Yu Xian

Chapter 2: One year of practice completed, the back mountain wants to condense qi

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the heavy rain has stopped for some time.

Is it a dream?

Xiaoxian suddenly pulled open her chest with force.

There is an extremely small elm mark in the pit of my heart.

Not a dream!

Xiaoxian climbed down the tree stump and dug desperately with his hands to find where "mother" was pointing.

He quickly dug out a foot of soil moistened by rain and blood, and a roll of jade slips suddenly appeared!

"Yuxin Basic Qi Training Secret Method"

The jade slip exuded a faint light, Xiao Xian took it out and held it in her arms.

He pursed his lips, raised his hand to wipe away the tears, knelt on the ground, looked at the big elm tree stump, and wanted to be strong, but he couldn't hold it back, and the tears fell down unsatisfactorily.

After all, he is just a thirteen-year-old child.

After crying for a while, Xiaoxian wiped away her tears again, kowtowed a few times to the big elm tree, and stood up.

Although he doesn't know what root bones, cultivation, and techniques mean.

But he knew that the woman who was exactly like his mother had given him unimaginable kindness!

It’s like reinvention!

Such is his mother!

She is the mother!

"I, Yu Xian, swear that I will definitely help you take revenge...mother..."

Muttering to himself, Yu Xian seemed to have grown up overnight. He will never forget the words his mother left in his mind!

Holding the jade slip, Yu Xian turned around and ran home quickly.

The so-called home is actually a small thatched house with a fence around the outside.

During the years when my mother was ill, everything the family could sell was sold.

There was only a plank bed, two stools, and a dining table left in the room.

Speaking of which, those villagers are actually not bad either.

Xiaoxian, who has lost his parents, has always been cared for by the villagers, giving him a bite of food in the east and an egg in the west. When it was windy or rainy, and the house leaked, there were men who came to help mend it.

This allowed the ten-year-old child to stumble and live until the age of thirteen or fourteen. He was able to catch fish and hunt by himself, collect herbs and fruits, and become self-reliant.

But today, officers and soldiers arrived.

Officers and soldiers, in the eyes of the common people, are figures bigger than the sky!

They wanted to cut down the trees, how could these villagers dare to stop them? Do you think you have a long life?

People just want stability.

Yu Xian didn't hate the villagers in his heart.

Yu Xian only hated the officers and soldiers who cut down the trees, and those who chopped off the big elm trees, dug out the beads, and finally took away the trunks, the old way!

Sitting on the bed, Yu Xian took a deep breath and slowly opened the jade slip left by her mother.

The first thing that caught his eye was a jade pendant tied with a green silk thread.

The jade pendant is written in ancient seal script: Yu Sheng, two characters.

Recalling his mother's words, Yu Xian knew that this should be the life-saving jade pendant.

Although he didn't know the efficacy of this jade pendant, since it was left by his mother, he naturally had to keep it close to his body.

After thinking about it, he directly hung the rope around his neck and placed the jade pendant on his chest.

Then, Yu Xian began to look at the jade slip seriously.

"Introducing Qi"

Three big characters shine brightly.

There is spiritual energy in the world, which can be used by all things to moisten the meridians, unblock the five internal organs, remove impurities, and refine the roots and bones...

Looking at the words above, Yu Xian naturally followed the instructions of the words, sitting cross-legged, putting his hands on his knees, his whole body began to relax, his eyes focused on the center of his eyebrows, and he began to feel the spiritual energy between heaven and earth and introduce them into his body.

In front of my eyes, a little white light appeared, and then there were stars, and then the whole room was filled with a faint white cloud.

With his eyes closed, Yu Xian clearly saw the aura of heaven and earth!

However, according to the method, he saw spiritual energy.

But how can we collect them and enter the body?

Although Yu Xian is only thirteen years old, he has actually lived independently for five years since his mother was ill and bedridden until now.

From the age of eight, he has been stepping on the bench to reach the stove, which is higher than himself, to make fire for cooking.

