
Chapter 170 Ye Feng’s Assessment

The duel field is illuminated by the Milky Way, and the stars are shining down, creating a world full of beauty.

"Is the so-called assessment the end game?"

Ye Feng looked at the changing scenes around him and murmured to himself: "But the duel in front of me has nothing to do with the two decks of cards I put in! Is there any secret hidden in it?"

"Unlike the endgames I've experienced, this venue doesn't seem to restrict me from choosing a certain venue."

Ye Feng looked at both sides of the field, and then frowned.

"I didn't expect that the rules of this assessment space would actually be a master duel? It's not just a master duel. There is also such a weird card on one side of the field. What does it mean? Is it a trap?"

Ye Feng said mockingly, and then snorted coldly, "Interesting. So, which side should I control for this duel?"

The duel scene in front of Ye Feng is as follows.

The field on the left has LP6000, no cards in hand, and one activated magic card on the field: Countdown to the End; three Blue-Eyes White Dragons, 20 cards left in the deck, and no cards in the graveyard.

Countdown to the end: Pay 2000 basic points to activate. 20 rounds after the start of the activation round, you will win the duel!

LP200 on the right field, an unknown hand card, an activated magic card on the field: Magic Sanctuary; four monsters in defense position: Queen Knight, King Knight, Guard Knight, Charging Captain; and two unknown The card is covered; the graveyard has no card.

Ye Feng counted the counter above the "Final Countdown" on the left field.

"1, 2, 3, 415, 16!"

"16 timers? In other words, after four rounds, will the left field win this duel?"

"Three Blue-Eyes White Dragons are on the field. I'm curious how this scene was played? On the left, only the countdown of the end was used, which consumed 2,000 health points, and then there was no loss of health? What about the previous ten rounds? Coming here? The final timer deck also contains Blue Eyes White Dragon? Three of them?!"

"The warrior deck on the right? It's obviously a master duel, what does it mean to bring these younger warriors?"

Ye Feng unconsciously rubbed his temples. The duel scene in front of him gave him a headache.

"There's no prompt. I'm not even sure if I'm going to end the game. This assessment is quite troublesome~"

"And the duel field doesn't show whose turn will be next. How should I choose?"

"On the left side of the field, we obviously have an advantage. Putting aside the huge lead in health points, the final timer is approaching. Not only that, the three blue-eyed white dragons can be said to have completely suppressed the four warriors!"

"But the key point is that the left field is completely transparent! There are no hands, cards, or graves!"

"The right side seems to be in danger, but there are still two cover cards and one hand card, and it seems that it can make a comeback at any time!"

"In other words, I need to confirm the set card and hand card on the right field, but what if the moment I check the card, the right field is selected by default?"

"Why do I feel like this final timer is a big trap? It looks tempting, but it's actually a trap!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath. His mind was about to explode. He felt that no matter which venue he chose, he would be cheated.

Tangled and confused, Ye Feng finally walked to the right field and said at the same time: "I don't like unknown duels. I prefer naked opponents on the table! Since it is an assessment, it must not be unsolvable. Let me see what kind of hand and cover cards this unreliable warrior deck has!"

Ye Feng came to the duel stage on the right. This was not a duel plate, but much like the venue of a duel kingdom. The virtual monsters on the field were ready to move.

Ye Feng took a deep breath and picked up a card on the right field.


There was a sound from nowhere, and then a red light shot out from the duel arena, hitting Ye Feng directly. Ye Feng was trapped on the duel stage by the red light wall.

"Sure enough, when I picked up the card, it represented the venue I chose."

And just when Ye Feng felt that his guess was correct, a robot appeared on the opponent's field.

It was a silver-white robot, about the same size as Ye Feng, with eyes shining with a strange red light.

"Hello duelist, I am the examiner for this assessment. You can call me Examiner No. 1, or you can just call me Examiner."

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and thought to himself: I didn't expect that there would be an examiner for this assessment?

Let me reiterate: Ye Feng’s memory of any assessment space has been sealed!

"Then Examiner No. 1, can you tell me the rules?" Ye Feng asked. It would be easier if someone was around.

The examiner's mechanical voice was very cold: "The duel has begun! If you win this duel within the rules, you will pass the assessment. Now it is your turn, draw cards, duelist!"

"Within the rules? Is it the master's rules?" Ye Feng asked.

