
Chapter 76 The hope of death

Cheng Nei and Wang Xiang looked at each other and nodded.

Jonouchi's eyes were firm, and Wang Yang raised his eyebrows, as if he had thought of something.

Immediately afterwards, Jonouchi gave an order.

"Lishid, at the end of your turn, I am going to activate my ambush card: Grave Robber!" Jonouchi said loudly, "Based on the effect of Grave Robber, I can get a card from a player's graveyard! I want to choose It’s the resurrection of the dead in your graveyard, Malik!!”

When everyone on the periphery saw this scene, they all became excited.

Honda waved his fist and said: "Yo Xi! In this way, there will be no resurrection of the dead in Malik's graveyard! The Winged Dragon can't be resurrected either!"

"Onii-chan, come on!"

Jonouchi grinned, then winked at Yugi.

Wang Yang was stunned for a moment, then seemed to think of something and raised the corners of his mouth.

"It's just a little trick." Malik said disdainfully: "I have many ways to resurrect the sun god Ra! There is not only one dead person in my deck who is resurrected. In the city, you are too naive. As expected, you have lost your spirit body. Tactics The literacy is horribly low!”

Jonouchi's expression remained unchanged, and this time he was unexpectedly calm.

"Malik, you may say that I am useless or that I rely entirely on Jie; now I just want to crush the darkness in your heart!" Jonouchi looked at Malik with sharp eyes, "Don't think that you have any chance of rebirth on the field. Slime, you can rest easy! I already know how to defeat it!"

"Stop talking nonsense! It's not even your turn now. When the game ends this round, I will kill you completely!" Malik said coldly: "I still have a lot of health points, and there is regeneration on the field. Slime, then I am invincible! I will revive the sleeping sun god Ra in my cemetery, and then burn your will to pieces!!"

"Huh, invincible?" He smiled suddenly and with disdain, "Malik, you seem to have forgotten something. There has never been an invincible monster, nor an invincible chain; you have forgotten how I defeated your sky yesterday. A dragon?"

Malik seemed to have thought of something.

"Is it possible that you want to use Sky Dragon?" Malik said scornfully: "Not to mention whether you can summon Sky Dragon, you only have one card in your hand. What can you do if you summon Sky Dragon? A god with 1000 attack power. The card is not qualified to defeat me!"

Wang Xiang was silent when he heard the words, and then looked at his deck.

"Draw a card!" Wang Xiang shouted, and then drew a card from the deck, which also meant that his turn had officially begun.

"Stop struggling! There is only one Resurrection of the Dead in your deck, so it is impossible to summon the Sky Dragon! I can tell you that I have three Resurrection of the Dead in my deck, and I can easily revive it. Ra, the sun god of my graveyard! You will definitely lose!"


Wang Xiang's expression was unquestionable and his tone was firm, "There is really no way I can resurrect the sky dragon with the cards in my hand, and even if it is resurrected, I don't have enough attack power. But, don't forget, this is a two-person duel!"

"Stop joking, what can Jonouchi do based on his dueling skills?!" Malik said sarcastically: "Jounouchi's round is over, and he has already paid the price for his so-called kindness. !Right away, it’s your turn right now, Yugi!!”

Jonouchi waved his right hand, turned to Yugi and said affectionately: "Yimu, let him see what we really mean!"

"Ang, we are burdened with too much in the city, let everything end here!"

After Wang Xiang said this, he raised the card he just drew high and used it.

"I'm going to activate the magic card hand swap I just drew!"

"Nani? It's actually a hand swap?" Malik was a little surprised, and then couldn't help laughing: "Yi Yu, you don't have a card in your hand that can defeat me, so you want to swap your hands? But you are wrong. , there is no resurrection of the dead in my hand, your plan has failed, hahaha!"

Wang Xiang smiled disdainfully, and then turned to look inside the city.

"Malik, I didn't say I wanted to exchange cards with you! The person I want to exchange is...Jounouchi!!"

"Masaka?" At this moment, Malik finally thought of something.

"Hmph, Malik, don't you remember, I just used the tomb robber to bring the dead back to life!" Jonouchi laughed playfully, and then walked towards Wang Xiang.

"Oops!" Malik's eyes showed a hint of panic.

Chengzou Nei and Wang Xiang approached each other and looked at each other.

"Jounouchi, this card may be helpful to you." Wang Xiang handed the last card in his hand to Jonouchi.

"Yugi, I've accepted your card. I think you can understand what I mean." Jonouchi smiled and handed Wang Xiang the Susheng of the Dead in his hand.

"I know that within the city, the formula for victory has been laid down. I will use your dead to resurrect, defeat Malik, and help AIBO and Jie avenge their blood and hatred!"

After Wang Yan finished speaking, he made a fist with his right hand and stretched it towards the city.

Jonouchi smiled heartily and also raised his right fist.

Their fists touched lightly, and each understood the other's intention.

Turning around and returning to his original position, Jonouchi looked at the card Yugi gave him in his hand and grinned. It was a quick attack card that allowed the fusion monster to ignore the rules and attack during the summoning turn, but it obviously cannot be used now.

