
Chapter 133 Crazy ghost attack

"Game, the duel continues!"

After Li made his remarks, he stopped communicating with the game, and then he began to explain the effects of famous reasoning.

"The effect of Name Reasoning is: You can declare any level from 1 to 12. Then I turn over cards from the deck until I turn up the first monster. If the level of that monster is the same as the level you declared, turn it over. All cards are sent to the graveyard. If not, that monster is Special Summoned, and all remaining revealed cards are sent to the graveyard."

"When special summoning monsters, do you also send the cards in the deck to the graveyard?" Wang Xiang analyzed the pros and cons in an instant, "My declared level is 8!"

Ye Feng nodded in agreement. In terms of reasoning, the declaration is almost the same. There is a 1/12 chance that the declaration will basically fail, and then the opponent summons monsters. In fact, the other meaning of this card is that you don’t want to let the opponent’s monsters have a few stars. Summoned to the field!

Obviously, the game believes that 8-star monsters need to be defended the most. As for monsters with higher stars, based on comprehensive probability calculations, it is good to have one in a deck.

As for the low-star ones, at least they won’t have high attack power when summoned. Of course, another reason why Wang Yang declared 8 stars is the seahorse. After all, there are many big monsters in the 8-star seahorse. Anyway, it’s just a casual guess. Just guess. Got 8 stars.

Li squinted his eyes. Summoning monsters was actually secondary. What he wanted more was to pile up graves!

The magic cards and trap cards of Witchcraft can be added to the hand when they are in the graveyard, and the monster cards also have good effects when removed from the graveyard. This name reasoning can be said to be a perfect fit for Witchcraft.

"The first card I drew is..." Li said while drawing the card, but suddenly, he was stunned.

Zhili's face was very ugly, and everyone saw this scene.

"The first card Masakali drew was an eight-star monster?!" Jonouchi exclaimed.

Everyone was curious, and Li Xin reluctantly showed the drawn card.

[Famous witch craftsman·Glass Witch, 8 stars]

"Su Gei! Yugi, you are so foresight!!" Honda shouted.

"You have good luck today, Yugi!" Jonouchi waved happily.

When Ye Feng saw this scene, he couldn't help but be stunned.

What kind of luck is this?

Witchcraft has a total of eight monsters, three of which have no graveyard effect, and two of these three are core cards of Witchcraft. This Glass Witch is undoubtedly the core of the core!

If Li summoned the Glass Witch so easily in the first round, then the game would really be a tough battle.

Li took a deep breath and finally sent the Glass Witch to the cemetery.

"Damn it! Is the world's will just helping Muto Yugi like this?!" Liqi trembled, his own reasoning was equivalent to doing nothing, he was piled up in a lonely tomb, and the initial hand card was reduced by one.

"Li, it seems that I am very lucky. If you summon this eight-star monster, maybe I will be in trouble, right?" Wang Xiang said to Li with a smile, and in Li's ears, it sounded very similar. ridicule.

"Don't be too happy!" Li gritted his teeth and said, "Let me show you my perfect hand! In attack mode, I summon: The Mother of Witchcraft, the Genius Witch!"

The card glowed, and an intellectual woman holding a huge blue staff appeared in front of Li, with long wavy yellow hair touching her waist.

Cuteness is worthless in front of sexiness, and the genius witch is the representative of witchcraft.

[Mother of Witchcraft: Genius Witch, 1 star, wind, magician type, attack power 300, defense power 500]

"Hey Honda, don't look so obsessed with me!!" Kyoko said with disgust when she saw the lustful look of Honda next to her.

"Ahem." Jonouchi coughed lightly and silently turned his head to look at Mai, saying that he hadn't seen her.

"Game! Watch out for me, I'm going to activate the effect of the Genius Witch! I send the "Witch's Sabotage" from my hand to the graveyard, and then release the Genius Witch. I special summon from the deck in defense position: Witch Craftsman Glass Witch! "

[Master of Witchcraft: Glass Witch, Defense 2800]

"Have you summoned the second monster like this?" Wang Xiang murmured. It seems that this monster is indeed the core of his deck. Its defense power is 2800 points, which is higher than my Black Magician. High, if nothing else, it has a very powerful effect.”

Wang Yang analyzed everything in an instant.

Ye Feng was calm, because Ye Feng knew that Li would definitely use his ability to adjust the initial hand cards, and if he couldn't summon the Glass Witch first, there would be a problem.

The Glass Witch's first-hand suppression ability is very scary. Discarding a magic card in your hand can invalidate the opponent's monster effects; or you can display magic cards with different card names in your hand. Each time you display one, you can make your own monsters The attack power and defense power will increase by the number of people watching x 1000 until the end of the round.

Then some people may ask, why did the parasite summon the costume witch first during the last duel with Ye Feng?

The effect of the Costume Witch is to discard a card from your hand to destroy a face-up card. It is more suitable for counter-positioning. In terms of standing firm on the scene, the Glass Witch is the only choice.

