
Chapter 179 I wish everyone a smooth new year

Ye Feng opened his eyes sleepily, as if he had just woken up.


Ye Feng groaned involuntarily, and his whole soul felt like he was in a state of ecstasy. He suddenly lost consciousness in the assessment space, but found himself refreshed when he woke up.

But Ye Feng immediately recovered his posture, began to look at the surrounding environment, and found that he was in an empty duel field.

"Is this the place for the assessment?" Ye Feng murmured to himself and walked forward. In a venue similar to a duel kingdom, the high platforms on both sides seemed to be the place for operations, but the difference was that this time there was no There are no virtual images or card monsters.

Ye Feng looked at the duel platforms on both sides, made sure again and again that there were no cards, and then came to one of the venues.

"Isn't this the endgame? What do you need me to do now?"

Ye Feng touched the duel field and was very puzzled. There was no examiner this time, and now Ye Feng was in the stage of groping alone.

Just as Ye Feng was deep in thought, a red beam of light locked him. Following the same routine as before, Ye Feng was trapped in this execution arena.

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and looked hard at the surrounding environment. Finally, a figure appeared on the control console opposite Ye Feng.

Wearing a golden armor, with white wings spread out behind him, he held a long sword in his hand. His expression was very serious, and his eyes released a fierce aura.

Ye Feng was startled when he saw this, because he had seen this elf before. To be precise, it was a card monster.

[Military God Tyr, 10 stars, light, angel race, attack power 3000, defense power 3000]

Ye Feng was very curious when he saw this, because this card was made for the champion in a duel competition in his previous life. To put it simply, this is an ornamental card!

Ye Feng had thought that the elf world should contain all the card elves, but he never expected that this kind of viewing card also had elves!

"Duelist! Use the Queen's token as a bet. Have a duel with me! As long as you defeat me, you will be exempted from the next test. Your rights in the elf world will be the same as mine."

Tire's voice was magnetic, very pleasant to listen to, but also filled with a sense of solemnity.

Ye Feng frowned when he heard this, and immediately responded: "Your Majesty, the first elf queen? I don't know what the token you are talking about is. If you are willing to tell me this information, I can have a game with you. duel."

According to Ye Feng's known information, the token on his body is not the gem of destiny. Then Ye Feng really can't think of what else he has. Could it be his own clothes?

Of course, Ye Feng is also a little worried in case it is something very important, but there is no way. This Tier has challenged himself. It is obviously the content of this assessment. He is already trapped here. It can be said that he has to fight. , you have to fight even if you don’t want to fight.

Ye Feng actually had no right to choose. All he could do was to obtain as much information as possible in order to better understand the elf world.

"You have opened the hidden assessment, which also means that you do have the Queen's token on you, but you say you don't know?" Tier said doubtfully: "I don't know what the Queen's token is, but I can feel it. ."

After Tier finished speaking, the red wall of light around Ye Feng dissipated, and Ye Feng became even more confused: "No. You don't know what the token is, so you want to challenge me and then take it away?"

Facing Ye Feng's question, Tier nodded and said: "This is my duty, and this is also what the Queen requires. Defeat the person who possesses her token! Then erase the memory and banish him back to the human world."

"What do you mean?" Listening to Tier's tone, Ye Feng felt something was wrong: "Isn't this so-called token very important? Why does it mean that from the meaning of your words, this token represents something unknown? Then what happened before I experienced it? What's the assessment? Erase my memory? Are these your Queen's exact words?"

"You really don't know?" Tier took two steps forward and looked at Ye Feng, while Ye Feng looked at Tier with defensive eyes.

"I know nothing. If you want, you can check it out. I'm also curious whether the token you mentioned is on me." Ye Feng said very frankly. Of course, at this time, Ye Feng had already Be prepared for the duel. No matter what the token is, this duel is inevitable. As long as you win, then you can get the information you want.

Tyr took out a dark green triangular gem from his arms and pointed it at Ye Jian, but then, Tyr frowned and murmured: "Strange. Why don't you have the aura of the Queen's token?" ?”

