
Chapter 20 Jonouchi VS Milang

Jonouchi dropped Ryuzakikata to the ground, and then raised the duel plate with a cold expression: "The real strength is never an individual, it is a card, a bond, a united will, and it is not the so-called end justifies the means, dark elf! These words are My friends told me. Then let me stop you. I accept this duel!!"

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows. In the original animation, Jonouchi had a strong desire to win and was even easily provoked, but this time, Jonouchi actually said such thought-provoking words. Ye Feng knew that his guidance was still useful, and Jonouchi had already Completely trusting himself, just like he trusts the game.

"Jounouchi, we must win. I believe you can do it. Defeat him with your own hands!" Ye Feng stood side by side with Jounouchi. This time, Ye Feng only planned to take action at the critical moment.

If Jonouchi hides behind him every time he meets a dark soldier, then what kind of backer is he? Since Jonouchi can trust him, then he may not be able to trust Jonouchi. Ye Feng believes that even without him, Jonouchi can win.

Jonouchi nodded and said with relief: "Jie, you don't have to worry. If I can't hold on anymore, I believe you can take over my body and defeat the darkness. This time, let me fight first! I want to kill him with my own hands. This bastard!"

As for the conversation between Ye Feng and Jonouchi, the aluminum field naturally couldn't hear it. At this time, he smiled and said gloomily: "I'm not two trash like Sam and Zaku, who can do it so quickly. Just defeat. No matter what, let me show you what despair means!"

After shuffling each other, Jonouchi and the Aluminum Field stood opposite each other.

"Duel! ×2"

Both sides drew five cards, and Jonouchi was ready to take the lead. Under Ye Feng's guidance, Jonouchi already knew the importance of taking the lead.

Because in the duel rules of this world, the first player can draw cards, unlike duels in the later era, where the first player only has five cards.

Don’t underestimate the difference between this one card and you must know that a certain protagonist once defeated an opponent with 10,000 LP with just one card.

But just when he was trying to take the lead, Aluminum Field stopped unusually, and he said very disapprovingly: "I'll give you the first move. After all, for a weakling like you, even if you take the first move, nothing will change. "

Jonouchi was startled when he heard this and then said angrily: "Damn it! I am the second in the Duel Kingdom!"

Jonouchi was very angry. Except for Yugi and Yu, everyone said that he was weak. Gurus Hunter said so, the Dark Soldier said so, and even Kaiba said so.

When Ye Feng saw this, Cheng Nai's mood was unstable. He had obviously been affected by the dark soldiers' continuous attacks. He immediately spoke to comfort him, "Cheng Nai, don't be affected by the other party's cheap taunts. You can even defeat the God Card. Do you still need to tell others about your strength?"

"Only the weak will be eager to explain to others how strong they are, while the truly strong will use practical actions to defeat those villains who talk behind their backs. Do you think when the game says that they are strong? Even the game cares about him The title of Duel King? If someone says you are weak, then beat them until they shut up! Beat them until they are convinced! This is the spirit that a truly powerful duelist should have!"

Ye Jie's chicken soup for the soul instantly awakened Cheng Nei, who suddenly understood, and his impetuous emotions were swept away, "I'm sorry, Jie, I just went too far. I know what to do. Thank you for your guidance these days, and also Thanks to you for comforting me when I was helpless, I will not let you down, I will definitely win this duel!"

Ye Feng smiled happily when he saw Jonouchi regaining his fighting spirit, and then found that he was drifting away from his life mentor.

Jonouchi looked at Aluminum Field with sharp eyes, and then scolded: "Aluminum Field! You can't defeat me, because I have the strongest bond, and I will never let you do whatever you want! Since you gave me the upper hand, you will definitely regrettable!"

Jonouchi's fighting spirit was high, and then he entered battle mode.

"My turn, draw a card!!"

At this moment, the dark soldier said: "Hey, I am not called Aluminum Field. Remember, my name is Milang! And I am not those two idiots Semu and Zaku! They are under the command of my king. But the two are the weakest, but I am a four-star dark soldier! In this world, only three people can defeat me, and you are not one of them!"

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows when he heard this. The person who was defeated by Wang Xiang was a two-star dark soldier called Zaku? And the Mi Lang in front of him turned out to be a four-star star!

It can be inferred from the known information that the higher the Dark Soldier's star rating, the stronger the power of darkness he can control, and the power of darkness can affect the so-called "luck"!

If nothing else, the dark power controlled by the four-star dark soldiers is enough to reduce the luck in the city to a minimum!

What will happen if you lose your "luck" in a duel?

It is equivalent to losing the seal card!

As for the magic draw, it has little to do with luck, and more to do with the bond the deck has.

Ye Feng speculated that a five- or six-star dark general might not be able to weaken the game's luck, but a higher-level dark general, or the Dark King, would definitely be able to deal with the game.

A game that loses the ability to ink is like a tiger that has a strong body and sharp claws, but no deadly teeth.

Suddenly, Ye Feng thought of himself.

Don’t you have the best means to restrain darkness?

Moreover, why. Why did I use the state of the spirit behind to destroy the darkness? Rather than real people?

Ye Feng was confused at first, but now, he seems to understand.

The sealing ability granted by your destiny gem, plus the divine drawing ability possessed by the bond between Jonouchi and the deck.

Somehow, Ye Feng felt lucky that he had trained Jonouchi instead of having to fight in any duel.

He is more suitable to be a teacher, rather than covering up the light in the city and letting him watch Ye Feng fight from the sidelines.

