Yu-Gi-Oh: True Card King

Chapter 051 Card Gambling Rules

"Ah...that's right!"

Muto Yugi, who also came to participate in the competition today, opened his eyes wide at that time: "Grandpa!?"

Why did grandpa appear here! ?


Muto Yugi didn't care much and rushed directly towards the focus table isolated by the glass room.

And at this time.

Muto Sugoroku, who was sitting in the closed glass room, also heard his grandson's voice.

Turning around, he saw Muto Yugi running towards him!


Muto Shuangroku stood up, ran to the edge of the room, slapped the glass, and kept talking, as if he wanted to convey some message to Yugi.

But it seems that this glass room is specially made. People inside can hear the sounds outside, but the outside cannot hear the sounds inside.

This also resulted in Yugi not hearing a word of what Muto Sugoroku said.


"Oops...he seems like he can't hear..."

Muto Shuangroku soon discovered that his voice could not be transmitted at all, and he could only look at his grandson silently in the glass room, feeling a little relieved.

Yesterday, he was kidnapped by Kaiba's people, and Seto Kaiba used Muto Yugi's safety to threaten Muto Sugoroku to compete with him.

Muto Sugoroku was finally relieved to see that Yugi was safe here today.

Muto Yugi wants to break into the glass room.

But he was stopped by security personnel at the door.

And just then.

Seto Kaiba in the room finally turned around, glanced at him with a gloomy look, and then revealed a conspiratorial sneer on his lips.

"Can the contestants please return to their seats and not disrupt the order?"

The female host of COS Holy Fairy next to the focus table came over and pulled Muto Yugi out of the focus table. Then other staff members soon came over and controlled Muto Yugi.

"Then everyone... what I want to present to you next is... the first virtual reality duel that showcases the latest scientific research results of our Haima Group and creates an epoch-making achievement in the history of duels!"

"The two sides facing each other in the competition are the president of our Kaiba Group. He has won championships in major competitions in the United States and is known as the Genius Duel Master - Master Seto Kaiba!"

As she spoke, the hostess stretched out her hand towards Muto Sugoroku again: "As for the other one, he is known as a master in the gaming industry and is rumored to have never lost in Duel Monster Cards - Mr. Muto Sugoroku! "

Except for some players who occasionally went to the Turtle Toy Store to buy cards, no one at the scene had heard of Muto Sugoroku at all.

After all, Muto Sugoroku was most famous when he was still young.

People of this generation have never heard of his legendary story.

This also led to thunderous applause when the seahorse was introduced.

When Muto Sugoroku's name was read, there were only scattered polite applause.

The gap in popularity between the two sides suddenly created a suppression of momentum.

At this time, the pressure on Muto Sugoroku, who was in a closed environment, was even more unparalleled.


All these arrangements are Kaiba's tactics.

"Then, let me introduce the rules to you..."

The female host walked around the focus table and said loudly: "This competition is implemented according to the latest rules formulated by the International Illusion Society. The players on both sides have a life value of 8,000. When one party empties the other party's life value or a certain party is in need of Under the conditions of drawing cards, if there is no card to draw, it will be judged as a defeat. The game time is thirty minutes. If it times out, an extra round will be added. The extra round will be the zeroth round starting from the current player. In the third extra round, The player with higher health points wins the duel!"

"In addition, in this competition, in addition to the high-value prizes our Haima Group has prepared for everyone, there is also a specific subsidiary rule!"

"That is……"

The female host finally got to the point: "In every duel, the winner can take any card from the loser's deck unconditionally. This rule is written on the registration form you filled in. I will remind you again now. If there are players who don’t agree with this rule, it’s not too late to withdraw from the game!”

Say so.

But it is okay for others to withdraw from the competition, but it is impossible for Muto Sugoroku to withdraw from the competition now.


After hearing the host explain the rules of card gambling, some players on the scene who did not pay attention to the rules and were not very confident in their own abilities began to leave the game one after another.

In the end, there were probably about three hundred people left.

At the focus table, Muto Sugoroku also said something to Kaiba Seto, but Kaiba Seto just sneered and did not answer.

Although the sound inside can't be heard from outside.

But apparently, his request was rejected.

"Now, the game begins!"

The host announces the start of the game.

At the focus table, Seto Kaiba finally showed off his entire deck.

As expected.

The card holder he uses is the most expensive prize card holder for the winner of the first US national competition on the market.

"Huh, old man..."

Seto Kaiba pushed his deck towards Muto Sugoroku: "You're welcome, use your most powerful card to duel me."

"That's what I meant."

Muto Sugoroku also took out his own deck at this time and pushed it to Kaiba Seto.

After cutting and washing both sides.

The hand is decided by the dice on the virtual screen.

At this time.

Seto Kaiba suddenly said: "By the way, there's something I forgot to tell you... You already know that our Kaiba Group's latest virtual reality technology will be used throughout this competition, but what we are doing now is The focus table will finally determine the winner of the competition, and the virtual images here are a hundred times more powerful than those used in ordinary competitions. For an old man like you, it may be too exciting..."

"What's the meaning?"

Muto Shuangroku was stunned for a moment, but then Kaiba just looked at him and said nothing. He did not continue to ask, but stretched out his hand to draw a card from the deck: "I will attack first and draw the card!"

In reality, you cannot draw cards when attacking first. After thinking about it over and over, Tianma Yexing decided not to follow it for the time being.

Because in the current duel environment, the player who goes first does not have an absolute advantage. There is no such thing as a storyteller, a divine light on the field, and six Kangs in hand.

If the first player cannot draw cards, then the first player will have a great disadvantage.

"Entering the preparation phase, the main phase."

After the declaration, Muto Sugoroku drew a card from his hand and placed it on the table: "Then I will cover a monster..."

The words have not yet finished.

Muto Shuangroku was surprised to find that where he covered the card surface on the table, an image of the card back actually appeared!

Is this the virtual imaging system Seto Kaiba just mentioned?

Somehow, Muto Sugoroku suddenly had a bad premonition, but now he could only continue the duel: "Then, I will cover another backfield to end the round."

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