
Chapter 123 Reunion

PS: Transition Chapter

emotionally stable!

In good condition!

Feel refreshed!

Ye Feng felt that this duel made him feel a little more at ease, and his original uneasy mood was swept away.

Xia Di, who was also nervous at first, also breathed a sigh of relief.

The duel was over. Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Ota Soichiro disappeared. To be precise, he temporarily retreated.

"樨?" Jonouchi asked cautiously.

Ye Feng was stunned when he heard this, but nodded: "How did you recognize me in the city?"

"Huh? Is it Jie?" Everyone was surprised, even Yu Yu couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

Jonouchi rubbed the back of his head and chuckled: "I can't tell, I just feel it. By the way, can you possess Xia Di?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng instantly broke away from the possession, and turned into a spirit body and floated beside Cheng Nei: "I can only possess Xia Di in this special virtual world. Outside, I can only communicate with you.

"Jie?!" You Yuxi shouted happily, while looking at Ye Jie.

But everyone's reaction seemed to be invisible to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was dumbfounded: "Sure enough, just as I thought, only the holder of the thousand-year artifact can see me."

"Huh? Yugi, can you see me too?" Kyoko asked curiously.

Yugi nodded, "Jie said that only the holders of the Millennium Artifact can see him."

Everyone had never seen Ye Feng before, and they were all curious about what Ye Feng looked like.

"By the way, why are you with Xia Di?" Jonouchi asked: "I remember when I first entered Naia's world, I was holding the Millennium Scale tightly, but the Millennium Scale suddenly disappeared."

"I was pulled into the dark world by Li and had a duel with him." Ye Feng thought about it and finally decided to tell the truth.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Feng briefly talked about the situation of himself and Li in the dark world, including the problem of losing control of his emotions. Of course, Jonouchi and Yugi could hear it. As for the others, Jonouchi would repeat it.

"By the way, Jonouchi, Yugi, Time Magician, I won it back. I'll leave it to you when we get out of here."

Faced with Ye Feng's calm words, Yugi fell into a long silence, while Jonouchi stopped talking.

"I didn't expect that Feng would do so much." Xingzi was the most emotional. After hearing what Ye Feng had experienced just now, she couldn't help but speak. At this time, everyone had their own thoughts, worries, and admiration.

"It can be repaired!" Jonouchi clenched his fists, wanting to beat him up.

"That is to say, Jie. will lose control of his emotions at any time, right?" Wang Xiang asked: "Using such despicable means is just to deal with Jie."

Everyone comforted Ye Feng, and Ye Feng felt like a stone fell to the ground in his heart.

He really didn't intend to say it, but in the end, Ye Feng chose to explain it.

Ye Feng said calmly: "Okay, I still need to verify it. Although I have no problem dueling with the five giants now, it is best to duel a few more times to see. If the situation allows, I hope to deal with those who are reasonable." My men are having a duel!"

"I understand! In the semi-finals, I will definitely help you avenge this time!" Jonouchi's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and then he took the Millennium Scale handed over by Xia Di.

"Before that, hurry up and find Kaiba!" Ye Feng reminded quickly: "Naia's target this time is Kaiba, and Li has already joined forces with Naia."

Everyone quickly came to their senses. It took a lot of time for Ye Feng to talk about his experience. Of course, according to the original animation, Kaiba was still dueling with the last Big Five at this time, so Ye Feng was not in a hurry.

I don't lack these ten minutes. There is only one thing I have to do, save the Trojan!

Kaiba's loss to Naia was purely due to Mokuba's kidnapping, and as long as Mokuba was rescued, this dilemma could be solved.

Of course, saving the wooden horse is the first step, and the second step is to print a wave of cards for the president. After all, in Naia's world, you can manifest the cards in the Destiny Gem, while others can only manifest the cards currently in the database. card.

Of course, Ye Feng just wanted to give it a try, and maybe he couldn't give the card to Kaiba in Naia's world.

There is no need for everyone to search. At this time, a portal has appeared in front of everyone. This is also a characteristic of Naiya's world.

A group of people walked into the portal in a mighty manner, and Ye Feng returned to Jonouchi's side and communicated with Jonouchi.

Jonouchi told Ye Feng what happened after he entered Naia's world, and Ye Feng finally understood that Peacock Dance replaced Kyoko in the duel with the Five Giants, which is why they rushed here so quickly.

As for the rest, it is no different from the original animation.

Ye Feng defeated Mechanical Sergeant, which has greatly changed the plot. In the original animation, the five giants controlled the body of Honda, who was defeated by Mechanical Sergeant, and had a duel with Jonouchi and Yugi. Now their The plan failed, which was Ye Feng's only worry.

Outside the door is a yellow stone open space, which Ye Feng is very familiar with. It is the place where the city and the game will fight against the five giants.

"Muto Yugi! Now let's duel with our five giants!"

A loud voice came, and everyone looked up and saw a thin man standing on a high slope.

