
Chapter 61 Survival

"That's the end of my turn."

As Li Mo announced the end of the round, Ye Feng's frontcourt flashed red again, which meant that his round had entered.

"Draw a card!" Ye Feng shouted softly and looked at the card he just drew.

God-given treasure!

The corner of Ye Feng's mouth raised. This god-given card may be the last straw that breaks Li's mind.

"What are you laughing at? What confidence do you have?!" Li looked at Ye Feng's confident smile and asked loudly, but his tone was trembling.

Ye Feng smiled and said nothing, minding his own business and opened his ambush card.

"Activate Trap Card: Sixth Sense!"

After Ye Feng finished speaking, a nun wearing a headscarf was doing a devout prayer gesture. The next moment, a huge dice appeared in the midfield and began to spin continuously.

"Sixth sense? What kind of card is this?" Li was confused and nervous at the same time.

Ye Feng was slightly surprised when he heard this. The reason for the surprise was that Li didn't seem to know about this card?

According to Ye Feng's information, the dark soldiers, like himself, can manifest cards that do not belong to this era, so it stands to reason that they know all kinds of cards!

Ye Feng recalled that Li didn't know Isis. Obviously they didn't know the plot of the animation. They could only judge a person's strength based on his or her luck.

And now they don't know about certain cards?

This is good news!

If this is really the case, then Ye Feng can have an advantage in the Master Duel!

You also need to diversify your deck.

Ye Feng thought quickly in his mind, then came to his senses instantly and explained the effect of the sixth sense.

"Sixth Sense, I can declare two numbers from 1 to 6, and you have the right to stop the dice; if the dice stops and it is the number I declared,

Then I can draw the corresponding card. On the contrary, if it is not the number I declared, then I cannot draw the card.

And the cards with corresponding numbers need to be discarded from the top of the deck into the graveyard.”

Hearing this, Li smiled disdainfully, "Are you relying on luck again? You and that Jonouchi are exactly the same! There is a one-third chance of drawing a card. Do you think you have such luck?"

Ye Feng smiled toothily at Li, "You'll know right away if you have any luck, right? The numbers I declared are 1 and 2! Stop it now!"

Hearing this number, Li was stunned for a moment.

Ye Feng was too lazy to pay attention to Li's micro-expression. At this time, he had already begun to pray in his heart.

"Jounouchi bless me and lend me your gambling luck! Give me a 5 or a 6!!"

Ye Feng's heartbeat quickened.

Yes, my purpose is naturally not to check cards, but to pile up graves!

Now there are 9 cards in his graveyard. Counting Sixth Sense, that’s 10 cards!

As long as you roll 5 and 6, your graveyard will instantly be qualified to use the Ming Dynasty!

There are only 6 cards in Li's graveyard and two cards in his hand.

Once you use Xian Ming, then use the God-given treasure card in your hand.

The script has been arranged. Ye Feng took a deep breath and stared at the dice in midfield with sharp eyes.

This is no longer just gambling on luck, but gambling on life!

Bet on your life!

The life of the casino and the game!

This sense of excitement and tension made Ye Feng's blood surge and his face flush.

Li's expression was also very nervous, and he stared closely at the dice in midfield.

"Jounouchi has the blessing of the world's will! Why can you rely on luck to duel?!" Li roared angrily: "Do you think you can be like him after staying with Jonouchi for a long time?! I absolutely don't believe you can throw 1 and 2!”

"Then just pray! Pray that I don't throw 1 and 2! To tell you the truth, there is a card in my deck that can kill you instantly. I tried my best to pass the cards just for that card!"

Li's eyes were sinister: "Sure enough, I guessed it right! Although I don't know what that card is, your behavior is too obvious. Your duel mentality is really low!"

"Stop talking nonsense! The outcome depends on one fell swoop. Hurry up and stop!"

"I curse you, if you roll a 5 and a 6!" Li said bitterly, and then the dark aura on his body became stronger, and he kept rushing towards Ye Feng's card, "In my world, luck is useless Yes! My dark power can affect your luck to a greater or lesser extent! Although this is a mysterious thing, I just want to disgust you!"

"You are really despicable! You really went too far! You actually cursed me for rolling 5 and 6!"

"Hahaha! I like to see you so angry! You will definitely not throw 1 or 2!" Li smiled ferociously, then swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then shouted with all his strength: "Stop it!! !”

Ye Feng felt himself nervous, and with the pounding of his heartbeat, Ye Feng's adrenaline hormones soared.

Following Li's command, the rapidly rotating dice slowed down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only Li, Xia Di, Isis, and Yu Mo were also curious about this result.

Finally, the dice stopped, made a "Gulu" sound, and landed steadily on the ground.

And what was shown on the dice was 5 o'clock!

"Hahaha! I knew that my power of darkness must have affected this result! Thank you, my king! Thank you to the great darkness!!"

When Yu Mo saw the numbers on the dice, he also took a deep breath: "I thought it was another city. It seems that the man in silver clothes lost."

