
Chapter 176 In the eliminated city

Faced with the examiner who was mocking him, Jonouchi finally made his move.

"As you wish! I summon in attack position, Aroma Mage Jasmine!"

[Aroma Mage Jasmine, attack power 100]

"The effect of Fragrance Garden is activated! You recover 500 base points; after this effect is activated, the attack power and defense power of the monsters on your field increase by 500 until the end of the opponent's next turn!"

Aroma Mage Jasmine attack power 100→600

"The effect of Aroma Mage Jasmine is triggered. When my basic points are restored, I can draw 1 card from the deck!"

Jonouchi drew the card, but the next moment, he was stunned.

Originally the card he drew was Fragrant Gardening, but now the card he drew was...Wall of Thorns!

Jonouchi suddenly realized that, yes, because the moist wind was not triggered, he did not need to search for monsters and then shuffle the deck!

Because the link of shuffling and cutting the deck is missing, the card drawing has also changed this time!

Jonouchi was overjoyed. If it was aromatic gardening, he seemed to have lost, but now that he had drawn the Thorn Wall, he really had a chance!

"I'm going to ambush a card, and this is the end of the round!" Jonouchi announced the end of the round, and Ye Feng frowned when he saw this scene.

The LP in the castle is 4100, and the hand card is Gray Flow Rei; the fragrant garden has been activated on the field, the fragrant mage Jasmine; and a cover card (Wall of Thorns).

Ye Feng has 2500 LP, and has the cards in his hand: True Red-Eyes Dark Dragon, True Red-Eyes Trace Dragon; the monster box on the field has been activated, True Red-Eyes Triumph, True Red-Eyes Dark Dragon (attack power 3300), and True Red-Eyes Black Dragon.

Jonouchi murmured to himself: "Because of the change in the use of one card, the subsequent duel has completely changed! That means that the opponent will no longer have a God's perspective!"

Jonouchi immediately knew that this was his last chance!

"More than that, I know that the opponent will draw the Time Magician this round! Then as long as the opponent does not guard against my cover card, I can return to the field instantly!!"

Yes, in the original duel, Ye Feng relied on the counter-effect of the Time Magician to destroy the True Red-Eyes Black Dragon, and then specially summoned the True Red-Eyes Black Dragon with 4800 attack power, directly knocking out the castle. The fragrant gardening in the castle was no longer there. trigger.

But the current situation is that Fragrant Gardening did not draw, but an unknown cover card. Ye Feng immediately became confused. Apparently Ye Feng also understood the reason for this change, just because he had wetted the other party's body. The wind is ruined!

Ye Feng originally planned to end the duel directly in this round, but because of this cover card, he immediately felt something was wrong.

Ye Feng naturally knows what trap cards are in his deck. In fact, Ye Feng has already guessed that the opponent is covering the wall of thorns. This is only possible when the plant monster on his field is selected as the target of attack. Activate, and all monsters in attack position on the opponent's field will be destroyed, which is equivalent to divine rebellion!

Of course, Jonouchi didn't know that his current opponent was Ye Feng, so he naturally thought that the opponent didn't know about his Gaika.

But what if you know Gaika? If you can't get rid of it, you just can't get rid of it. Now it's Ye Feng who's entangled.

What he has to do now is to choose whether to maintain the monster box!

One of the reasons why I maintained the monster box in the last round was that my opponent was the examiner instead of Jonouchi, so I could bet on my luck!

Of course, this was Ye Feng's perspective, and he also thought his opponent was the examiner.

And the second reason is to prevent the opponent's sudden attack!

Ye Feng was naturally on guard against the other party's sudden change in the duel. There was no other reason. Ye Feng never thought that this was a duel that could not be copied; Ye Feng had already had a hunch that this duel would never be simple!

Closer to home, this round, it seems that I no longer need to maintain the monster box. First of all, my health is really not that much, and secondly, the opponent has no offensive ability within two or three rounds!

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said calmly: "I give up paying life points to maintain the monster box!"

Ye Feng put the monster box into the graveyard, then drew a card from the deck. The card he drew was the Time Magician.

Ye Feng frowned. The opponent had Hui Liuli in his hand, and a card that seemed to be the Wall of Thorns. Although Ye Feng had an infinite advantage at this stage, he was actually in trouble!

Of course, Ye Feng still has a way to win, and that is to summon the Time Magician, trigger the positive effect, and destroy the Fragrance Mage Jasmine, so that the Wall of Thorns cannot be triggered! If the opponent chooses to use Hui Liuli to ignore the Time Magician, then Ye Feng can win by summoning the True Red Eyes Sub-Black Dragon and combining it with the True Red Eyes Trace Dragon!

