
Chapter 98 Determination within the city

"Jie, what's wrong with you?" A voice message came from the city: "Don't worry about me, I won't be knocked down just like that!"

Ye Feng hesitated. If he wanted to win, he should print the card now, but he was a little worried about what Li was planning.

Once bitten, twice shy.

Ye Feng no longer hesitated. It was about the lives of the city. This duel was crucial and must not be lost!

After I finished building the Underworld card group, I still had 2,000 Destiny Power, which was a huge number. I didn't have to worry about draining my energy.

Just when Ye Feng was about to manifest the card, Jonouchi once again sent a message: "Feng, are you in that state again? I feel a slight change in your mood."

Ye Feng was startled when he heard this, and said through a message: "It's okay, it's just that my ability has been restored. Now I can manifest the card for you. I will help you win this duel!"

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he began to prepare the manifest card, but at this moment, Jonouchi suddenly interrupted Ye Feng,

"Jie, I don't know what you are thinking right now, but I can sense the entanglement in your heart." Jonouchi said very seriously: "Indeed, just like what you said, Zhi was possessed by something weird. I feel Her duel status has changed dramatically. But so what?"

Ye Feng was startled when he heard this. At this time, the fighting spirit in the city was high.

"Jie, from the beginning of Duel City to the present, I have grown up under your protection. Now, it is time to give back to you! This time, I have to rely on my own strength to win this duel! I have already felt Here comes the call from my deck!”

Ye Feng was astonished. What he said in the city was solid, and it didn't seem like empty talk.

Ye Feng was a little hesitant. Since Jonouchi said so, he had no reason to intervene. But the key point is that this is a duel in which defeat means death!

"Within the city, from the moment we stepped into this sky duel field, we have been unable to retreat. This is a dangerous duel with our own souls as the bet."

"I know!" Jonouchi said firmly: "I just don't want to rely on Jie every time! I am also a duelist! I also want to rely on my own strength to help Jie. I don't want to see you breaking your promise again and again for me. , making choices that I don’t want to make again and again. What I know, I’ve always known.”

Ye Feng was dumbfounded. Hearing this, he completely hesitated.

On the other side, Xi's face was very ugly. It was obvious that he and Li had been fighting secretly.

At this time, Li looked at Ye Feng, as if saying: Why don't you take action!

Ye Feng did not respond. At this time, he was struggling in his heart. Should he win the duel by himself, or should he let Jonouchi do what he wanted to do, even if he lost his life?

"Jie! This is the fate of a duelist. If I had to rely on my partners to fight every time, I would rather die. What I want is to protect my partners, not to be protected by them!!"

Hearing the voice transmission from the city, Ye Feng trembled unconsciously.

The next moment, Li on the other side seemed to snort, and then, Ye Jie's destiny gem turned gray again.

Ye Feng frowned, now he had no choice.

Li's face was very ugly, and Nozomi's eyes were equally sinister, and she panted and said to Jonouchi: "Hey, I said Jonouchi, it's your turn!"

Xi Man said impatiently. He and Li had a confrontation just now, and it was obvious that he was the winner. After this duel, Xi will naturally settle the score.

The referee's bodyguard heard this and said to Jonouchi: "This player, please continue the duel. If you don't draw cards, I have the right to sentence you to a negative game!"

Li on the side looked at Chengoui very puzzledly. To be precise, he looked at Ye Feng doubtfully.

"Jie, do you still remember? When we first faced off against the Dark Elves, you told me: This is the deck we completed together, and it is our bond. If you believe in the deck, then the deck will respond to you and me. , to break that deadlock. At that time, you asked me if I would like to give it a try with you. Now, it is my turn to ask you."

"Jie, join me and put your hand on the deck."

Ye Feng was astonished. He did say this to Jonouchi when he faced off against Sam. He remembered that scene very clearly.

"Jie, there is a card in our deck that can completely reverse this situation. Have you forgotten? That card was also the last key card that I won against Dark Soldier Milang for the first time!"

Ye Feng suddenly recalled, Roulette Spider!

This card only appears once in the entire Yu-Gi-Oh anime, and it can be said to be the god card among god cards.

"In the city, are you saying your final farewell to the spirit body?" Xi said sarcastically: "Just now you didn't let the spirit body take action, what are you still struggling with now? Hurry up and draw the card, then end the round and let me control it. Your body!”

"I haven't lost yet!" Jonouchi shouted: "The last farewell? I will never let this word happen. I will bet everything on this card draw! Together with Feng, win this A duel!"

"Haha, do you think I don't know about the True Red Eyes deck?" Xi said with disdain: "Based on your current situation and your life value like a candle in the wind, no True Red Eyes card can reverse the situation. !Don’t you even know your own deck?!”

Ye Feng was stunned. Didn't Li and Zhi seem to tell Xicheng that the deck was a mixed one? He actually thinks that Jonouchi's deck is the Red Eye of Innocence?