Ye Feng was startled when he heard this, "What do you mean? This gem is used to detect tokens? What exactly is that token?"

"This may be a misunderstanding. You have no right to know this information. Since you don't have the Queen's token on you, then I will send you out of the assessment space. Of course, I will also erase the relevant conversations between me and you. When you wake up, you will only remember that you lost the test."

"Wait! Are you saying this is a misunderstanding?" Ye Feng frowned: "You can get the result just by detecting it like this? Also! Shouldn't you find out why I can trigger the hidden assessment? ! How could this be a misunderstanding! In addition, I will not allow you to erase my memory like this. If you say that I have no right, then I will use a duel to defeat you! Didn’t you say so, as long as I beat you, You can get the same rights as you!"

Tyr tilted his head when he heard this: "The hidden assessment is not only triggered by the Queen's token, the previous examiner was just an electronic data aggregator that collected data."

"That's right. Although you have no right to know the Queen's information, you have the right to know the truth behind the hidden assessment."

Unexpectedly, Tier did not accept Ye Feng's duel, nor did he argue anything, but explained.

"This is related to the origin of the assessment space. I can only tell you a little bit."

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately cheered up. He originally thought that he would use a duel to speak for himself, but it turned out to be a twist. This Tier was tough but not soft!

"The original intention of the first queen and her two best friends to create the assessment space was just to add some fun to the elf world. Until one day, a certain elf with outstanding talent was born in the elf world, and he passed the test easily. All assessments”

"What happened after that was not complicated. The elf got permission from the queen to add a hidden assessment to the assessment space. However, something happened in the elf world later. The elf made his own decisions and brought the assessment space to other worlds. , and differentiated into countless existences similar to the assessment space."

"It's just that because the test was too difficult, many duelists lost the confidence and courage to continue dueling after the test, so Her Majesty the Queen took action."

"The final result is that the elf received the punishment he deserved, and the Queen closed the hidden assessment created by the elf. In order to express her apology to the outside world, the Queen established a stronghold between the outside world and the elf world. This is the origin of the assessment space we are in now.”

"To be precise, it is not the queen's token that can trigger the hidden assessment, but the elf's token, because in the hidden assessment, there are unknown means arranged by the elf, and even the queen cannot use it. Its erasure.”

"And my duty is to recycle the tokens and give you feedback. As you can see, do you feel extremely comfortable in your body now? This is the blessing bestowed upon you by Her Lady Queen. It can be said that with ordinary people, Evil spirits will be afraid of you, but kind spirits will be close to you."

Ye Feng basically understood what Tier said, but at the same time there were more questions that Ye Feng didn't quite understand.

"Wait a minute! Please tell me first, apart from the elf master's token, is there any other way to trigger the hidden assessment?"

"It's like this. Do you still remember the two sets of cards you put into the assessment space? That is actually a means for the assessment space to read your memory. In fact, what the assessment space reads is the memory of the elves in your cards!"

"Of course, these elves do not exist in this world, and you cannot see them. This is the unique method of the assessment space; and the assessment space will find the same difficulty in the database of the assessment space based on the memory it has read. "assessment"

"Yes! If what I said is correct, after reading the memory in the assessment space, it was found that the ordinary assessment is useless for you, so the hidden assessment was automatically triggered! This is also the method of the elf, and this is the fact. You successfully passed the two hidden assessments. If you continue to take the assessment, it is very likely that you will trigger the unknown method left by the elf!"

"Of course, if you have a token, I will knock you down at all costs and erase your memory; but fortunately, you don't have that so-called token, it was just a false alarm. Now you have received the blessing. I also told you the answer you want, so do you want to cooperate? Let me erase your memory?"

Ye Feng squinted his eyes when he heard this and said, "How do I know you didn't lie to me? What if this is just a fabrication that you want to erase my memory? What's more, there are many ambiguities in the story you told. You can tell me everything, and my memory will be erased anyway, right?"

