
Chapter 156 Words that cannot be said

PS: From the information I found, the remaining two pieces in the game are the sealed left foot and the sealed Exodia. In addition, Exodia’s body and limbs are monsters with different names.


Black Magician, Dark Paladin, Magical Valkyrie, Sealed Left Foot and Sealed Exodia, the five magician monsters are each in one corner, forming a five-pointed star formation.

Infinite power surged from them, and the huge light pillar in the middle rose up. The power that exploded was no less than that of a god. Among the majestic light pillars, the black magician was the first to bear the brunt and jumped into it.

After all, he is a black magician. The appearance of the Five Formation Magician looks like the evolved form of the black magician to a certain extent.

Finally, light overflowed, countless yellow halo energy burst out from the light pillar, and a magician wearing a purple-black robe walked to the front of the game.

[Five array magician, 12 stars, dark, magician type, attack power 4500, defense power 4500]

"So handsome!" Little stars twinkled in Xingzi's eyes. Indeed, the Five Formation Magician was not as mysterious and domineering as the Dark Paladin, but he was more sacred and exuded an invisible sense of affinity.

"He really did the ultimate magician game where five magicians merged!!" Honda exclaimed.

Jonouchi looked at the five magicians and was ecstatic. Yes, he was indescribably excited at this time.

"This is the game! Only you like this are worthy of my defeat!!" Jonouchi said loudly: "Unfortunately, the attack power of my Five Divine Dragons is 5000, and your Five Formation Magician only has 4500, and there is no quick attack. You can’t even launch an attack, so I can destroy your five-formation magician in the next round!”

Wang Xiang raised the corner of his mouth and smiled faintly: "My ultimate magician has the most powerful magic in the city! I want to activate the special effects of the five magicians, when his fusion material is five magician monsters with different names. When, I can destroy all the cards on your field!"

"Nani?!" Jonouchi was shocked. This was the first time he saw a monster that could destroy all the cards on the field!

Ye Feng glanced helplessly at Jonouchi. The younger brother of Jonouchi had never seen the destruction dragon Gandora. There were many cards in the bombing field.

Wang Xiang was full of fighting spirit and pointed his right index finger at Jonouchi: "The magician is about to enter the fifth formation, and the super magic formation explodes!!"

The five formations of magicians exuded intense magical energy, and dazzling light shone across the entire field. Like the spreading fluctuations, countless magic lights exploded.

"Boom, boom boom!!!"

The explosion sounded, and all the monsters in the city were reduced to nothing. Not only that, the monster box and Red-Eye Triumph on his field also turned into pieces and disappeared.

The surrounding energy lingered for a long time, and Jonouchi couldn't help but leave sweat stains. Just a five-formation magician returned to the scene instantly. More than that, Jonouchi was forced into a desperate situation.

"I want to activate another effect of Red-Eyes Triumph. When it is sent to the graveyard, I can special summon a Red-Eyes monster in the graveyard! Resurrection, Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon!!"

Jonouchi clenched his fists to resist, and without hesitation chose to summon the Red Eyes Dark Steel Dragon.

[True red-eyed dark steel dragon, defense power 2400]

Wang Xiang narrowed his eyes when he saw this. The second effect of the True Red Eye Triumph was the first time Jonouchi used it. He thought that this wave of explosions could successfully eliminate Jonouchi, but he didn't expect that Jonouchi could continue to fight.

"This is how my round ends!" Wang Xiang waved his right hand, declaring the end of his round.

He has five formations of magicians on the field, which occupies an absolute advantage. Neither of them has cards or cards in hand. Although the True Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon can pull the True Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon, Jonouchi's health is not enough for him to give it away. Red-Eyes Black Dragon Summons the Red-Eyes Black Dragon.

At this time, the advantage of health points is reflected. The fault tolerance in the city is very low, and there are not many operations. The game will naturally not touch the true red-eyed sub-black dragon in the city. In other words, it will become a matter of who goes first. When the key card is drawn!

The situation became confusing again. Wang Yang did not dare to attack the Red-Eyes Yaheilong, and Jonouchi did not dare to switch to attack mode, so he could only defend hard.

Ye Feng had a headache. Ever since the fall of God's Card, Jonouchi and the game all depended on God's Draw. Once there was no God's Draw, it would be a direct hit. Every round would make people fearful. Now it's Jonouchi's turn again.

"Please, my deck." Jonouchi was naturally aware of the anxiety of the situation in front of him. He closed his eyes and then shouted: "My turn, draw cards!!"

Ye Feng turned around hurriedly and looked around. Ye Feng was really nervous. He hoped Jonouchi could win, both emotionally and rationally.

When Ye Feng saw the card in the city, he felt unspeakable in his heart. The card he drew was a god-given treasure!

Yes, so far, the Jounouchi deck has been half empty, and the three Pots of Desire, three Angel's Alms, and three God-given Baozha are basically sleeping in the deck, and there is no way to tell who he is. Even if God is angry, it is still natural.

"Yi game, I drew a good card, a magic card, and activated the God-given Baozha!!"

Wang Yang didn't react at all, and silently drew six cards from the deck. Ye Jie was very worried. Drawing six cards in one breath was indeed a hope for a comeback, but Wang Yang had a magical sanctuary on the field!

This is an opportunity, but it is also a crisis. The already unpredictable situation is now completely unclear.

Jonouchi drew six cards from the deck, and then Jonouchi showed a nervous expression, "Yuyu! I activate the effect of the Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon, revive the Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon!"

"Ouch!!" The True Red-Eyed Dark Steel Dragon, who had been resurrected for an unknown number of times, roared and stood beside the True Red-Eyed Dark Steel Dragon.

[True red-eyed sub-black dragon, attack power 2400]

"Attack expression?" Wang Yang was surprised.

