Yu Xian

Chapter 554: My Yang Shen

At this moment, in the central pothole of Dakui Villa, Yu Xian felt the departure of three Nascent Soul auras, and his eyes flashed slightly.

Chu Li'er looked at Yu Xian with wide eyes. For a moment, she couldn't tell whether Yu Xian was taken away or not!

The ferocity, bloodthirsty, and viciousness that Yu Xian exuded when he spoke just now seemed to come from the corpse in the coffin!

If it were not so real, the three Nascent Souls would not have been frightened at all, and quickly retreated without even descending into the pit.

"Yu...Senior Brother Yu?"

Chu Li'er cautiously asked, "What should we do? Those three Nascent Souls have left? Should we escape now?"

"Escape? Where to escape?"

Yu Xian looked at the sky and said calmly: "Those three guys are watching and waiting a hundred miles away."

Chu Lier's expression became stern on the spot, her eyes full of confusion.

Although Yu Xian deceived the three Nascent Souls for a while, how could he continue to deceive them? This is how to do……

"Remember, from now on, keep quiet."

Yu Xian turned to look at Chu Li'er and said calmly: "If you disturb my breakthrough, just wait to die."

Chu Li'er trembled all over and watched as Yu Xian nodded vigorously and stepped back carefully, not stopping until he was a hundred feet away.

Baizhang is actually very close. If a normal monk practices in seclusion, it is best if there is no one within a few miles.

But she... didn't dare to retreat to a position where she couldn't see Yu Xian!

It was too dark and scary here... Only when she saw Yu Xian could she feel a sense of security!

Yu Xian didn't pay attention, he let out a breath, turned his hands and took out a large pile of seven or eight hundred top-quality spiritual stones, and arranged them in a circle.

Then he stood in the circle, sitting cross-legged.

Chance, luck, destiny.

If the Nascent Soul is not broken today, it will definitely not end well.

Those three Nascent Souls were only temporarily frightened by their memory of Kuizhen Dao.

It could be as short as a day or as long as more than a month. They will definitely come back to test you, and they may even have to see it with their own eyes.

Therefore, even if Xiaoyaoyou didn't truly understand the essence of Fuyao Linyuan, he still had to try to conceive a baby!

After all, I have successfully comprehended the spiritual reflection of the heart of the sky, so it is not a bad idea to use the spirit of the fifth level of the divine heart of heaven to form a baby!

It's a pity that my earliest idea was to conceive a baby after Xiaoyaoyou Fuyao Linyuan's double breakthrough.

However, nine out of ten things in this world are not perfect, and letting nature take its course is the way of heaven.

So today’s breakthrough is the right time!

Yu Xian didn't feel any regrets in his heart. Now that it was over, it was a breakthrough of destiny.

He crossed his legs and closed his eyes without moving, his spirit was magnificent, his cultivation was revealed, and the billowing aura began to spin rapidly around Yu Xian.

Tianxin Yanshen Technique is the sect-establishing technique of the Puppet Spirit Sect, and it is very powerful.

In fact, when Yu Xian realized the Great Consummation of the Spiritual Void Killing the Enemy, he would have been qualified to have a baby if he had been in the original Puppet Spirit Sect.

But Yu Xian did not want to use his spirit to conceive a baby, but wanted to understand Xiaoyaoyou Fuyao Linyuan, so he only used his powerful spirit to control the Nascent Soul puppet, instead of feeding back the golden elixir and integrating his soul, spirit, thoughts, etc. , to achieve a true "self Yang Shen".

But now, Yu Xian has reached another level and has broken through the spiritual Yingtian Heart. That is the powerful spiritual power that can directly pursue the perfection of the Nascent Soul and even become a god!

But this is purely the ability of perception, not the blessing of cultivation.

After all, all perceptions are ultimately castles in the air.

If he insists on refusing to break through the realm, no matter how strong the mental power of Yu Xian who has reached the Golden Core Perfection Realm is, he will not be able to cause damage to the Yuanying monks. He can only change from controlling the puppets in the early stage of Yuanying to controlling the puppets in the middle stage of Yuanying, or in the later stages. .

Only by having a baby, thus transcending classes, like sublimation and qualitative change, will Yu Xian's spiritual power be truly revealed!

"Fuyao Linyuan, please wait until my Nascent Soul is over before you can gain enlightenment..."

Yu Xian whispered, abandoned everything, and began to use Tianxin Yanshen Technique with all his strength, as if Tianxin Yanshen Technique was his main skill.

Spirit, reflect the heart of heaven!

The heart of heaven is the will of heaven and earth!

