Yu-Gi-Oh: True Card King

Chapter 025 The day of sale

the next day.

Sure enough, Pegasus went to school at night, and when he was still at the school gate, he heard several students talking about the "Yu-Gi-Oh GX" manga.

The "Yu-Gi-Oh GX" manga is indeed released today.

But the enthusiasm of these students was somewhat beyond Tianma Yexing's expectations.

Unexpectedly, they would queue up to buy it so early in the morning.

“The drawing style of this comic is great!”

"Yes, although the International Illusion Society has not announced the artist's information, you can still tell at a glance that it is Mr. Takahashi's work!"

"The plot content is also great. There is actually a school dedicated to teaching duels!"

"If possible, I really want to study there. There are so many people playing cards with me every day. I am so happy!"

"Although it's not available yet, this is an official comic published by International Illusion Society. Maybe they are already considering this matter!"

"It's possible, but by the time the Duel Academy is actually built, we will definitely be too late. It's such a pity."


Listening to their chat.

Pegasus Night Walk walked by.

It seems that no matter what era or society, there are many students who want to go to a school where they only need to play every day, and then become professional gamers and make a lot of money as soon as they graduate.

They still think too simply.

This society is very cruel.

Whether you are a professional duelist or a professional e-sports player in your previous world, they are essentially the same.

There are always only a handful of people who can rely on games to get ahead.

Not to mention dedicating one's life to a game that doesn't know when it will cease to be popular.

Once that game declines, then the lives of these professional players are almost over.

Professional e-sports players need to practice and discuss tactics continuously every day.

Professional duelists also need to be proficient in the effects of each duel monster card, continue to practice combat, and study deck construction and game decisions.

Maybe it's better now.

After the future synchronization, super volume, and link monsters were launched one after another, the number of cards in the card pool exceeded 10,000.

At that time.

I am afraid that only truly gifted geniuses can be called professional duelists.

But with that kind of talent, no matter what else you do, you can live a good life.

When entertainment turns into work, it is never as beautiful as imagined.

These are realities.

The reality is already cruel, but at least in the comics, Pegasus Yakou still hopes to bring some romance and longing to the duelists.

Come to the classroom.

The first thing Tenma Yakou saw was Jonouchi and Honda sitting around Muto Yugi.

They lowered their heads, concentrating on something.

Be quiet and devote yourself wholeheartedly.

In the past, Tianma Yexing had only seen this kind of scene when they were reading pornographic magazines together.

"Good morning."

After Tenma Yakou put down his schoolbag, he walked over and said hello to them: "Young people are still in good health. You were reading comics early in the morning... huh? Is it the manga of Yu-Gi-Oh GX?"


Muto Yugi raised his head and nodded: "Well, my grandfather's shop also received a batch of comics, so I picked up a copy and brought it over this morning."

"This comic is awesome, Night Walk!"

Jonouchi clenched his fists very excitedly: "If there really is such a school, I would also like to try to become a professional duelist!"

"I'm afraid you're too late."

Tianma Yexing made an estimate: "Although the Duel Academy has been put on the agenda, it will be completed in about five years. Moreover, by then the Duel Academy will not only teach dueling techniques, but also Mandarin, mathematics and other necessary skills." suject."

"Oh!? Is it really possible!?"

Jonouchi was shocked at the time and asked quickly: "I thought it was just making up stuff in the comics, but you are actually doing it!? If someone else said that, I would think he was a fool, but what you said, Ye Xing, must be right. ! Damn it! Even if it’s too late, I will definitely go to that Duel Academy when I get the chance!”


Tianma Yexing nodded: "If you two are still together at that time, come together and I'll treat you."

"Hahaha... What are you talking about? Me, Yugi, Honda, and Kyoko, the four of us will definitely be together forever!"

At this point, Jonouchi seemed to suddenly remember something, and quickly added: "By the way, and you, Ye Xing! We will definitely be together forever!"

Tianma Yexing just smiled and said nothing.

Many people thought this way when they were students.

Whether they are friends or lovers, they all feel that they will never be separated.

But in fact, most people go their separate ways after graduation.

At that time, even if they were very good friends, they would never think of each other again within a month or two.

Just like what was said in the 20th anniversary movie version of Yu-Gi-Oh.

Muto Yugi wants to be a game designer.

Kyoko went to the United States.

Honda returned home and inherited the family car factory.

Only Jonouchi has no clear goals for the future.

But at that time, there was also awareness in the city.

Although we are not together, we will always, always be friends.

Tianma Yexing doesn't believe this.

But he respected and envied those who believed that friendship would last forever.

"Ah, right."

At this time, Jonouchi asked curiously: "Speaking of which, why does a duel have such annoying things as Chinese mathematics?"

"Let's put it this way."

Tianma Yexing took a breath and spoke slowly: "Professional players are not good at eating. If there are 500 people in a school, then five of them will be able to go on the international stage and become star duelists. It is a very good thing. number, but what about the remaining 495 people? They wasted their most precious youth but got nothing... I also envy those young people who risk everything for their dreams, but at the same time I I also hope to be as responsible as possible for their future.”

Jonouchi blinked: "What you said is so heavy, Ye Xing...but I think what you said makes sense."

"Stop talking about this."

Pegasus Yakou smiled: "Let's talk about yesterday's points match. I left later. Did you and Yugi get ranked, Jonouchi?"

"This...I don't have it..."

Jonouchi laughed a little and scratched his head: "I won the first round, but I lost all the subsequent Swiss rounds and didn't even get out of the round."

Tenma Yakou shifted his gaze to Muto Yugi: "What about Yugi?"


Muto Yugi smiled and made a "Yeah!" gesture: "When I got the prize, grandpa was also very happy!"

Tianma Yexing clapped his hands: "Oh, that's good. What did you get in the competition package?"

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