"That's right Yugi. This round, I'm going to activate the final card. Either I win this duel or I'm completely defeated!" Jonouchi was full of fighting spirit and resolutely played a card, "Magic card, Roulette Spider activates!"

"It's actually a Roulette Spider?!" Wang Yang was stunned. This card helped Jonouchi win two crucial duels. It can be said to be the most powerful life-betting card in Jonouchi's deck!

"Roulette Spider, to activate this card, I must pay half of my health!" After Jonouchi said this, his health began to decrease.

Jonouchi LP1300→650!

"Roulette Spider, boss, possess me on the face of the Fifth Formation Magician!"

Ye Feng clenched his fists unconsciously. The Five-Array Magician would not be destroyed by the effect, but it was another matter for the Roulette Spider to control him. It could be said that there were cards in the Jonouchi deck that could defeat the Five-Array Magician. Not much, this Roulette Spider happens to be the key card.

As Jonouchi shouted, a card appeared, light overflowed, and a yellow and black spider flew out from the card. There was a unique red tail needle at the tail. It opened its hands and rushed towards the five arrays of magic. Teacher, it instantly appeared on his face.

The five magicians staggered to the middle of the field, and the next moment, a hexagonal spider web barrier appeared on the ground.

Jonouchi shouted excitedly: "Yugi, you have the right to stop the roulette spider! Come on, let the roulette spider start spinning!!"

"Got it!" The roulette spider made a mechanical sound. The next moment, under the control of the roulette spider, the five arrays of magicians began to spin crazily. The slender red arrow at the tip of the tail was like the long sword of death, which could stab at any time. A fatal blow.

"Within the city! I accept your challenge!!" Wang Yang shouted without showing any signs of weakness. In the tense mood of everyone, Wang Yang finally shouted to stop, "Stop it!!"

Under Wang Xiang's command, the Roulette Spider's speed decreased rapidly, and its slow speed turned in front of Jonouchi, but it did not stop, but continued to spin. Finally, the red tail needle suddenly stopped in front of Yugi. Down!

"Yada thief!!"

Jonouchi shouted excitedly, and Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, "It's okay, it's okay."

Wang Xiang couldn't help but shook his head when he saw this: "Hey, as expected of Cheng Nai, he actually won the fatal gamble again at the last moment!"

Wang Yang was also helpless. If he were a time magician, Wang Yang could still talk nonsense, but he couldn't talk nonsense with the Roulette Spider, he could only try and exploit him.

Jonouchi shouted excitedly: "The game is over! Because of the effect of the roulette spider, the five magicians will attack you directly! I won this duel!"

"Wadokana!" Amidst the shouts in the city, Wang Xiang returned to his cold expression again and played a card resolutely, "Quick Attack Magic, Monster Recycling is activated! He can destroy all the cards on my field. Return all the cards in your hand to the deck, and then draw five cards from the deck!"

"It's actually a monster recovery?!" Jonouchi was stunned. This card was a card that Yugi had used in the Naia world, and he knew it.

"It's not over yet. In the city, while I activated Monster Recovery, I also activated another card, Change of Heart!! Come to my field, the True Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon!!" Yugi played one card after another, really The red-eyed dark steel dragon suddenly flew onto the game field.

"Nani?!" Jonouchi was shocked.

I saw the cards on the game field tumbling. The Red-Eyed Dark Steel Dragon, the Five Array Magician, and the Magical Sanctuary all turned into light and returned to the game's duel board.

Seeing this, Ye Feng secretly thought that it was a pity that the game field was really empty now, but the key point was that there were no monsters in the city that could be summoned through the field! !

Jonouchi shouted: "But Yugi! Although my Red-Eyes Sub-Black Dragon can't defeat you, you can take the damage from this blow! The Red-Eyes Sub-Black Dragon attacks directly!!"

This time Wang Xiang didn't resist anymore, he just raised his right hand to block the black-fire bullet of the red-eyed sub-black dragon.


Wang Xiang suffered up to 2,400 points of damage, and his health dropped suddenly.

Wang Yang LP2500→100

Ye Feng's heart tightened, but Jonouchi didn't notice anything was wrong, and laughed heartily: "Yo Xi! I ambush two cards, and the round ends like this!"

The people on the other side naturally began to talk about how Yugi was at a disadvantage, but Yugi stood up again and immediately laughed.

"Inside the city, I didn't expect that you would capture my five formations of magicians. Now you are really too strong!" Wang Xiang couldn't help but admire: "But the duel is not over yet! I have already got the magician in my hand. The formula for victory in this duel is complete!"

Jonouchi grinned: "Yugi! Then you can summon more powerful monsters to defeat me. You must know that there is no monster on your field, and your health is like the wind."

"Jouchi! Akizu sack!!"

Ye Feng spoke loudly and immediately stopped Jonouchi from saying that word. Good guy, you must not say this word. It is very dangerous to lock blood. If you say this word, Ye Feng feels that no matter who comes on the stage, it will not help. That's a game!

Jonouchi was so frightened by Ye Feng's sudden shout that he jumped three feet high. He turned to Ye Feng and complained: "What are you doing, Feng? You scared me!!"

Thank you to the two heads of Back to the Future and Passerby Wuyan for the reward. I haven't paid back the one update I owe each. It's true that I can't help but forgive me. Please forgive me.

Thank you for the monthly votes of [Jibing A Book God] and [Back to the Future], thank you.

In addition, the effect of the Red Eyes Dark Steel Dragon that I specially marked in the previous chapter was wrong. I always remembered that it can only be activated in the main stage 1. Unfortunately, I marked it specifically, but in fact it can also be activated in the main stage 2. This is really my fault. I haven't played enough and my memory has become confused. I won't change this. It's mainly because it's hard to change. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

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