk] monster other than 8 stars from the deck. ”

Neng Punk Tiaohu

Here Luo Bai thought about it and didn’t activate the Rusha card effect.

Tiaohu is activated from the graveyard. If it is hit, it will not be destroyed, and it will not trigger the subsequent card sending effect of Rusha card. The subsequent card sending of Tiaohu is part of the effect, not the cost. If it is activated after hitting, the subsequent card sending does not need to be executed.

“Special Summon [Ukiyo-e Punk. Solesai. 】”

G effect of proliferation, Luo Bai draws one.

“Pay 600 basic points, activate Solesai effect...”

LP: 3400-2800.

Before Bai Yun explained the effect, Luo Bai interrupted: “Activate the cover card [The Lament of the First World], invalidate [Solesai], and then send [Pearl Tears Lamentation Tribe. Narcissus Mermaid] to the graveyard.”

“Narcissus effect, send 5 cards from the deck to the graveyard. "

Pah, pah, pah, five cards were sent to the graveyard.

Hearing this devilish sound, Bai Yun immediately pursed his lips and complained with despair: "Here it comes again..."

"Blah, blah..."

"Are you going to let me play..."

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