The spirit is in harmony with heaven and earth, and can receive the blessings of heaven and earth. Even if it is one billionth of the power, it is unimaginable!

Yu Xian's spirit emanated, as if he had become the sky in an instant!

He saw the entire Dakui Villa, saw the more than a thousand monks lying on the ground trembling, and saw the three Nascent Souls hiding a hundred miles away watching Dakui Villa.

Then his sight continued to expand, the surrounding mountains, the entire Biyun Mountains, and then continued to spread, and he saw countless creatures in the world!

His spirit spreads out!

Extravagance... extravagance!

The greater the spiritual extravagance, the greater the scope of integration with heaven and earth, and the greater the power of blessing from heaven and earth!

Yu Xian's controlled spirit spread out in all directions, reaching a height of five hundred thousand miles in the blink of an eye. At this range, Yu Xian's spirit reached its limit!

That is the limit where every one foot of expansion will cause pulling pain and a feeling of mental tearing!

"The vastness of the world is truly endless. Five hundred thousand miles is only a drop in the ocean..."

Yu Xian sighed in his heart and stopped being extravagant, lest he lose his energy and seek death.

He only had one thought.

It covered half a million miles in an instant, and the spirit, which had become so thin that it was almost bursting, came back!

The spirit covering five hundred thousand miles is all gathered into the sea of ​​​​consciousness between the eyebrows!

What kind of terrifying spiritual power was condensed together?

To pour an ocean of water into one drop is nothing more than that!

Moreover, these spiritual powers are re-refined and blessed after reflecting the world!

The seemingly endless spirit gathered, and Yu Xian's eyebrows lit up with an extremely bright light, as if he had grown a third eye!

The Yin Qi, Corpse Qi, and Death Qi from all directions were dispelled by this light!

"Spirit is the guide, soul, essence, thought, will, everything... is formed in the golden elixir..."

Yu Xian's calm words echoed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

And on his chest, the perfect and perfect golden elixir began to rotate rapidly, and various talismans, lines, techniques, and magical powers all lit up brightly!

Yu Xian raised his hand and hit Zhou Tian.

Hundreds of top-quality spiritual stones around him erupted into billowing spiritual energy, but not a trace leaked out. They were all absorbed by Yu Xian and blessed with golden elixirs.

The golden elixir began to rise slowly, flying out of the heart, following the blood veins, and heading towards the sea of ​​​​consciousness in the head.

The base is located in Dantian.

Jindan lives in Lingtai.

Nascent Soul resides in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

These three changes in the Dantian, heart, and head represent the three levels of heaven and earth.

The brilliance was bright, and the golden light shone throughout the pit. Yu Xian used his spirit as a guide and began to bless all his will, thoughts, and even soul, etc., into the golden elixir. Within the golden elixir, an "self" was formed. ".

As long as the self is formed, the external body is just a shell and can be discarded at any time without the self dying.

And this "self" is the Nascent Soul!

"Huh? What is that?"

A hundred miles away, the three Yuanying monks suddenly saw a faint light coming out of the pothole, and they all frowned, showing confusion.

"Ancestor...what is he doing?"

"The ancestor used the method of refining corpses in the blood way to forcibly stop his own soul that was about to melt away due to the end of his lifespan. His only way was to refine himself into a demon and completely integrate his soul into his body. Only then would he be considered successful. , but what’s going on with this faint golden light?”

"Is it possible that the ancestor is about to break through? It is said that the zombie becomes a demon. After the physical body is reversed, it can be golden, no longer the black and purple of the zombie, and the appearance is the same as that of ordinary people. The physical body is ten thousand times more powerful than gold and iron. The sky enters The earth is omnipotent..."

The three of them looked at the very faint golden light coming from the pothole, and they couldn't help but speak, with shock and fear in their eyes.

If it is true that the ancestor has become a demon... then they will never be able to escape, and they may even die immediately!

"what to do……"

Kui Xuesheng said with a slight tremor: "If our ancestor becomes a corpse demon, the first thing he will do when he comes out is take our tonic, right?"

"Then, shall we escape?"

Kuiyuehe was also obviously panicked.

"Escape? The blood poison will break out in fifty years. What to do? What's the use of living for fifty years!?"

Kui Yuyang gritted his teeth and said: "Let's take a look first. The chance of success in breaking through to become a demon is extremely low. How can he succeed so easily? If he fails, wouldn't it be a better time to kill him?"


Upon hearing this, both of them nodded, and the nervousness and fear in their eyes disappeared!

To this day, they can only bet that the ancestor failed to break through!

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