
Chapter 120 Reliable Xia Di

The Millennium Scale can detect the balance of good and evil in human beings, and can also measure the size of evil thoughts in human beings' hearts.

In the era of the Pharaohs, the Millennium Scale could also fuse and summon monsters, which is also the basis of Ye Feng's current foundation.

At this time, Ye Feng was holding the Millennium Scale, with one side pointed at himself, and a piece of feather placed on the other side. At this time, the Millennium Scale was in a balanced position.

The dark game begins!

This time the target of the dark game is Ye Feng himself.

The Millennium Scale emitted a dazzling light, and then, the Millennium Scale on Ye Feng's side began to slowly decline.


The King of Warcraft in the swamp appeared from behind Ye Feng, as if he wanted to swallow Ye Feng in one bite.

Xia Di held the Millennium Key and pointed it at the King of Warcraft in the swamp. Then the Millennium Key began to flash, and the next moment, the King of Warcraft in the swamp turned into pieces.

"The King of Warcraft in the swamp means that your evil thoughts have occupied more than one-third of your mind," Xia Di whispered in confusion.

Ye Feng was startled, but before he had time to think, something even more terrifying happened.

I saw a huge body appearing behind Ye Feng. The body was gray and the head was full of coldness. The huge left hand grabbed Ye Feng's body fiercely.

[Illusion Taker, 7 stars, dark, demon type, attack power 2400, defense power 1000]

Ye Feng felt as if his heart was about to explode, and his body began to tremble involuntarily.


Just when the Illusion Seizer was about to twist off Ye Feng's head, Xia Di rescued him again.

At this time, Xia Di was sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

Ye Feng stood there at a loss.

But this is not over yet, another oppressive aura is about to be born, and a darkness several times more powerful than the "Illusion Seizer" is forming behind Ye Feng.

Ye Feng could no longer control his body. He had a feeling that when this darkness formed, he would die.

Xia Di snatched the Millennium Scale from Ye Feng's hand, and the darkness behind Ye Feng suddenly disappeared. This dark game was forced to end by Xia Di.

Ye Feng and Xia Di fell to the ground exhausted. If it weren't for Xia Di, the dark game just now would have cost them their lives.

"What. What's going on?" Ye Feng murmured, full of fear.

Xia Di seemed to have lost all his strength, his face was pale, and he managed to answer: "The Illusion Seizer represents your evil thoughts that are constantly growing! And the unformed dark monster behind you is the best proof."

"How is it possible?" Ye Feng denied himself, "Did Li plant some darkness in me? Why do I have such evil thoughts? How come I don't know?"

Xia Di glanced at Ye Feng and said thoughtfully: "You know, neither you nor I have detected any dark aura. This shows that this evil thought is caused by you yourself, and people who are full of evil thoughts often think that What you did was right.”

Ye Feng felt that his emotions were beginning to become unstable again, and he covered his head in pain.

"What should I do?" Ye Feng asked tremblingly. At this time, he had no idea what was going on.

"We have to find this reason!" Xia Di said firmly: "You are the host chosen by the Millennium Scale. You should not have such powerful evil thoughts. Even if you do, they are the kind of evil thoughts that are irrelevant and elegant. That is more suitable for a person. the character one possesses”

Ye Feng was silent, recalling the scenes in his mind.

"Let me enter your inner world again!"

Suddenly, Xia Di said: "Let me see what your evil thoughts are made of, and what is the source of those evil thoughts!"

Ye Feng asked: "Are you feeling well?"

Xia Di nodded: "No problem, as long as you don't want to kill me, then my life will be safe."

Ye Feng closed his eyes when he heard this and let go of his consciousness.

He and Xia Di are on the same front, and now Ye Feng is still able to control himself even though he is emotionally unstable. What's more, Xia Di is not made of mud. If they really fight, he may not be Xia Di's opponent.

Ten minutes later, Xia Di walked out with a pale face.

Seeing Xia Di's appearance, Ye Feng basically knew that his current situation was not good.

"Contemptuous thoughts of lust and inner turmoil"

"Arrogant thoughts of no one"

"The evil thoughts of doing whatever it takes"

"This is the makeup of your evil thoughts."

Xia Di described everything he saw, "These evil thoughts seem to be born from the self, unlike lust, greed, etc."

Ye Feng listened quietly, and the more he listened, the more chilled he became.

"The last time I entered your spiritual world, I discovered the kindness and strong sense of justice deep in your heart. This is why I said you are the most suitable master of the Millennium Artifact."

"But this time. Your sense of justice still exists, but most of your kindness has disappeared. To put it simply, it is [human nature]"

"And your original good thoughts have been taken over by these newly born evil thoughts, just like a pool of clear spring water that was half drained away and then poured into dirty excrement."

"More than that, it is difficult for you to peel off these evil thoughts at this time. It is like a glass of clean water mixed with various impurities. It may be possible to separate them, but it is extremely difficult."