Jonouchi snorted coldly in response, "You are wrong! There is a card in my deck that can break this situation! Now, I am going to take it out of the deck!"

"Stop joking! No one knows cards better than me! From the beginning of the duel to now, you have only used the red-eye card, and now you tell me that there are other cards that can turn the tables? Don't make me laugh!"

Jonouchi closed his eyes, his right hand was trembling a little, and then he sent a message to Ye Feng.

"Jie! What are you hesitating about? Come with me and pull out that card. I feel it. Your true red eye and my gambling card are intertwined to form the strongest deck!!"

Ye Feng was startled. At this moment, he seemed to have seen the male protagonist in a TV series. Something in his heart was infected by Jonouchi. He unconsciously stretched out his hand and placed it on the deck with Jonouchi.

"Boom, boom."

Ye Feng felt the rapid heartbeat in the city and the feeling it brought about.

"Let you see how the card with my heart won this victory!" Jonouchi shouted, and then twitched hard, and Ye Feng's right hand began to synchronize with Jonouchi unconsciously .

The next moment, Jonouchi looked at the card he had drawn and froze for a moment, then shouted excitedly: "I want to activate the magic card, Roulette Spider!"

"Nanani?!" Xi Man was frightened and took two steps back unconsciously.

"Roulette Spider, to activate this card, I have to pay half of my health! Of course, these health points are irrelevant to me now!"

Jonouchi LP50→25!

"Roulette Spider, boss, possess me on Moonlight Dancer's face!"

As Jonouchi spoke loudly, a card appeared, and the light overflowed. A yellow and black spider flew out from the card, with a unique red tail needle at its tail. It opened its hands and rushed towards Moonlight Dancer. Cat Lady instantly appeared on her face.

I saw Moonlight Dancing Cat Girl holding the spider on her face hard, trying to push it away, but it didn't help.

The Moonlight Dancing Cat staggered to the middle of the field, and the next moment, a hexagonal spider web barrier appeared on the ground.

Xi shouted angrily in disbelief: "How is it possible? Who would bring this kind of gambling card in the Red Eye deck? Are you crazy!! Do you know the construction of the deck?"

"Hmph, the card is not about how powerful it is, but about whether it is useful! Just show it to me!" Jonouchi said with a smile, "The Roulette Spider will attach to the monster with the highest attack power on the field and rotate, and this monster It will attack the target pointed by the arrow when it stops! And those that can become the target of the roulette wheel include other monsters on the field of both players!"

Xi comforted himself and said: "I only have one Moonlight Red Fox on the field, but! There is a Moonlight Yellow Weasel in my cemetery. If the roulette wheel points to the position of the Moonlight Red Fox, then I can activate the effect of the Moonlight Red Fox, thereby making the Moonlight Red Fox The fox dodges this attack! In other words, you have to let the roulette turn to me!"

Jonouchi yelled angrily: "You have the right to stop the roulette spider! Come on, the roulette spider starts spinning!!"

"Got it!" Roulette Spider made a mechanical sound. The next moment, under the control of Roulette Spider, Moonlight Cat Dancer began to spin crazily. The slender red arrow at the tip of its tail was like the long sword of death, which could stab at any time. A fatal blow.

"In the city! You only have a one-third chance. Once the roulette pointer falls on you or on the Moonlight Red Fox, you will definitely lose! If you lose the duel, you will become my puppet. The spirits behind will also be killed by me!!" Xi's pupils dilated, looking at the rotating roulette spider nervously.

"Stop talking nonsense, stop it quickly, I will bet with my life!" Jonouchi clenched his fists and responded firmly.

"嘁" Nozomi was very nervous, not just him, everyone was waiting with bated breath, even Li's heartbeat was racing, praying that Jonouchi could win.

Finally, Xi couldn't bear the pressure and shouted: "Stop!!"

Under this command, the Roulette Spider's speed decreased rapidly, and its slow speed turned in front of Jonouchi, but it did not stop, but continued to spin.

Then came the Moonlight Red Fox, and the pointer did not linger on it. Finally, the red pointer suddenly stopped in front of Xi!

"How is it possible?! I really lost the bet!!" Xi shouted desperately. The next moment, the spider on Moonlight Dancer's face disappeared, and at the same time, the dagger in her hand was thrown towards Xi.

"How is it possible? Why would anyone really bring such a gambling card that all depends on luck in the deck?!" Xi trembled all over, and finally, the dagger thrown by the Moonlight Dancing Cat pierced his chest.

"I'm not willing to give in!!" In Xi's wailing, his health value changed.

Hope LP: 500→0!

Thank you [The Bear Looking for Hope] for casting 17 recommendation votes in one go! And his monthly pass, thank you.

In addition, thank you to the smoke-free boss and Cangmu Wanling 1 for the reward.

Finally, there was something wrong with the third duel and the plot. I was revising it, and the manuscript of more than 10,000 words was scrapped, which was very sad.

If it's fast, it'll be noon, if it's slow, it'll be in the afternoon. The third update will be uploaded.

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