(My favorite character in all the MHY games is Fu Hua. Her image, personality, and background all give me XP. I must write a book with Fu Hua as the heroine or the main character in the future.)

【Ling Ri: Made, my heart is moved. Within one minute, I want all the information about this woman!】

【Herrscher of Knowledge:? Didn’t Kiana’s underwear get stripped off in the live broadcast room? What more information do you want?】


【Ling Ri: No, I'm not talking about Kiana】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Huh? You're interested in antiques?】

【Fu Hua:???】

【Xing: Didn’t you just call him a young man?】

【Ling Ri: Oh, people grow up. I am no longer the naive child I was a few seconds ago.】

【The Herr of Knowledge: You have quite a strong taste, boy!】

【Xiangling: Do you like flat ones? No wonder……】

【Walnut: Oh↑】

【Fernina: Oh↓】

【Xing: I always feel that if I don’t speak up people will think I’m ugly. It’s just that the clothes I wear don’t show it, really!】

【all the ducks except Lander's Duck:ᗜ ‸ ᗜ】

【Fu Hua:……Uh, no kidding.】


【Fu Hua: You are kidding...right...right?】



[The sun and the moon sink into the sea, the world changes, I have experienced separation, I am used to despair, I don't know what time is, I am dying in the endless cycle, just for——]


With the rhythm of the music, the images of the Middle Ages, immortals, Saint Freya's students, and Fu Hua during the last lesson flashed one by one.

[Life blooms like a flower Far away or by the road Waiting for the one To find the way back home Time flows across the world There is always a longer way to go Till

I reach your arms until I can hold you

A Madder there for you and offer a madder.]

The screen gave a close-up of the food, and Fu Hua's legs stepped forward step by step.

At first, she was naked, representing the pre-civilization fusion warrior period, then the blazing feather costume, then the cloud ink red heart, then the shadow knight, and finally the college costume.

Fu Hua stopped, the darkness around her dissipated, Fu Hua, wearing red-framed glasses, raised her head, her cheeks slightly red

[Here, everything has changed]

【Kiana: Welcome home, squad leader】

【Welcome home, Hua】

【Fu Hua: Well... this time, I won't think about leaving】

【Fu Nina: Well, this video is so good. It shows all the sadness and pain that Fu Hua has gone through for 50,000 years. It's really great.】

【Ling Ri: In addition to sadness and pain, the most difficult thing for Fu Hua was the extremely long loneliness. For the longest time, she was without a partner. This kind of loneliness is unimaginable.】

【Yae Shinko: Loneliness is no better than the feeling of loss】

【Ling Ri: So, let me fill Fu Hua’s lonely heart, hehehe!】

【Kiana: You are dreaming, get out!】

【Cheng Lixue: Don’t even think about it, Master is mine!】

【Alicia: Oh, Hua, you've been solo for such a long time, I think... it's not impossible♪ Funny.jpg】

【Fu Hua:……It’s hard to judge… We are not in the same world……】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: @Ling Ri, let me tell you, this old antique has lived for 50,000 years but is still a virgin, and has never even held a boy’s hand. I will be your wingman, and I can definitely knock her down, hiahiahia!】


【March 7: I help others to conquer myself】

【Fu Hua: Uh... this... I... you, at least we two should be in the same world, we are not in the same world……】

【Ling Ri: True love can transcend the world! Or I can do it too, @Imaginary Tree, Red Eyes.jpg】

【Imaginary Number Tree: You...what are you doing! Don't come over here!!】

【Quantum Sea: nb, WC, nb!】

【Ling Ri: I can’t do anything. What’s your name?】

【Imaginary Number Tree: Oh, I thought you were going to attack me.】

【Quantum Ocean: Tsk, I thought I was washed away】

【Joy Aha:666】


【The fourth song is the original story music,"The Goddess Splits the Guan》】

【wh output, understand? No need to say more】

【Zhongli: Oh? It's Mr. Yun's famous play, and it really deserves the title.】

【Yunjin: Mr. Zhongli, thank you for your compliment.】

【Funina: Oh? So this song already exists in our world?】

【Paimon: Yes, it is a Liyue drama adapted by Yunjin based on Shenhe’s story! It is super nice and touching!】

【Shen He:……】

【Alas - the autumn geese are broken and it is hard to have a pair again. The fools are crazy and resentful.

It is because of the evil sacrifice that the disaster is coming.

If it were not for the heroine who drew the sword, everyone would have died.

Yun Jin turned around and raised her orchid finger to look back, and a play began.

The scene changed from Yun Jin to the young Shen He. Shen He's story was adapted into a heroic story of saving the village, but this was not Shen He's real experience.

[[This little girl is not the hero who saves the village in the story, but an abandoned orphan. She was killed because she was sacrificed to the demon by her father. If she does not fight, she will die. This is a beautiful heroic story, but Shen He's story is not a beautiful one. However , thanks to the traveler, Shen He's story has changed.

[The Goddess Splits the Temple should have come to an end here

, but today I will add one more stroke and sing it for you.

A high-pitched song may not be unknown to others, but there are always people who understand and appreciate the clear lyrics.

The red tassel flutters like a sword and a meteor

, pointing directly at the raging tide to wash the sea clean.

In Yun Jin’s lyrics, the story of Shen He and the Traveler defeating Ba Che was added to the song, giving the imperfect story a new home.

[At that time, the crane returned to the vast world, without support, and left alone.

Today, we meet again, with new and old friends sitting in the hall and gathering together. At this time]

The scene ends with the Shenhe traveler Paimeng sitting in the audience and watching Yunjin's performance.

【Chongyun: My aunt was abandoned at birth. After being accepted as a disciple of an immortal, she lived a life of asceticism and abstinence. She was also tied with a red rope. Since then, she has never experienced the happy life of a normal person.】

【Ying: Fortunately, Shen He now has friends like us. She can hold up a glass of wine and listen to her past and future with a smile.】

【Shen He:Blushing.jpg】

【Jingyuan: Good drama, good music, good dance, similar to our Xianzhou opera, really excellent】

【Kiana: Hey, why do people from our three worlds have so many experiences with knives? Why do you want to knives us?】

【Xianyun: Oh? From what you guys mean, I've been mean to Shen He? I've always paid close attention to every disciple, for example (Tactics looks up), let me tell you about Shen He's childhood (Red Eyes Tactics tells a story)】

【Shen He:!】

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