"Let's go!"

Ruo Ling said to Qingmeng.

Although Ruoling believes that General Raiden is a person who talks about rules, since she has issued a war book, even if she has arrived at her door now, even if she greets her, she will not really fight on the spot.

But anyway, thanks to a few of her dependents, she had a great feud with General Raiden.

After all, he is still the party who has a loss, and he is really a little embarrassed to stay in Inazuma City for a long time.

Seeing almost the same, Ruo Ling greeted Qingmei and left Inazuma Castle.

"Ruoling, where are we going next?"

"Go to Narujin Taisha Shrine!"

"Narugami Taisha Shrine?"

Qingmeng was a little surprised.

Ruo Ling smiled and nodded: "Didn't that Yae Miko take care of you?" I want to go talk to her and thank her by the way. "


In this way, Ruo Ling came to Narujin Taisha Shrine with Qingmeng.

After arriving at the shrine, Ruo Ling looked left and right and found a more interesting phenomenon.

Although the vast majority of Inazuma people today are dissatisfied with the lockdown order, the Inazuma people who come to Narujin Taisha Shrine to pay respects are not much less.

Of course, Ruo Ling is not surprised by this.

Gods, come according to the wishes of the faithful.

As a god who has taken away more than half of Inazuma's faith wishes, Wakamei can feel the wishes of the Inazuma people from these wishes from Inazuma.

She knows exactly what the people of Inazuma really want.

While thinking, an exclamation came.

"Ah! Isn't this a sleeping sister?

"Great, you're finally back!"

"Miyaji-sama said that you have left Narujin Taisha Shrine to pursue your dreams."

"Where have you been during this time?"

"You guy, don't say a word when you leave, we miss you so much!"

The witches in the shrine were very happy when they saw Qingmeng, and they gathered around her to talk about her old days.

"Hehe, sorry, just say goodbye."

Qingmeng scratched her head embarrassedly: "Several sisters, is Sister Shenzi there?" I have something to find her.

"Oh, Miyaji-sama is in the room."

"Okay, thank you sister."

"Let's go, I'll take you to Sister Miko!"

Qingmeng smiled sweetly, took Ruo Ling's hand and walked towards Yae Miko's room.

Yae Miko's doorway.

"Oh, this isn't the sleeping sister, how? Are you willing to come back to see your sister?

Yae Miko looked at Ruo Ling.

Although Ruoling at this time looked ordinary and dressed plainly, her aura was very amazing.

Just standing there, there is a sense of dignity that makes people feel respectful.

She looked at Ruoling's hand again, standing beside Ruoling with a well-behaved face, unable to hide happiness and joy, exuding a clear dream with the breath of a girl with a spring spring...

At the moment, he couldn't help but smile and ridiculed:

"The two of you, it won't be in love, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Ruo Ling didn't say anything, Qingmeng was like a frightened kitten.

She was an agitated spirit at the moment, and quickly let go of Ruo Ling's hand, and then waved her hand excitedly to explain.

"No, no, no! That's not true! Me me I... Sister Shenzi, don't talk nonsense! Seeing

this, Yae Miko's face became even more playful.

Fortunately, Ruoling opened his mouth to relieve Qingmeng.

"Yae Miyaji still don't tease her."

Ruo Ling smiled: "Can I go in and sit?"


Yae Miko nodded, "Please come in." "


Wakarei and Kiyome walked into Yae Miko's room.

The moment the door closed, the golden light flowed on Ruo Ling's body.

A young girl dressed in a god costume with blond dragon horns stood in front of Yae Miko.

"You don't seem surprised at all." Ruo Ling said with a smile.


Yae Miko sat on the ground and poured a cup of tea for himself, Wakarei, and Kiyomon.

"There are few people in the world who can still make Sister Sleeper so revered with such a powerful aura."

Yae Miko put down the teapot and looked at Wakarei with a calm smile.

"So, I don't know why Lord Iwakami is here?"

I have to say that Ruoling is now more and more godly.

Facing an old fox like Yae Miko, she was completely unafraid.

I saw her sitting calmly in front of Yae Miko, picking up the teacup and drinking it.

"I came this time to make a deal with Yae Miyaji."



Ruo Ling nodded: "I will help you defeat General Raiden and return Inazuma peace and peace." And the reward is kept by you, Heart of Thor!

As soon as these words came out, the room fell silent.

A moment later....


Yae Miko covered his mouth and chuckled: "Interesting, really interesting!"

"But, did Iwami-sama make a mistake?"

"You are the Iwagami, and I am the palace master of Narujin Taisha Shrine and the dependant of Raiden Shogun."

"You and I are in a hostile position, you said that you want to defeat General Raiden, and you want to make a deal with me to take away Thor's heart?"

"Lord Iwami, do you know what you're talking about?"

Yae Miko's eyes were sharp, and Ruo Ling also looked at Yae Miko calmly.

In the room, the two sat opposite each other and looked at each other.

Although he didn't make a move, the strange atmosphere made the sleeping man on the side feel a strong sword light and shadow.


After a moment, Ruoling smiled softly and broke the silence.

"Sorry, Yae Miyaji, there was something wrong in my statement just now, let me say it again."

"I can help you defeat Raiden General, as well as [Thunder Movie]!"

As soon as these words came out, Yae Miko's expression moved slightly.

If the spirit sees this, he knows that there is a play.

She continued: "I heard that a mysterious man recently funded the propaganda of the Free Army, so that the Free Army recruitment leaflet was scattered all over Inazuma.

"With such a large number of leaflets printed in a short period of time, apart from Yaedo, who publishes novels, I don't think anyone in the entire Inazuma should have such ability, right?"

"Yae Miyaji, you are a smart person, so you are still exempt from boring temptations, right?"

"I am a god and can sense the wishes of the faithful."

Wakarei smiled and looked at Yae Miko in front of him.

"Yae Miyaji, maybe you think you are hiding well, but no matter how repressed this kind of thing wishes, it will still flow out of part."

"As long as there is a desire in the heart, the desire will flow out."

"Yae Miyaji, if you don't need me, your will power will not connect with me, and I will not sense your wish."

"When I can sense your wishes, then the thoughts in your heart are already obvious, aren't they?"

Ruo Ling smiled: "So, Yae Miyaji, I am willing to respond to your wish to help your gods out of their inner difficulties so that you can meet."

"And as a price, you give me the Heart of Thor, how?" It's a good deal, right? "


Another silence....


Yae Miko sighed, "Sometimes I really think that the gods are also quite annoying.

"If only my gods could hear my wishes like you."

She quickly resumed her smile, felt the heart of Thunder God from her sleeve, and placed it in front of Ruo Ling.



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