"Game! I can't lose! My determination to live is no weaker than anyone else!" Li shouted: "I will continue to activate the permanent magic cards from my hand: Witch's Alley and Witch's Alley Scroll!!"

The quaint European-style alleys and the books emerging from the air give the venue a completely new look.

"That's it, the turn is over!" Li waved his right hand and announced the end of his turn, "At the same time, I want to activate the effect of the witch spell in the cemetery to slow down. At the end of my turn, I can add it Hand card!”

Ri took out Witchcraft's Sabotage from the graveyard and added it to his hand.

Five cards in hand: famous reasoning, genius witch, sabotage of witchcraft, alley of witchcraft, and scroll of witchcraft. This is the strongest expansion of witchcraft. At this time, reason has an absolute advantage.

As for the last card in the hand, it is the third eight-star monster in the deck, the Glass Witch.

If the game cannot break through this defense, the next time it is reasonable to use the witchcraft to resurrect the genius witch, and then summon the costume witch, by then, the complete form of the witchcraft will be formed.

When the Costume Witch is on the field, she not only has the effect of destroying the opponent's cards, she can also make the magician monsters on her field immune to effects. In addition, the Glass Witch increases the attack power and invalidates the opponent's effects, which can torture the opponent to death. .

Once you get into the rhythm of Witchcraft, it is difficult to escape. Want to consume the resources of Witchcraft? That is even more nonsense, because witch magic can take back the resources of the cemetery.

In the last duel, Ye Feng could be said to have made a huge profit. Not only did he get the first move, but he also had God's Declaration and Hui Liuli as his first move. This interrupted the unfolding of the witchcraft. Otherwise, it would have been a hard fight. .

"The Glass Witch seems to be hiding in the house. What's the mystery of these two permanent magic cards?" Peacock Dance said thoughtfully.

Jonouchi heard this and immediately explained: "The Alley of the Witch's Art can be used once per turn to prevent the Witch's Magic monster from being destroyed by battle. The Witch's Scroll can draw a card from the deck when the Witch's Magic monster destroys the opponent's monster."

"Protecting monsters and having the ability to continuously check cards? It's really a terrible chain." Peacock Dance was a little worried when he heard this, "The game is also for us, it's really difficult for him."

"Wu, don't worry. I have always felt in my heart that Yugi is one of the most powerful duelists. No matter what duel he is, he will never lose. And all we have to do is to believe in him unconditionally! I believe that Yugi will definitely do it. Fulfill my agreement with him and have a real duel with each other in the finals!"

Peacock Wu looked at the serious Jonouchi and couldn't help but blush. She turned away and gave a gentle greeting.

Ye Feng is also a little worried. After all, according to Ye Feng's intelligence, Li is not the kind of person who would risk his life. He will not fight an uncertain battle. But at this point, Ye Feng can only pray that the game can be won. If the game loses, The consequences would be disastrous.

"It's my turn! Draw a card!!"

Wang Xiang drew a card from the deck without any fear, and then looked at his hand.

I don’t have any cards in my hand that can defeat his monsters, and I don’t know what the effects of his two permanent magic cards are. However, Osiris’ Sky Dragon can definitely break the predicament in front of me. What I have to do now is defend. Fight back and wait for my opportunity to win!

After Wang Xiang finished thinking, he immediately thought of a strategy, and then he played the card he just drew: "I activate the magic card, Pot of Desire! Draw two cards from the deck!"

"It's about time, I'm summoning in defense position, Magnet Warrior α!"

[Magnet Warrior α, defense power 1700]

"Is it a magnet monster? The same routine as last time, do you want to summon the God's Card?" Li whispered, and he did not dare to relax in the duel with Yugi. As for the God's Card, it may be more suppressive in the Master's Duel. It's limited, but if it appears in Duel City, it can be said to be terrifyingly powerful.

"It's not over yet. I discard a card in my hand and can special summon: Trickster!" Wang Xiang sent a card in his hand to the graveyard as he spoke, and then a strange magician wearing a blue cloak appeared.

[Trickster, attack power 2000]

"I ambush three cards, and the round ends like this!"

The three hidden cards disappeared in a flash, and after Wang Yang's operation, there was only one unknown card left in his hand.

When Li saw these three cover cards, he had a headache. He didn't have Harpy's Feather Sweep, and there was only one Dalan in the deck. It was hard to say whether he could draw Dalan, but Dalan would put his own situation on the map. Destructive.

"Is the Trickster trying to attract my attention in attack mode to protect the magnet warriors in defense mode?" Li didn't dare to slack off at all. He analyzed every possibility and situation, but no matter how he thought about it, he was upset. chaos.

"My turn, draw a card!!"

There were bloodshot eyes in Li's eyes, and he now wanted to draw a usable card.

When Li saw the card he had just drawn, his heart stopped.

That card is the Seven-Star Monster Costume Witch!

Like the Glass Witch, it will be awkward to have the card in your hand, and you will have to draw again.

Li controlled his expression, suppressed his irritable emotions, and took a deep breath.

I have expected this situation, haven't I? Muto Games, even if I have only one chance of beating you, I will give it a try!

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