
looked at the huge black pit and the ruined earth in the distance.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

They looked at the cat-eared girl in a red and white dress and holding a staff of Kagura bells, and their eyes were full of shock.

The so-called middle two refers to the delusion that the fart does not have.

But when you really have such power, it's not middle two!

A move summons a falling thunder with a diameter of one kilometer, a kilometer! It's about the size of a village.

Such a big thunder falls, what a terrifying scene?

This falling thunder, it was really a devastating blow, and it really shocked everyone's eyes.

Now, everyone looked at the cat-eared girl, their eyes were shocked and reverent, where was there still half contempt?

"Well... So strong!

Goro's eyes widened and he looked at Hinatako.

"It's so strong! Little girl, you are so powerful!

"One blow down such a big thunder!"

"All the monsters have been destroyed!"

"It's so strong! Such strength is second only to the gods, right?

Everyone was amazed, and the sleeping room on the side was full of smiles.

She just likes to be a hero and likes to be in the limelight, so she is really very useful for everyone's praise, and her heart has already blossomed now.

"Miss Sleep, you are so strong!"

"Thank you so much for your help."

Goro stepped forward excitedly and thanked Hinatako.

"Little things!"

The Kagura Bell magic wand rotated a few times in his hand, turned back into a pendant, and was put back on his neck by the sleeping body.

"Any evil will eventually be brought to justice!"

"The demons are rampant, and the righteous me must not sit idly by!"

She struck a cool pose.

However, before Goro could say anything.

On the other side, Long Yuan had a problem.

As an existence that blocked the thoughtless knife, everyone believed that she would not suffer any damage from this blow of the sleeping child, so everyone didn't care much about her just now.

But now, something happened.

In order not to lose the princess's face, Long Yuan has endured it for a long, long time.

But the erosion of the Demon God residue coupled with Fang Cai's thunder punishment.

The double sound, both mentally and physically, pulled her to new heights.

She couldn't bear it anymore.


"I can't!!

Dressed in gold armor, she kept panting and screaming and rolling in the giant pit.


She let out one scream after another, and there was a hint of trilling in the scream.

"Huh! Woohoo!

"The remnants of the Demon God are crushing my soul!"

"The impact of the lightning explosion almost destroyed every inch of my flesh and blood!"

"What a feeling!"

"Ahhh!! It's so painful!

"My body is tingling, my soul is flipping!"

"This feeling

..." "This feeling..."

She was just about to say something more, but at this moment, bursts of black qi escaped from her body.

Seeing this, Long Yuan's face changed drastically, and her body shook.

"Want to go? No way! I must not let you go! Give me back!

She stretched out her hand and cast the Immortal Magic again, sucking the Demon God residue back.

Then, there were howls and screams in the pit, and they kept rolling.


"Lord Long Yuan..." Seeing

this scene, Goro and other people from the free army in the distance couldn't help but cry.

"It's really worthy of Lord Long Yuan."

"Obviously, I was tortured so painfully by the Demon God residue, but in order not to let the Demon God residue come out and harm the people, I still endured great pain and sucked the Demon God residue back."

The sleeping child on the side saw that Goro and the others were constantly wiping their tears, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching.

"But how do I feel... She seems to be enjoying it, very cool! Sleeper


But as soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused a strong repercussion.


The most excited is Goro.

He instantly refuted: "Lord Long Yuan is the first dependent of the Holy Monarch, and in order to save the people, she sucked all the spiritual aura on Bayu Island and Tatara Sand, as well as the people, onto her body.

"She endured so much pain to save the people!"

"Lord Long Yuan, a strong, resilient, and compassionate warrior, is a role model for me, and I will not allow you to insult her!"


Goro's series of mouth cannons directly stunned the sleeper.

If you want to talk about the time you spend with Ryugen, it's Goro and they have been longer.

And she was only seeing Long Yuan for the first time, and she didn't know much about Long Yuan.

Besides, this Long Yuan was the first dependent of that Jiuhua Yueming Saint Monarch.

How could a dependant who was trusted by Lord Saint Monarch be perverted.

Thinking of this, Yuzi shrunk his head: "Sorry, I just said it casually, not intentionally."

After that, Yuzi looked at Long Yuan rolling in the deep pit in the distance, and his face couldn't help but bring respect.

At this time, both the shogunate army and the people were already in tears.

They who have been possessed by the Demon God Remnant are the most aware of the horror of the Demon God Remnant.

The Demon God residue that had been possessed by them before, which was only one in 100,000, had already made them so painful.

For them, Long Yuan absorbed the remnants of the demon gods of the two regions, so courageous, so tenacious, so tenacious, so benevolent.

How can such a great existence not be touched by them, how can they not be allowed to cry?


Over time.

More and more Demon God residue was absorbed and consumed by Dragon Yuan.

Finally, the torrential rain stopped, the black clouds dispersed, the sun shone down, and the heavens and the earth once again returned to clarity.

And Long Yuan, who was originally rolling around, gradually quieted down, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Sleeper, Goro and the others stepped forward to check, only thinking that Ryugen had fought with the Demon God Remnants for too long and was too tired in spirit, so he fell into a deep sleep.

But he didn't expect that Long Yuan fell into a deep sleep, in fact, there was another reason.

Previously in Liyue, the remnants of the demon god on the body of the fish were the result of thousands of years of accumulation.

The Demon God residue on the Wei's body came from different times, eras, and different Demon Gods, so after Long Yuan sucked the Demon God residue away, the Demon God Residue became a new will [Ten Thousand Devils].

But it was different from Liyue's time.

This time, the remnants of the Demon God of Baxi Island and Taiji Sand basically belong to Orobas.

The so-called demon god residue is actually the power and negative emotions left by the demon god.

The existence of these forces themselves is harmful to other beings, regardless of whether the demon god was good or not.

And Long Yuan, she absorbed almost all the Demon God residue of Orobas on the two islands.

In the beginning, the pain of the Demon God Remnant was indeed great.

But over time, what will be left after the negative targeting energy in the Demon God residue is consumed?

At this time, Long Yuan, who fell into a deep sleep, she only felt that her will was constantly drifting.

Her will is soaked in a pure power.

She floated and floated into a space of pure white matter.

In this space, she saw a huge white snake.

More precisely, the soul of a white snake.


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