Game, what does this card mean?

Jonouchi thought silently and murmured softly, as if he had some fleeting inspiration.

"Malik, let me show you, Osiris has been resurrected from the underworld! In this round, it will completely shatter the darkness in your heart!" Wang Xiang said through gritted teeth, and then revived the dead man in his hand. He took a photo and said, "The dead come back to life. Activate!"

"The supreme god who returned from the underworld, my proudest servant, come back to my field once again!!"

Wang Yang opened his fingers and turned his palms to the sky. The next moment, dark clouds like lightning and thunder gathered again.

The red thunder point fell behind Yugi and shattered the ground.

A familiar figure appeared behind Wang Yang again.

[Sky Dragon of Osiris, attack power 0]

"Osiris is resurrected again!" the Trojan said in surprise.

"But, but Osiris's attack power is based on hand cards. There is no hand card in the game!" Peacock Dance frowned in confusion.

"If it's a game, he must have a way!" Kyoko believed in the game as always, and then shouted to the game to cheer him up.

"Yugi, that's ridiculous. Have you become so imbecile like Jonouchi? Spending so much energy just to summon Osiris with 0 attack power? You must know that for gods, the resurrection of the dead can only One turn's worth! And you don't have a single other card on the field or in your hand, game! You're done! Hahaha!!"

Malik laughed maniacally, but Yugi's expression was so calm.

"Malik, I told you, this is a two-person duel!" A smile appeared on Wang Xiang's lips, "Didn't you say that you can use your teammates' ambush cards?"

Malik looked startled when he heard this. The next moment, he looked at the venue inside the city.

A true red-eyed black dragon, and an ambush card.

"Masaka" Malik showed a hint of panic on his face.

"Malik! Let me show you the bond between Jonouchi and me! I am going to activate the card that contains Jonouchi's thoughts at this moment!" Wang Yang waved his right hand, and then, the ambush card on Jonouchi's field was revealed. .

"Trap card, sixth sense! I can declare two numbers from 1 to 6, and then I can choose a player to stop the dice; if the dice stops and it is the number I declared, then I can draw The corresponding card; on the contrary, if it is not the number I declared, then I need to throw the card with the corresponding number from the top of the deck into the cemetery." Wang Xiang explained to everyone with a smile, and then he turned to look at Jonouchi. .

"The numbers I declared are 5 and 6, and the one who has the right to stop the dice is Jonouchi!"

"Are you kidding!" Malik's eyes were full of horror, "You can't use this kind of luck-based card, not even within the city! There is a one-third chance that you are dreaming! You must know that if you fail, then you have to What you pay for is defeat in the dark game! How dare you."

"Malik! I believe in Jonouchi!!" Wang Xiang shouted: "I have always believed that the bond between Jonouchi and I can break all impossibilities! I am willing to use my life as a bet! In Jonouchi, I put everything I leave it all to you!!”

"Game! I won't lose with this dice!!" Jonouchi clenched his fists and looked at the dice that were spinning at high speed in the midfield.

Everyone's heart was in their throats.

"God of good luck! If you can hear the cry in my heart, then please give me power!" Jonouchi closed his eyes and prayed silently in his heart. If 5 and 6 are not thrown, then the game will There will be nothing left!

Jonouchi may not care about his own life, but he must not care about the life of the game.

Especially when Jie is lying on the ground dying!

"I can definitely do it! I am a duelist, I am Jonouchi!!"

"Stop it!!"

With Jonouchi's hysterical shouting, the speed of the dice in the midfield dropped rapidly. Finally, he stopped, and the top number on the dice was 6 o'clock!

"Yada thief!!" Everyone was delighted, and Xingzi hugged Peacock Wu next to her.

"How is that possible?!" Malik could no longer hide the horror on his face.

As Wang Xiang drew six cards from his hand, Sky Dragon's attack power began to surge.

Osiris Sky Dragon attack power 0→6000!

"Malik, it's over! The regenerated slime on your field will be resurrected again the moment it is defeated by the sky dragon. The special ability of the sky dragon can destroy the regenerated slime again and again, and because For the Treasure of Survival on your field, your deck will have no cards to draw!"

"Game, come on!" Jonouchi shouted excitedly.

Malik took a staggering step back. He had no cover or any means of defense.

"Osiris attack, super conductive wave!!!"

The game finally gave the order, and a huge thunder bullet was shot out. Malik covered his eyes with his right hand, full of despair.

But the next moment, something that no one expected happened.

A huge figure stood in front of the regenerated slime.

That was the sacred beast Serekite on Lishid Field.


The holy beast screamed, and then it turned into powder under Osiris' attack.

Lishid LP1300→0

"Lishid?" Malik couldn't bear the throbbing in his heart anymore and called Lishid's name.

"I want to activate the card in the holy box, the hope of death. It can allow Sir Malik to restore the health value of the holy beast's attack power."

Malik LP: 5600→8100

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