But the key is that Ye Feng doesn't dare to summon the time magician!

I still have the advantage at this stage, there is no need to risk my life!

Of course, it was impossible for Ye Feng not to attack, because not to attack would give the opponent a chance.

"We can only trick him out of Hui Liuli and Thorny Wall first!" Ye Feng murmured, immediately paying attention, then raised the corners of his mouth, and then said loudly: "I want to liberate the true red-eyed black dragon and get rid of the card in my hand. Special summon the red-eyed sub-black dragon!"

The examiner immediately responded after hearing this: "I activate the effect of Gray Flow Rei on the card in my hand, send her to the graveyard, and invalidate your special summons!"

Ye Feng smiled understandingly when he saw this, and then sent the True Red Eyes Black Dragon and the True Red Eyes Black Dragon to the cemetery, because this was all part of his calculations.

"I activate the effect of True Red Eyes Triumph and special summon the True Red Eyes Black Dragon again! Not only that, because I have an extra Red Eyes Dark Dragon in my graveyard, the attack power of my True Red Eyes Dark Dragon increases by 300 points!"

Red-eyed Dark Dragon attack power 3900

Red-eyed black dragon attack power 2400

Aroma Mage Jasmine Attack Power 600

Examiner LP4100

Ye Feng's eyes moved slightly, and then he showed a crazy smile: "I'm going to change the red-eyed dark dragon into a defensive position!"

As Ye Feng shouted these words, Jonouchi in another space immediately stood up, then pointed at the examiner and shouted loudly: "Impossible! There is no reason for you to turn the red-eyed dark dragon from offense to defense! Isn't that what you said? This duel is based on my memory, so how could you possibly know my card! This card does not exist in my memory at all! You cheated!!"

Jonouchi's mentality was shattered. Although he did not lose, the opponent's move turned offense into defense, making the probability of his return infinitely low!

The examiner's red eyes flashed. At the same time, Examiner No. 2 opposite Ye Feng asked Ye Feng coldly: "Duelist, why do you know my Gaika?"

Ye Feng sneered when he heard this, and then replied with a smile: "Humph, since this duel is based on my memory, don't forget that you are using my deck! I just based it on my deck. The trap card you won is just to speculate on your cover card! I said, you are too smart and think your tactics are impeccable, but your thinking is really too little. You are the one who really fell into the misunderstanding!"

Ye Feng mocked, and then immediately shouted: "Fight! The red-eyed black dragon attacks the fragrant mage Jasmine!"

The examiner's eyes glowed red. Finally, he opened his cover card. To be precise, it was the city on the other side. He chose to face reality: "Open the ambush card, Wall of Thorns! When I have a plant family member on the field, When a monster exists, I can destroy all attack-positioned monsters on your field!"

Ye Feng smiled, and then knocked out the red-eyed Su Kelong in his hand.

"Activate the effect of the Red-Eyes Retrospective Dragon in the hand. This card can be activated when a "Red-Eyes" monster with a level of 7 or lower on my field is destroyed by an opponent's monster's attack or an opponent's effect and is sent to the graveyard; this card is activated from the hand. The card is Special Summoned in Defense Position. Try to Special Summon the destroyed monsters in the same position as when they were destroyed! "

True Red Eyes Trace Dragon Defense 1600

Red-eyed black dragon attack power 2400

"Because the red-eyed black dragon is resurrected, I can still fight! The red-eyed black dragon attacks the aroma mage Jasmine!!"

As Ye Feng shouted, the examiner sent Jasmine on the field to the cemetery.

"I want to activate the effect of the Fragrance Garden. When my Fragrance Monster is destroyed, I can restore 1,000 health points!" The examiner said coldly: "My current health points are 3,300!"

Because the examiner's voice was always a mechanical sound, Ye Feng couldn't hear the change in its tone. On the other side, Jonouchi's face could be said to be pale.

Jonouchi's lips were a little chapped, and his brows twitched unconsciously, which reflected his uneasiness.

In the current city, except for a fragrant garden, it can be said that there is truly nothing!

"That's it, the round is over!" Ye Feng announced the end of his round. Unsurprisingly, the examiner fell into deep thought.

LP3300 in the castle, no hand cards; Fragrant Garden has been activated on the field.

