[Walter (Bengtie): In short, Otto killed you in order to achieve his goal and stop you from stopping the Herrscher of the Sky from reviving.】

【Fu Hua:……】

【Theresa: Grandpa, what have you done?】

【Otto: Okay, I can think of it.】

【Kiana: If you bully the class monitor, I will definitely beat you, @Otto】

【Theresa: Grandpa, just wait for me!】



【Congratulations to Walter for receiving the reward: his wife and children are teleported to his side】

【Walter (Broken Iron):!】

On the Star Dome Train, a flash of white light appeared, and the collapsed Tesla and Xiao Qiao appeared.

【Tesla (later collapsed) joins the live broadcast room, welcome newcomers】

【Tesla (later collapsed): Joachim, why am I here? It’s fun to play missing, right? Come and die!】

【Walter (Bengtie) offline】

【Tesla (Beng III):……】

【Albert Einstein:……】

【March 7: Uncle Yang was killed by Aunt Yang!】

【Otto: Congratulations.】

【Tesla (collapse 3): Congratulations to the dam!】

【Tesla collapsed afterwards): Congratulations to the dam!】

【Alicia: What is post-collapse?】

【The Herrscher of Knowledge: It is the time after defeating the collapse】


【Kevin (Entity): Humanity, defeat the Honkai Impact!】

【Thirteen Heroes Data:!】

【Ling Ri: Hey, you are back @The Herr of Knowledge】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: You are sick, damn it, I finally got the chance to cheat, but you banned me! I can only do it next time】

【The Herrscher of Knowledge is treated the same as Walter (Bengtie)】

【The Ruler of Knowledge: Fuck!】

【Alicia: @Hersher of Knowledge, what will the world be like after defeating the Collapse?】

【The Herrscher of Consciousness: Damn, without Honkai, what else is there? Zisuo, the people in heaven, anyway, humans have always been scourged by disasters.】

【Alicia: Oh, that's it.……】

The heroes are a little disappointed. Humanity is really plagued by disasters.

【Kevin (Entity): No matter what the cost, humanity will overcome those disasters!】

【Kiana: That's right, I will protect the world!】

【Herr of Knowledge: That is correct.……】


【Continue to count: No. 21, Collapse Iron World, Dan Heng】


【March 7: Teacher Danheng is awesome!】

【Xing: Teacher Danheng is awesome!】


【Blade: People have……】

【Danheng has been offline】


【Dan Heng, the reincarnation of the former Dragon Lord Yin Yue Jun of Xianzhou [Luofu], one of the Five Warriors of Yunshang, and an immortal dragon descendant. He is the first character in the game of Bengtie to have a dual form of four and five stars. When the Yin Yue form was launched, due to its incredible strength and Dan Heng's song, its popularity skyrocketed, ranking 21st】

【Dan Heng's song"Shui Long Yin" has been uploaded and can be played at any time】

【March 7: Teacher Danheng, you really have hidden powers!】

【Mirror Stream: Red Maple……】

【Danheng: I am not him……】

【Blade: Do you think you can atone for your sins by changing your identity or name? You haven't even tasted death.……】

【Silver Wolf: Damn it, the Blade Demon's Yin body has attacked, Kafka, come quickly!】

【Kiana: It's so hard to understand. My head itches. I need to grow a brain.】

【Nashida: Please tell me……】

【Star: Rip, Heart Sea, Shoulder~】

【Coral Palace Heart Sea:?】

【Ling Ri: I am dying of laughter. Every time I listen to it, my heart is torn apart.】

【Coral Palace Heart Sea: My little heart is definitely not an eel.jpg】


【Please answer the following question: Which of the following characters does not have an original song by mhy?:】


【B.Cocolia (Bengtie)】

【C.Danheng Drinking Moon】


【Ling Ri: OK, this is another blind guessing question. Let’s rule out C first.】

【March 7: Indeed, I have no idea】

【Bronya (Bengtie): Mother has one too?】

【Cocolia (Beng III):?】

【Otto: Although I don't know the answer, I still want to grab it】

【3.2.1 Congratulations to Otto for answering the question successfully】

【Otto: I choose B.】

【Congratulations on the wrong answer. The correct answer is A】

【Walter (Beng Tie): Good death】

【Walter (Beng III): Good Death】

【Tesla (later crashed): Good death】

【Tesla (Beng III): Good Death】


【Otto gets punished: Lady Green Lily.jpg】

【Ling Ri: Damn Green Lily Lady】

【Theresa: Grandpa is pretty good looking.】

【Rita: Indeed】

【Orchiddale: Indeed】

【Ying: Beautiful man and beautiful girl, cool!】

【Star: Male mom, ya!】

【Paimon: You are really hungry.】



Although the light curtain revealed Otto's dark history, Otto remembered the good life he had with Kallen at that time and did not feel that it was a punishment.

【Lingri: I want to hear other】

【Star: +1】

【March 7: +1】


【Greenbird +1】


【Already uploaded,"The Lychee Herrscher's Ditty" (not original),"Wildfire","Never Again"》】

【Transit: Wangwang, Wangwang, Wangwang~】

【Xing: Am I lucky when drawing cards?】

【Ying: Wang!】

【Ester: Isn't this a turn-based game? Why are the bugs not moving? Only Walter is playing alone.】

【Silver Wolf: I am dying of laughter. Who is the BOSS?】

【Black Tower: Add a BOSS——The Ruler of Reason (Complete)】

【Walter (Beng III):……】

【Xier (Bengtie): So funny, Cocolia's Execution Song】

【Bronya (Broken Iron):……】

【Xing: I will change everything!! Heavenly fire, leave my body!】

【The Law of Knowledge:?】

【Kevin (Entity):?】

【Kevin (data body):?】


【Walter (collapsed iron): Damn @Tesla (collapsed later), I won’t play for now, my DNA is moved when I listen to"Nevermore"】

【Tesla (later collapsed): Lie down!】

【March 7: There’s a lot of noise in Uncle Yang’s room!】

【Jizi (Broken Iron):……】


【Walter (Beng III):……】

【Tesla (Beng III):……】

【Albert Einstein:……】


【Continue to count: 20th place, Collapse Iron World, Jing Yuan】

【Star: Two consecutive ones are not crooked!】

【Qingque: It’s the general!】

【Yukong: Well deserved】

【Fu Xuan: Hum】

【Jingyuan: Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for your kindness.】

【Jing Yuan, General of Xianzhou [Luofu], General Shen Ce, one of the Seven Heavenly Generals of Emperor Bow, is famous for his wisdom in the alliance. Because he always shows the image of a lazy wise man, he is also called the closed-eye general. Because of his weight and strength in the plot, as well as the excellent PV production, even if the strength is criticized, it does not affect the popularity at all, ranking 20th】

【Blade: There are five people and three costs. Jing Yuan, you are not one of them.】


【Xing: Uncle Dian Dao, why do you keep saying this?】

【Blade: Because I didn’t finish what I said before! 】

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