Li laughed maniacally, and Ye Feng silently threw the top five cards of the deck into the graveyard. Counting Sixth Sense, there were exactly 15 cards in Ye Feng's graveyard!

Of course, Ye Feng would not waste time. The formula for his victory was finally written at this moment.

"I want to open the ambush card. The reversal of reality and the underworld!!"

Ye Feng LP: 7300→6300

"Nanani?" Li seemed to know this card. At this time, his smile stopped suddenly, his expression was extremely frightened, and his whole body was shaking: "You lied to me! Are you deliberately lying to me?!"

"Humph. Isn't this your favorite thing to do?" Ye Feng smiled disdainfully, and then exchanged the cards in the deck and the graveyard. "According to the effect of this card, we all need to exchange the cards in our respective graveyards and decks. Cards are exchanged!!”

Li's trembling right hand showed his complicated mood.

"It's okay, I have 6 cards left in my deck! Although I lost, you don't have time anymore!!" Li comforted himself while roaring at Ye Feng with a ferocious expression.

Yes, Li's cards are all transparent. With these cards of his, there is no way to deal with Ye Feng!

Ye Feng no longer hesitated, time was really running out, and now he was racing against death!

"I want to activate the magic card God-given Treasure Card in my hand!"

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he quickly drew out six cards, and when Erli saw this scene, his eyes widened.

The remaining cards in the card management group are: 2!

"I summon Kelberk in defense position! Ambush two cards, and then activate Tomb's Fellow Traveler!"

This scene seems familiar!

Ye Feng sneered, showed the card in his hand to Li, and then quickly threw it into the cemetery.

"Come! Throw away the Galaxy Sword Master and Photon Destroyer in your hands!!"

"Damn it. Damn it!!!"

Li's eyes were full of unwillingness, he had already lost his last chance to make a comeback!

"This is the end of my round! Come on, it's your turn!"

Ye Feng quickly ended his round, with two rounds left!

Victory is close at hand!

Ye Feng's mood could not be calm for a long time.

"How is it possible? What happened? There is clearly a dragon monster with 3000 attack power on the opponent's field?! Suddenly he fell into a desperate situation?!" Feather Moth was also shocked when he saw this scene. This series of tactics and chains, he Unheard of, unseen, "I didn't expect this mysterious man to win this duel. It's incredible! What kind of duel is this?!"

And Isis also saw this scene, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, "Sure enough. Sure enough, you are the man who can save Malik. It is obviously the first time to use my deck, but you play so well, and you even know better than me." Your own deck of cards”

Li's appearance was abominable, and at this point, he also knew that he would definitely lose.

And losing this duel means losing your life!

"My activation is invalid! Come on, discard the card you just drew!!"

Ye Feng once again committed murder and was heartbroken, and threw the Galaxy Tyrannosaurus in his hand into the cemetery.

Although the situation has been decided, Ye Feng is very anxious, because the duel between Yugi and Jonouchi has entered a fever pitch, and he still needs to be held back for two rounds!

I really tried my best! All Ye Feng can do now is pray that the game can hold on!

I have a way! There is a way to end this ruthless duel in the best possible way! The premise is to catch up!

Li lowered his head gloomily, as if he had made some decision.

Li's eyes were very complicated. He pretended to use a very calm tone and said to Ye Feng: "This time, let's just call it a draw."

"Are you kidding?!" Ye Feng sneered disdainfully, "How dare you ask me to let you go, you are such a heartless person?!"

"I admit, you are very strong! You are the biggest stumbling block for us to resurrect my king! You are the only variable in this world! I lost this duel! I am convinced that I lost!"

Ye Feng was surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that Li would give in? really?

"Don't think that I will let you go if you say that! I am determined to kill you and I will never give you another chance to come back!"

"No! I can make a final deal with you!" Li stared at Ye Feng with bright eyes, "I will use my life in exchange for ten minutes of your time! You let me live!"

Before Ye Feng could speak, Li continued: "Although I lost, I can still delay you for two more rounds! Look! The showdown between Jonouchi and Yugi will end in three rounds at most! You don't have enough time! Kill! I can do it, but one of Jonouchi and Yugi must die! Am I right?"

Ye Jie was silent and let the tiger return to the mountain? There will be endless consequences! How could I give up such a good opportunity?

But what Li said was true, and he wasn't talking nonsense. Can the game really last another ten minutes?

Seeing Ye Feng's silence, Li immediately knew there was something going on. He was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "It's more than that! I can tell you that as long as we draw, then we can absorb each other's energy!"

As Li spoke, he took out the jet-black gemstone again, which was exactly the same as the gemstone of destiny worn on Ye Feng's left hand.

"You need energy to manifest the card! I need it too! The power of darkness in me is dozens of times that of Milang! Think about it! This is the best choice for both of us!"

"These ten minutes will determine the life and death of Jonouchi and Yugi! Jie, you have to think clearly!"

"Although I lost! But don't force me to death! I don't want to die! You don't want Jonouchi to die either, right?"

"Jie...you don't have much time! It's a draw! Think about it! There's no need to fight to the death! Right?"

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