"Parasite?" Ye Feng was surprised, but he instantly understood that this parasite should have existed before, and now it was the body of the Big Five.

That also means that Haima has solved the last of the Big Five?

"Hehehe, I must steal that young body this time." Otaki Shuzo, who loves penguins and girls, smiled sinisterly.

Naia's goal is very clear, which is Kaiba; and the goal of the Big Five is also very clear, which is to hold Yugi back and prevent him from supporting Kaiba. In the eyes of the Big Five, everyone else is a bastard.

Ye Feng was eager to give it a try. He urgently needed to fight the parasite to verify the issues related to losing control of his emotions.

"The five giants are in one body?" Xingzi asked in surprise.

"That's right! It's all because of you that the five of us occupy this small body. Now we are the five giants who have returned from hell for the third time!"

"Wait! If there are five of you, wouldn't it be five against one?" Jonouchi immediately stopped Yugi and said, "In that case, let me join the battle!"

"Cheng Nei" Wang Yang whispered Cheng Nei's name.

"This is a duel that determines whether we can leave this world safely! Moreover, you and the evil darkness have joined forces to carry out despicable methods. How can I stand by and watch the battle with my fingers in my mouth? I will not leave Yugi alone. Face you!"

Wang Xiang smiled, "Ang, that's right! Please help me, Cheng Nai!"

Ye Feng frowned, then possessed Xia Di and said: "Inside the city, Yuxi, this place is left to you two. Xia Di and I are going to find Kaiba. I'm afraid that Kaiba will fall into Naia's scheme."

"Jie, I leave it to you, Kaiba, and leave this place to me and Jonouchi!" Wang Xiang nodded in response.

"No problem! Just go with peace of mind!" Jonouchi assured, patting his chest.

Ye Feng felt weird hearing Jonouchi's words, but he no longer hesitated. Compared with the duel, the most important thing was to ensure that the power of luck in Kaiba was not reduced.

"By the way Jonouchi, add this card to your deck!"

Ye Feng smiled and manifested a card, which also proved one thing. A physical card can really be handed over to Jonouchi in Naiya's world.

That also means that Ye Feng can manifest cards for others here, so his advantage still exists!

"Is this the last card?" Jonouchi was surprised, "How did you do it? Why didn't I find this card in the card library?!"

Ye Feng grinned: "My card library is different from yours. Well, within the city, Xia Di and I will take the first step. You and Yugi must work hard!"

After saying that, Xia Di and Ye Feng left, and the others naturally stayed here to cheer for Yugi and Jonouchi.

"Is this card the one you used to defeat Malik last time?" Wang Xiang came closer and said with a smile: "It's a pity that I didn't see this card last time. I didn't expect there to be such a powerful card!"

"Yi Yu, Jie is also fighting with us. Let us fight together in this duel!"

While talking, Jonouchi and Yugi stepped forward, but the Big Five didn't react, so it became a five-on-two fight?

One of the Big Five said: "I know, let's do it!"

"Wait! Although there are five of us, there is actually only one person who is actually playing cards. Isn't this detrimental to us?" Another Big Five asked.

"It's okay! Jonouchi will only hold Yugi back, leave it to me to negotiate from now on!" Ooka Chikuzen, the former chief lawyer of Kaiba Group, said.

"Hey Chikuzen, you just lost to Jonouchi not long ago. If I guess correctly, you lost the fastest among everyone, right?"

"Stop talking! Jonouchi only relies on luck in playing cards. If his whirlwind dice hadn't destroyed my ambush card, he would have lost long ago! Just listen to me!!"

In this way, just like the plot in the animation, the five giants began to negotiate with Jonouchi and Yugi, and then had a duel.

Of course, this time, the Big Five will lose even more miserably.

Ye Feng and Xia Di kept moving forward, and finally, a door appeared in front of them.

Without hesitation, Ye Feng opened the door.

"Xia Di, don't think that you can be so arrogant just because you beat this loser Ohta Soichiro."

As soon as Ye Feng entered the door, he heard Naiya's voice. Apparently Naiya was observing everything through the Big Five under surveillance.

Of course, he didn't know that Xia Di was Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was startled. He originally thought that Naiya was looking for the seahorse, but he didn't expect that Naiya would take the initiative to meet him? This also meant that Kaiba was on his way, and he was still one step ahead.

"Naia, let go of the wooden horse and use the duel as a bet!"

Ye Feng got straight to the point and issued a challenge decisively.

I tried to shorten the transition chapters as much as possible to avoid being too confusing. You may have noticed that the plot develops very quickly. I really want to finish it in two chapters.

Since they are all based on the original plot of the animation, I ended up passing it over, so don’t be surprised.

Let’s continue writing about the duel between Ye Feng and Naiya tomorrow.

As for the duel between Jonouchi, Yugi and the five giants, I won’t write about it. There is nothing to write about. The five giants are too weak. The red dad comes on the stage and ends immediately. Just like that QAQ.

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