"This is not my obligation! Start your turn, duelist. Don't ask me any more questions. If you are warned twice by me, you will lose your qualifications for the assessment!"

Ye Feng frowned. It seemed that this examiner was different from what he imagined. Wasn't he here to explain the rules to him? OK?

But the examiner made it so clear that it seemed that I could only take one step at a time.

Ye Feng no longer hesitated and looked at the card in his hand, but the next moment, Ye Feng couldn't help but started to complain: "What does this card mean? Are my friends coming to cheer me up?"

There is only one card in Ye Feng's hand, and it is a magic card: Unity!

Yes, this is a quick-attack magic card. Its effect can only be activated by targeting 1 face-up monster on your field; the defense of that monster becomes all the face-up monsters on your field until the end of the round. The total value of the monster's original defense power.

This effect complements your own scene. The three knights plus the charging captain have a total defense power of up to 4400 points. Plus the charging captain effect: as long as this card exists in the monster area, the opponent cannot select other warrior-type monsters as it. Attack object.

Powerful defensive means, blocking for one round is no problem at all!

Of course, Ye Feng's focus was not on the effect, but on the card pattern of unity.

Because this unity card pattern is a photo of the moment during the opening duel of Yu-Gi-Oh, when Kyoko drew a smiley face pattern on the four people’s hands with a pen.

The four people on the card symbolize unity, which is also the origin of this card.

Ye Feng smiled slightly, and then looked at his two ambush cards.

One of the ambush cards is a very common life-threatening card that incapacitates attacks.

But the other one surprised Ye Feng again.

The other card is a magic card: "Friendship"!

The picture on "Friendship" is also very interesting.

That was the scene of Yugi and Jonouchi shaking hands. The two looked at each other passionately. It could be said that it was a card tailor-made for them.

Putting this pattern aside, let’s look at the effect of this card.

Friendship: Ask the other player to shake hands; if the other player agrees to shake hands, the basic points of both parties become half of the total basic points of both parties! When you have a "Unity" card in your hand, you can show Unity to the other party. In that case, both parties must shake hands, and then the effect of this card is triggered.

Yes, this friendship and unity can also create a chain, which is to restore health points.

Perhaps in a normal duel, this card would be a piece of cake, but for Ye Feng now, it has a really powerful effect.

Because Ye Feng's health value is only 200, while the opposite examiner's health value is 6,000!

"It turns out that the purpose of the examiner's existence is to shake hands with me?" Ye Feng smiled hoarsely, "No wonder this examiner doesn't want to talk to me anymore. He's just a tool. Strictly speaking, there are no hints at all in this assessment. !”

Ye Feng looked at the examiner and then at the scene on both sides.

"But why...I have a bad feeling?"

Ye Feng somehow felt the malice in the assessment space.

But now that it was over, Ye Feng had no choice but to start his own card drawing phase.

"My turn, draw a card!" Ye Feng shouted, and then looked at the card he had drawn.

But the next moment, Ye Feng was shocked again.

Ye Feng really felt that his brain was not used enough. This assessment really had all kinds of weird cards!

Combat rollback: The unique magic card in the assessment space can be used at any stage. It will not be affected by any effects when activated. It can restore everything on the duel field to its original state, that is, the examiner can take the assessment again; due to the battle rollback, it will be reset again. The venue cannot be changed for the initial assessment, and the battle rollback will be removed.

"Interesting. Do you want to do it again?" Ye Feng murmured: "In other words, there are many traps in this assessment? There is a high probability that it will be a long duel, but it's okay. With this card, I will be more sure. Got it!"

"But there is another point that I am puzzled about! That is, I drew this battle rollback, which also means that I lost one card drawing stage!"

"No! To be precise, I have one more turn, but I can't draw cards this turn! It's like using a Time Goddess prank!"

Ye Feng instantly analyzed the pros and cons, because after using the battle rollback, the cards he drew in the second round became the cards he drew in the first round.

"So...what can I do with this extra round?"

"My monster cannot defeat the Blue Eyes White Dragon, so I can only continue to defend."

"That is to say, this round I can use the ambushing "Friendship" to give me a wave of health back? "

"Other than that, there seems to be nothing else, right?"

But after thinking about this, Ye Feng couldn't help but frown!

So this assessment is about making snake skins?