At the age of eleven, he dared to go up the mountain to collect herbs, learned how to trap animals, climbed high trees to collect fruits, and even bumped into big animals a few times, and even rolled down a slope and almost died.

His heart and liver and gallbladder have long since calmed down.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry.

Continuing to recite the mantra silently, Yu Xian continued to sense the spiritual energy.

There was more and more aura around him, and before his eyes were closed, the whole room was filled with white light.

Those auras cheered and floated everywhere, they were attracted too much by Yu Xian.

I don't know how long it took, but a few white light spots came closer to Yu Xian, as if out of curiosity, and came to the center of his eyebrows, meeting his eyes.


If you feel something in your heart, it will happen naturally.

Yu Xian whispered to himself softly.

These white dots suddenly rushed forward and disappeared directly into the center of his eyebrows.

Then the rest of the white light in the room swarmed in, surrounding him and sinking in.

A feeling of coolness, warmth, and comfort filled the whole body.

Introducing air into the body.

The first time he introduced spiritual energy into his body to cleanse his mortal body, Yu Xian felt some swelling in his body with just one stick of incense.

The Yu Xin Qi Training and Qi Guiding Chapter makes it very clear that when introducing Qi into the body and cleansing the body, don’t be greedy for too much. Otherwise, once the meridians are burst, even if the meridians are slightly swollen, it will cause great damage to the body and will be difficult to make up for.

Obviously, my mother was also very worried about Yu Xian's greed for too much, so she wrote it very clearly and emphatically marked it.

However, she was overthinking it. Yu Xian has understood since he was a child that people cannot be greedy, and greed will lead to danger!

Perhaps taking risks can reap big rewards.

But it is obvious that absorbing a little more spiritual energy is not a big reward. On the contrary, it is extremely risky, and it is not worth taking the risk.

Therefore, Yu Xian raised his hand slightly and opened his eyes.

The light around was still there, the hut was still a hut, there was no white glow, but the air was much fresher.

Yu Xian jumped off the bed, feeling that his body was much lighter, his limbs were obviously stronger, and a light layer of gray stains appeared on his skin.

He reached out and touched the gray stains, which were sticky and smelled strange. Yu Xian smiled and said to himself: "Is this the impurity in my body?"

The chapter on the introduction of qi said that there are a lot of impurities in the human body, covering the spiritual roots, blocking the meridians, and polluting the qi sea.

Only by constantly introducing spiritual energy to wash and become a transparent body can the body condense qi, that is, retain spiritual energy and produce all kinds of mysterious powers.

For example... magic!

So although his body looked dirty, Yu Xian was very happy in his heart.

He ran to the yard and easily lifted a bucket of water. In comparison, his strength had more than doubled compared to before!

Yu Xian held the bucket that used to require two hands to lift with one hand, and his eyes were firm.

He will definitely become stronger and stronger, and will definitely become stronger than that old Taoist!

After washing his body, the sky was bright, and the sun rose slowly from the east, representing a new day.

It also represented Yu Xian's rebirth.

The big elm tree was cut down.

But Dayushu Village was still Dayushu Village, and there was no change.

But the boy had changed a lot.

He could easily go up the mountain to collect herbs, hunt animals, pick mushrooms and wild fruits, and go down to the river to catch fish.

Even because of his increasing strength, he could cultivate the half acre of mountain land left by his parents even without oxen, borrow some seeds, and plant food.

He finally didn't have to starve, and could eat three meals a day... full!

Day after day.

Unknowingly, a year had passed.

The boy was growing taller, and when he could be self-reliant and eat enough, he naturally kept growing. At the age of fourteen or fifteen, he was only half a head shorter than an ordinary man.

Yu Xian never stopped drawing qi into his body twice a day.

In the thatched house, Yu Xian was drawing qi into his body for the 731st time.

The spiritual energy was still washing his body.

It was just that the impurities discharged from the body were very small, almost non-existent.

