"In a normal-level trainer assessment battle, only one Pokémon is used. When one Pokémon loses its ability to fight, the other wins!"

"Both parties release their elves!"

With the referee's order, Lin Yuan and the examiner released their elves at the same time.

The elf used by the examiner was a giant hornet.

Elf: Giant hornet

Gender: Male

Attributes: Insect, Poison

Level: 16 (Normal)

Potential: Occupational

Features: Insect Premonition (When HP decreases, the power of insect-attributed moves will increase.)

Skills: Insect bites, random attacks, poison needles, missile needles, high-speed movement

Inherited skills: None

Skills taught : None

Skill discs: None

Note: Giant hornets have a strong sense of territory and sometimes appear in groups. Once it gets angry, it will attack in groups. So for safety reasons, don't get close to its residence. It can fly around at super fast speeds and repeatedly stab the enemy with its hands and the three poison needles on its tail. Among the three poison needles, the poison attached to the tail has the strongest attack power.

After the coin is inserted, the examiner will attack first.

"big���Bee uses high-speed movement!"High-speed movement: relax your body and make it light so that you can move at high speed. Greatly increase your speed)

"The electric monster uses provocation!"

Lin Yuan certainly couldn't let Beedrill increase its speed like this.

Seeing that the electric monster kept making provocative movements, Beedrill was soon enraged.

Soon, several white lights were sent by Beedrill to attack the electric monster.

"The electric monster dodged with a flash of lightning!"

The electric monster was covered with a faint white light and quickly dodged the missile attack of the giant bee. The electric monster even took advantage of the gap between dodging the attack to shorten the distance between it and the giant bee.

"Electromagnetic waves!"

As Lin Yuan gave the order, a weak electric current successfully hit the giant bee.

"The electric monster uses the final electric shock!"

Looking at the paralyzed giant bee, Lin Yuan commanded the electric monster to make the final attack on the giant bee.

As a strong electric current hit the giant bee directly, the test also came to an end.

"Beedrill lost its ability to fight, and the electric monster won. The winner of this ordinary trainer assessment battle is Trainer Lin Yuan!"

Looking at the Beedrill lying on the ground with circles in its eyes, the referee immediately made a decision.

On the other side, the examiner who had been absent-minded since Beedrill lost its ability to fight also came back to his senses at this time.

"Young people nowadays are really amazing!"

The examiner couldn't help but smile bitterly.

In the previous battle, from the moment Beedrill was provoked and enraged, the battle on the field was out of his control.

This is why he lost consciousness when he saw Beedrill lose his ability to fight.

"No way, you flatter me!"

After hearing what the examiner said, Lin Yuan quickly replied modestly.

After hearing what Lin Yuan said, the examiner smiled and said

"Hahaha, it’s not an exaggeration at all, you have the ability!"

"Young people should not be so modest. You should be more vigorous when you should be vigorous!"

Hearing this, Lin Yuan just smiled and said nothing.

It is said that young people should be more vigorous, but once they are vigorous, the other party should say,"Young people should not be so vigorous.'

Before the examiner could say a few more words to Lin Yuan, a staff member came over and called Lin Yuan away.

After a series of photo taking and fingerprinting, Lin Yuan successfully obtained the ordinary trainer certificate.

After obtaining the certificate, Lin Yuan was not in a hurry to leave the Pokémon Center.

Tomorrow, Saturday, Lin Yuan will have a weekend off, and he wants to take advantage of these two days to find a task to do.

Of course, Lin Yuan will not choose those very dangerous tasks. His main purpose is to let the electric monster and the arm force adapt to the life in the wild in the wild of the kite city.

And completing the task to make some money is just a side purpose.

Lin Yuan came to the task area and downloaded a software on his mobile phone with the help of the staff.

According to the staff, the future is a global networked society.

The Pokémon Center has also kept pace with the times. The original task area has also changed from issuing tasks to helping others download task software and handing over tasks.

After downloading the task software, Lin Yuan can find suitable tasks on his mobile phone and accept them.

This can save a lot of time for trainers.

After completing the task, you only need to go to the task area of the Pokémon Center to hand in the task.

After downloading the software, Lin Yuan left the Pokémon Center.

After returning to the gym, Lin Yuan asked the electric monsters to train in the training room.

He opened the software he had just downloaded from the Pokémon Center and went online to look for a suitable task.

【Mission: Help the villagers of Qiuguo Village collect tree fruits...

Mission requirements: None

Mission reward: 500 Alliance coins (one day)】

【Mission: Help the Big Milk Tank Ranch deliver Moo Moo milk...

Mission requirements: None.

Mission reward: 600 Alliance coins (one day)】

【Mission: Help find Eevee's trail...

Mission requirements: Trainer.

Mission reward: 30,000 Alliance Coins】


Lin Yuan kept searching on the task search interface, but in the end he only found a task like helping to find the trace of a certain elf.

But Lin Yuan didn't want to take such a task.

The main reason was that such a task would take too long, and Lin Yuan might not be able to find it.

In addition, the wild was dangerous, and it was too dangerous for Lin Yuan to do such a task.

Just when Lin Yuan was about to give up, a task suddenly appeared and was pinned to the top of the task interface.

【Emergency mission of the Alliance: Clear the Beedrills in the surrounding forests. The Beedrills around the city of Kite have seriously affected the safety of residents. In order to ensure the safety of the people, the Alliance decided to clear the Beedrills around the forest of Kite City.

Mission requirements: At least a normal-level trainer.

Mission rewards: The Alliance will purchase normal-level Beedrills at a price of 100,000 Alliance coins, professional-level Beedrills at 300,000 Alliance coins, elite-level Beedrills at 1 million Alliance coins, and gym-level Beedrills at 5 million Alliance coins. 】

Seeing this mission, Lin Yuan was surprised.

"Have the Beedrills around the City of Kites become so rampant? There are even gym-level Beedrills!" Lin Yuan couldn't help but think.

Because the Alliance clearly pointed out the price of gym-level Beedrills in the mission.

So this proves that there are gym-level Beedrills in the wild forests around the City of Kites.

Otherwise, the Alliance would not clearly state how much a gym-level Beedrill is worth.

Seeing the existence of this gym-level Beedrill, Lin Yuan knew why the Alliance would spend money to issue this mission.

As a Beedrill that can be promoted to gym-level in the wild, first of all, the qualifications of this Beedrill must be very strong.

And as a gym-level Beedrill, it must be the king of the Beedrills in the surrounding forests.

It has the qualifications to be promoted to a higher level, and it is the king of all Beedrills. King.

If the Alliance does not deal with it in time, the Kitana Forest will be renamed the Beedrill Forest in the future. The Beedrill, which was once the bully of the forest, has become the master of the forest. Let’s not talk about what will happen to the ecology of the forest.

By then, the residents near Kitana City will definitely be unsafe.

Seeing this task, Lin Yuan took it without hesitation.

This task not only allows one to enter the forest for training, but also to obtain Alliance coins, which perfectly meets Lin Yuan’s expectations.

Moreover, by that time, there will be people around who come to catch Beedrills, so Lin Yuan’s basic safety will be guaranteed.

In Lin Yuan’s view, this is simply a perfect task.

After Lin Yuan accepted the task, a message reminder came from his mobile phone.

【Dear Trainer Lin Yuan, you have successfully accepted the Alliance Emergency Mission. Because this is a large-scale mission, please arrive at the Pokémon Center Mission Area before 8:00 tomorrow morning. 】

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