
Chapter 35 Eat this dog food

"It's my turn, draw a card!" Peacock Dance shouted, and then he would draw a card and add it to his hand.

Peacock Dance looked at the three cards in her hand and thought about how to play the cards.

There is no monster in my deck that can defeat the Meteor Black Dragon. It seems that I can only rely on my magic and trap cards. But if it is this idiot Jonouchi, he will definitely attack quickly without alerting the card! Yes, if that's the case, then induce an attack within the castle!

Peacock Wu had a clear idea, and then started to operate: "I attack to summon the Amazon Swordsman, and the round ends like this!"

[Amazon Swordsman, 4 stars, earth, warrior type, attack power 1500, defense power 1600]

Seeing this, Jonouchi smiled knowingly: "As expected, even you are powerless in front of my meteor black dragon!"

Peacock Dance was filled with anger when he heard this, and shouted loudly: "Stop being such a bastard in the city! Why are you talking so much nonsense today? Hurry up and play your cards!"

"Hehe, draw cards! I activate Angel's Charity, draw three cards from the deck, and then discard two." Jonouchi threw the Necromancer into the cemetery, and a smile appeared on his lips unconsciously, "Wu, I Gonna open my gaika: hurricane!”

"Nanani? It's actually a hurricane?!" Peacock Dance looked horrified. How could the city that he thought was stupid have such a strong sense of fighting?

In order to lure the castle into attacking, Peacock Dance did not put the monster in defense position. Now that she lost the trap card, she suddenly fell into an absolute disadvantage.

"Tsk, tsk, you ambushed three cards, how could I be fooled like this? Now I am super strong!" Jonouchi said proudly, and then Jonouchi took a card, "I attack to summon, Earth Star Warrior!"

When Peacock Wu saw the Earth Star Warrior, he instantly remembered something and murmured: "An Earth Star Warrior with 500 attack power? Is it possible?"

Jonouchi smiled and nodded: "That's right! I want to activate the magic card from my hand, Angel's Dice!"

At this moment, Jonouchi couldn't hold back the joy in his heart and said to Ye Feng: "Feng, you always say that these two cards are not easy to use! Then I will show you my powerful chain!"

The corner of Ye Feng's mouth twitched unconsciously, feeling that his whole body was not good. Cheng Zouchi had such a stubborn temper, so he had to confront him?

The dice turned slowly, and Ye Feng was a little nervous. If he really rolled 6 points, then Jounouchi would probably never remove the Angel's dice and the Earth Star Warrior from the deck in his lifetime?

Finally, amidst Ye Feng's worry, the angel's dice has stopped. It is not 6 o'clock as imagined, but 4 o'clock!

When Jonouchi saw it was 4 points, he proudly said: "4 points! This way, my Earth Star Warrior can increase its attack power by four times, which is the same as the Leopard Warrior in my deck!"

Earth Star Warrior attack power 500→2000

Ye Feng didn't bother to enter the city anymore, saying that he didn't see it and felt tired.

Peacock Wu looked at the Earth Star Warrior whose body had suddenly grown, and then looked at the two monsters on his field, feeling the pressure.

"Fight! I'm going to use the Earth Star Warrior to attack the Powerful Valkyrie!"

Following the order from Jonouchi, the Earth Star Warrior jumped up, and the short blade in his hand slashed across the body of the Powerful Valkyrie. The next moment, the Powerful Valkyrie turned into countless fragments and dissipated.

Peacock Dance LP: 4000→3800

Jonouchi smiled excitedly: "It's not over yet, the meteor black dragon attacks the Amazon swordsman! Meteor missile!"

Seeing this, Ye Feng couldn't help but praise Jonouchi. The Amazon Swordsman can transfer damage to the opponent, so Jonouchi will receive 2000 points of damage. From this look, Jonouchi's acting is good. In order to let Wu win, The painstaking efforts are worthy of praise!

I saw the Amazon swordsman holding the sword in both hands, blocking in front of him, in a defensive posture. The next moment, the huge flame bomb hit the Amazon swordsman, and the Amazon swordsman gritted his teeth and held on. Finally, the Amazon swordsman was The fireball was engulfed, and the moment he was engulfed, the Amazon swordsman threw the long sword in his hand hard, and the target was exactly inside the city!

Jonouchi looked at the sword that was suddenly thrown, full of shock. The next moment, Jonouchi was stabbed in the chest by the illusory sword.

Jonouchi LP4000→2000

Ye Feng nodded happily and couldn't help but sigh: Jonouchi's acting skills are very good. The frightened expression and the confused and confused eyes are just like the real thing! If he hadn't known that Jonouchi was acting, he would have been deceived by his expression!

The long sword disappeared, the city was filled with confusion, and Peacock Dance laughed.

"Jounouchi, you idiot! My Amazon Swordsman can transfer the damage received to you! Hohohoho!" Peacock Dance laughed loudly and covered his mouth with his hand. He was in a good mood.

"Damn it, I forgot to see the effect!" Jonouchi said through gritted teeth, his face full of unwillingness.

Seeing this, Ye Feng suddenly felt something was wrong. Could it be that Jounouchi's acting skills were too good? No way? No way? !

A bold idea came to Ye Feng's mind, and then he immediately sent a message to Jonouchi: "Jounouchi, your acting skills are good. In order to let Wu win, you have been hurt on purpose, so thank you for your hard work!"

When Jonouchi heard Ye Feng's words, he froze for a moment, and then seemed to understand something, "Uh, yes! Yes, that's right! Even if I ask Rang Wu, I can't bully her. Haha."

