
Chapter 79 The Final Battle

In the dark game fighting arena shrouded in black mist, people outside could not enter and could only watch the situation in the dueling arena helplessly.

Lishid fell to the ground, not knowing whether to live or die.

Now Yugi also fell to the ground, surrounded by Millennium Building Blocks and Millennium Scales.

Malik smiled crazily on the head of the Winged Dragon.

At this time, Jonouchi ran to Yugi like crazy.

"Game! Game!"

Jonouchi knelt on the ground, and he heard Yugi's final entrustment and Ye Feng's final instructions.

The last two cards opened in the table game are Stamina Booster and Dark Frontier.

The physical strength enhancer can only be activated when you receive more than 2,000 points of combat damage. It can restore yourself to 4,000 points of health.

The Dark Border is a card that can only be activated when you are damaged. You can special summon a dark attribute magician monster from the deck with an attack power below that value.

The game relies on the mysterious Chinese pot and physical strength enhancer to save the last bit of health.

But Dark Game still broke his spirit, not only him, this attack was borne by Wang Yang, Biao Youyu, and Ye Feng.

Game LP1, 0 cards in hand, black magician on the field, and an unknown cover card.

Malik has LP1, 4 cards in hand, and a Winged Dragon with an attack power of 10799 on the field.

Jonouchi LP4200, 6 cards in hand, one of which is quick attack, empty field.

Jonouchi picked up the Millennium Scale, and the familiar feeling coming from it made him instantly understand that Ye Feng was sleeping in it.

"Jiang, thank you for protecting the game, I'm sorry." Jonouchi murmured, tears falling on the Millennium Scale, and then, Jonouchi picked up the Millennium Building Blocks on the side.

"Another game. I still didn't protect you well after all, I'm sorry."

"There are games. I can only look at you helplessly until the end. I'm sorry."

Jonouchi cried and buried his head in Omoteyuki's chest. At this time, Jonouchi was really the only one left in the duel field, completely alone and helpless.

"Hahaha! Dead! All dead! What a good death!!!" Dark Malik smiled crazily, "You are a pharaoh who doesn't regret dying. Although you still have the last bit of health left, you have been hit by Tens of thousands of points of divine wrath, even if you are a pharaoh, you can't bear it, right?! This is a dark game. Next, I just need to deal with Jonouchi. This duel will finally end with my revenge. !”

"Malik! Malik!!"

Jonouchi stood up, roaring hysterically, staring at Malik with murderous intent in his eyes.

"I like your anger, that's it! My hidden power has been released. The more sacrifices I give to the dark power, the stronger my power will be. Now you are the only one left, are you desperate? Within the city? Hahaha!!”

"Malik! I want the darkness in you to exist in the dark world forever. I swear in the name of a duelist; I use my life as a bet. I will win this duel! The faith and soul I carry , you are not allowed to let me lose to you! You are not allowed to let me fall here like this!!"

"I like to hear your dog barking, Jonouchi, you will definitely regret your modern nonsense, because the pain you will suffer next will make you feel that it is easier to die!"

"Death?" Jonouchi looked up at the sky, tears in his eyes falling to the ground uncontrollably, "If my death can save my partner's life, then I am willing to die to apologize, but I can't just die like this! Because what is in me now is not only my own life, but also Jie’s soul, the entrustment of the game, the instructions of another game, the emotions lost by Li Xied, and even the last glimmer of light for the tomb-keeper clan. ."

Jonouchi's eyes exuded a firm belief he had never seen before, and he puffed up his chest.

"Everything I carry, every cell in my body, is telling me that I must win! Even if I risk my life, I must win!" Jonouchi stretched out his hand and pointed his index finger at Malik: "I declare that this is you The last turn! I swear with my duelist’s soul that by my turn, I will annihilate the evil in your heart!”

"Jounouchi, do you like daydreaming so much? You can't even control the God Card, how can you win against me? Do you rely on your resentful prayers, or the ridiculous kindness in your heart? This is what I have heard since I recovered. Funniest joke ever!"

"Malik, I have a responsibility that I cannot lose! But in your heart, there is only endless resentment and revenge!"

"Haha! Jonouchi. You don't understand anything at all?!!"

When Malik said this, his expression was already distorted. Then, Malik took off his robe, and there were terrifying marks on his back.

"What's this?"

"Did you see it in the city? This memory engraved on my back will accompany me from life to life. This is the mission of our tomb-keeper clan to protect the memory of the Pharaoh for three thousand years! In order to one day dedicate this memory to the resurrected Pharaoh's soul, Generations of our family have only lived for this purpose!"