"If nothing else, these ideas seem to have been born under someone's intentional guidance."

When Xia Di said this, she looked at Ye Feng with an incomprehensible look, "No wonder you and I didn't find the aura of darkness many times. That's because you were not planted with darkness, but robbed of light."

"Those dark elves, all they do is guide, guide the evil thoughts out of your heart. Fortunately, the evil thoughts are only one-third now. If they occupy half, then you will no longer be you; and by then, the dark elves will You don’t need to do anything more, you just need to share some of their dark aura with you, and you will become their puppet.”

When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"How did Li guide my evil thoughts?!" Ye Feng said doubtfully: "Let me win the duel and release my evil thoughts? I don't think it's right!"

Xia Di shook his head and said: "I don't know how they did it. Maybe there is something you missed that may have allowed you to win the duel."

Ye Feng couldn't figure it out even if he thought about it. He was too helpless at this time.

"I now how to do?"

Xia Di shook his head: "If conditions permit, try not to duel with the dark elves again. From what you have said in the past few days, dueling with them is the key! As long as you don't duel with them, there will be no problem." Not big."

Ye Feng frowned in thought.

"Next, you go try to duel with others. I will keep an eye on you. If there are still evil thoughts, then you may not be able to duel in the future. Of course, this probability is not high."

Ye Feng nodded, "I'm sensible now, please Xia Di, keep an eye on my condition, and if I have evil thoughts, stop me immediately! Before I find out the reason."

Xia Di nodded: "Think about it carefully. If there is anything missing, you may have to be prepared not to duel in the future. And Jonouchi, think about whether you should tell him about this."

Ye Feng took a deep breath. His heart was in chaos and he couldn't duel? What is the meaning of your own existence?

In other words, the next duel is the key, the best time to test whether you will continue to breed evil thoughts.

Ye Feng hid in the Millennium Scale, while Xia Di took the Millennium Scale and prepared to enter Naiya's world.

"Hey! You can't go in!!"

The bodyguard stopped Xia Di. The wall of this control room was equipped with powerful thermal weapons. Naia relied on these thermal weapons to threaten the seahorses into their own world.

"I can save Kaiba. If you stop me, something terrible will happen."

Xia Di was also a veteran, and his deception ability was no less than that of Ye Feng, and he immediately caught the weak points of the bodyguards.

"This" the bodyguards looked at each other.

Xia Di ignored them and walked directly into the control room. The next moment, a black hole appeared under Xia Di's feet, and he fell into it.

When he opened his eyes again, Ye Feng found that he and Xia Di appeared in a grassland.

He is still an illusory existence, without entity.

"This world seems to be similar to the dark world!" Ye Feng used his mind to materialize the duel disk on his right hand, and then the cards appeared one by one.

Wait, why is the card that appears on me a card from the Destiny Gem?

Not only that, except for the cards related to the summons of the post-era, all other cards have been unlocked, including the Super Magical Dragon Knight! These cards are all shown to be cashable.

"Jie, try possessing me."

Suddenly, Xia Di spoke to the illusory Ye Jie beside her.

Ye Feng was startled. He had tried it in the real world and could only possess Jonouchi. As for Naiya's world, all the signs were not simple on the surface.

Ye Feng recalled the animation, the five giants can take the body in this world, why can't you possess it yourself?

Since Xia Di said it, let's give it a try. Anyway, there is no shortage of meat.

I saw the thousand-year scale flashing, and the next moment, Ye Feng felt the real body.

The possession was really successful!

Xia Di is wrong, it should be Ye Feng, holding the Millennium Scale in his right hand and the Millennium Key hanging around his neck.

The Millennium Key flashed, and the illusory Xia Di appeared next to Ye Feng.

Xia Di nodded and said: "Sure enough. Next, Jie, do what you want to do. If your situation is not right, I will seize your body immediately!"


Ye Feng suddenly felt that Xia Di was very reliable, just like playing a game. Being an opponent would be uncomfortable, but being a teammate would make people feel at ease.

Ye Feng silently crossed out the two or three things Xia Di did to me, Ye, in the notebook, and then thought to himself: Xia Di, what you owe me has been paid off.

Ye Feng looked at the surrounding situation. First of all, he had to determine his position. Secondly, he had to quickly find someone to determine the progress of the plot.

I have two purposes this time.

The main purpose is to find Kaiba before Kaiba and Naia duel!

The secondary purpose is to find a duel with the Big Five!

Thank you to the two bosses [Already Riding the Victory] and [Meow~] for their monthly votes.

Thank you [Passenger Wuyan] and [Gudu’s Lazy Bones] for their tips.

Ahem, because of a certain vocabulary, this chapter went into a dark room, which was a little embarrassing and a little late.

There is still one chapter left, so I’ll post it tonight, it’s not finished yet.

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