When Ye Feng saw this scene, his head was full of black lines. The city was becoming more and more shameless! Yes, yes, that's right, three consecutive confirmations?

Ye Feng was tired, and he didn't know who he learned this shameless look from in the city? The game doesn’t seem so shameless, right? Could it be that Honda brought it to the city? Yes, yes, that’s right! It must be this Honda guy!

While Ye Feng was thinking, the battle continued. Jonouchi unwillingly ambushed two cards, and then ended the round. At this point, Jonouchi's hand cards had returned to 0, and only the Earth Star Warrior and Meteor Black Dragon who had recovered their attack power were left on the field. .

Although Peacock Dance has nothing on the field, it has five cards in its hand.

"It's my turn, draw the card! Activate the magic card Pot of Desire!" Peacock Wu smiled, looking at Jonouchi's deflation, Peacock Wu's depressed mood was swept away.

The effect of the Pot of Desire was triggered, and Peacock Wu drew two more cards, and then raised the corners of her mouth, "Jounouchi, I will defeat you in this round! I will activate the magic card I just drew: Harpy Girl's Feather Sweep!”

A huge feather projection appeared, setting off a strong wind like a banana fan, directly blowing the two Gaika in the city to annihilation.

Jonouchi's eyes were solemn, and it was obvious that this feather sweep had taken care of Jonouchi's backhand.

These two cards are Call of the Living Dead, and Monster Box.

The former is to resurrect monsters, and the latter is to protect the Earth Star Warrior from excessive health damage.

When Peacock Dance saw that there was no Gaika in Jonouchi's backcourt, she smiled and a pair of dimples appeared on her cheeks: "Next, I'm going to attack and summon the Amazon's fighter!"

[Amazon's fighter, 4 stars, earth, warrior type, attack power 1500, defense power 1300]

"It's over in the city, I'm going to activate the last magic card, Amazon's Curse Master!" Peacock Wu successfully played this card, with the victory in hand, clenching his little fist: "According to the effect of Amazon's Curse Master, I can exchange the attack power of my Amazon Fighter with the attack power of your Meteor Black Dragon!!"

Amazon fighter's attack power is 1500→3500.

Meteor Black Dragon's attack power is 3500→1500.

Jonouchi LP: 2000.

"Nisnei!!" Peacock Dance shouted, punched hard, and commanded the Amazon fighter to attack the meteor black dragon.

Seeing this, Cheng Nai wanted to use the undead guardians in the cemetery, but Ye Feng spoke to stop him.

"Forget it, within the city, there is no point in continuing the fight. Anyway, we have experienced the power of the Meteor Black Dragon. This is the end of the duel."

Jonouchi was in a trance, considering whether to end the battle, but while he was thinking, the Amazon fighter had defeated the Meteor Black Dragon, and Jonouchi did not choose to activate the Necromancer in the end.

As the meteor black dragon disappeared, Jonouchi's LP directly returned to 0.

"Ho ho ho, Jonouchi, you arrogant maniac, lose!" Peacock Wu was smiling, very arrogant, like a arrogant queen. Especially after defeating Jonouchi with her own hands, Peacock Wu was extremely happy and elated!

"Okay. Mai, you are really good. I'll give you this card." Jonouchi felt a little disappointed, well, a little.

Peacock Dance took over Harpy Dancer calmly this time, then coughed twice and raised his head proudly: "Hey, don't forget there is another puzzle card. Now I have four puzzle cards just like you. Woolen cloth."

Jonouchi reluctantly took out the puzzle card from his trouser pocket and handed it to Peacock Dance with a pale expression.

Seeing Jonouchi's constipated expression, Peacock Mai smiled mischievously, "Hey, Jonouchi, if you beg me, I can consider not giving up the puzzle card. Do you want to think about it?"

Immediately, Peacock Mai's mind thought of Jonouchi hugging her thigh, calling her "Queen" with tears in her eyes, and her cheeks turned red.

Hearing this, Ye Feng smiled slightly and immediately sent a message to Jonouchi: "Hurry up, Jonouchi please beg Peacock Dance and hug her! The puzzle card was something we worked hard to win, so we are very unhappy to lose it like this!"

Jonouchi was stunned when he heard this, and asked cautiously: "This can't be done, right? It's just a puzzle card. I can still win it back!"

Cheng Nei always felt that Ye Feng had other thoughts, but he couldn't tell.

Ye Feng started the fire while it was hot: "How can you think like this! We still have to deal with the Dark Soldiers and Grus Hunters. Who knows if we can collect puzzle cards later? If they don't have puzzle cards, we won't be able to win eight games in a row. You can't even enter?! Wudu said so, so you should get the puzzle cards first. If there are many puzzle cards by then, it won't be too late to give them to Wu, right?"

Jonouchi thought about it, and finally, under Ye Feng's sincere words, he said slowly: "Then let me try?"

Jonouchi pitifully walked to Maura Mai, grabbed Maura Mai's arm, and begged: "Mai, please, can you give me the puzzle card back?"

When Peacock Wu saw Jonouchi holding his arms, his face turned red, and he turned away to prevent Cheng Unouchi from seeing his expression, but Ye Feng noticed that Peacock Wu's face was full of secret joy.

"Well, since you said so, I'll return the puzzle card to you, just this once~" Peacock Dance said very proudly.

When Ye Feng saw this scene, he couldn't help but burst out in joy, and then sighed in his heart: I, Mr. Ye, didn't set any flag just now, did I? Singles are also dogs, right? Well, that's right, I'm just a single dog, and this dog food is really good!

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