This live broadcast not only caused a huge shock on the side of Meru.

It also caused a huge sensation in Inazuma's side!

[Hello Holy Lord, I am an Inazuma person, and I am currently in Inazuma, and I am your loyal admirer. 【

I've always dreamed of leaving home and going outside on a free adventure.

[But my mother locked me in her house and forbade me to go out on the grounds that it was not safe outside, and if I tried to escape, I would be punished by her.] 】

【My mother's stubbornness makes me very painful, I want to resist, I want to escape from the cage, I want to ask you, can you understand my thoughts? Will you support me in my resistance? The

letter from this [Most Faithful Admirer of the Holy King] may seem ordinary, but in fact, if you look at it carefully, you will find that this letter is extremely difficult.

The word "Inazuma" is indicated at the beginning of this letter.

The letter says that as an Inazuma man, he longs for freedom and adventures in the outside world, but he is blocked by his stubborn mother and cannot leave.

He wanted to flee, wanted to resist, and asked Ruoling if he would understand and support.

Anyone who knows a little about Inazuma's current situation knows the metaphors in this letter.

For the people, the gods are the mothers.

The mother who locked the child in the house in the letter was actually alluding to the Raiden General who blocked the people of Inazuma in Inazuma with a national lockdown order.

And the children who yearn for freedom and want to fight in the letter naturally mean the rice wives who want to resist the order of locking up the country and yearn for the outside world.

The letter asked Ruoling if she could understand their thoughts and support them in their struggle.

This is actually asking Ruoling, who is a god, whether he can understand and accept their wishes, and whether he will support their struggle.

Yes, anyone who knows a little about Inazuma's current situation can see the implication of this letter.

But coincidentally, Inazuma is in a state of lockdown, and the news does not circulate outward.

And Wakarei is even more concerned about Inazuma's current situation... Nothing!

She also thought that this was a simple family mother-son conflict, and directly attacked the stubbornness and incorrectness of this "mother" in the live broadcast.

And declare in public that he is willing to support the resistance and desire of this "child".

Under inexplicable circumstances, Ruoling is trapped....


At this time, countless people who were watching the live broadcast on Haiqi Island

let out heaven-shaking cheers!

"Sure enough!"

"I know that the Holy Monarch will not abandon us!"

"Holy Monarch Mercy!"

"Long live Luna!"

"The Holy King is willing to support us! Help us!

"Great! The breaking of the lockdown order is possible!

"Freedom is just around the corner!"

"Long live the Holy Monarch!"

Countless people were in high spirits and cheered continuously.

Not only the people of Kaijima, but also those who were secretly watching the live broadcast in the shadows at this time, were all excited in their hearts, lamenting that the dawn of Inazuma was coming.


At this time, in front of the Coral Palace.

Long Yuan, Yuzi and the others stood side by side.

The corners of Orcel's mouth had an inexplicable curve.

That's right, he wrote that letter.

After the undercover agents of the fools infiltrated two days ago, they constantly fanned the wind direction, led the people to question Ruoling, and tried to provoke a war between the gods.

Clearing undercover agents couldn't be easier for Orcel.

But he also understood that the situation had developed so far, but the Holy King had been delayed, and these believers inevitably had doubts in their hearts, thinking that the Holy King had abandoned them.

In order to calm the mood of the faithful and consolidate the faith of the holy king, Orcel wrote the letter.

But this kind of thing is not easy to put on the table after all, so he can only use such a metaphor to convey the meaning.

"Husband, what if the Holy Monarch didn't read the hidden meaning of the letter?"

Wanjiao asked suddenly.

"Hmph! Nonsense!

Orcel glared.

"The implication of this letter can be understood even by ordinary ordinary people."

"How can the Holy Monarch, Great Saint, Great Compassion, Great Wisdom and Great Wisdom, not understand the meaning of the letter?"

"Didn't she already give a good answer?"

In front of the Coral Palace

, Orcel stands with his hands in his hands, overlooking the countless mortals cheering below.

A sharp glint flashed in his eyes, and his face was full of expectation.

"Everything is ready, just wait for the Holy Monarch to come and start the great plan to seize the heart of God!"


The next day, word of mouth followed.

Wakarei was willing to support the people of Inazuma against Thor, and the news of the fight against the lockdown order spread to all corners of Inazuma.

As the news spread, some people rejoiced and some worried.

Of course, there are also people who are angry.

What Ruo Ling said in the live broadcast really hit the hands of the fools.

The next day, as a diplomatic envoy, Madam went to meet with General Leideng, and used the topic to constantly instigate.

Of course, in fact, there is no need for the lady to instigate, and General Raiden is almost unable to bear it.

I am engaged in a lockdown order in my own country, what does it matter to you? The people are supposed to live quietly.

But you deliberately put the earth vein projection into my country, showing my people the beauty of the outside world and provoking their yearning for the outside world.

With the projection of the earth's vein, he confronts the policy of the Lockdown Order and shakes Inazuma's faith in Raiden Shogun.

Send dependents to Inazuma and openly rob the faith.

Liyue and Inazuma are two different countries.

But you, as the god of Iwa, openly infiltrated Inazuma like this.

After experiencing so many events, but he still hasn't completely turned his face and started, General Raiden asked himself, he was tolerant enough.

Unexpectedly, this rock god became more and more excessive, and even publicly expressed to the world that he supported the Inazuma people to rebel against their gods and support the Inazuma people to fight against the national lockdown order?

This matter, even if it is only a hint and metaphor, General Raiden is already unbearable.

She was restrained enough, but this rock god still had to step in!

If you can't bear it, you don't need to endure it anymore!

She ordered that the shogunate shrine, which was in charge of foreign affairs, follow the Kamisato family, repair six letters, and send them to six countries except Inazuma.


A few days later

, the seven kingdoms of Tivat were shocked!

Inazuma Thunder God issues the Seven Kingdoms Proclamation.

In the circular, General Raiden detailed everything that Wakarei had done at Inazuma.

He also accused Wakarei of unjustifiably interfering in Inazuma's policy and openly sending his dependents to carry out activities to split Inazuma in Inazuma territory, brainwashing the people, causing Inazuma to be unstable.

General Raiden also said that Ruo Ling's move had disrupted the order of the seven ruling powers of the earthly world, and he had already crossed the distance.

Now on the live broadcast, he openly announced to the world that he supported the Inazuma people's rebellion against Raiden General and the rebellion against the national lockdown order.

Many actions have seriously violated Inazuma's peace and stability and fundamental interests.

Inazuma shogunate, can't bear it.

"Since nearly half of the Inazuma people have chosen to believe in you and support you, let's prove who is more suitable to be the god of Inazuma with your strength!"

General Raiden sends an invitation to a decisive battle to Wakarei, agreeing that the two sides will fight a decisive battle at sea where Inazuma and Ligetsu meet.

In this battle, the loser dies, and the winner is the god Inazuma!


As soon as this announcement came out, the whole world was shocked.

Two gods fight, and no matter who wins or loses the battle, one god will die.

The order of the seven ruling forces of Tivat may be changed!

For a time, the Seven Kingdoms shook.

On this day, Ruoling was still sleeping in.

Ning Guang and Keqing had already teleported the letter from Inazuma to the spirit pot, knocking madly on Ruo Ling's door.

"What's the matter, so anxious?"

Ruo Ling sat on the bed, rubbed her eyes, and took the letter in confusion.

At this look, I couldn't help but sit on the bed and was excited, and the whole person was awake.



Ruo Ling, who was holding the letter, stood on the bed with messy hair and froze on the spot.


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