At this moment, Yu Xian's body had clear meridians, strong tendons and bones, and a light green spiritual root emitting a warm light, from the Dantian Qi Sea to the Lingtai Consciousness Sea.

He had known it for a long time.

The spiritual root that his mother had shaped for him with all the power of her soul was this spiritual root...

A spiritual root that should only be born naturally!

And his Qi Sea was even more crystal clear, and it had all the conditions for condensing Qi!

As long as Yu Xian was willing, he could now draw Qi into his body while condensing the spiritual energy in the Qi Sea!

Thus achieving the first realm of the cultivation world.

Qi Condensation Realm!

By then, with the spiritual energy in his body, he would not only be stronger than ordinary people, but also faster than ordinary people.

He could mobilize the spiritual energy to cast some small spells, and even fly a few meters in the air!

But Yu Xian still opened his eyes and did not condense Qi directly.

Qi Condensation is not Qi Induction.

To gather spiritual energy into the sea of ​​qi and achieve the initial stage of Qi Condensation, one must be wholehearted, calm and focused, and relax the whole body.

Otherwise, if Qi Condensation fails, the huge amount of spiritual energy will be violent and even explode, and he will be seriously injured if he doesn't die on the spot, and the Dantian Qi Sea will be completely destroyed, and he will become a useless person from then on!

This is also the first level in the cultivation world!

So Yu Xian must take this level very seriously.

He can't rush to the Qi Condensation at home, otherwise if a villager comes to disturb him, it will be an unimaginable disaster.

Although his body is no longer dirty, Yu Xian still washed himself habitually, then closed the door, picked up the axe, and strode out.

Dayushu Village is a mountain village.

Surrounded by mountains, there are only two ways to go out.

Yu Xian left home, said hello to several villagers he met, and went straight to the back mountain.

Three months ago, he was hunting in the depths of the back mountain and found a cave. There was nothing in it, and it was not a big beast's nest.

Now going there to break through Qi Condensation is a very safe choice.

Following the path trampled by the villagers and hunters, Yu Xian went forward until the road became blurred. He began to go to the deep mountains and old forests where few people went and most villagers dared not go deep.

In the deep forests, there are big beasts, poisonous insects, and various unexpected dangers.

However, since Yu Xian started to draw qi, his strength and speed are greater than ordinary people.

The big stone mill in the village needs two men to move, but he can lift it by himself after gritting his teeth!

So he was naturally much more confident. He dared to go into the old forest that he dared not go deep into on weekdays, and then he found the cave.

After walking for another two hours, Yu Xian came to the cave in the mountains and forests, with birds singing and insects chirping, and the sun was dim.

Looking at the cave, Yu Xian looked alert and held the axe tightly.

After three months of not coming, no one knew whether this cave was occupied by big beasts.

However, there was no smell of stench around, nor the breath of tigers, leopards, jackals, etc., which made Yu Xian feel a lot more at ease.

But he still couldn't relax!

There are also snakes, insects and poisonous creatures. They also like these dark caves and will make their homes here.

He walked in carefully. It was still dry inside. There were no big beasts lurking inside, and no poisonous insects making nests.

But Yu Xian did not go deep into the cave.

He suddenly came to his senses.

Caves are common in the deep mountains and old forests.

But a cave that is so clean, tidy, and hidden, and not occupied by wild animals, should not appear!

This cave may have an owner!

Thinking of this, Yu Xian turned around and was about to leave!

But after drawing Qi into his body and refining his body for a year, his ears were extremely sensitive.

At this moment, before he turned around, a very small sound of footsteps came from outside the cave.

Is it such a coincidence! ?

The cave owner came back just when he was about to leave?

Yu Xian frowned, wondering who was outside.

But it was certain that it was not the hunters from Dayushu Village, because they could not have walked so far.

If he went out now, he would definitely meet that person.

And to be able to build such a cave in the deep mountains and old forests, he must not be an ordinary person.

Yu Xian's eyes flashed, and he held the sharp axe tightly.

Slowly retreated to the deepest part of the cave.

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