
Chapter 73 True Red Eye Fusion

"Game. Just pray that I don't draw a monster, hehe." Malik smiled sinisterly, and everyone focused their attention on him.

"How can it be so easy to draw a monster? Malik, stop dreaming!" Jonouchi shouted: "I bet you can't draw it! You can't draw it!"

"My turn, draw a card!" Malik looked at the card in his hand and grinned, "Pottle of Desire, I can draw two more, hehe."

"Oops!" Jonouchi felt something bad secretly. He felt that there was something wrong with his mouth. Last round, he prayed that Lishid did not draw a trap monster, but he did. Now, Jonouchi felt that he was particularly unlucky.

Wang Xiang looked solemn and silent, guarding Malik.

"Yi Game, it seems that you are very unlucky." Malik said sarcastically, and then showed the card in his hand to Yu Yu, "This is a really good card. You must be familiar with it, so why not let Let him give you pain, haha! I want to attack in attack position to summon a regenerated slime!"

[Regenerated Slime, 4 stars, water, aquatic, attack power 1500, defense power 500]

"Is this monster the infinite chain again?" Jonouchi murmured. The last time the puppets competed in the game, this monster was still fresh in his memory. After all, the game almost fell into a bitter battle. If the game hadn't relied on brainwashing in the end. You can't get Sky Dragon in the game because of your nonsense.

Malik smiled at Wang Xiang and said: "Game, although I can't send you into the abyss all at once, but I can torture you slowly! The regenerated slime attacks the player directly! Taste the pain again, Game !!”

The regenerated slime squirmed in a weird way, and the next moment, a pool of dark blue liquid split from his body and shot straight towards Yugi.

"Kuri Kuri!"


The blue slime liquid was blocked by the chestnut ball.

"Thank you Kuripo, you saved me again." Yugi smiled and said to the chestnut ball in his hand, and the chestnut ball in the card seemed to be conscious, squinting his eyes and showing a cute smile.

"Hey, is it this little bastard again?" Seeing that his attack failed, Malik felt a little bad, but then he said with a playful smile: "But every time I see you struggling to death, it makes me feel uncomfortable. It’s less fun.”

"Is it really okay to pursue other people's pain with strength?" Wang Yang said coldly: "Malik! It's so stupid to be complacent after taking a small advantage!"

"Stupid? You say I'm stupid?!" Malik said disdainfully: "Then just attack me. I like to see you helpless! I'm going to ambush a card and the round is over!!"

"Be careful Jonouchi, don't let Malik lead you by the nose! It's just a God Card, let him see your own power!" Wang Yang looked at Jonouchi with piercing eyes, his eyes full of sincerity.

"I understand! Everything I carry will not let me give up so easily. I believe in my deck, and I also believe in our bond! If I am left to do nothing, then let me die here! I don’t want to be a burden to the game, and I don’t want to see my friends standing in front of me! So, please, my deck!” Jonouchi clenched his fists and looked at his deck.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Feng felt the familiar feeling, and strong luck exploded in Cheng Nei.

Yes, why has Jonouchi been suppressed since the duel and has no ability to fight back? In the final analysis, his luck was cut off by the Dark General. In other words, before that, he was just an ordinary passerby in this world.

At this moment, Jonouchi was finally recognized by the will of the world again, and the lost luck returned to him again.

Luck is never static.

"My turn, draw a card!" Jonouchi said with high morale.

"Magic card, Angel's Alms is activated! Draw three cards, then discard two!"

"It's not over yet! I'm going to activate the Pot of Desire and draw two more cards from the deck!"

"Draw cards!!"

Every word in the city was hoarse, shouting out the dissatisfaction in his heart. After readjusting the cards in his hand, his eyes had become completely different. He was confident, moving forward, and riding the wind and waves.

"I want to activate the magic card from my hand, Red-Eye Fusion!" Jonouchi's lips unconsciously raised, "Let you see it, the most powerful monster in my deck! This card will completely wake me up. The sleeping soul in the deck!”

"Is this fusion? Why have I never seen such a card before?" Trojan was puzzled.

Malik said disdainfully: "Hey, it's just a bluff. With just one card, what else do you want to do?"

"Let me show you the power I carry! With Red Eyes Fusion, you can send the fusion material monsters determined by the Fusion Monster Card from the deck or the field to the graveyard, and you can special summon [Red Eyes] with it. The fusion monster of the name!”

"Nani? Fusion in the deck?" Peacock Dance covered her mouth and exclaimed.

"Yes! A fusion that can create infinite hope! I will send the Red-Eyed Black Flame Dragon and the Meteor Dragon in the deck to the graveyard; the gathered bonds will awaken a new power and emerge from the endless night. Meteor Dragon·Meteor Black Dragon!!”