"Duelist! This is a matter of principle!!" Tyr shouted loudly: "That's all you can know! If you want to be hated by the elven world, then you don't have to cooperate! Now I am just a It’s just virtual data, I don’t mind letting you see my true form!”

Hearing this, the corners of Ye Feng's lips rose, "In that case, let's have a duel! If I win, then I will keep the memory and you let me go. Of course, I can promise that I will not tell you everything you told me. , inform others!”

"And if I lose, I'll do whatever it takes!!"

Tier also laughed when he heard Ye Feng's confident words: "Don't think that you can talk nonsense after passing a few tests. If you want to duel with me, I will give you the right. However, the rules of this duel must be Use the duel method of our elven world!"

"Oh? What rules?"

"The assessment space did not read the dueling rules of the elven world from your card elf, but your partner knows it. I will not bully you. You should not have experience with this dueling rule. I can give it to you. Explain, explain.”

Ye Feng was startled when he heard this, and then asked cautiously: "Wait a minute. The duel rules in the elf world are the ones with only 2,000 health points, and then summoning monsters with no sacrifice restrictions?"

"That's right! Only in that kind of duel can we exert our greatest strength!" Tier said proudly: "Although you seem to have no experience, it is obvious that you have understood such rules from your partners. That's good. Done!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath and then asked: "Then do you know Becas? He is the founder of our world and this rule."

"I know, he is the first duelist in this era to enter the assessment space. Oh, by the way, he entered another assessment space, but that assessment space is incomplete and cannot enter the elf world; I If I remember correctly, he is a nice boy, more polite than you. After learning the truth, he cooperated in erasing his memory."

Ye Feng was speechless when he heard this, "I understand, it's the rules Bekas preached, right? There are no changes, right?"

Bell nodded and said: "Yes! Bekas is good at making claims, saying that elves can use terrain to improve offense and defense, but the fact is that not all elves can do this! Also, as long as the elves are destroyed, the duel will Anyone who controls the elf will suffer half of its health damage! Controlling the elf but not being able to protect it is a price that must be paid! There is nothing else. If you have no problem, then let’s start this duel!”

Ye Feng nodded, "Wait a minute! Using rules that I'm not good at, I'm at a bit of a disadvantage. How about this. If I win, how about you tell me about the Queen and the Elf who created the assessment space to hide the assessment? ?”

Tier yelled angrily when he heard this: "Boy! You have gone too far! This is not something you can know, and it is not something I can tell you!!"

Ye Feng shrugged helplessly: "Well, if I win, I'll ask you some questions. If you think you can answer them, just answer them. If you can't answer them, then don't answer them. How about that?"

"Boy? Do you know there is a saying called daydreaming? Where do you get the confidence to beat me?"

But the next moment, Tier smiled, and Ye Feng was a little stunned when he saw this.

"However, I like young people like you. Life in the elf world is a bit boring. Everyone is afraid of me. You are the first to talk to me with a smile. I agree to your request!"

Ye Feng looked at Tier's relieved smile and suddenly understood something.

Yes, this Tyr must be an old elf who has lived for tens of thousands of years. In his eyes, I may be just a rebellious child. He is a wise elder, how could he be as knowledgeable as Ye Feng?

Ye Feng was still confused just now about how Tier could talk to him so much, but he no longer thinks so.

Just like if you have a younger brother who is in kindergarten, no matter what he does, as long as you can forgive him to a certain extent, because in your eyes, he is just a cute naughty bag.

Ye Feng had never fought in a duel in the Kouhu Kingdom, so he just wanted to make up for his regrets.

Thank you all for your monthly votes. Ahem, I didn’t work overtime today, but after dinner, I sat on the computer and couldn’t write anything. It wasn’t until nine o’clock that I wanted to start the keyboard.

I'll have a rest tomorrow, go have dinner with friends, and then take a bath and get a massage. I'll do it in the evening.

I won’t work overtime for the next few days, but I want to take a breather because I’m really tired.

In the new year, I wish you all farewell to being single~


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