Just like some people are destined to walk in the light and enjoy the expectations of the world; and some people will choose to overcome obstacles and protect them in the darkness, even if they are not known, they have no regrets.

Of course, Jonouchi currently does not have the ability to take charge of his own affairs. Even if Ye Feng guides him on the right path, Jonouchi still lacks a lot.

After coming back to his senses, the information revealed by Mi Lang said that there are three people in this world who can resist the erosion of four-star dark soldiers? Ye Feng felt that the number of people was a bit wrong!

Does the game count as one person or two people? If Mi Lang counts two people in his mind, does that mean they know Wang Yang's existence? So do they know the plot? This is something Ye Feng cares about very much. If the dark soldiers knew the plot, it would be terrible!

Dark soldiers can observe a person's luck and then collect it. If they know the plot, defeating a person is a simple matter. The restraint of the deck and the flaws of the character can make a big difference. articles.

Immediately, Ye Feng sent a message and asked Cheng Nai to test it out to see if he could get some information.

Jonouchi nodded, and then said in the words taught by Ye Feng: "Hey, you said only three people can defeat you? Why are each of you so arrogant? Do you think you have won against the Gurus Hunter who has the God Card? And Kaiba, although he has a bad temper, but he is enough to deal with a little guy like you, right?"

Mi Lang's face darkened when he heard this, and he said angrily: "You bastard, what do you mean by a little minion? Also, what I said is that there are three people who can defeat me! It's possible! Even Muto Yugi can't. You can definitely defeat me! As for the seahorse you mentioned, who is he? The spirit behind you is one of these three people. Of course, I don’t mind if you let him take action. Anyway, you are just a mediocre person who has accomplished nothing!"

Ye Feng frowned. Although this Mi Lang was bragging, was he included among the three people he mentioned?

And even though he didn't care about what he said, Ye Feng still felt that she seemed to be reluctant to take action. However, Mi Lang's provocation skills were very strong, and Ye Feng was a little worried that Cheng Nai couldn't stand his trash talk. thus affecting the status,

Jonouchi shouted loudly: "Your words can't affect the bond between me and Jie! No matter how much you mock me, I will not be affected by you!"

When Mi Lang saw this, the disappointment in his eyes flashed past, no one saw it, and then he said: "Che, within the city, stop talking nonsense, it's your turn, play your cards quickly! I can't wait to treat you as the darkness A sacrifice!"

Seeing that Mi Lang was unwilling to continue the communication, Ye Feng didn't ask any more questions, so he sent a message to the city to let him fight with peace of mind. After Tian's training, he has become very strong, making him believe in his deck.

Jonouchi also nodded in agreement, saying that he was in trouble and Ye Feng was taking action. After the two discussed it, they continued the duel.

At this time, Jonouchi had finished drawing the cards and looked at the six cards in his hand, falling into deep thought.

The warrior with the giant axe, the iron knight, the captain who cuts into the enemy's formation, the sleeping sheep, the attached boomerang, and the magic card Earthquake that was just drawn.

Looking at these cards, Jonouchi couldn't help but think of Ye Feng's teaching yesterday.

"Jounouchi, today I am going to explain to you dueling knowledge that you have never heard of. It was researched by duelists in our world. The combat knowledge contained in it is beyond your imagination. If you have any dissatisfaction while listening to the lecture, Understand, or if you have any questions, you must ask them in time, do you understand?"

Jonouchi nodded obediently when he heard this, and said humbly: "I understand!"

Ye Feng nodded, and then took out two cards from the deck, which were the Iron Knight and the Giant Ax Warrior.

"Jounouchi, let me ask you, if during your turn, you have these two monster cards in your hand, which one will you summon to fight?"

Jonouchi said without hesitation: "Of course it's the Iron Knight! The Iron Knight has 1,800 attack points, while the Giant Ax Warrior only has 1,700 points. The Iron Knight is obviously more powerful!"

Ye Feng nodded, then took out another card from the deck, and then asked Jonouchi with a smile, "Then if you draw this card during your turn, what will you do? Or should we summon the Iron Knight as always?"

Jonouchi looked at the card Ye Feng handed over. It was a boomerang attached to a trap card, which could increase the monster's attack power by 500 points or seal the opponent's monster's attack.

Looking at this card, Jonouchi frowned. After thinking for a moment, Jonouchi swallowed and said: "If this is the case, I will not summon the Iron Knight, because the Iron Knight cannot equip any cards, but the Giant Ax Warrior Yes, after equipped with the attached boomerang, the attack power of the warrior with the giant ax will be increased to 2200 points, which is stronger than the iron knight!"

Jonouchi looked at the cards in his hand, which gradually overlapped with Ye Feng's instructions in his memory, and Ye Feng's whisper could be vaguely heard in his ears.

"As you can imagine, just one card can make a weak monster stronger, and then allow you to change your tactics. This duel knowledge may be difficult for you who blindly advocate high attack power. understand."

Before Ye Feng finished speaking, Jonouchi interrupted and said: "I know, just like a blue-eyed white dragon with such high attack power can also be defeated, this is the chain of cards! It's like you and the game have always been together As the saying goes, there are no useless cards, only useless duelists."

Thank you to the boss [passing without smoke] for the additional reward, and the boss [I don’t want to tell the story] for the reward!

The big guys are interesting enough, and the little guys can’t let themselves be left behind. This chapter adds another 500 words.

Although there are not many words, the sincerity is there.

In addition, the recommendation votes have an obvious upward trend. I would like to thank you in advance~

Work hard, struggle, and write QAQ!

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