[Meteor Dragon·Meteor Black Dragon, 8 stars, dark, dragon type, attack power 3500, defense power 2000]

"Well done Jonouchi!" Honda danced excitedly when he saw this scene.

"Come on Onii-chan!!" Shizuka also shouted.

"Regenerating slimes? Since they can't be destroyed by battle, and Malik still has an ambush card..." Jonouchi looked at the situation of Malik and Lishid, and then looked at Lishid.

"In that case, Lishid, I am going to defeat you in this round!" Jonouchi clenched his fists, and then retrieved a card from the deck, "I am going to activate the effect of Meteor Black Dragon, from the deck Throw the Red-Eyed Undead Dragon into the graveyard and give you half the damage of the Red-Eyed Undead Dragon's attack power!"

[True red-eyed undead dragon, 7 stars, dark, undead, attack power 2400, defense power 2000]

Seeing this, Peacock Dance once again exclaimed: "It's a brand new red eye! The attack power is as high as 2400 points? Does that mean that Lixide will suffer 1200 points of damage?"

The true red-eyed undead dragon turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Lishid. Then, this stream of light penetrated Lishid's body.

Lishid LP: 4000→2800


Lishid's hoarse voice roared, and everyone could see Lishid's painful expression.

"Those who give my companions pain, I will repay with pain!" Jonouchi said coldly: "Good and evil will eventually be rewarded, Lixide, this is the price you pay for helping the evildoer!"

Lishid lowered his head and said gloomily: "In the city, if protecting your partners is what you believe in, then the justice in my heart is to protect Lord Malik! For this, I will give everything!"

Seeing this, Wang Xiang shouted loudly: "Even if he has no conscience? Lixide! A self-proclaimed righteous person, but he does such a despicable act. Is this also your willingness?!"

Lishid responded coldly: "No matter what you do, you have to pay a corresponding price. The only thing is whether this price will be accepted by others. My heart has long been filthy. What if I am cast aside by the world? My My life no longer belongs to me, and you simply don’t understand the fate that the tomb-guarding clan has been burdened with!”

Isis, who was on the side, closed her eyes silently and prayed from beginning to end. When she heard Lishid say these words, tears finally fell from the corners of her eyes.

The city was filled with anger. Lishid made him admire but also made him angry: "Lishid, you are really hopeless. Then let me wake up. If you are willing to die with such a belief, then I will help you." !!”

"I activate the magic card in my hand and attack quickly! This round, the fusion monster I summoned can fight!!"

Jonouchi made a quick attack, and then his eyes were full of determination.

"We're about to attack! Meteor Black Dragon, attack the holy beast Serekite! Meteor Black Bullet!!"

The meteor black dragon roared, and a huge black flame bullet shot out. The ugly holy beast glanced at the holy box unwillingly, and then was completely swallowed by the flame bullet and turned into ashes.

Lixide LP2800→2100

"Ah!!" Lishid was hit twice in a row without any room for respite. He covered his chest. You can see that his forehead was covered with sweat. Obviously, in the dark game, he was affected by Endless pain.

"Lishid, do you feel the pain now? This is the pain you just gave me and the game. Now, I will return it to you! This is the heavy price you have to bear!"

Facing Jonouchi's angry shouts, Lishid slowly straightened up. The mental pain made him unable to control his body, and his legs trembled unconsciously.

Lishid's eyes were firm, and he raised his head and met Jonouchi's eyes: "Jounouchi, if you have any resentment, just come to me. I will take over everything."

"You guy." Jonouchi's expression was complicated. Somehow, he saw himself in Lishid's expression.

"This man is obviously so responsible, why is he so determined to help Malik do something so unscrupulous?" Xingzi was very puzzled.

"Yes, it may be a blessing to be friends with such a person."

Jonouchi looked at Lishid's determined expression. This spirit of never looking back even if he hit the south wall, even if he was killed, made Jonouchi clenched his fists.

"Within the city! In this duel, one side is destined to lose! Before I live, I will never allow you to touch Master Malik! Come on, let me see your determination!" Lixide Zhang Open your hands and close your eyes.

"Okay! Then I'll help you! True red-eyed black dragon, attack Apib for me! Black flame bullet!!"

The red-eyed black dragon roared, and the black flame bullets shot directly at Apib on Lixide's field. Apib picked up his shield and tried to block it, but he seemed too helpless in the raging fire.

Apibu, smash!

Lixide LP2100→1300

[True red-eyed trace dragon, attack power 1700]


Lishid was injured one after another, and this time he fell to his knees directly on the ground, lowering his proud head.

This kind of pain is no longer something ordinary people can bear.

If Jounouchi's next attack hits, Lishid will definitely die!

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