The earthly realm, the void realm,

and the elemental realm, the power of the three worlds circulates in Ruo Ling's palm.

But these deadly poisons to ordinary people had no effect on her.

"Ruoling, is it really okay to do this?"

In any case, after all, this is a terrible filthy power, and Qingmeng is still a little worried.

But in this regard, Ruoling smiled reassuringly.

"Once I had an epiphany, I already understood."

"Since all things are born of the Source, then I and these forces are actually the same existence in the final analysis."

"We are all born of the Source, and the difference is that in the process of evolution, we become different things."

"Now I have enough strength to absorb these powers, and then, return to the source, and try to reverse all the power to the source!"

At this time, Ruo Ling was very confident.

But for some reason, Qingmeng always felt that something was wrong with Ruoling now.

She tentatively asked, "Ruoling, I think you are very strong now, why do you pursue more powerful power?" Ruo

Ling couldn't help but smile dumbly when he heard this.

For Qingmeng's answer, she did not answer positively, but calmly said these words to

Qingmeng: "Qingmeng, do you know?"

"When a person's body is seriously injured and the body's own nutrients alone can no longer be recovered and repaired, it is necessary to rely on eating more and taking medicine to obtain nutrients from the outside world to recover."

This answer was very strange, and Qingmeng could not understand it.

But just as she wanted to ask Ruoling what she meant, Ruoling interrupted her.

"Okay, Qingmeng, I'm ready to start."

"Remember to protect me!"

When the words fell, she stopped talking.

She sat cross-legged on a mountain with a wide view and closed her eyes.

Yuanxia Palace is a special place, connecting the three realms and mixing the power of the three realms.

It is precisely because of this that as long as Ruo Ling is in the Profound Lower Palace, he can absorb the power of the three realms.

For her, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After closing her eyes, she let go of her mind and induced three forces to converge towards her.

Seeing this, Qingmeng also had to stop asking questions, she clenched the Kagura Suzu staff, stood beside Wakarei, and carefully protected Wakarei.


The dim power of the Void

Realm, the power of the golden Elemental

Realm, and the power of the white Human Realm

of the three worlds began to converge towards the peak of the mountain under the guidance of Ruo Ling.

In fact, even Ruoling himself did not expect that the Tao Te Ching that he was bored to memorize at that time would help him so much after arriving in another world.

In just a few words, he mentioned her and provided her with a new idea.

The forces of the three realms converged.

She was originally a creature born in the human world, so the elements of the human world had no effect on her.

And she is also a child of the earth, an elemental creature, and the barbaric elements of the elemental world have no effect on her.

But the filthy power of the Void Realm did affect her a little.

After absorbing the power of filth, she felt uncomfortable.

This discomfort is a double psychological and physical discomfort, and it is the instinctive resistance of human beings to the forces of other worlds.

The power of filth, chaotic and chaotic, turned to a gray and crazy will, trying to influence her mind and make her crazy.

However, the impact of this degree is nothing to her now.

Especially at this time, she also felt a calming power slowly flowing out in her sea of consciousness like a sweet spring.

She could feel the source of that power.

This is the power of the old mother, although if the spirit is not in the continent of Tivat at this time, the old mother can give little help.

But for Ruoling, this distant love is precious enough.

With the help of her mother, Ruoling can fight against the erosion of filthy power without distraction, and concentrate on returning to the roots.

In this way, the efficiency is faster.

Concentrated, Ruoling began the process of returning to the source.

The so-called return to the source is actually a deduction.

Gather the power of the three realms, observe the common points of the three realm forces, and then deduce step by step until they deduce to their original form, that is, [Origin].

This deduction is destined to be long.

The white power formed by the fusion of the seven elemental forces of water, fire, wind, thunder grass and ice rock, as well as the other two realm forces, constantly tumbled in the body.

Ruo Ling's thoughts also continued to turn, refining and purifying the three forces little by little.

She didn't know how long this process would last, but she knew that when the three forces in her body were refined to the point where they could fuse with each other, she would reach the state of [Origin].

Time is still passing....

Soon, ten days passed....

Ruo Ling had been sitting on the mountain for 10 days, and Qingmeng had been guarding her for ten days without sleeping.

She could feel that the power in Ruo Ling's body was about to be exhausted.

This depletion is due to the large amount of energy consumed in the purification process.

She didn't know how much power Ruo Linggu consumed.

But being by Ruoling's side, she could clearly feel the power Ruoling consumed.

That power is large enough to dump the sea and flatten the mountains.

But such a huge amount of power was wasted in the process of Ruoling purification.

Ruo Ling, whose strength is now exhausted, is like a big water tank without water. Although the body is strong and can hold a lot of water, there is almost no drop of water in it.

Time is still ticking.

Ruo Ling is still guiding the power of the three realms into his body, and then constantly refining.


On the night of the tenth day.


The sound of water drops sounded.

The sound of this water drop is not loud, but when it sounds, it has an indescribable mysterious meaning, which makes people's souls tremble and can't help but look sideways.

After ten days of deduction and refinement.

Ruo Ling, finally touched the [Origin]!

The three powers of the Human Realm, the Void Realm, and the Elemental Realm turned into three droplets the size of rice grains after countless deductions and purifications.

As soon as the mind moves, the three water droplets merge with each other and become water droplets the size of a soybean.

Although the energy of this water droplet was extremely subtle, as if it could be extinguished at any time, it was the result of Ruo Ling's deducing hundreds of millions of times.

Although the water droplet is small, when Qingmeng senses its existence, her body and mind tremble.

In that droplet, she felt the origin of everything....

It was here that Ruo Ling, who had closed his eyes for ten days, opened his eyes.

At this time, although her energy was exhausted and she did not have the surging sense of power before, she added an indescribable feeling.

She obviously looks beautiful and dressed luxuriously, but she sits there, but she gives people an ordinary and simple feeling, as if sitting there is just a peasant girl who can be seen everywhere.

However, there is an inexplicable holiness and affinity in her body.

She just sat there, but when she saw her, it was like seeing the beginning of everything, like seeing her own origin.

At this moment, her strength has been exhausted, but she is the root of all mysteries.

She transcended the realm of God and stepped into the realm of [Origin].


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