Ye Feng has 2500 LP and has a time magician card in his hand; he has activated True Red Eyes Triumph, True Red Eyes Dark Dragon (attack power 3600, defense power 2000), True Red Eyes Black Dragon, and True Red Eyes Trace Dragon.

The duel field presented a one-sided situation.

"How could this happen? Why do you know my Gaika? Not only that, you seem to be able to guess my mind! You have seen through all my tactics! From beginning to end, you have completely seen through me!!" Jonouchi He clenched his fists, moved his lips lightly, and looked at the examiner closely: "Even games can't push me to this point! Because now, I won't let people see my tactics easily!"

"No, there is only one person who can see through my tactics like this, because he knows me too well. I have only felt this kind of pressure in a duel when I was dueling with Fie!"

Jonouchi's eyes were bright. At this moment, he couldn't help but imagine that the examiner opposite looked like Ye Feng.

"Yes! You have the same strategy as Jie! You obviously have the Time Magician in your hand, and there is a chance that you will defeat me in this round, but you keep it securely in your hand so that I can't find any loopholes in you!"

"Maybe there really are duelists who can see through all the opponent's tactics, but I really can't understand why you would be so careful about the Gray Flow Rei in my hand! More than that, seeing through the unknown Gaika, this really exists Is it realistic?"

"Who am I dueling with?!"

Jonouchi took a deep breath. Now he has the confidence to duel with any opponent. He also knows his own level, but in this duel, Jonouchi was really suppressed.

Now, he really can only rely on this last stroke.

On the other side, Ye Feng looked at the thoughtful examiner and an idea came to his mind.

"It's obviously just a virtual artificial intelligence. Is the current scene very complicated?"

"Perhaps the artificial intelligence will think during the preparation stage and the combat stage, but if it falls into deep thought during the card drawing stage, isn't there something wrong?!"

"Can you still control the drawn cards with your mind?!"

Ye Jie vaguely thought of something, but was not sure.

Ye Feng thought it would be a fierce battle, but the result was that Ye Feng crushed the opponent!

Ye Feng felt more and more that whether it was the style of thinking or the style of dueling, he felt that he was dueling with Jonouchi. Although Jonouchi would think deeper now, Jonouchi had not yet reached the point where he could predict the enemy's opportunities and see through people's hearts. .

Yes, Ye Feng wanted to say something, how could this examiner's level be the same as Jonouchi's?

The examiner was still thinking, and more than ten seconds had passed.

Finally, Ye Feng couldn't help but said: "I have always found it strange. According to the urine quality of the assessment space, there is no reason why I can't choose the venue freely in this endgame! At the beginning, I could only choose the card I used in my memory. The team is very weird, so I have a question to ask now! Is it Jonouchi who is dueling me?"

Ye Feng asked tentatively. The appearance of this examiner revealed a lot of things that were wrong. He felt more and more that his guess was right.

I saw the red light in the examiner's eyes flashing away, and then he said coldly: "Congratulations, duelist. You passed this level!"

Ye Feng was stunned by the sudden congratulations, but the examiner had already stood up. The next moment, all the cards in front of Ye Feng disappeared, and then a screen appeared in front of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng looked up and saw on the screen the scene of Jonouchi dueling with the examiner.

"What do you mean? What do you want to express in this level? I passed it, what about the city?"

The examiner walked up to Ye Feng and explained: "Your performance in this assessment is perfect. Your accumulated points are now 15, and you can enter the next assessment at any time."

Ye Feng frowned. Passing three levels in the ordinary assessment would only cost 8 points. Now he had reached 15. Something was wrong.

"Huh? So many points? I think this assessment is just like this. Is it a mistake?"

"No! There is no flaw in your performance. To be precise, the two people taking the assessment this time have different conditions for passing the level!" The examiner said calmly: "As the winner of this duel, you can actually only accumulate 10 Points, but due to your extraordinary performance, you completely won this duel and saw through the truth of the assessment in advance, so you accumulated 15 points!"

"These are the conditions for the duelist to see through the truth first! And for your partner, the test has only really begun."

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded and said, "The assessment within the city has really begun? What do you mean?"

"He is the loser in this duel, and he has lost the qualification to see through the truth of the assessment, so he has lost the qualification to enter the next level. All he can do now is to get as many points as possible in this level !”

"So Jonouchi has been eliminated, right? Or was he eliminated by me?"

"No! He was eliminated by himself. Before I tell you all the truth about this assessment, please watch this duel!"

Ye Feng nodded, and at this time, Jonouchi on the screen had already drawn the card.

Thank you [Volksong] for your monthly pass and the smoke-free boss for your reward.

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