Malik said with a ferocious look: "We, the tomb-keepers, have only received deep darkness, deep sadness, and the pain of despair! This is the trauma that has dominated my host's heart before, and in the end As a result, a person whose freedom was taken away by darkness was born. He created a dark world with a masochistic mentality, and finally suppressed the pain and hatred deep in the darkness of his heart. This created my existence!!"

"This is not a reason for you to hurt innocent people! Using a duel to transfer pain to others is not what a true duelist should do!" Jonouchi clenched his fists in grief: "If you want to take revenge, The so-called Pharaoh, then I am willing to atone for his sins. Lishid, Jie, and Yuxi are all innocent! This is not an excuse for you to hurt them!!"

"That's enough Jonouchi! Have you inherited Yugi's annoying words?" Malik waved his hand, his eyes full of anger, "Let's continue the duel. I want to see how you can defeat me with your so-called ridiculous burden. The Winged Dragon! I am going to ambush four cards, and the round ends like this!"

"Malik, everyone will atone for the crimes they have committed. If another game really brings you so-called pain, then he loses his memory and lives alone in the darkness of loneliness, which represents him. He has paid the price for what he has done; and after this price, is the friendship and bond he gained!"

Jonouchi looked at Malik with cold eyes and said: "It's ridiculous that you only care about the hatred in your heart. You don't know about Lishid's feelings. You don't know about Isis' pain. You are just a person immersed in the dark world. Just a wretch!"

"Jounouchi! Play your cards right now, your words are getting more and more annoying! I will let you taste the pain thousands of times before I decide to kill you again!"

"Malik! Let me put an end to everything you have done!"

Jonouchi murmured, then looked at his deck.

"Draw cards!!"

When Jonouchi looked at the card he had drawn, he was a little stunned.

"Is this the card that Ye Jie gave me at the end?" Jonouchi murmured, looking at the card left by Ye Jie, he couldn't help but feel a sore nose. He took a deep breath, raised his right arm and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. , "Jie, thank you, I know what to do."

"I want to ambush four cards, and then activate the card in my hand: God-given Treasure Card!!"

"Draw cards!!"

Jonouchi shouted, one card after another that he had never seen before came into his hand, Jonouchi couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"Malik! Let me show you the power I gave you!" Jounouchi said with high morale and a card was played, "Quick attack magic! Dice whirlwind activated!!"

A huge whirlwind appeared in the midfield, accompanied by lightning and thunder, and a huge white dice appeared.

"Another card I haven't seen before. Is this the power of that spirit?" Malik murmured: "Dad Mu, as long as I have the Winged Dragon around, I am invincible. No card can defeat me!"

"You are wrong Malik, the dice whirlwind is not to deal with the Winged Dragon! Before defeating the Sun God Ra, I will break all the traps you have laid!" Jonouchi's eyes were bright, and then he waved his right hand, and the dice in the midfield were flying fast. It started to spin.

"Dice whirlwind allows me to roll a dice. If it is 1 or 6, then I will suffer 1000 points of damage; if it is 2/3/4, then I can choose a magic trap card on the field to destroy! And if it is 2/3/4, then I can choose a magic trap card on the field to destroy! If it's 5, I can choose two magic traps on the field to destroy!"

Malik sneered disdainfully: "Oh? Is it all about luck? But you want to destroy my magic flame? It's not that easy!"

The dice spun rapidly, Jonouchi took a deep breath, and finally shouted: "Stop!!"

The dice stopped in response, and the number displayed was 5 o'clock!

"It's just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse." Malik said harshly.

The whirlwind of dice unleashes a powerful impact, and two cards on Malik's field are torn apart.

Blast armor and copy wheels.

"You only have two cover cards left and I'm going to take it!" Jounouchi shouted, and then opened one of the cover cards: "Activate the resurrection of the dead! Resurrection, the red-eyed black dragon!"

"Hmph, I want to open the ambush card: Burrow! This card can destroy a monster with an attack power of 1,000 or more when it is summoned! Go back to the graveyard for me, ridiculous red-eyed black dragon!"

The true red-eyed black dragon had just appeared. The next moment, a huge pit appeared, and the true red-eyed black dragon fell into the abyss again.

"What a pity, Jonouchi, I won't let you summon the core monster in your deck! Hahaha!"

"Malik, you were too happy too early! I want to activate the second chapter of the magic card that Jie gave me to summon the dice!!"

"Again dice?!" Malik smiled disdainfully: "It's another gambling card. That spirit is stupid enough to hand you these cards that depend entirely on luck. How could someone do it again and again? Winning the bet? It’s the Sixth Sense between you and the game, this is already the third one! You can’t activate the buff effect!”

"How will you know if you don't try? I believe in the card Jie gave me! Just like Jie has always believed in me!"

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