Wouldn't it be better to just increase the health points of me and the opponent to 3100 points? Is this like giving me a battle roll for free?

Ye Feng was very confused, because judging from the current situation, this was unnecessary and superfluous!

Ye Feng felt that his thinking had fallen into some kind of misunderstanding. He didn't know if he was too smart, or if the assessment space was too stupid, and he was allowed to operate one more round in vain?

"No! There must be something wrong!!"

Ye Feng felt more and more that the situation was not good, but he couldn't say it.

"But it's okay! Even if there is any problem, I still have a second chance. As long as there is a battle, I will be surprised the first time. What I do this time is not to defeat the opponent, but to try my best to support!"

"Just hold on until the end and that's it! I have to figure out the rest of my deck construction and the opponent's deck construction!"

"Then, let me restore a wave of health first. Since we are going to fight to the end, this friendship and unity must be used!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath. Now that the tactics were confirmed, he could just implement them to the end.

Ye Feng opened the ambush card friendship and shouted loudly: "I want to open the ambush card: friendship! I want to offer you a handshake! As long as you agree, then our basic points will become half of the total basic points of both parties!"

"Sorry. I refuse to shake hands! So the friendship effect will not be triggered!" the examiner responded coldly.

"Hmph, I'm sorry, I have to activate another effect of friendship. When my hand card has "Unity", you must forcefully shake hands with me, and then I can trigger the effect of friendship! Sarah, come and shake hands! "

Ye Feng said with a playful smile, showing the unity in his hands.

"It can be repaired! Then I have no choice, right?" The examiner's tone was a little angry and a little disappointed, very much like a real person, but Ye Feng felt that this examiner was really humane.

Ye Feng tilted his head and immediately walked towards the examiner.

"Wait duelist!"

Suddenly, the examiner shouted at Ye Feng, and Ye Feng was startled when he heard this and stopped.

"That's it, you are not allowed to take the cards away from the console, and when you leave the console, due to the assessment rules, the red light defensive wall will be temporarily lifted. During this period, if you have additional actions, such as escaping, you will be You will be immediately disqualified from the assessment!"

The examiner added the rules coldly, while Ye Feng listened carefully.

"Oh? Are you afraid that I will run away? That's interesting."

Ye Feng couldn't help but shake his head, and then placed the unity and combat scrolls in his hands on the assessment table.

"Then let's shake hands in the middle of the field. What do you think?" the examiner asked.

Ye Feng, who had just put down the card, felt that something was wrong, but couldn't explain it.

What's wrong? Why does it seem like I've fallen into some kind of trap?

Ye Feng looked up at the examiner who was walking towards the middle of the duel field, and wanted to turn around and leave the examination platform.

And just when Ye Jie was about to step down, suddenly, Ye Jie had a flash of inspiration.

"I know! This feels inconsistent!"

"Yes! It feels inconsistent!!"

"The examiner was obviously very cold and cold. He wouldn't even answer any of my questions and even issued a warning, but he just showed a humane expression!"

"Not only that, but he also explained such detailed rules to me? Doesn't it have this obligation? If I run away and violate the rules, wouldn't it be in line with his wishes? He is actually taking care of my feelings?!"

"Also, he actually made a suggestion and asked me if I wanted to shake hands in the middle of the duel?"

"The examiner shouldn't just say: So and so, let's go to the middle of the duel and shake hands!"

"This is in line with the identity of an examiner!!"


"there is a problem!"

Ye Feng thought of something and felt his body go cold, then he looked up at the examiner.

At this time, the examiner looked directly at Ye Feng with cold eyes, which made Ye Feng's hair stand on end.

Ye Feng gritted his teeth and made a decision immediately.

I saw Ye Feng retracting his steps, decisively returning to the examination table, holding the battle scroll back in his hand, and then shouted at the examiner.

"I want to activate the magic card in my hand!"

"The battle rolls back!!"


Note: Why did Ye use combat rollback? Can any players guess it?

I wonder how many poker players know this famous legend in the Yu-Gi-Oh! world? Players who know about it, don’t rush to tell them, the next chapter will be revealed.

In addition, the world that Ye Feng originally lived in was a parallel world! parallel world! ! I wrote it very clearly in the first chapter, so I state it again! Don’t substitute reality! !

Thank you [Debezuo] for your monthly ticket~

Thank you for the tip from the smoke-free boss~

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