"Why is that?"

"Why am I so uncomfortable?"

The dormitory at the door of the Coral Palace

was full of hesitation, and he put his hand on his heart.

She asked deep inside herself why she was in this mood.

Eventually, she got the answer.

She was reluctant.

She couldn't bear it.

She wanted to grasp that little bit of hope.

Even if the chance that the Holy Monarch is a little cripple is pitiful, she doesn't want to give up this little subtlety.

That feeling of fate lingered in my heart.

No one knows what kind of inner struggle she is facing at this time.

"Maybe she's really not a cripple."

But even if it's not, even if it's only a 1 in 10,000 chance, even if it's just wishful thinking caused by her excessive thinking.

She still wants to try!

Otherwise, she would regret it.

In front of the gate of the Coral Palace.

At the moment when he was about to walk out the door and leave, the dormitory stopped.

She stood inside the door and did not step out for a long time.

She clenched her fists, summoned all her courage, slowly spoke, and said three words.

"Little... Lame... "Time

seemed to stand still here.

After saying these three words, she did not dare to make any more sounds, but stood silently inside the door.

Her voice was not loud, but in this empty palace of only two people, her voice was enough for the Holy Monarch on the throne to hear.

"Little... Lame... Son..."

, the girl's voice echoed through the empty palace, causing the gods on the throne to tremble.

Little Cripple

used to be taunted with this nickname when she was in the orphanage.

But later, after she stabbed the person who took the lead in bullying her with a fruit knife, gradually no one dared to call her that, and no one dared to approach her anymore.

Until she met the Internet café owner couple, only one person dared to call her by this nickname.

She acquiesced to allowing the person to use the nickname to address her.

Because she understood that the man called her a little cripple and did not have malicious intent.

"Little cripple, this sack plastic bottle is relatively large, let me carry it!"

"Little cripple, my meal is a little for you, you are not in good health, eat more to get better quickly."

"Little cripple, in the future, when we make a lot of money, we will open a small store together and put out a lot of snacks!"

"Hey, when I grow up, will I marry you?"

"Hmph! You little cripple, you really don't know how to be a villain! Who else but me will fancy you!

"Sorry, little cripple... I can't marry you, I have to live well, even my share, live together..."

She thought she would never hear the man call her a little cripple again.

The deceased is gone, and she feels that she is not a person who is obsessed with the past.

But no matter what she gets, no matter what she has now, no matter how many friends she has.

The girl named [Qingmeng] will always occupy the most important position in her heart.

Because, that's what illuminates the gray life of [Little Cripple]... The first rays of light.

That's her treasure.

In this world, a [little cripple] is heard.

What does it mean to her?


After shouting out the name.

The dormitory was silent, and she did not dare to turn her head to look at the Holy King.

The reason why I didn't dare to look at it may be because I was afraid of the Holy Monarch, or maybe I was afraid that I would not get the answer I wanted.

The next second.


A shattering sound sounded in the palace.

The sleeping son turned his head in surprise, but saw that on the throne, the teacup in the hand of the Holy Monarch had fallen to the ground.

Tea splashed all over the place.

The originally calm and powerful Saint Monarch was like a child at this time.

The holy monarch on the throne had red eyes and tears in his eyes.

The Holy Sovereign looked at her as if he was looking at a precious treasure that had been lost and recovered.

"Clear dreams... Is that you? The

Holy Sovereign spoke, his words fluttering.

There is no need to say more about this situation.

Looking at each other's expressions, they already understood everything.

"Little cripple!"

With tears in her eyes, she ran desperately to the throne.

"Clear dream!"

Desperate, she ran off the throne and ran towards her.

Then, in the center of the hall, they hugged tightly!


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